Rotunda vol 4, no 32 june 7, 1924

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IV. No. M

FRESHMEN WIN FIELD DAY MEET BY TWO POINTS Seven of Last Year's Records Broken in this Year's Contest The Annual Field day was held May 29, on the Training School field. The scoring was close throughout the whole program and the interest of the by- j standers was kept up to the highest point until the last race was run and the final score was announced. The score was as follows: College seniors 3; ' College Juniors 1; Sophomores 54; Freshmen 56.





The annual baseball game hit ween the Sophomores and the Freshmen Elizabeth \V;.tkins was the highest individual point scorer with eleven points wai played Monday. June 2. The , Sophomores were too much at every The followng is a comparison of the American records, last year's record and turn for the Freshmen. Helen Suththis year's record: erland had too much speed and control Collegiate Records V)22 1923 1924 for the Freshmen. She pitched seven 1. 50-yard dash 6 sees. 6 4/5 sees. 7 2/5 sees. innings allowing only 12 hits and no 2. BMkel Ball Throw 88 ft 10 in. 67 ft. 3 in. 71 ft. 2 in. walks, whereas three Freshmen pitch3. Running High Jump 4 ft. 7 1/4 in. 4 ft. 1 in. 4 ft 2 in. ers allowed 15 hits and walked 12 nun. 4. Base Ball Throw 217 ft. 3 in. 177 ft. 8 in. 170 ft. The Freshmen pitchers seemed ineffec5. Running Broad Jump 16 ft. 9 1/2 in. 13 ft. 8 1/2 in. 14 ft. 5 in. tive and unable to locate the plate. Em6. Shot Put 34 ft. 1 7/8 in. 25 ft. 6 in. 26 ft. 9 in. ory, for the Freshmen, had the Soph 7. Hop Step Jump 33 ft. 6 in. 27 ft. 5 in. 28 ft. 4 1/4 in. batters down better than Hall and Miss ELIZABETH WATKINS 9 1/5 sees. 9 2 5 sees. 8. Hurdle Race 9 4/5 sees. Barnes. Mary Miller, catching for the ( ' Standing Broad Jump 8 ft. 10 in. 7 ft. 4 in. 7 ft. 8 1/4 in. She WOK tht cup I'iclii Pax with a score Freshmen, is a big league player. Sel8 3 5 sees. 11 2, 5 sees. 10. 75-yard Dash 11 sees. dom is a catcher found on a girl's team w sir; en points. 11. Javelin Throw 98 ft. 2 1/2 in. 59 ft. 2 in. 69 ft. 5 in. that can equal her. She not only caught an excellent game but was one First Place Second Place Third Place THE STATE COMMITTEE ON of the heaviest hitters of the FreshX. I.yne—Soph. 1. C. Thompson—Soph. I-.. McKenney—Fresh. man Team, getting three hits and WOMAN'S BASKET BALL 2. M. Day Soph. K. Wray—Fresh. I.. McKenney— Fresh. bringing in two runs. 3. M. Hall-Soph. K. Jarman—Fresh. Y. McXamee—Fresh. FOR 1924-1925 The score: 4. I.. Carwilc—Fresh, II. Sutherland—Soph. E. Harris—Junior Freshmen. K. Brown—Soph. 5. K. Watkins—Fresh. E. Jarman—Fresh. Miss Inez Wells, Chairman 6. M. Day -Soph. M Bailey—Soph. K. Kemp—Senior Miller, M— C. Physical Director, Petersburg High K I'n wii—Soph. 7. K. Watldns -Fresh K. Jarman—Fresh. Carter. A.—2b. School, Petersburg, \'a. & S. Hunt Soph. V Lyne Soph. I'.. McKenny—Fresh. McKinney, E.—S. S. Miss Blanche K. O. (iraham, Health 9. E. Jarman-Ere.-h. A. Smith—Soph M. McMurdo—Fresh Hall. E.— lb. Education C. Tin mi M ii—Soph. K». I".. Crate—Fresh. M. Hall—Soph, Rodiffer—3b. State Teachers College. Farmville, 11. M. Bailey—Soph. I'.. W'rav -Fre~li. E. Watkins—Fresh. Barnes, M.—P. Va. Carwilc L.-l F. (Sere counts: 1st place, 5; 2nd, 3; 3rd, I.) Wilson, V.—C. F. Miss I.ioiia Webster, Physical DirecGates, J. i:,--R. p. tor Other events of the day were the Flag Relay race won by the Freshmen, the Sophomores. V. \V. C. A., Richmond, Va. Relay Race won by the Freshmen, and the Chariot Race won by the Freshmen; Sutherland, W.-C. Miss Fanny G. Crenshaw, Physical also, the Suit Case race which wa- WOO by B. M. Riddle, Freshman. Sutherland, II. P. Director We would also like to state that seven of the old Xormal School Field Day Day. M.—2b. Westhampton College, Richmond. r«COnl> were broken this year. The records broken were: Wright, L.—3b. Va. Brown, K — C. P. 75-yard dash, Running High Jump, Running Broad Jump, Standing Broad Miss Elizabeth Webb, Physical DirecWarren. P.—2b. Jump, Hop Step Jump, Shot Put, Javelin Throw. tor Wells, M.-l F, Collegiate School for Girls, RichSmith, O.—R. F. way County chapter with some of the mond, Va. ALUMNAE NOTES Hunt, S.—S. S. meetings at Blackstone and Burkevillc. The State Committee is a part of Score by innings: The program for the annual meeting the National Committee. It also MiSS Maria Tate Stcrrett ma mar- !of the Association of Alumnae on June Freshmen —10 1 12! 0 ried in Washington, D. C. on May 20 6 is: 10:00 Business meeting; 1:00, works with the American Physical Sophomores—7 0 4 2 0 1 2 to Mr. Jennings Judy Sweckcr, principal Alumnae luncheon; 8:30, Addres and re- Education Association which edits the Substitutes: Freshmen — Simpson of the Bine Grata High School in Mon- ception, Mi-s Carrie Sutherlin, Speaker. Official Basket Ball Guide for Women. The Committee will answer any ques- for Carter, Emory for Barnes, Hall terey, Virginia, where Miss Stcrrett ^■■• — tions in regard to the rules or the for Emory, Emory for Hall, Vincent taught last year. A position judiciously FASHION SHOW spirit of the rules. It will provide a for Wilson, Duggins for Vincent, Miss Sterrett taught last year. A list of approved officials to any school White for Duggins. chosen, may yield more than a mere Runs: Sophl Smith 4, Hunt 2, W. < >n Thursday, May 29 at 8 o'clock desiring it. salary. Sutherland 2, II. Sutherland 2, Day 1, A good many Farmville students have Teachers College had a fashion show. Brown 1, Warren 1. continued their studies at Ceorgc PcaUxly It was given under the direction of Mi-- COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM Preshies. Miller 2, Carter l, Emory College for Teachers, influenced perhaps Catherine Tupper, and by the girls in 1, Vincent 1. bj the large number of peabody graduates In r classes, Miss Jacquelin Marston Saturday. June 7 in the faculty, and news ionics to us played softly on the piano as the tnodeli 10:43 A. M.—Business sleeting, So STUDENT BUILDING FUND The through Peabody publications. Misi Id. posed to show their costumes. ciety of Alumnae 8:00 P. M- Recaption Clarice I'.ersch B.S. 1920, is a rural su- children's dresses, madfl by the students, were worn by children of the town and pervisor in Maryland. Miss Blanche Mrs. w. P. Burger 5.00 Sunday. June 1 odelle Warren Bonham 10.00 Ankers, B. S. 1921, is now Mrs. Forest presented a lovely group as the CUltaini 11:00 A. M.—Baccalaureate Sermon wire first drawn hack. I.da 11. sIcGehae 5.00 Mi Craw. 6:30 P. M.—Veeper Service The good and bad taste in clothes WSJ Ethel Cole OuM 50.00 On May 8, Mrs. M. B. Coyner organized a local alumnae chapter at Crewe. displayed. Correct and incorrect church Monday, June 9 10:30 A. M. Class Day E.xcr. is, s $70.00 The preliminary iteps were taken by D -inuns wars shown. A smart businesi Second Year Class Total, 134,400.56, Mrs. J. A. Cox (Miss Ida Sharpe), and suit, correct sport clothes, dainty voil* 5:30 P. M.—Class Day i a dozen interested person-, were present of all colors, and heautiful linen dre Fourth Year Class Who will DC the willing fourth pit at the inaugural inciting. Mrs. Hunter followed in rapid succession. 8:30 P. M- Class I May SOfl for the movie crowd next year II. Watson (Miss Pattie F.ppes) was (inod and Ixad taste in evening dreSSd when Hester is gone? A good sport elected president and Mrs Edward Hates and school clothes was also displayed Tuesday, June 10 11:00 A. ||.—Commencement Exer- with a rare sense of humor, she just (Miss Alice Whitaker) secretary-trea- All those attending greatly admired the cises naturally fits in. surer. Their plan is to form a Notto- work of the domestic science classes.

ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLAYS EVER GIVEN HERE COURSE I. WINS COMMENDATION BY PRESENTATION One is never too old to enjoy fairy stories, and Sleeping Beauty presented on Friday night, May 10, gave the audience a delightful glimpse into fairyland. The curtain opened lm a woodland scene, where later the fairies and Ucs gathered from their woodland haunts. The queen of the fairies had just joined her subject! when a message, announcing the christening of the little daughter of the king and queen, was delivered. The fairies at once decide to lie present. The next scene was that of the christening of the baby. How the good fairies turned the wish of the wicked witch of death to the Princess to a hundred years' sleep was skillfully portrayed. In the third scene, the princess, now a young maiden, finds her way to the attic of the palace. She sees an old woman spiiinniim. and alter watching her a while decides to try to spin herself. She pricks her finger with a spindle and (alls into a sleep of a hundred years. The last scene brought the Prince Charming to the sleeping court to awake the princess from her long sleep. And as with all fairy -t' tie-, they lived happily ever after. Mis- Margaret Murphy very ahly directed the presentation of Sleeping Beauty. Much credit for it success is due to the participant- in the play, and the costumes were very elaborate and estive of a verdant atmosphere,

MANY PARTIES OCCUPY LAST SCHOOL WEEK The past week of school has been crowded with parties anil enlertainnients of all kinds. The following are a few of them:

May 28— Miss Winnie Iliner was hostess at

a party given to Boarding Room Hall. I he R. O. II. T gorgeously attired in red. dined en masse in the

I ea Room. May 29— Mis- Mar) i nti rtained the old and new Student Council at lunch. Mrs, I.ear's student teachers entertained her at supper. Max M — I he Senior Class a- guests of Miss Mar) Hiner went mi a bacon bat to l.ithia Springs. The Zeta Tan Chili went on a bacon hat to Farmville Lake. The Campbell Club went on a bacon bat to l.ithia Springs. The Jefferson Literary Society wint on i bacon bat. June 6—

Tin Gamma Theta Sorority a picnic at r'armvillc Lake.


THE ROTUNDA, fUNE 7, 1924 AT THE EACO THEATRE—Week June 9th-14th.

THE ROTUNDA Member Southern Inter-ColIejIaU Newepaper


MONDAY & TUESDAY ZANE GREY'S story "THE HERITAGE OF PabUabed weeklj bj Ike ttadente ol The State leetetaen College, PermTUIe, \->. THE DESERT" made into a BIG SPECIAL PARAMOUNT PICTURE. Many of the scenes in this production are in natural colon and arc very beauti■ntered a« Moond-olai no iron I, 1921. «t th poal I I rmvilto, Virginia ful. It is enacted by a selected casi headed by BEBE DANIELS and NOAH under tl ( March BERRY. Here is a stor) as big as the Western country it deals with. Screened IPTION 11.50 PBB n amid the rugged magnificence of the West. THIS IS NO ORDINARY PICimn MIA STAFF. TURE, AND WE STRONGLY URGE EVERY ONE TO SEE IT. MonANNE CONWA\ '2! I i LUCILLE WALTON '26 Editor (|;iv nighi Pathe News, and on Tuesday night the last episode of "THE WAY ROSALIE WEISS '21


iioAicnoi Mewi


\--t Newi

Vthl LL'CY HAILE OVERBEY '21 ^Xit. raiy in-:i.i.i:\^ CRISMAN 'n ......... M.\NA(» I.KS. Bw Mgr PRANCES SALE '21 dr. Mgr. CORNELIA DICKINSON '27 \.iv. MKr MARTHA PHILLIPS '2fl -

Qp \ MAX." iircnvrcn»v

a w>i>ivr

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A letter, to receive consideration,

an<1 ,he8e W,H n0t be pub





All matters of business should be addressed to the Business Manager, and all other P


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It cost a million dollars to make this picture,

picture in a thousand BE



""iV'coSi^'of ThT itotund. wTii \?^Sec'iat e d."** Irregularities In the delivery of their


Goodbye—Good Luck It is almost over. You who are leaving are finding new roads to travel; and we who are to remain behind must try. as best we can. to fill your places, Have you thought, classes of '24, just what it will mean to us next year—without you? It is going to leem queer; and more than merely queer. We're going to miss you, '24. At chapel, at meals, in the Tea Room, downtown, at classes, on the campus, at the games the pictures simply refuse to be painted. Let's not try to paint them. The) would be sad. painted with even the brightest of colors. Instead, here's to this year! Here's to twenty-four—the year we all have shared and loved; the year w* have tilled together, with joy and laughter, with quarrels and troubles; and with love, You know we've loved you. twenty-four. So—here's








and it

State Teachers College Auditorium Tuesday, June 3d, 1924 8 O'clock P. M,

nishings, School Supplies




POUNDS the keynote of our new ••' Spring ready-to-wear line. The fashionable straight-line silhouette continues equally popular for wraps and frocks, and is shown :n many variations.


SHANNON'S ROSE ROOM For the Best Eats and Drinks in Town Special Attention given to S. T. C. Students


Our Betty Wales coats and drc«cs make a new and charming departure following the trend of fashion in a distinctly different way.



THE ELECTRIC SHOP WiU Fix Your Shoes While You Wait

Make Your Headquar-

Best Workmanship and Leather Used

ters at



Proci Invocation them. Salutatory Elizabeth Bell rears did How when the sad iweet "Dance of the Wind Elves"..Bradshaw --' ngs i i gi i dbye were sung. All spirit High School "i competition between classes was laid Class History Ella Putney aside when the classes sang iweetlj to bother. The) became on grand group Class Prophecy Dorothj Mattox with a thought for each other. Last Will and 11 stament Song week ha- always been one of Virginia Updiki the most impressive programs put on at Presentation of Gifts....Harriet Booker the Teachers College and the past week Gift to School Class President "Lullaby" Marshall did not lose it- former glory. There is no doubt that the memory of "Come Genial Spring" Geibel it i- stamped upon the mind- of all who High School Glee Club heard them \ aledictory I \ elyn Burger Address Rev. Tuttle Green (Hearing piano practice)— Presentation of Diplomas "What on earth [| that noi-e?" Class Song Nut "That'- Mi-- Muno/ practic' Anchored" Veagil ing the scales." High School Greener—"Gosh I she must weigh I Mi-- Mai\ Prances Tuttle si the Piano ton."

Dry Goods, Notions and Fur-


Importance of Alumnae Chapters

Untold talent was exhibited In the music and poetry of the SOUgS written bj the four classes of Teachers College. The songs to the class sponsors were especiall) good, The Faculty seems to be the live wire at Teacher-. College for all the peppy -MHO- were written to

General Merchandise


Cut Flowers for Every Occasion


Ladies' Ready-to-Wear

Admission to S. T. C. Girls 2i cents. SAURDAY- "AROUND THE WORLD IX THE SPEEJACKS." A motion picture record of A. Y. Gowan's famous voyage around the world in a 90 foot motor boat. A 90 foot Imat circled the globe and brought this film back to prove it! SEF. THIS PICTURE AXD YOU WILL SEE THE WORLD. This should prove a real treat to all. Also 10th episode of "IX THE DAYS OF DAXIKI. I50OXK." Matinee at 3:30. Admission each night except Thursday and Friday 20 cents.

to you !

Shadow- exist because the sun shines; the pangs of separation are severe when associations and companionships have been happiest. The past few years hold for the graduates of 1924 many bright memories, some unique; the future has in -tor*' new experiences which will tend to dim the old. One value of membership in local alumnae chapters is keeping these memories alive through social and business gatherings. The songs and gay reminiscences of the Winchester chapter evoked a spontaneous tribute to the Farmville spirit from an outsider. To these chapter meeting! the members bring news they have collected about other alumnae ami the College, and thus they keep in touch with their Alma Mater. The chapters, through knowledge, will then be ready to cooperate ;,a unit, iii the large project! of the College, whether they function locally upon the campus, as our Student Building, in which we have so much pride, or whether they are part of State-wide movements, like the Alumni Council work inaugurated last year for the advancement of education. Participation as a body in affairs of community interest is another way in which local chapters can prove their worth and the efficiency of their training here The reaction will be attention and interest focused more directly upon the College, and more high school graduates turned in this direction. These are .nine of tin' ways in which alumnae can -till experience the joy of loyal service to their Alma Mater They will doubtless find others. The Association of Alumnae welcomes the classes of 1924 most cordially as worthy recruits in this rapidly growing organisation.

utor of

IS one



Wholesale and Retail Distrib-


Joke WEDNESDAY CORRINE GRIFFITH in MM.1.1'. [RACK. A specExchange tacular photodrama of life in the open with jusl a touch of the society element '" a sensational entertainment in which the star as Salome does the dam of ,: PRANCES BARKSDAL1 • Cir. Mgr. the seven veils. It is a pulsating with the human interest element, Also Aesop Typist Fable CORNELIA DICKINSON '21 Typist ........ p.w*\ siiAM-.R iu ----■^ THURSDAYS FRIDAY Another BIG SPECIAL PARAMOUNT PRO— I 111 1 DUCTION "THE SPANISH DANCER," with Pola Negri and Antonio Moreno We ere always Kin,I (,> publish any doslralilo article or mmmunlratlon that may be ■ent to ua. We wlah, bOW«V«r, to call attention to the fact that unsigned correspondence heading the special cast. ca-t. For th* first time since coming coniinu to America. America, Xcgri Negri is will not he puiiliHlicii. the Pi la of "Pa>>ion." But never has the flashing jewel appeared in such magThe KOIIIIKIA invites letters of comment, rrltirism. nn.l suKKoatlona from its readers upon ita manner of presenting and treating them.


INCORPORATED Official Jewelers to the Leading National Fraternities and Sororities. Special designs and estimates furnished on class pins, rings, special Society emblems, medals for Athletic meets or Honorary Keys. Manufacturers of Greek letter Fraternity jewelry, class and school emblems, pins and rings. MAIN OFFICE ATTLEBORO, MASS.


WADE'S Fountain Drinks, Confectioneries, Canned Goods, Olives, Pickles, School Supplies FARMVILLE. VA.

SCHEMMEL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Affiliated with the S. N. S. since 1907 Gives modern instruction in Piano and Vocal Theory, Harmony, Aesthetics, &c. At reasonable tuition rates

GRAY'S DRUG STORE The Drug Store with the Per-


sonal Touch

Suits, Coats, Dresses, Blouses, Dry Goods and Notions The Ladies' Specially Shop FARMVILLE, VA.

Carrying an Up-to-Date Line of

R. B. CRALLE & CO. Home of the Famous Queen Quality Footwear Van Raalte Silk Hosiery MAIN STREET


Toilette Necessities and Stationery FARMVILLE, VA.

THE ROTUNDA, JUNE 7, 1924 EIGHT ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP IN PI KAPPA OMEGA The Following have been elected to membership in Pi Kappa Omega: Misses Nellie Davies, Ruth Bartholomew, Amu- Conway, Frances Barksdale, Cornelia Dickinson, Evelyn Beckham, Virginia Cowherd, and [Catherine Montague.


Mi-- l.ila McGeehee. Mi-- Lucile Jennings oi Cartersville, Va. Miss Phyllis Snead, of Cartersville, Va. Miss Jan.- Treakle, Palmer, Va., Class of 1923. Mi-- Mary Squire, Emporia,Va,Class of 1916. Miss Alice Clarke Orgain, Vlberta, Va. Miss Mark V. Brown, Roanoke, Va., Class of 1914. Mrs. II. A. McDonough Norfolk,Va., Class of 1912. ^■•■^

tin- world's record before tin.- close of the present track season.

' tlllllllMIII ti


The Glee Club oi the Universirj California will tour the United State-. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and France during the summer.

From almost every section of this store comes urgent demands to tell the story of new things for Spring —new apparel, new fabrics, new accessories, and new things for the home.

In celebration of its seventy-fifth birthday anniversity, the University of Wisconsin served a large cake bearing seventy-five candles. An idea of the -i/e of the eake can he obtained from the fact that the frosting all ne required sixty-five pound- of sugar, The first pieee \\a- served to the President of the school.

You'll be delighted when you see the new goods- the new styles, new patterns, new colorings, new everything. And we feel sure that a visit from you will result in a purchase of something new.

The following Alumnae an expected . --_ . .. _. pp,ii|Mrj L to return for Commencement this year:^o I AIMU rUUDIU Mrs. A. M. Evans of Amelia, Virginia, Lost—A 1(»2.3 Virginian with Jean formerly Miss A, M. Irving, Class ol West's name written in-ide. Please 1897. Bud Evans, star sprinter of the UniMiss Pauline Camper, Class of 1901 return to the Rotunda office. versity of Illinois track team, equalled Mrs. J, Robt. Cardwell of Lynchburg, Paddock's record lor the 100 meter formerly Mi- Maggie Tayler, Class of The Lost A ,,,_,, VirKinian with Cathcr- dash in the trial run this week. Illinois flash was clocked in 10 2/5. ' ine Kemp'- name written in it. Please Mrs. Jas. EL Osborne of Danville, Va., return to the Rotunda Office. nee Miss Eugenia Lundie, Class of 1()17. Nevada State University has a mo* Mi-s Otelia Harvie of Mattoax, Va., Lost—A loiitf, -kinny, black Wateruni(|iie secret society called "Sundowners Class of 1903. man fountain pen with three notches of the Sagebrush." It consists of twelve Mrs. A. M. White of Lynchburg, Va., and a "K." cut in the ends of both the men who have "bummed" their way at formerly Mi— Josephine Phelps, Class barrel and the cap. Please return to least 1,000 miles. of 1914. the Rotunda Office. Mi-s Elsie I.andrum. I.yneliburR, Va., Class of 1911. Two dormitories and the power Found—A pair of black kid gloves, j plant at Asbury College, Wilmore, Miss Mary Dupuy, Worshara, Va. Apply Rotunda Office. Class of 1909. Ky.. were destroyed by fire recently, with a loss of $2,000,000. The earlyMiss Kathleen Carroll. Woodlawn, arrival of the Lexington fire engine. COLLEGE CUT OUTS Va., Class of 1923. 25 miles away, saved the entire colMiss Ellen S. Carlson, Claremoiit, \'a.. lege from destruction. Suicides Include 32 University Class of 1923, Students Mi— ('.race Beard, Salem. \"a.. Class of 1921. Compulsory class attendance for Mrs. Henry Chappell, Dinwiddie, Va., I Thirty-two college students are juniors and seniors at Montana Unifound among the 12.948 suicides in the Class of 1894. versity was abolished and steps were United States during 1923. The tritaken by the faculty recently to raise Miss Marjorie S. Thompson, Winstonviality of the reasons for suicide is the eligibility requirements for studentSalem. X. C, Cla- of 1923. remarkable. One girl died of gas Mis- Clara Heilin. Round Hill. Va.. bcause she was "not permitted to bob taking part in extra-curricular activities. Class of v>2x her hair, roll her stockings down, and Mr.--. \Y. K. Chappell. Meherrin, \'a„ lie a regular flapper.'' The oldest "Come, come," said Tom's father \h-- Janie Stapli -. ClaSI oi IS"-). suicide was 97 and the youngest 6. "at this time of your life, Mrs. W. C. Duvall, Farmville, Va., There's no longer excuse for Mi- llattie Bugg, Cla-s of 1906. thus playing the rakeGlenn "Tiny" Hartranft, Stanford's Miss Nancy Crisman, Winchester, Va., It is time you should think , star weight man, broke all school records Cla- of 1"'-'-'. boy, of taking a wife." in the shot put last week in a track meet Mrs. John E. White of Richmond, Va, when he shoved the weight 50 feet Myl "Why, so it is, father,—whose Miss Ethel Reynolds, Cla- of i<t<)4. wife shall I take? inches, missing the world's record by Miss Louise Scott, Carson, Virginia, one-half inch. He is expected to break —T. MOORE. Cla- of N_M. Mrs. J. X. Elder, Hopewell, Va., Miss Melvelk Pagg, Class of 1918 Mrs. Prank Cox, Spcrryville. Va, AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN Miss Bertha Dolan, Class of 1917. Hot and Cold Water Rooms With or Without Bath Mis> Thursetta Thomas, Roanoke, Va., C. T. CHICK, Proprietor FARMVILLE, VA. Class of 1912. Miss [Catherine Watkins, Fairmont, W. \ a.. Clasi oi 1**18. Mis- Kate Trent, Richmond, Va., Class of 1922. MANUFACTURERS OF Miss Julia l.eaehe, liellaniont. \'a.. Class of 1894. Mi-s Ernestine I.andrum. Buen aYista, PHONE 55 Va.. Class ol 1923. Mi- Domthy E. Smith, Princess Anne, We make and sell ice cream all times of the year for all occasions. Maryland. Class of 1922. Mi-- Mareella P.arnes, Charlotte, N. C . Class of 1916. Mr-. II. E. Harrow, harmville. \ a, Miss Madeline Mapp. Cla- of 1886. Mr-. I). I.. Rider, Hopewell. \ ■.. Mi-s Elizabeth Shumate, Class of 1918. Mrs. Muse MeCall. Hlytheville. cNeurJfurse Arkansas, Mill Carolyn Pope, Class of 1914. Mi- Jessie Dey, Norfolk, Va., Class of 1904. Established 1868 Mi>s I ".IK ii Peters, Franklin, Va. The Confidence of the Community for Over Half a Century Mi- Margaret Finch, Copper Hill, \ . Class of 1923. Finest Toilette Requisites, Drugs and Stationery Miss l.iii'y Stearnes, Roanoke, Va.. FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA Class of 1904.



Here is a store brimful of new thing! for home and person—a store dressed up for Spring—the window displays arc charming—and every employee is waiting to show you what's new.


We Serve the Best OUR SERVICE IS COMPLETE Banquets for School Organizations Our Specialty



R. W. GARNETT & CO. Leaders of Fashion IN

Ladies' Tailored Suits and Millinery FARMVILLE. VA.

"ENGLANDS" The Place for S. N. S.-Girls to Have Their Cleaning and Pressing SPECIAL PRICES


Shannon's Soda Shop and Bakery SPECIAL MUSIC FROM 4 to 6 P. M. By Mr. Hilton. Also the Delicious Drinks and the Most Satisfying Dainties to Eat We Specialize in Catering to Normal School Students




Ice Cream and Butter


"Mill IUII

The REXALL Store Agents For Eastman Kodaks



HUBARD'S Engraved School Social Stationery

School Supplies—S. N. S. Pennants—Banners Pillow Oases—Memory and Kodak Books Guod Things to Eat and Drink and Whitman Candies Agents For Parker Pens—Remington Portable


WHO'S WHO We hear a complaining voice in the hall, and immediately after hear a laugh ami we all know who it is. Tin- tall skinny member of our class who i- always worked to death but who, nevertheless, has time to Cuss and laugh about it. Surely yon recognize by now our sedate classmate— Marion Clarkson.

One can always depend On Louise Glenn On the S. G. -he worked And her duty, -he never shirked.

Can there he an exceptional nieinber in the Senior class who lias ,i warped and embittered nature, due to any past experiences at S. T. C. or elsewhere? Ah. we think not, so cheer up, Frances. We know your keen mind and deep thought lift you Harriet is one of our most versa- from the plane of trivialities and have tile seniors. In addition to being us to marvel at their fathomless musical and athletic she is something depths. of a poet and her clever write-ups have proven an asset to her class for JOKES four years. Her generosity and sincerity have won for her many friends Miss Rice—"We will take notes on who hate to see her leave. the cases."

Mis- Graham:—"Did you ever take antitoxin?" Fanny: "No, who teaches it?*'








Bessie M.—"Oh! me! wonder if she knows about me and—" Tecnce—will we ever forget the SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES way she plays Basket-ball? What will the Varsity squad do without McCorkle—"Next week, girls, we her? And the way she cut up in the SURBERiTOf^OiRVNY minstrel show was a perfect scream. will take bichloride of mercury." She is an all-round good sport and a ITOUSHH^PRWTErS SKI10NERS Senior to be proud of. Here's luck CHARLOTTESV1LLE VIRGINIA "Helen, your hat is beautiful. Where to you, Teence. did you get it?" "Over in Student Building." PRINTERS OF THE ROTUNDA During the four years that Agnes has spent among the halls of our Large aches from little o'corns grow. Come to Alma Mater, she has endeared herself —Breeze to all of us (except when she blackballs us in A. Z. D.). We dread the THE CASH & CARRY STORE thought of not having her with us Billy—"I fell last night and struck on Third Street in all of our good times next year, my head on the piano." and more than that what we shall do Willy—"Hurt yourself?" for without her talent and ready assistBilly—"Xo, luckily I hit the soft ance is as yet an unsolved problem. pedal." Good Things to Eat Why don't we put in a "M. S." course so as to keep our Seniors with us a "Hello, the club! Is my husband little longer? there? Not there, you say? But Supplies for Bacon Bats wait—I haven't even told you my Sadie {Catherine Harper (Hercules) liaille." and Picnics has remained true to her colors and "Say, lady I There ain't nobody's her class, "lo. these many years." husband here never!" was the darky's She is a faithful, steady girl and few- reply. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry people know her true worth. She is especially noted for her fast work Liz.: "Are yon sure your parents AT in the suitcase race last year, which know I'm coming home with you:" she won for the Juniors. Here's to Mary: They ought to, I've argued LYNN'S RELIABLE JEWELRY Here, we know she will be successful. with them a week about it."


This is the time to write applications for schools next year. To meet the demand for small packages of business paper suitable for this we have converted 25 sheets of Old Council Tree Bond and 2 5 envelopes, which we are making at the special price of ■

THIRTY-FIVE CENTS Come Get Them Today You Will Need them Tomorrow

THE FARMV1LLE HERALD "Printers to Particular People"


J. A. DAVIDSON Successor to Charles Bugg & Son,

Fancy Groceries. Fruits, Vegetables FARMVILLE, VA.

Are You Hungry? Go across the street to

GILLIAMS For eats of all kinds "Quality Counts"

MILLINERY All the latest and up-to-date styles always on hand

HATS FOR SCHOOL GIRLS A SPECIALTY When it comes to being in a minThe girl across the hall says classical —AT— strel or taking the part of a king while music sounds to her as though it were MRS. W. H. C REN SHAW the princess sleeps, Lucy is right always about to begin. Reasonable Prices. there with bells on. Though full of pep and ready for anything she nevThere is no one like Cupid Prompt Service on Bracelet Watches Rear Chappell Co.'s Store ertheless has the necessary amount To make a man stupid Fountain Pens and Pencils of Quality of Senior dignity. Good luck, Lucy.

Quality Millinery

Main Street


Who doesn't know Nellie's pleasant smile? Often we do not hear her approaching footsteps (she is not the noisy kind) but we turn to meet her friendly smile with a feeling of relief for we know that she's "right there with the goods," always willing to work, and plenty capable.

Duvall Motor Co.-Automobiles Trucks, Tractors and Farm Machinery CORNER THIRD AND NORTH STREETS

s T U 1F Y

weet rue nselfish unny at guess? You know!

Capital Stock

$ 50,000.00

Surplus and Profits

125.000.00 "The Old Reliable Bank"

OGDEN STUDIO School Work a Specialty



PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK FARMVILLE, VA. 4 % Interest on Savings Deposits

Amateur Work Finished

Confectioneries, Fruits, Blank Books, Stationery, School Supplites Edna Mae Wilkinson. She left yet came back to old S. T. C; even ■ place tuch as V. P. I. could not take the place of her Alma Mater.



Portraits: All Sizes and Styles "Varium et mutal.ile Ml femina" Vergil was right! There are certainly many sides to this Senior. One moment Lalla is the intellectualist, the next an E. B. Her extempore verse and gay guitar make her welcome wherever a good time is in order. She is our minstrel in a cap and gown.



Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent


FIRST NATIONAL BANK FARMVILLE, VA. Every Convenience Offered Women Depositor*

STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE JEWELRY Watches, Clocks, Diamond Rings. Class and Sorority Rings

PHONES 166 and 148

MARTIN-The Jeweler




Microfilmed by TPS Imaging Solutions 110 Vista Centre Drive, Forest, VA. (804) 385-4600





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