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Homeland Security Program
Dr. William Harbour, Director of the Homeland Security Program
Interdisciplinary Minor in Homeland Security
The Homeland Security Minor offers students an interdisciplinary program that incorporates a wide variety of course work relevant to the national needs regarding homeland security within the context of the global economic and political forces at work in the world today.
Requirements for 18-Credit Minor in Homeland Security:
In order to complete a minor in Homeland Security, students must:
1. File a form of intention to pursue the minor at the Office of the Registrar.
2. Complete the three courses (nine hours) listed below earning no less than a C- in each.
GEOG 352 World Regional Geography/3 credits POSC/HMSC 345 Terrorism and Homeland Security in a Global Age/3 credits POSC 305 International Relations/3 credits
3. Pass at least 9 hours from the courses listed below earning no less than a C- in each.
COMM 220* Communication in a Diverse Society/3 credits COMM 420* Intercultural Communication/3 credits ISCS 376* Cyber Security/3 credits CMSC 355* Introduction to Computer and Network Security/3 credits ECON 307* Economic Development and Transition to Free Markets/3 credits ECON 319* International Economics/3 credits GEOG 241 Cultural Geography/3 credits GEOG 275 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems/3 credits HIST 202 History of Islamic Civilizations/3 credits HIST 308 United States Diplomatic History/3 credits HIST 413 Conflict in the Modern Middle East/3 credits POSC 343 American Foreign Policy/3 credits POSC 442 International Law/3 credits PSYC 401* Psychology of Warfare and Terrorism/3 credits SOCL 301 Sociology of Religion/3 credits SOCL 376 Sociology of Law/3 credits * These courses have prerequisite requirements.