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Admission and Placement

Admissions & Placement


Eligibility for admission. Longwood College is pledged to a nondiscriminatory policy of admission concerning race, creed, color or national origin. The following students are eligible to apply for admission to the College. 1. Graduates of public and private high schools accredited by the State Department of Education in Virginia or schools in the process of being accredited by the state department of education or the accepted accrediting agency of any other state. 2. Advanced students transferring from other properly accredited colleges and universities. Such students are given a fair equivalent in credit for courses they have taken, provided they are entitled to honorable dismissal from other institutions they have attended and that they meet the other admission requirements of the college. 3. Male students who have completed 60 semester hours of course work or the equivalent may be admitted as day students. High school credits. Longwood College requires for admission the following units beyond the eighth grade: four units in English; one unit in American history; one unit in American government; one unit in a laboratory science; one unit in algebra and one unit in geometry, or two units in algebra.

Longwood College welcomes applications from prospective students. The admission of all students is on a selective basis. Priority is given to the best qualified applicants. A student must rank in the upper half of her class and have made a score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Examination Board high enough to indicate success at Longwood College. In order to apply for admission a student must take the following steps: 1. Submit the preliminary application blank found in the back of this catalogue. This must be accompanied by an application fee ·of fifteen dollars, which will not be refunded. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Longwood College. 2. Fill out and return to the Director of Admissions a detailed application blank which will be sent to her when the College receives the preliminary application blank. 3. Request that the principal of the high school from which she was (or is to be) graduated submit to the Director of Admissions a transcript of her high school records. Students who have attended other colleges or universities must likewise request that the registrars of those institutions send complete transcripts of their records.

All applicants are required to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Examination Board and they must request that the test scores be sent to the Director of Admissions of Longwood College. Students who are planning to continue the study of a foreign language should take the achievement test in the language of their choice. Data from all tests recommended by the State Department of Education in cooperation with the local school divisions will be reported by the high school principal on the transcript form.

When the College receives the student's application, application fee, the transcripts of her records, and scholastic aptitude test score or scores, its Committee on Admissions carefully examines her qualifications and notifies her as to whether or not her application is accepted.

Students accepted for admission will be required to make a deposit of $50.00. The date this payment is due will be indicated in the admission letter. The deposit is refundable until May 1.

Admission of transfer students. Transfer students from other institutions are admitted for both the fal I and spring semesters.

In order to be considered for admission, the applicant must have maintained a grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale (1.0 on a 3.0 scale).

No student may be considered for admission to the College unless she is, or was at the time of withdrawal, in good academic and social standing at her previous institution(s). An official transcript or other document must indicate this fact in addition to a statement of entitlement to honorable dismissal.

Transfer applicants who present the minimum qualifications are con• sidered in relationship to other applicants for available spaces in an attempt to admit those students who present the highest qualifications.

Transfer students seeking admission to degree programs must be enrolled as a regular student for one academic session consisting of two semesters.

Readmission. Students who are in good academic and social standing with the College but have not been in attendance for one or more semesters must submit an application for readmission and be readmitted by the Office of Admissions before they will be permitted to register for classes as a regular student.

Students who are on academic probation must secure permission to apply for readmission from the Dean of the College. An application for readmission must then be submitted to the Office of Admissions.

Admission to graduate study. Longwood College offers graduate programs leading to the degree of Master of Science in Education and Master of Arts in Education. Areas of specialization include supervision, early child· hood education, guidance and counseling, English and history.


In order to assist students in planning their careers and securing desirable positions upon graduation, the College maintains an Office of Career Information and Placement.

Through career information services, the student can obtain information regarding the types of careers possible with various subject concentrations, the preparation required for given careers, and the relative employability of individuals in various fields for the years ahead. Traditionally, students have not established contact with placement offices until their senior year. Since it is now more important than ever to give careful thought and consideration to the planning of one's career, students are encouraged to consult the Office of Career Information and Placement, the chairmen of academic departments, or one of the academic deans during their first year of matriculation at Longwood.

The Placement Office serves as a liaison between alumnae, students and various school systems, businesses and industries. Representatives from these sources of employment are invited to the campus for the purpose of interviewing prospective employees. Only equal opportunity employers are permitted to recruit on campus. In addition, this office assist students in the preparation of resumes and provides orientation for interviewing and the entire job-seeking process. A credentials folder is maintained for each graduate and is available upon request to prospective employers.

There is no charge to matriculating students or alumnae for the services provided by the Office of Career Information and Placement.

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