Top 30 Places to Work 2020

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PageO Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================

PageP Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================

^ãÉêáÅ~Ûë=`~íÅÜ A catfish processing plant

içÅ~íáçå 46623 County Road 523, Itta Bena, MS 38941 cçìåÇÉÇ 1987

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 350

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Solon Scott III, owner Andrew Stainback, vice president tÉÄëáíÉ Å~íÑáëÜKÅçã

““America’s Catch is one of the top places to work because you are more than just an employee. You are a friend, you are family, and your time and effort matter. It is a place where hard work and dedication is rewarded.” ^Çêá~ååÉ=`çåï~óI= ÅìëíçãÉê=ëÉêîáÅÉ=êÉéêÉëÉåí~íáîÉ


A beverage distribution corporation

içÅ~íáçå 1504 U.S. 82 West, Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1903

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 104

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Robert Clark, president Dal Clark, chief financial officer Joe Wilson, chief operating officer tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÅÅÅä~êâKÅçã

“Clark Beverage Group is a great place to work because it is a local family-owned business that encourages teamwork. I am so proud to be a part of such a great team whose focus is always on customer service.” j~åÇó=oìëâI=ë~äÉë=Äê~åÅÜ=ã~å~ÖÉê

_~åâ=çÑ=`çããÉêÅÉ A full-service community bank

içÅ~íáçåë 310 Howard St. and 905 W. Park Ave., Greenwood cçìåÇÉÇ 1904

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 48 (Greenwood and Carroll County offices) qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Bryan Thornhill, president and CEO Jeff Crick, executive vice president Mark Vemer, executive vice president and senior lending officer Zach Luke, senior vice president and CFO tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÄ~åâÅçãKÅçã

“The leadership at Bank of Commerce is committed to a strong and honest work culture. Bank of Commerce is very adaptable to change and is growing quickly. The staff encourages each other and treats one another with respect.” iáåÇëÉó=ráíÜçîÉåI==ã~êâÉíáåÖ=ã~å~ÖÉê

`çÄìêå=pìééäó=`çKI=fåÅK Provider of HVAC, plumbing, electrical and other building materials for contractors and homeowners içÅ~íáçå 120 Carnegie St., Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1898

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 40

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Justin McPhail, manager

tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÅçÄìêåëKÅçãLÖêÉÉåïççÇ

“It’s family-owned, easygoing, and they treat all of us very well.” h~Åó=_É~îÉêëI=çìíëáÇÉ=ë~äÉë=íÉêêáíçêó=ã~å~ÖÉê Ñçê=ÅÉåíê~ä=jáëëáëëáééá=

_~êåÉë=m~éÉê=C g~åáíçêá~ä=pìééäáÉë

A seller of janitorial supplies and services

içÅ~íáçå 1400 Sycamore Ave., Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 2003

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 22

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Clif Barnes, president Brian Barnes, vice president of sales and service Eddie Barnes, secretary/treasurer tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÄ~êåÉëé~éÉêãëKÅçã

“We pride ourselves on being a small family business, and our employees are part of that family. We’re proud of the length of service of our employees. They come to work with us and stay.” bÇÇáÉ=_~êåÉë


An electricity provider for Leflore County içÅ~íáçå 1700 U.S. 82, Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1938

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 85

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë David O’Bryan, general manager Harold Pittman, assistant general manager James Kenwright, manager of human resources tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÇÉäí~Éé~KÅçã

“Our employees are dedicated to their mission. We work well together as a team serving our consumers year after year.” a~îáÇ=lÛ_êó~åI=ÖÉåÉê~ä=ã~å~ÖÉê

PageQ Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================

PageR Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================

b~ëí=iÉÑäçêÉ=t~íÉê C=pÉïÉê=aáëíêáÅí

A ollector of payments for water and garbage service içÅ~íáçå 100 Meadowbrook Road, Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1975

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 7

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉ Shemeka Evans, office manager

“We offer a service to the community. It is rewarding getting to know the people you serve personally and to know you are not only providing a necessary element needed for everyday life, but you are also building relationships and friendships.” iáåÇ~=têáÖÜíI=ÇÉéìíó=ÅäÉêâ

dêÉÉåïççÇ= j~êâÉí=mä~ÅÉ A grocery store

içÅ~íáçå 410 W. Park Ave., Greenwood, MS 38930

cçìåÇÉÇ The first Greenwood Food Giant opened in 1973, and the current location opened in 1985. kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 104

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Derrick Simpson, store director/manager Billy Stubbs, market manager Charles McCoy, produce manager

tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÑ~ÅÉÄççâKÅçãLÖêÉÉåïççÇã~êâÉíéä~ÅÉL

cêÉëÉåáìë=háÇåÉó=`~êÉ A dialysis center

içÅ~íáçå 609 Tallahatchie St., Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1982

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 36

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Virgil McCluskey, clinical manager for in-center hemodialysis Schenita Williams, home therapies program manager Dr. Randle White, medical director tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÑêÉëÉåáìëâáÇåÉóÅ~êÉKÅçãL Çá~äóëáëJÅÉåíÉêëLãáëëáëëáééáLQTPU

dêÉÉåïççÇ=iÉÑäçêÉ eçëéáí~ä

A nonprofit health-care organization that exists to provide health care to the residents of Leflore County and surrounding communities içÅ~íáçå 1401 River Road, Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1906

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 950

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Gary Marchand, interim CEO tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÖäÜKçêÖ

“At Fresenius Kidney Care North America, our success as a global leader in dialysis health care comes from our commitment to our values and rich history of improving the lives of patients.” pìò~ååÉ=t~íâáåëI=okI=_pkI ÜçãÉ=íÜÉê~éáÉë=ã~êâÉí=ã~å~ÖÉêI kçêíÜ=jáëëáëëáééá

“In my opinion, one of the things that makes GLH a geat place to work is the great doctors and nurses that I get to work with on a daily basis. The bonds that you form with your teammates on that 12-hour shift enable you to get through whatever circumstances you may encounter that day.” fêÉåÉ=cáëÜÉêI êÉÖáëíÉêÉÇ=åìêëÉ



A public utility company that provides electricity and water

içÅ~íáçå 3101 Wright Place, Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1904

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 61

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Brian Finnegan, CEO Dudley McBee, CFO Jean Cadney, vice president of human resources Jamie Stowers, vice president of water operations Mike Nix, vice president of electric operations Eva Flowers, manager of customer service tÉÄëáíÉ ÖêÉÉåïççÇìíáäáíáÉëKÅçã

“Greenwood Market Place has soooo many reasons “Greenwood Utilities is a good place to work because of that it is a great place to work, but first and foremost it is the stability. It is a well-managed company that has been because it has one of the best management teams in our successful for many years. Most of the people that work area. We, as a team, strive to provide top excellent service here stay until retirement. Safety is the first priority here. for each and every person that walks through our doors. The employees are proud of their company, and because of If you’re a people person and like meeting and greeting that pride, jobs are done well.” lots of great people and enjoy working in a clean homeg~ãáÉ=píçïÉêëI=îáÅÉ=éêÉëáÇÉåí=çÑ=ï~íÉê=çéÉê~íáçåë town retail store, then this is the place to work.” k~í~ëÜ~=m~ÖÉI=~ëëáëí~åí=ã~å~ÖÉê

The municipal government for the city of Greenwood, which includes various branches, including the Police Department, Fire Deparment and Public Works Department içÅ~íáçå 101 W. Church St., Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1844

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 225

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Carolyn McAdams, mayor Cynthia Stanciel, chief administrative officer tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÖêÉÉåïççÇãëKÅçãLÅáíó

“The City of Greenwood provides a safe, healthy and happy work environment, which includes filling the needs of the employee, from paper clips to computers for administrative personnel to equipment and vehicles for the service staff. The mayor is open to any suggestion that helps to get the job done, and we have a wonderful benefit package and holiday schedule.” _ÉííáÉ=o~óI=~ëëáëí~åí=íç=íÜÉ=ã~óçê


PageS Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================

dêÉÉåïççÇ=j~êâÉí=mä~ÅÉ=áë=éêçìÇ íç=ÄÉ=îçíÉÇ=çåÉ=çÑ=íÜÉ=íçé=PM éä~ÅÉë=íç=ïçêâ=áå=iÉÑäçêÉ=`çìåíóK

“We strive to provide the highest level of customer service and value through a team of enthusiastic employee owners with a strong work ethic joining together to benefit our customers, and our community.”

410 West Park Ave. • Greenwood, MS • Phone: 453-3535

PageT Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================


One of the largest vertically integrated entities in the U.S. farm-raised catfish industry içÅ~íáçå 55001 U.S. 82, Itta Bena, MS 38941 cçìåÇÉÇ 1995

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 387

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Danny Walker, chief executive officer Jonathan Mills, vice president, sales and marketing tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÜÉ~êíä~åÇÅ~íÑáëÜKÅçã

“I nominated this company because they have played a big role in my life and a lot of other people’s lives. This company actually gives individuals a chance to work and grow within the company.” hêóëí~ä=jìêêó=


A health service agency that helps patients and clients recover from hardships in life içÅ~íáçå 2504 Browning Road, Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1972

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 200

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Phaedre Cole, executive director Virginia Haley, CFO Rebecca Small, director of administration

tÉÄëáíÉ ÜííéWLLêÉÖáSVK~ííïÉÄëé~ÅÉKÅçãLïçêÇéêÉëëL

“I have been blessed to work with some of the greatest, most caring and compassionate individuals. I love my job, the people I work with and seeing the care and compassion provided to our clients.” h~êÉå=k~áäI=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉ=~Çãáåáëíê~íáîÉ=~ëëáëí~åí


A global provider of electro-mechanical contract manufacturing and engineering services to industrial and consumer markets içÅ~íáçå 1714 Carrollton Ave., Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1928 (Greenwood location) kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 40

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Rick Allen, vice president of manufacturing Charles Buford, controller tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÜáÅâçâï~ÉâçåKÅçã

“Hickok Waekon is once again honored to be one of the top 30 places to work. We strive to provide a safe, productive working environment for our employees, who we think of as family. We are blessed to have a great community that will help us grow our family in the future.” a~îáÇ=_~êåÉííI=éêçÇìÅíáçå=ëìéÉêîáëçê

j~êëÜ~ää=bäÉãÉåí~êó pÅÜççä An elementary school in the Carroll County School District

içÅ~íáçå 802 Marshall Road, North Carrollton, MS 38947 cçìåÇÉÇ 1956

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 54 qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉ Khalilah Tate, principal

tÉÄëáíÉ ÜííéëWLLïïïKÑ~ÅÉÄççâKÅçãLÅÅëÇg~Öì~êëL

“My co-workers are awesome! They are so devoted to our students. I get free hugs every day from the most incredible kids!!” `áåÇó=oçÄÉêíë


A manufacturer of luxury home furnishings içÅ~íáçå 306 Eastman St., Greenwood MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1979

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 170

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Alex Malouf, CEO Alan Galbraith, president Shane Malouf, vice president tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKàçÜåêáÅÜ~êÇKÅçã

“There’s always a lot of excitement and creativity. It’s refreshing, it just keeps coming and it’s always interesting.” pí~å=iÉÑäçêÉI= ÇáêÉÅíçê=çÑ=ë~äÉë=~åÇ=ã~êâÉíáåÖ

ja``JdêÉÉåïççÇ `~ãéìë

A public community college serving the Mississippi Delta region with its main campus in Moorhead, also offering courses at locations in Drew, Greenville, Greenwood and Indianola

içÅ~íáçå Mississippi 3 and Cherry Street, Moorhead, MS 38761; 207 W. Park Ave., Greenwood cçìåÇÉÇ 1927

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Tyrone Jackson, president Todd Donald, vice president of workforce and economic development tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÜííéëWLLïïïKãëÇÉäí~KÉÇìL

“MDCC has a committed group of faculty and staff that are constantly meeting the needs of all our students. This is a warm, empathic place where students and instructors have mutual trust and respect. We see students grow because they are supported for who they are with unconditional positive regard. The instructors are fun, selfless and good people.” h~íáÉ=gçåÉë=

PageU Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================

PageV Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================

jáäï~ìâÉÉ=qççä A tool manufacturer

içÅ~íáçå 1003 Sycamore Ave., Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1924; in Greenwood since 2001

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 950 (870 direct and 80 temporary) qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Jack Bilotta, plant manager tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKãáäï~ìâÉÉíççäKÅçã

“It’s like a big family. We have our ups and downs, but in the end we are all working for the same goal.” `êóëíäÉ=_ä~ÅâI=Åçåíáåìçìë= áãéêçîÉãÉåí=ÅççêÇáå~íçê

máääçï=^Å~ÇÉãó An independent, co-educational college preparatory school

içÅ~íáçå 69601 U.S. 82 West, Greenwood, MS 38920 cçìåÇÉÇ 1966

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 100

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Rodney Brown, head of school Sulee Blansett, elementary principal tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKéáääçï~Å~ÇÉãóKKÅçã

“The amazing faculty and staff that walk in the building every day full of love to educate the students make this place great. They truly have a servant’s heart to help a student grow spiritually and academically.” pìäÉÉ=_ä~åëÉíí=

jáëëáëëáééá=jÉ~í=`çK A butcher shop

içÅ~íáçå 114 W. Claiborne Ave., Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 2019

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 4

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉ Courtney Smith, store manager tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKãëãÉ~íÅçãé~åóKÅçã

“I’ve worked in Greenwood about all my life, and I’ve never had anybody to treat me like they did. You go in there and do your job, and everybody appreciates it.” gçÉ=_ÉëíI=ÄìíÅÜÉê


A Mississippi bank chain with two locations in Greenwood

içÅ~íáçå 116 W. Market St., Greenwood, MS 38930 and 915 Medallion Drive, Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1920

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 18

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Eric Miller, Greenwood president tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKéä~åíÉêëJÄ~åâKÅçã

“Our commitment to the community, customers and colleagues is the key to our success. Planters Bank is celebrating 100 years of banking with 21 in Greenwood. Throughout our system of banking, our employees stay with Planters because they enjoy their work and specifically working with our customers. We don’t just provide banking services, but we care about our customers as if they are part of our family.” bêáÅ=jáääÉê

jáëëáëëáééá=s~ääÉó= pí~íÉ=råáîÉêëáíó A public historically black university içÅ~íáçå 14000 U.S. 82, Itta Bena, MS 38941 cçìåÇÉÇ 1950

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 594

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Dr. Jerryl Briggs, president Dr. Kathie S. Golden, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKãîëìKÉÇì

“At Mississippi Valley State University, we work together to provide quality educational opportunities for our students. Working at MVSU is very rewarding because I am able to make a difference not only in the lives of the students but their families and future generations as well. I also enjoy the family-like atmosphere and opportunities I've received to grow as a young professional.” i~êêó=aK=háåÇëI= ÇáêÉÅíçê=çÑ=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåí~ä=ëíìÇáÉë

pÅçíí=mÉíêçäÉìã A full-service petroleum company

içÅ~íáçå 102 Main Street, Itta Bena MS 38941 cçìåÇÉÇ 1935

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 305

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Solon Scott Jr., president

tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKëÅçííéÉíêçäÉìãáåÅKÅçã

“Primarily, it’s a small-town company that still treats its employees how they would want to be treated.” jáâÉ=qìííäÉI=îáÅÉ=éêÉëáÇÉåí

PageNM Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================

PageNN Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================


A cotton marketing cooperative, providing services including domestic and export marketing, warehousing and agricultural financing içÅ~íáçå 214 W. Market St., Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1921

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 107

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Mike Sturdivant III, chairman of the board Hank Reichle, president and CEO Mike Moffatt, vice president and CFO tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKëí~éäÅçíåKÅçã

“Staplcotn has a history of long-term employees. It’s a wonderful place to work, and if you’ll allow it, you’ll gain a second family. They watch after their employees, and most often, there are plenty of opportunities to grow with the company.” _ÉíÜ=^ÇÉåJbî~åëI=Å~ëÜ=ã~å~ÖÉãÉåí=~ÅÅçìåí~åí


An authorized business partner of the leading telecommunication and equipment providers in the United States, including AT&T, Avaya, NEC, Cisco and many others that also provides security systems, intercom systems, computer network services, copper, optical and voice and data cabling içÅ~íáçå 10394 U.S. 82 East, Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1992

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 12

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Anthony Upchurch, president Ron Upchurch, CEO tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKìéíÉäKÅçã

“We are all like a family. It’s a small business, but the owners care about us as if we really were related.” píÉîó=h~ó=tÉëíÉêÑáÉäÇI=ëÉêîáÅÉ=Çáëé~íÅÜÉê=

píìÅâÉó=c~ãáäó=aÉåíáëíêó A practice providing state-of-the-art dental care, with each patient receiving an individualized treatment plan içÅ~íáçå 912 Medallion Drive, Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 2014

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 6

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉ Dr. Ward Stuckey, owner and dentist tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKëíìÅâÉóÇãÇKÅçã

“The staff is dedicated to the best patient care, and the office staff always does their best to create a comfortable environment.” qáÑÑáåÉó=oÉÉîÉëI=ÇÉåí~ä=~ëëáëí~åíLçÑÑáÅÉ=ã~å~ÖÉê


A Middleby Corporation company that manufactures kitchen appliances for residential and commercial use içÅ~íáçå 111 W. Front St., Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1984

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Kevin Brown, president

tÉÄëáíÉ ÜííéëWLLïïïKîáâáåÖê~åÖÉKÅçãL

“Teamwork is the most important thing here, making for a great work place.” hÉîáå=s~åÇÉêäáé=

qÜêÉ~ÇÖáää=bäÉãÉåí~êó pÅÜççä

An elementary school in the Greenwood Leflore Consolidated School District içÅ~íáçå 1001 Broad St., Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1898

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 72

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Valerie Williams, principal Natessia Jackson, assistant principal Jamie McLaurin, assistant principal tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKÖäÅëÇKçêÖ

“The administration makes this a great place to work. They always show morals and love.” jÉå~ëÜ~=`Ü~åÇäÉêI=íÉ~ÅÜÉê


A corporation that sells agricultural, construction and forestry machinery, diesel engines, drivetrains used in heavy equipment and lawn care equipment içÅ~íáçå 1505 U.S. 82 West, Greenwood, MS 38930 cçìåÇÉÇ 1909

kìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÉãéäçóÉÉë 45

qçé=ÉñÉÅìíáîÉë Wade Litton, chief executive officer Powell Litton, chief financial officer

tÉÄëáíÉ ïïïKï~ÇÉáåÅçêéçê~íÉÇKÅçãL~ÄçìíLäçÅ~íáçåëL ÖêÉÉåïççÇ

“What’s not to like? Faith, family, farming. 111 years of a successful partnership within the ag community.” _Éå=e~êÖÉíí

PageNO Greenwood Commonwealth / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 qlm=PM=mi^`bp=ql=tloh =======================================================================================================================================================================

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