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Temple Beth Shalom Ribbon Cu ing
Founded in 1985, Temple Beth Shalom (TBS) in Fort Walton Beach “strives to promote the enduring and fundamental principles of Judaism and ensure the continuity of the Jewish people,” and on July 19 community leaders, the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce, and synagogue members gathered to celebrate via a ribbon cutting ceremony.

“Today we are here to celebrate 38 years of being a part of the Fort Walton Beach community,” said Gerry Gross, member, Temple eth Shalom. ffering refreshments and a reprieve from the heat, guests and members headed back inside a er the ribbon cutting. nside, erry opened the synagogue s Torah and as people gathered around, he talked about its history. Dating back to the 1 s, the scroll was rescued by the Allies in 1 and came to Temple eth Shalom via the Czech Memorial Scrolls Project.
n addition to regular in person worship services, T S also offers virtual services and has a religious school providing Hebrew instruction following customized education, exible schedules and a comprehensive curriculum.

Macy Gray in Concert

Thursday, October 12
Experience the electrifying, eclectic talent of Grammy-winning Macy Gray best known for her international hit single I Try. Don't miss Macy Gray and The California Jet Club performing hot tracks from her newest album, The Reset, featuring special guest rapper Maino. Head to the Cultural Arts Village in Destin to witness Gray's captivating vocals and soulful R&B at its finest all in support of Mattie Kelly Arts Foundation.
28th Annual Festival of the Arts

Saturday & Sunday | October 28 & 29
A celebration of art, music, food and family fun at the Cultural Arts Village in Destin. Browse original artwork by 100+ artists and enjoy artist demos, live music, food truck fare, craft beer & cocktails, kids creative station, street performers, art raffle, plus free admission, parking and shuttle service.
11th Annual Wine Walkabout

Thursday | November 9
Join us at Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Destin to savor tasting stations, visit with vintners from exclusive wineries, enjoy live music, wine pull, silent auction, raffle and more. An intimate vintner-dinner follows the Walkabout (for an additional cost).

ArtsReach provides dynamic performing and visual arts programs creatively curated for K-12 students, children and adults with special needs, and the military community along the Emerald Coast.
Help keep the Arts FUN-ded, because they won’t flourish on imagination alone.

Wine&Fries2023,poweredbyStepOne AutomotiveGroupandinpartnershipwith HotelEffieSandestin,featurestheiconic McDonald’sfrenchfries,providedbyCosta EnterprisesMcDonald's,pairedwiththe perfectwineforapartywithapurpose.

Enjoysippingwine,indulgingyourinner childwithfries,andbiddingonauction items,allinanefforttoprovideahome awayfromhomeforfamiliesstayingat RonaldMcDonaldHouse.
Friday,September22nd ticketson salenow