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People You Should Know
What is your hometown, what brought you to Pensacola, and how long have you been here?
I’m originally from Louisville KY, at age eleven my dad received orders to Corry Station, and I’m proud to have called Pensacola my home for over 37 years.
What is your profession and give a brief description of what you do.
I am a licensed REALTOR, as an agent I get the opportunity to help my clients with what is possibly the biggest and most memorable purchase they will ever make.
What led you to choose this profession?
After 26 years in retail management, the company I worked for abruptly closed. The closure allowed me to merge my passion for helping people and my love of building generational wealth through home ownership together.
What are a few of your proudest accomplishments?
One of my proudest accomplishments was being able to purchase my second home, making my personal dream of becoming a real estate investor come true.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?
This is an easy one, without hesitation, Melissa McCarthy, for sure! What do you like best about Pensacola? What makes it unique?
There are so many things I like about Pensacola but what I love the most is how friendly people are in our community. The sugary white sand truly makes Pensacola’s beach one of the top destinations in Florida.
Finish this statement; I can’t get through the day without… Laugher, life is better when you’re laughing.
What are your biggest professional challenges?
Knowing when to take a break, I take pride in helping others so it can be challenging to stop and make time for myself.
If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
I Will Survive and Thrive!
What three things do you need to be successful in this job? Compassion, Commitment, and Integrity.