7 minute read
Department of Military Science
James E. McCray, Chairman
The music curricula are designed: [a] to provide all interested students with relevant musical experiences, and to increase the musical literacy of all students, [b] to educate talented musicians (music majors) in the highest traditions of musical art with relation to the past and the future, [ c] to enable these students to communicate to others at all age levels an awareness and enjoyment of great music, and [d] to bring to all students by means of varied and superior performances the exciting experience of listening to music creatively.
The required music courses for the Bachelor of Music Education degree are: Music 115, ll6, Music 117, 118, Music 127, 128, Music 215, 216, Music 217, 218, Music 227,228, and Music 327; Music 343, 344 or Music 343,348; Music 431,432; 24 hours in applied music distributed as follows: 14 hours in concentration, 4 in proficiency, and 4 in instrumental classes; 2 hours in music literature in the concentration area.
The required music courses for a major in the Bachelor of Arts program are: Music ll5, ll6, Music ll7, 118,Music 127,128, Music 215,216, Music 217,218, Music 227,228, and Music 327;Music 431,432; 12 hours in applied concentration and a minimum of 6 elective hours approved by the department chairman.
Each music major must participate in an ensemble each semester. Each music major must appear as a soloist on at least a half Senior Recital during the student's senior year.
Each incoming freshman music major must play a keyboard audition in order for the music faculty to determine the student's level of piano ability; depending upon the student's ability level, he/she will be required to take one of the two classes for one semester: Music 212, for remedial work; or Music 213, for the more advanced student.
The amount of credit in applied music that may be transferred from other institutions will be determined through evaluation of the student's ability by the Department of Music.
Music 111. BASIC MUSICIANSHIP An introductory course in music reading through singing and the use of melodic instruments. Recom: mended for therapeutic recreation majors. 2 periods a week; 2 credits. Mrs. Haga.
Music 115,116. THEORY OF MUSIC Theory, harmony, written and keyboard; part writing. 2 periods a week; 2 credits each semester. Mr. McCray.
Music 117, 118. SJGHTSJNGJNG AND DICTATION Ear training through sightsinging and dictation. 2 periods a week; 1 credit each semester. Mr. McCray.
Music 127, 128. THE LITERATURE OF MUSIC A survey of music literature from the major periods of music composition. 1 period a week; 1 credit each semester. Mr. Harbaum. Music 212. KEYBOARD FUNDAMENTALS Remedial piano for music majors. Study and practice in basic keyboard techniques, sightreading and major and minor scales. Open only to music majors and others with consent of instructor. 2 periods a week; 1 credit. Mr. Blasch.
Music 213. PIANO ACCOMPANYING Study and practical application of accompanying for other students. Open only to music majors and others with consent of instructor. 2 periods a week; 1 credit. Miss Myers.
Music 215, 216. THEORY OF MUSIC A continuation of 115, 116 which is prerequisite. 2 periods a week; 2 credits each semester. Mr. Jones.
Music 217,218. SJGHTSINGING AND DICTATION A continuation of 117, 118 which is prerequisite. 2 periods a week; 1 credit each semester. Mr. Jones.
Music 227,228. LITERATURE OF MUSIC A continuation of 127, 128 which is prerequisite. 1 period a week; 1 credit each semester. Mr. Harbaum. Music 297, 497. COMPOSITION Instruction in techniques of composing music. Prerequisite: Music 115, 117. One class period and one private lesson a week; 1 credit. May be repeated for credit. Mr. McCray.
Music 315. CONDUCTING Technique of the baton; score reading; rehearsal procedures. 2 periods a week; 2 credits. Mr. McCray.
Music 316. ADVANCED CONDUCTING Continuation of Music 315 which is prerequisite. Offered on demand; 2 periods a week; 1 credit. Mr. McCray.
Music 327. FORM AND ANALYSIS Harmonic and formal analysis of compositions of each period. Prerequisite: Music 215,218,228.3 periods a week; 3 credits ..
Music 413. COUNTERPOINT Strict and free counterpoint; motivic development; invertable counterpoint. Prerequisite: Music 216,218,228. Offered on demand; 2 periods a week; 2 credits. The Staff.
*Music 121, 122 and 321,322. GUIDED LISTENING Prior to music events within the Longwood Music Department, there will be a preview lecture which will explain the composition(s) to be performed in the concert. Students will attend the lecture and the performance. 2 periods a week; 1 credit each semester. Mr. Jones.
*Music 123. THE APPRECIATION OF MUSIC Study for the understanding of the forms, styles, and periods of the music usually heard in performanc~. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. Mrs. Haga, Mr. Harbaum, Mr. Hesselink, Mr. Jones.
*Music 125,126. MUSIC IN WESTERN CULTURE Survey of the major periods of music with examples of the composition of principal composers in each period; the relation of music to other aspects of history and the culture of western civilization. 3 periods a week; 3 credits each semester. Mr. Harbaum.
*Music 223, 224. CONCERT HOUR Directed listening to selected masterpieces of music, biographical study of the composers. 2 periods a week; 2 credits each semester. The Staff.
*Music 231. MUSIC OF THE RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE PERIODS Study of the forms, styles, and trends of the music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, biography. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. Mr. Harbaum.
*Music 232. MUSIC OF THE CLASSIC AND ROMANTIC PERIODS Study of the forms, styles, and trends of the music from the Classic and Romantic periods, biography. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. Mr. Harbaum.
*Music 233. MUSIC OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Study of the forms, styles, and trends of the music of the twentieth century, biography. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. Mr. Blasch.
*Music 234. MUSIC OF THE THEATER Study of opera, operetta, incidental music. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. The Staff.
*Music 235. MUSIC OF THE CHURCH Study of the development of music in the church from Gregorian chant to the present. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. Mr. Hesselink.
*Music 236. MUSIC ELEMENTS AND THE ARTS A study of the elements of music and their relationship to literature and the visual arts. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. Mr. Blasch.
*Music 237. JAZZ, FOLK, ROCK AND BROADWAY MUSICALS A survey and comparison of the styles, characteristics, composers and performers of folk,jazz, rock and broadway music. Prerequisite: any music appreciation, history or literature course. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. Mr. Jones.
*Music 331, 332. SURVEY OF MUSIC LITERATURE A survey of music literature. Directed listening with the use of available scores; analysis of significant compositions from the major periods of musical development. 3 periods a week; 3 credits each semester. The Staff.
Music 431,432. HISTORY OF MUSIC The history of music of western civilization, with examples. Open to nonmusic majors only with permission of the instructor. 3 periods a week; 3 credits each semester. Mr. Harbaum.
Music 434. ORGAN LITERATURE A study of the literature of the organ through performance and listening. Required of organ concentrators. 2 periods a week; 2 credits. Mr. Hesselink.
Music 435. PIANO LITERATURE A study of the literature of the pianoforte through performance and listening. Required of piano concentrators. 2 periods a week; 2 credits. Mr. Blasch.
Music 436. VOICE LITERATURE AND PEDAGOGY A study of the literature and the teaching of voice; principles of voice teaching and laboratory work with beginning voice students. Required of voice concentrators. 2 periods a week; 2 credits. Miss Burdick.
Music 242. MUSIC FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS Music for students preparing to teach in the elementary grades. Fundamentals of music, both theoretical and practical, through the use of electronic keyboards; singing, conducting; use of the autoharp. Music literature through listening and reading. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. Mrs. Haga, Mr. Harbaum, Miss Myers, Mrs. Zahrt.
Music 342. MUSIC IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Study of the goals and philosophy of music education in the elementary schools; techniques and approaches providing the experiences needed in a conceptually oriented program of classroom music. Practice in planning and implementing the music program, showing possible correlation with other curriculum areas. Prerequisite: Music 242. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. Mrs. Haga, Mr. McCray, Mrs. Zahrt.
Music 343. MUSIC TEACHING AND SUPER VISION IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Study of music education from early childhood through primary and lower elementary school levels; materials, procedures, philosophy. Open only to music education majors and others with consent of the department chairman. 3 periods a week; 3 credits. Mrs. Haga.