Kayathlon.ie Issue2 Spring 2018 Edition

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Kayathlon.ie ISSUE #2


Your Home of Adventure Racing


Back to your adventure race quarterly mag

Into The Unknown We get the inside track to the latest Quest offering in Kenamre on page 18

COMPETITOR SPOTLIGHT Killian Heery on page 06



REDBULL FLUGTAG Do you have what it takes to complete the 7 steps?...


on page 48 And now for something completely different!

ROS RecoveryAce, Tailwind Nutrition, Bike Pedals and much more... on page 36

Ethan Newbury - Train Hard, Race Harder, Party Hardest!

Contents 06 BUCKET LIST!

Denis McMahon recaps on his trip of a lifetime to Africa's highest point, Mount Kilimanjaro

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It's like the whacky racers meets Henry Ford! And it's coming to Dublin...



A few quick words from the boss chimp

Do you have what it takes to complete the 7 steps?



See who is behind Kayathlon and what our stories are.


We caught up with reigning National Adventure Race champion


Racing etiquette for new racers and everyone for that matter


Your guide to upcoming events and more


We get the inside track to Quests newest offering


DThe First Ultra of 2018. Not for the feint of heart.







Put off by the thoughts of Kayaking. This article will put your mind at ease. Ginger Runner on music, blogs & video The Why? Ever wondered why you do endurance races...



Prepare right in the week leading up to your race DUE TO THE












From bike tyres to head lamps and Salomon trail runners Denis McMahon recaps on his trip of a lifetime to Africa's highest point,. You voted by the 1000's

The home made flying machines come to Dublin


Learn whyits so important to vary your running



A recipe that will have you licking the plate

35 27K



In total we featured 35 races in 2017 from all 4 corners of our lovely, awesome, jaw droppingly beautiful little country.

Races are on the up as are participant levels. A massive increase from last year...

letter from editor

Hi, Greg Dillon

Chief Adventure Officer (Chimp)


ello and welcome back to our brand spankin' new Adventure Racing Magazine!

Last October, we published our first ever magazine. To see if there was an appetite for it. The response we got back was mind blowing. The positive feedback was amazing. We were truly overwhelmed.

with a massive surge in races and competitor entries. We have received amazing support from the Event organizers around the country, from Ollie & the gang at Quest, Bridget from Killary GaelForce, Jonathan from Off The Bloom, Noel from DAR Dingle but to name a percentage. Thank you guys, thank you, thank you, thank you!

So, we have been working hard in the background getting our plan together for 2018, using the feedback and refining our offering to your request and suggestions.


On the 2nd of January 2017, we started our own adventure. We launched our website. www. kayathlon.ie. The primary goal was to provide a central hub for Adventure Racing information, an event guide, tips & tricks, race reviews and previews . Life is good!

The level of community friendliness and willingness to help your fellow competitor is top drawer. What can be, for some, a leap of faith, is made all that bit easier when you are met with such open arms and helpfulness.


I would like to thank the volunteers that sacrifice their free-time to be part of these great events.

In getting where we are, we have met with some truly amazing, inspiring people. It's testament to you guys that the sport is growing and growing

For anyone who has done an adventure race, you will be able to identify with what I am about to say...

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Ben from 53 Degrees North for all your support.






Kayathlon was designed by Adventure Racers for Adventure Racers...or Adventure Racers to be. We are not professional athletes. We are outdoor enthusiasts. We use this site to share our race experiences, in hope to make yours more rewarding, more fulfilling and ultimately more fun. Greg Dillon, Founder, Chief Adventure Like many now regulars, Greg stumbled across Adventure Racing by chance. 10 minutes after crossing his first finish line, he was planning his next adventure and everyone else’s around him too. Since then, there is hardly a race he hasn’t competed in from mini through to expert level and is on a crusade to spread the word about Adventure Racing to the unsuspecting public. Played every sport under the sun, representing his county at junior level. He comes from a family of national title holders in rowing & athletics, he himself is yet to podium but believes his time is near. Dream big. Padraig O'Connor, Adventure Engineer and Boundary Pusher Kerry native Padraig has been living in Dublin/Meath for past 20 years. Hanging up the GAA boots about 8 years ago, he has completed an unknown amount of races including 15 marathons across Ireland, UK and the US with a PB of 3hr 39min. Discovering Adventure Racing a few years ago was a game changer for Padraig and as a veteran of 20+ adventure races, he is always looking for a new challenge, the tougher the better! At home on both a road or mountain bike, he can be found most weekends running up or down a mountain somewhere! Big plans for the year ahead including taking part in the most extreme adventure race in Ireland ‘The Race’ and the inaugural Quest 24 event in his native Kerry.

Dave Gowan, Extreme Adventurer, Bike Nut and Endorphin Chaser

The man with the plan, MacGyver of all things bike and in-house video guru! Dave is no stranger on the pages of Kayathlon, his back story was featured in June. 2017 has been Dave’s busiest year yet with a multitude of marathons and adventure races but with “The Race” and Triple Back2Back marathons being the most notable finishes. Dave’s also guilty of cycling to Wales and back in a weekend to run the Snowdonia Trail Marathon in July! He has big plans again for 2018 with his target set on Coast2Coast and Quest24 with Gaelforce West being a firm favourite.

Ann Horan, Cycling Dynamo, Outdoor Enthusiast The newest member to the team, this inspiration little lady packs quite the adventure racing punch. Not unfamiliar with podium placing on the toughest courses, Ann has been a regular on the Adventure Racing and Duathlon scene for some years now. A member of Orwell Cycling Team, we can certainly see where she gets her ninja bike skills.



Just like an Adventure Racer, our website adapts to the terrain it is in. So, if you are on the your mobile at the top of a hill, sneaking a quick look at your next race in work, watching a bit of tv with the tablet on your lap, our site has been designed to change so you don't have to. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Join the Adventure Racing community on our Facebook, Twitter &

Instagram and keep up to date with the latest race news. SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Sign up on our site for all the latest race news & updates JOIN OUR STRAVA CLUB Nothing like a bit of friendly competition. Hook up to our Club Strava account and see how you are getting against your friends.

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One of the most popular sections we have on our blog is the competitor spotlight. We have been fortunate enough to meet and talk to participants of all levels, from beginners to race winners, hearing their stories, where they came from, what got them into Adventure Racing and what keeps them coming back for more...


illian. 2017 was definitely the year of the name Killian in the world of male endurance sports. Killian Jornet cleaned up in the Ultra running world and Killian Heery doing likewise in the Adventure Racing Series." Killian wiped the boards to claim the National Title with 5 out of 6 top podium finishes finishing with a maximum of 400 out of 400 points. Not alone that but he also picked up numerous other sporting achievement awards included "The Anglo Celt Cavan Sports Person of the Year" and "" to name a few. It was an unbelieveable season from the man from Cavan. We caught up with Killian and chatted about the season that was. WHERE DID THAT SEASON COME FROM? Killian had been following in fellow clubmans Dessie Duffy's shadow for a couple of years. He explained, he adjusted his training methods. He had been training for duathlons and shorter races in the past and when he got into the latter end of any longer adventure race, he was literally running out of gas. So he put in a mammouth effort to get up to speed with the rest of Cavan Kayakarun crew. "I found them a great bench mark and group to train with". Micky Fitz and the rest are so enthusiastic that it was hard not too keep the interest levels up. They are doing massive work behind the scenes with loads of new talent coming up to keep the likes of myself pushing and on my toes". What got you into Adventure racing? I was doing a lot of duathlons and it seemed like a natural progression.



IN THE FINAL STRETCH First home at Westport Sea2Summit 2017

HOW MANY RACES HAVE YOU DONE? Dozens at this stage. I do as many as the body allows. FAVORITE RACE? They are all great but I like Quest Killarney. The run to Kearneys, the way the different lengths of each section pans out and the scenery is great but so are the vast majority of races now. IF YOU COULD DESIGN YOUR OWN COURSE/ RACE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Perhaps something like Killarney. The course would be about 4 hours or so. Plenty of good cycles and a decent mountain run. I like a good variation. I have signd up for Quest 12 in August so that will be interesting doing something of that distance.

WINNERS ENCLOSURE Picture here receiving his award for Anglo-Celt Sports Star of the Year 2017.

OF THE 3 DISCIPLINES, KAYAKING, CYCLING & RUNNING, WHICH WOULD BE YOUR STRONGEST? It would probably be cycling but it really depends on the race. RUNNER OF CHOICE? Salomom Speedcross 4 DO YOU USE GELS? Depends on the course and duration but usually 2 gels. I also carry a small bottle of water and a bottle

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of mix usually Power Bar Tablets or something like that. BIKE OF CHOICE? Trek - It's a softer bike for Adventure Races DMC also GPS WATCH? DO YOU USE ONE? IF SO, WHAT? Garmin WEEK BEFORE A RACE...WHAT DO YOU DO? I’ll train with the rest of the Cavan Kayakarun gang up in Loughalane - Ballybur Co. Cavan. Usually a spin of Tuesday & Thursday. And a run on Wednesday up around the old pitch & put. MORNING OF A RACE...WHAT DO YOU DO? I bring my own porridge, Cavan milk and Cavan eggs. Usually have 2 eggs...scrambled. But they have to be Cavan. ANY RACE SUPERSTITIONS? Yes. A few. Cavan breakfast. And don't like talking about how i will do before the race. Do want to jynx it. POST RACE...DO YOU SPOIL YOURSELF? Steak and spuds. A good feed of some sort anyway. MOST BEAUTIFUL RACE SCENERY? All the races are great. It would be hard to pick just

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Y one out. ADVICE FOR BEGINNERS? Enjoy it! If it's your first time. Don't take it too serious. There is plenty of time for that. But do some training for it. It will make it a better experience on the day. Stop and take it in some the views too. It's easy to keep the head down and forget about the scenery around you. WHAT THE PLANS FOR THE YEAR? Just back from a cycle trip to Spain with the Cavan Kayakarun crew. Possibly do a few bike races early in the year and then come back to defend if possible. But we will see how the year pans out.

TOP OF THEIR CLASS Killian leading clubmate Dessie Duffy. Pictured here at Quest Killarney 2017

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Adventure Race Ettiquette Guide


Do's & Don'ts of Adventure Racing The essential race etiquette guide for newbies & everyone for that matter :)

OK so, without trying to sound like a school teacher standing over your desk waving a ruler at you because the dog ate your homework... again, it's sometimes easy to get caught up in the excitement of racing and forget that there are certain rules that need to be adhered to. So, even though some of these might seem obvious, no harm in a quick recap. 1. DUMPING The vast majority of races need to be cleared with county councils, boards of management and heaven knows what else. If a race is left with gel rappers and protein bar packets, the race will NOT be allowed back the following year. Please look after your stuff and pick up anything you Kayathlon.ie | 10

see on the route. There will be bins at the next transition. 2. RESECT THE ENVIRONMENT Channelling my inner hippy here. The way I look at it is, we are borrowing wildlifes world for a couple of hours for a race. Let's give it back to the animals, the way they gave it to us. Respect the environment. 3. GET OUT OF THE WAY! Who ever is coming downhill has the right of way! If you see someone thundering down a mountain at you...It's easier for you to step aside and let them pass if space is at a premium.

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Adventure Race Ettiquette Guide

4. EARPHONES You will see in most adventure race rules & guidelines, ear phones are not allowed. Understandably, you might get away with them on non-technical runs, but the tougher terrains, its highly advised to turn them off. On the bike, forget about it. The races are on unrestricted roads where some cyclists will be going at breakneck speeds and you just will not be aware of them as they fly from behind. 5. STOP! HELP! If you come across someone pulled over on the side of the road, ask them are they ok. It will only take a split second. In the AR community, the helpfulness of competitors is a thing of legend. It could be you one day. 6. DONT BE A DICK! Ok, maybe that is a little harsh. But just because you broke land speed record, doesn't mean how the guy beside you did was crap. No two racers and races are the same. The joy of finding out what you are physically and mentally capable of cannot be quantified. Everyone has to start somewhere. If you asked any racer if they could have ever pictured themselves running and cycling and kayaking all in the one outing...the likelihood they would say no. 7. TELL THE WORLD Tell the world! You have worked your ass off to get over the finish line, why not tell the world about it! Who knows you might get your friends to joing you on your next adventure. 8. PARTY Party! Much like the point above, time to drink, eat and be celebrate your accomplishment ell the world! You have worked your ass off to get over the finish line, why not tell the world about it! Who knows you might get your friends to joing you on your next adventure. 9. COMMIT SIgn up to your next race as soon as you can. 10. ENJOY IT Make sure to stop every once in a while and take in some views. Especially the top of the tall peak you have just climbed. Don't let the race go by. There will be plenty of time to wear your medal with pride later.

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Event Guide

There is a race for everyone no matter what level you are at... ...with 35 races to choose from, from all over the country, running from February all the way through to November Sign up today!

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One StopShop ...for all your race information ONE OF OUR most popular features on our site is the Event Calendar. In the couple of years, the adventure racing scene in Ireland has exploded seeing up to 35 events being run nationwide without over 27000 entries. And these numbers are growing.

and also a new registration links too .

You will find a comprehensive & up to date listing of all your favorite races the moment they are announced along with course maps, wave breakdowns

Make sure you are following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where you can keep informed about competitions and giveaways.

REGULAR FREE ENTRY DRAWS To date we have given away dozens of free entries to races spanning the four corners of this awesome country of ours.

Your Essential Guide to Irish Adventure Racing FULL LISTING

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Upcoming Events( in 2018. Quest Kenmare Date: Mar 10th There is always a buzz when there is a new race announced. And this one is no different having sold out 2 months before race day. • • •

29K - Challenge 50K - Sport 65K - Expert

Race info...

Shore 2 Summit Date: Apr 7th The routes are a mass of stunning scenery, dotted with historical landmarks, beautiful lakes and enduring climbs. While Extreme North take no credit for the fantastic natural routes, other than identifying them, the perfect balance of adventure, endurance, hospitality and care... • 22K - Mini • 41K - Sprint Race info... • 62K - Ultra

...lots more new events to be announced, to stay up to date with all the latest Even Kayathlon.ie | 16

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(March-April) Quest - Glendalough Date: Apr 21st Winner of the coveted Outsider Magazine Adventure Race of the Year in 2017, Quests second offering of the season is one not to be missed in the beautiful surrounding of Glendalough. With 3 routes to choose from, there is definitely a route to challenge you. But don't hang around, this race usually books up wellin advance. • 19k - Mini • 57k - Expert Race info... • 41K - Sport

The Race - Donegal Date: Apr 13-15th The first Ultra Adventure race of the Year will bring you on a 250K 24hour race around some of the toughest terrains Ireland has to offer. The race had to be rescheduled due to storm Emma and the extreme snow conditions. • •

15K - Spirit 24.1K - Full

Race info...

so make sure to follow us on Facebook nt announcements.... Your Home of Adventure Racing

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O THE UNKNOWN Quest Ireland have certainly been busy over the winter period announcing a new race in Kenmare on Saturday 10th March 2018


sually when there is a race on the horizon, one of our motley crew has done it. Someone to tell us what to expect. But when a brand new race is announced, it gets the imagination going. What do we know about the area? How will the race break down? Will there be a big turnout. Way back in October, Quest announced a couple of new races. The Ultra Races Quest 12/24 in August and this one, Quest Kenmare. March's usual offering Quest Killarney took the hit and in it's place was Kenamre. Reasonable, considering you will have the opportunity to do Killarney in October anyway.

We spoke to Quest Director Ollie Kirwan, to give us a little more info on it. So here goes. Quest Kenmare is the newest event in the Quest Adventure Series and is shaping up to be an exciting adventure through hidden valleys, majestic waterfalls and tough climbs around Kenmare and the Beara Peninsula. The vibe and atmosphere of Kenmare makes it a perfect location for Quest. What’s even better is that it finishes right smack bang in the middle of the town.

Recently speaking to one of the Mallow boys after Gaelforce Dublin about what's is next on his calendar, he said "Kenmare". With not even a breath drawn, I asked about the course, knowing that a few of the Mallow crew had recced the course or at least some of it. One bit of advice he uttered in his thick Cork accent, "Save your batteries for the second cycle, t'is cruel boy". That kind of got me exciting and nervous, considering Gaelforce Dublin had just knocked lumps out of the pair of us on the cycle. So what do we know? The race is in it's first year. It sold out 2 months ago. And the second cycle on the long route is a %$ÂŁ%.



INTO THE UNKNOW QUEST KENMARE Kenmare is a foodie’s paradise and has kayak section is from Kenmare pier in plenty of good pubs in which to brag about double sit-on-tops with back rests. It’s a your achievements late into the night. short run around a little forest peninsula in Kenmare bay and back down Henry The event is hotly anticipated and has been Street (the main street in Kenmare) to the sold-out since January and for those lucky finish line back in the square, to collect enough to get on the starting list it will not your medal and enjoy some hot food, hot disappoint. Below is the low down on the tubs and a cold beer in the many pubs and routes, tips, advice and of course the best restaurants in the centre of town. places to celebrate in after the event. The team at Quest has devised three cracking TIPS: routes which are sure to be a stern test, • Flat pedals / cages with trail runners. early on in the season. • To avoid the cut off times on the 67KM EXPERT ROUTE first cycle you need to be cycling at 20km Starting at the Square in Kenmare town, per hour. the first cycle leg is 20km of which 14km You won’t be sent home if you miss is flat, good quality surface road with the • last 6km consisting of rolling climbs up the cut-off times you will just have to walk into Gleninchaquin Park on secondary the last 2km section of the stage one cycle. road surface. https://www.komoot.com/ • If you are at the top end of the field tour/27168315 that there is a small chance that you will be The bike drop is in the field just before the cycling against other cyclists for 1km on main car park and then it’s on to a 6km loop stage 3 cycle, please keep to the left-hand up around a stunning hidden waterfall. side of the road. It’s a short climb that will get the lungs • Its going to be a fast course which well opened-up. https://www.strava.com/ is best suited to the cyclist. activities/1394509853 • All roads are open to traffic but will After the mountain run it’s on to the bike be limited to local traffic only. again for the last cycle leg up through what locals call Dromuchty. When Quest 50KM SPORT ROUTE were setting the course people who knew the area said ‘you’re not bringing them Stages 1,2,4,5 & 6 are the same as the up there are you?’, to which they were Expert route. The only difference is the told ‘Sure, it’s an adventure race, they’ll stage 3 cycle does not include the lovely be grand’. It’s a tough cycle with approx. 17% incline up Dromuchty. 1km of 17% incline. This is steeper than 29KM CHALLENGE ROUTE any of the other cycle routes on the Quest races. The road is rough with grass in the Starting at the Square in Kenmare town middle of the road there are and some hair the first cycle leg is 10km out to Bonane pin bends to navigate on this steep ascent. Heritage Park. Most likely about 90% of people will have to walk this section but it’s then on to a This is on average quality, secondary roads fast spin back to Kenmare for the final two with a couple of short hills. https://www. strava.com/activities/1401938391 legs. Bike drop is just over the bridge in Kenmare The bike drop is in the car park of the and a short 600m run to the kayaks. The Bonane Heritage Park and it’s a quick,

WN... steep start to the run around the park. You must complete 2 loops of the park passing by fairy forts, ring forts and ancient lunar stone arrangements that are older than the Pyramids in Egypt. It’s on a good gravel trail all the way around. Back on the bike again for the last cycle leg back into Kenmare. Some fast-downhill sections on open roads. The kayak and final run is the same as the other two routes as is the finish in Kenmare. TIPS: •

Flat pedals / cages with runners on the bike, no need for clip on cycling shoes

Trail runners not essential but recommended.

Watch out for the fairies in Bonane Heritage Park, don’t be caught there after dark.

• Take the back seat on the double sit on top kayaks if you want to sit back and enjoy the stunning back drop of Kenmare Bay! We usually rate a course but as of yet this course has yet to be tested. We, along with 1300+ fellow competitors can't wait to get stuck into this race. We are hoping for a classic event. One that in years to come, can proudly say, we were at the first ever running of it. Only time will tell, roll on the 10th March! Keep an eye out for our post race preview on our blog where we will proudly be displaying one of these beauties below. The first of 6 Quest Races for the year.


The first Ultra Adventure Race of the year. An unsupported charity endurace race that brings you across the rugged landscape of North West Donegal. To complete it you must kayak 15km, 166km of cycling, 5km of mountain running and 64kim of road and trail running. That's 250KM in 24 hours. Not for the faint hearted. To give you an idea of the severity of the cycle, there is an annual ironman in Lanzarote that is regarded as the toughest cycle (180km) in Europe ironmans. There are more inclines in the first 100k of The Race than the whole ironman. Picture then another 150K on top of that taking in mountains and a full marathon on road and trails at the end. A breakdown of the course is; •

Stage 1: Run (22km) Gartan Adventure Center to Ramelton

Stage 2: Kayak (15km) Ramelton to Rathmullan

Stage 3: Cycle (96km) Rathmullen to Muckish Mountain

Stage 4: Run (5km) Run/Walk/ Scramble up and down Muckish Mountain

Stage 5: Cycle (68km) Muckish Mountain to Glenveigh National Park

Stage 6: Run (42km) Towards Gartan Adventure Centre along the paths and trails of Glenveagh National Park

This year the race had to be postponed from March 3rd to April 13th due to the untimely arrival of the snow and Storm Emma that put Ireland on hold for the best part of a week. Kayathlon's endurance kingpin Dave Gowan failed on his first attempt to

NEGAL 13th-15th APR'18 complete it in 2016 but got the better of it in 2017. The failure rate is quite high. This year circa 95 finely tuned athletes will take the challenge. Our very Padraig O'Connor being one. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of training these guys have put in. Their progress can be tracked live with an great online tracking tool. We are sure it will be an amazing experience and we wish all competitors the very best of luck!


NO NEED TO BE AFRAID I was recently approached by the awesome crew at Quest Adventure Series to blog about kayaking. It was supposed to be a follow on from a beginners guide to kayaking to the more technical stuff. But unless you are a serious racer, the basics are all you need to get you on the water.

OK, let’s face it though, the Irish water is damn cold and the thoughts of falling into it is, well frankly off putting. But usually by the time you are at the kayak stage, your core body temperature will be well above normal and the thoughts of a nice cool dip, will actually become more appealing.


Kayaking is an incredibly easy sport to pick up. 20 seconds in and you will be motoring. And all kayaking equipment is supplied by Quest. So, you are sorted!

More times than not, when I describe what Adventure Racing (AR) is and the differences between it and triathlons, the first thing that will be said is…sure I can hardly swim, never mind kayak… or sure I have never kayaked before or I don’t own a kayak. Well let me break these usual retorts down. You do not need to know how to swim to kayak. That is the very beauty of it. I have been AR racing for some time now and out of the 50K+ plus competitors I have seen, I can honestly count on one hand, the amount people who fell into the water. These Kayaks are specially designed to keep you afloat. And by the off chance you do fall in, you are wearing a life jacket that could keep a bull elephant afloat.

If you ask, and you should, anyone who has ever done an AR, they will most likely say the Kayak stage is their favorite. It is great craic and besides it gives your legs a well earning rest.


Also, what should be noted is that despite the frantic splashing at the transition, there is an amazing calmness and serenity on the water once you get going. The lakes and waterways that are used are breath-taking, from the Lakes of Killarney to Glendalough, You will have to travel far and wide to top those views. So, get going. Get kayaking…I guarantee you will LOVE IT!



If it's your first time, hop on the front of the kayak. The more experienced kayaker sits to the rear and he/she will be able to steer the kayak and give you pointers if needed along the way.

As already mentioned over and over, there is no need to be afra Each race will have several hun lifeguards(kind of) on duty in bo in the case you fall overboard o get into trouble.



aid. nky oats or

It's Fun Fun Fun!!! A recent survey proclaimed that the kayak section was the favorite section of the course. So what are you waiting for! Get Paddling!



It's hard to imagine amongst all the excitement of Adventure Racing...that there is a calm. But there is, once you get into your rhythm, you will love this section of the course and wish it wouldn't end.

It's Ireland. There are none!



E E R F S 'I T . . . E R U S N A ! W C I A GO' R C LD U A F O T I B A & T'IS





BRICK TRAINING A so-called “brick” consists of a full bike workout followed immediately by a full run workout; in other words, it's a session in which each part could stand alone as a complete workout. A transition run is a short run—usually 10 to 20 minutes—after a full bike ride

AMOUNGST THE EVERGREENS | The Cascade Crest 100 Relive Ginger Runners first ever 100 miler, the highs, the lows, what it took to finish his first ever Ultra Race.


inger Runner aka Ethan Newberry. Train hard, Race Harder, Party Hardest. This is the mantra the Ginger Runner lives by. What's not to like about this guy. Ethan has been blogging on endurance, in an attempt to inspire and educate the average joe in endurance sports. To prove, that having faith in yourself and your ability, you can achieve anything. So why do we love this guy so much. REASON 1: Train hard, Race Harder, Party Hardest. This is his mantra. What is not to like! Like Kayathlon, he believes in training hard, racing harder and yes, celebrating all your accomplishments the hardest...

Kayathlon.ie | 28

Dammit you have earned it! REASON 2: Ginger Runner Live. Every Monday, Ginger Runner and his wife, Kim Teshima, host live video casts with some of the worlds top endurance athletes and everything in between. It's great to find out what drives these guys to make them as good as they are. They also just hit the 100k subscribers marker! Nice REASON 3: Gear Reviews. Non partial, honest and no BS. For enduarnce athletes, We highly recommend checking them out. REASON 4:

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R RUNNER YouTube Docs. His insitue documentaries have covered some of the worlds toughest ultra marathans including. Leadville 100, Western States 100, The Casecade 100. They are cleaverly documented, filmed and will keep you interested all the way to the end. A typical comment left from any of his videos... "Ginger Runner, you're amazing. Not only did you finish 100 miles and conquer demons but you also shared your experience that so many people can relate too. What you're doing is inspirational and awesome to follow." Do yourself a favour and watch one.

Ginger RunnerVirtualRace

An annual running race


REASON 5: If this guy isn't talented enough, he is also an amazing musician. Whilst watching one of his affore mentioned documentaries, I really loved the audio tracks used in them. Only to discover he composed them himself.

2 HOURS. That's the time you have to complete your runs 8th October was the date of 2017 race. You must register online to be part of the event. Videos must be taken and sent to Ginger Runner.

MOST DISTANCE, MOST ELEVATION are among the categories you can win prizes

MOST DOUGHNUTS: Yes you read that correctly. There is a prize for the most doughnuts consummed whilst racing within the 2 hour window. Challenge accepted!

He currently has 2 albums 'Grinds' released in 2014 featuring the epic 'Bixby" and "Mountain of Phlem' and 'Canterbury' released in 2016 featuring the track "Tall Trees, Tough Trails". Both of which are available to listen on Spotify. These are really great musical companions when you're off giving the hills a bashing. To best discribe them, they have that sort of 80's techno, borderline 'Stranger Things' that will keep you pumped along your trail run. Ethan informs us, he has plans this year to work on new material. Really cannot wait for those. REASON 6: Being a ginger...there has got to be Irish blood in there somewhere!

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Time To Put Your Feet Up






ne of the most popular questions I get about adventure racing is WHY? Why do I do it. Each time about 10 different answers pop into my mind. To answer such a question with just one single answer, well I just can't. You can understand from someone who has never done a race, or never heard of Adventure Racing, not being able to get their heads around it. Especially when they hear the distances. They hear you are togging out for a 67k race taking in a summit that kisses the underbelly of the clouds. You can kind of see their "uninformed" point.

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"Make friends with pain and you will never be alone". The words of The Leadville 100 Founder Ken Chlouber. These words are on the opener on screen narritive of the Documentary by Ultra Runner & film maker, Billy Yang called "The Why" Billy Yang, ultra runner, documentary maker, and all around good guy gets his head around why he does ultra marathon races. 100 milers across some of the toughest terrains all over the world. In this beautifully filmed documentary, he goes into the very essence of the question. Your Home of Adventure Racing



I believe what he reflects upon, holds a lot of resonance to why I/we do Adventure Races. Billy brings us through a journey, the highs, the lows, the thought process behind it. Something every endurance racer will experience at some time or another. Without turning this review into a total spoiler, I urge you to watch this. It could possibly answer some of your own questions and those who sit outside the evergrowing community of adventure racers.



xciting News! Current Ladies National Adventure Expert Race Champion Moire O'Sullivan has only gone and wrote a bookit. Bump, Bike & Baby.

Book launch on March 14th in Hodges Figgis at 6pm. If you want to go, please RSVP sue@ sandstonepress.com.

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Not to be missed

TheBlackStair 3 STEPS | 5 STEPS | 7 STEPS


he Blackstairs Adventure Race. 3 steps, 5 steps, 7 steps. This what they call the different routes. And as the names suggest, the bigger the step count, the tougher the challenge. That's 26.5k, 46.5k, 66.5k respectively. The race itself has been relatively small in comparison to some of the others on the race calendar in entrant levels but it certainly doesn't fall short in the challenge stakes.

seasoned adventure racer through their paces. The second cycle is a draining one with long dragged out hill climbs over 25k. A cycle you have to face after a 10.5k mountain run (300m+ incline), 9k cycle and leg stiffening 3k

kayak on the Barrow River. To be followed by another mountain run of 6k through fields, ferns and fences and as the organizers, gleefully describe "A sprint cycle of 11k", to finish off with a 1k run to the finish line.

WE ARE GOING TO HONE IN ON THE 7 STEPS. With a total combined run just shy 20k, a kayak of 3k, a combined cycle of 45k, it will definitely put the most Kayathlon.ie | 32

Your Home of Adventure Racing

6th May 2018


rs AR

The initial run for the first 4-5k is good and fast along road, then fireroad climb. Now this is where it all begins. You will come to a fance at a field, It is not marked out from here, you must decide on the line to take. Go left or go right. A little local knowledge can be of great benefit here. Another great example of why you should chat to those fellow competitors who have done the race before.

EVEN MOTHER NATURE GOT IN ON THE ACT The very essence of AR racing is to push yourself out of your comfort zone. In 2017, mother nature got in on the act. The rain and fog got so bad, Marshalls had to line up their Quad bikes with Your Home of Adventure Racing

3STEPS B o h e r e e n R u n , W o o d Tr a i l & M o u n t a i n R u n11 k m 15 k m C yc l e – r e l a tive l y f l a t Run to finish line .5km


B o h e r e e n R u n , Wo o d Tr a i l & M o u n t a i n R u n 10 . 5 k Cycle 9km 3km Kayak 23km Cycle Ru n to f inish line 1k m


B o h e r e e n R u n , Wo o d Tr a i l & M o u n t a i n R u n 10 . 5 k Cycle 9km 3km Kayak 25km Cycle Blackstairs Mountain Run 6km S p r i n t c y c l e 11 k m Ru n to f inish line 1k m

the headlamps on, so to improve visibility. Now obviously this route is designed for the more seasoned competitor. There are also 2 other routes to challenge you depending on your experience and level. If the 7 steps seem a stretch too far, Why not try out one of the other routes. We, the Kayathlon team will be there in force, to take the test. Hopefully see you there.

CLICK FOR MORE INFO. Kayathlon.ie | 33

Race Week Carb Loading?

One of the more common questions we receive is on “Carb Loading” and do I need to carb load and if so how much? So, before I answer that, let's see why we need Carbs at all… WHY WE NEED CARBS?


Carbohydrates are sugars and starches that fuel our bodies, much like petrol fuels your car. Each gram of carb contains 4 calories worth of fuel. The human body stores this fuel as glycogen in both our muscles and liver. These glycogen reserves are relied upon to stabilize blood sugars and allow optimal muscle function. Runners who can balance out 45-65% carbs per meal will store up to 2 carbs per pound of muscle tissue and an additional 100-125 grams within the liver. This amount will keep a runner going for up to 2 hours at a moderate intensity, make the consumption of additional carbs necessary for races lasting longer in an effort to avoid muscle depletion, consequent dizziness (aka Boking) and profound muscle fatigue (aka the wall).

Aim for about 100-150 grams of easy to digest carbs in the 2-3 hours leading up to the race, Be sure to about an hour digestion time for every 200-300 calories consumed. A sample pre-race meal to be consumed in the 2- 3 hours leading up to race start would be a plain bagel topped with a smear of peanut butter and honey plus 20-24 ounces of sports drink.

RACE WEEK rIn the week leading up to your race (if its over the 3 hour marker), you will need to start “carb loading”. You will need to consume 4-5 grams of easy to digest (low fibre) carbs per pound of lean body mass each day up to the 72 hour marker. Such easy to digest carbs might be bananas, plain bagels, white rice, potato, rice based cereals, sports drinks and energy bars. A single-day or 48-hour carb-loading protocol may be effective for shorter races, especially if the athlete is training through the race meaning no reduction in training volume is being implemented pre-race.

Kayathlon.ie | 34

DURING RACE Aim for approximately 25-33% your body weight in grams each hour of racing beyond 45 mins. E.g. 180lb racer should look at consuming 45-60 grams of carbs each hour of racing. To maximize carb absorption into the muscles and extend your endurance, choose products whose ingredients list include multiple types of carbs. e.g. glucose/dextrose, sucrose, maltodextrin and fructose. These are commonly found in energy gels, energy bars, sports drinks and energy chews.

AFTER RACE Aim for 50-100 grams of carb, preferably in liquid form to promote quicker re-hydration.

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Gear Review








o clip or not to clip…. That is indeed the question. There’s no doubt that I’m opening a can of worms here and I’m sure both sides will argue the toss.

Those of with any sort of cycling background know the added benefit of clipless pedals, the kind that you ironically “clip” into. The obvious benefit being that you can both push and pull on the pedals. This is exceptionally helpful when the going gets tough and you’re facing up a steep climb. BUT DOES IT HELP OR HINDER US ADVENTURE RACERS? Our triathlete cousins have, for the most part, their transitions down to a fine art. After all the transition can make or break your race! That said though, they only need to transition once to a run. They can have their gear all nicely lined out and ready to go. That’s generally not the case for us. In most, if not all the adventure races I’ve taken part in you’re transitioning from the bike to run or vice versa multiple times. So in that instance are clipless pedals really going to give you any advantage given that you’re going to have to carry your runners while on the bike not to mention change them

Kayathlon.ie | 36


in transition. Personally I don’t run clipless for adventure racing despite the fact that I’d never leave the house on my road bike without my cycling shoes. I see clipless pedals as too much of a hindrance for adventure racing though. The less I’ve to carry the better! If, like me, you go down the route of not wearing clipless shoes you have a multitude of options. From flat pedals like usually found on mountain bikes to traditional pedals with toe clips and straps or the best of both worlds with a combination of both.


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Gear Review



e regularly receive queries about race day nutrition. What's the best, what should to avoid. So we got on the case.


Adventure racing takes more than just rocking up on the day and expecting some miracle juice to get you around the course. It starts when you sign up and put your trainers on. We looked at a lot of different nutrition supplements from carbohydrate to protein to recovery formulas.

Before we go any further, we must explain, we are not nutritionalist, doctors or scientists. We are Adventure Racers. We train with as much information as we can find out about a particular supplement before taking it and are reporting our findings. We are all different and what works for us may not necessarily work for you. We looked at ROS Nutrition as they have been regularly spotted on the Adventure Race circuit. They have a massive range of sports supplements. We hand picked what we thought would benefit endurance athletes and came back with some surprising results.


This recovery formula is excellent. For optimal performance it needs to be taken straight after workout. It rapidly provides digestible carbs and protein to replenish muscle carbohydrates stores aka glycogen to help damaged muscles. If you are accustomed to hard training sessions in quick succession i.e. 24hrs between sessions, then this stuff is a serious step in the right direction. It will aide your muscles to get back to optimal performance for your next outing. THE PROS DIGESTION: It's easy on the tummy TASTE: Non offensive THE CONS Dissolvibilty: Did leave some residue in mixer. Packaging: Scoop does not have a measurement on it. Intake Instructions could probably be highlighted better on packaging. RRP â‚Ź34.99 Recommended? ABSOLUTELY

Kayathlon.ie | 38


9/10 Your Home of Adventure Racing




If you are one of those who train late in the evenings, you might find it difficult to get a good nights sleep as your mind seems like it's still out on the trails. ZMA provides you Zinc, Magnesium & Vitamin B6 and helps restore your bodies natural balance and metabolic rate. In doing so, will assist you with getting a complete nights rest while your body restores you for another day of madness. PROs: All of the above CONS: Tablets are quite large in size


One of the biggest issues faced by endurance athletes are that of stomach cramping when taking onboard energy gels, bars etc. It can literally stop you in your tracks. The reason a lot of these energy gels do this is because of the type of salts that are supply are not working in tandem with your gut. Research indicates that Tailwind does. So we put it to the test. As a stomach bomber, I have always been on the receiving end of cramps. But since using Tailwind, they have stopped. I have used them over short sesssions and also over 6 hour sessions. I tested out the Mandorin Orange and the Caffeinated Green Tea flavour. No issue with either. The flavours were subtle and easy to go down, even after the toughest of climbs. THE PROS DIGESTION: It's easy on the tummy even after the most stomach churning session. No gut bombs TASTE: Light and non offensive Dissolvibilty: Excellent. Fine powder that dissolves with no trace with a couple of shakes. THE CONS Packaging: Can be a little finicky but I hear they are working hard to improve it. Single sticks are a handy companion. RRP â‚Ź40.00 (50 servings) Recommended? YES

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Mount Kilimanjaro Journey to the roof of Africa


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For most of us, this is on the bucket list. Good friend of Kayathlon, Denis McMahon took on the challenge of a lifetime and climbed Kilimanjaro…

In September of last year I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania with Dublin Adventure Company Earths Edge. It started out as a floated idea by my sister as we chatted over a good few glasses of wine, on how she would love to both go to Africa and climb the worlds largest highest standing mountain, and one of the seven summits. Before long and before I had a chance to fully think about the notion of attempting such a thing, my sister had started to book….no turning back. Looking back on it now, it was one of the most amazing experiences and achievements of my life and something I would recommend to anyone who’s interested in hiking or climbing mountains in Ireland, and are looking to take that next step onto something a little more challenging and a little more out of your comfort zone. Altogether it’s about a 12 day trip although this may depend on who you plan the trip with. There are a couple of days travelling, and one or two days to set up and wind down on either end of the climb. The climb itself is 7 days on the mountain. The climb can be done over a shorter period of time, but the 7 day climb maximises thve potential to reach the summit as you are given more time to acclimatise to the altitude changes. Living on the mountain for 7 days ain’t no picnic, you are starting early in the mornings, getting a good big breakfast into you and climbing for 5 – 7 hours most days. You stop and have lunch along the way and will get into camp each evening in time to get your tent sorted, and then in for the evening meal. Then it’s early to bed in order to get plenty of rest in

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for the next day. The food on the mountain is great, and I cannot say enough good words about the porters who work on guiding you through the climb, and preparing food every day. Lots of warm stews, pasta, and potato dishes in the evening to give you the sustenance needed for the climbs, and then plenty of eggs and porridge in the mornings to get you energized and get some warmth into you for the colder weather as you ascend. It’s recommended also to bring your own snacks to have during the day as you climb. A little sugar kick every now and then is a very welcome boost when you feel the hard slog coming on. Also it goes without saying, that water each day is vitally important to make sure you stay hydrated. 2 – 3 litres of water should be consumed per person per day. Hydration packs are good, but I find when you get to altititude they use up a lot of your breath and energy, and also have a tendency to freeze over the closer you get to the summit, so I preferred to have a couple of 1 litre nalgines.

Kayathlon.ie | 41

5895M UP Weather wise it ranges from the first days hike through the rainforest which is extremely warm and muggy, to much colder temperatures as you ascend more on the following days, so a mix of gear is needed, but as you get to the top of the mountain you will need all warm gear, a proper down jacket, heavy gloves, and waterproofs too in case. We had one torrential downpour on the third day of the trip and waterproof trousers and jackets were a must. The terrain again varies based on where you are on the climb, but it’s all pretty breathtaking, you start off in a rainforest, and you can actually see plenty of wildlife at this stage (monkeys, exotic birds and plants) but after the first day and you emerge from the rainforest, the vegetation becomes sparser and sparser. The views however become more and more amazing the higher you get, and the summit views are out of this world, a mix between barren desert like craters, to the huge ice caps which apparently will not be around for much longer, another reason to get a trip in sooner rather than later. Most of your preperation througout the trip is leading up to the final summit night, where you will be climbing for a longer 14 hour period. At this stage you are naturally already pretty wrecked from all the previous days climbing so it’s important you’ve taken care of yourself up to this point, eaten as much food over the previous days as you can, not always easy as your stomach can become queasier the higher you go. On summit night you are woken around midnight to start the attempt on the summit, you will get some food, and then set off with all your warm gear on and headlamps attached.

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<< B U C K E T L I S T >>

Bear in mind you are starting to the summit already as about 4’800 metres so altitude has already well and truly kicked in. I’ll be honest it was a really tough and grueling climb, each individual step leaves you pretty breathless, and you moved forward at a snail’s pace and also in the dark save for the headtorches. It’s really a case of keeping your head together to make it through the summit attempt. I’ll be honest after about 4 or 5 hours I was totally deflated. But then the sun comes up, and it’s one of the most amazing sun rises you are going to see, it gives you a massive boost, no joke, and re-invigorates you to carry on up to Stella point where you then take a short break before moving onto the summit. After some tea and snacks, you continue for the summit. The adrenaline rush I experienced upon reaching the summit at Uhuru peak is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Despite all the gruelling climb to date and especially that summit night, it's all forgotten, the enormous sense of achievement hits home, and you have such a great respect for the other people who achieved this with you as well. Once on summit we relaxed, took it all in, got some photos at the famous summit sign, and of the amazing glaciers all around. There are lots of other groups who have summited also and you share a immense sense of connectivity with each group, everyone smiling and congratulating each other. After that though, what goes up must come down. And the descent from the summit is no piece of cake. It’s a steepish descent and at this stage you are absolutely wrecked and just want the inside of your sleeping bag. Once you get back down the summit camp again it’s some food and a short rest Your Home of Adventure Racing

before, another hike down to a further camp. At this stage and on this night everything catches up with you, I think that night I skipped dinner and went straight to sleep for 14 hours straight. Apparently the porters were having a huge party outside our tent and I slept through, that’s how exhausted you are. The following day then you descend through the rainforest again and to the main gate, and back to some pampered accomodation. It was amazing trip, as I said I would really recommend Kilimanjaro to anyone looking to look for that next challenge mountain wise. And I would recommend Earths Edge to anyone thinking of doing it, they were amazing every step of the way. And of course Africa and the people were amazing. A huge thanks to my sister in helping organize and all the crew we climbed with, a really great bunch. I hope I’ll be back again some day for round 2, possibly a different route up the mountain or possibly another mountain in Africa, anyone who decides to do it I wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy it as much as I did…..Hakuna Matata! Your Home of Adventure Racing

Kayathlon.ie | 43

AR MEDAL OF TH I sat down at the end of the

a competition.

season and looked at my medals, reflecting on the year that was.

We set in motion an online poll for

The highs, the lows, the great

the Best Adventure Race Medal of

races and weekends. Then my


competitive side, not content with the bounty of silver that lay in front It became instantly apparent that of me, wondered what my favorite

we were not the only ones with an

medal was. Within 10 minutes,

opinion on the matter. The votes

I had organized a meeting with

came in by the 1000 load. It was

the rest of the kayathlon gang.

a tightly contested poll and in


the end, there could only be one

we knew it, there was a sea of


medals lying on the floor. Time for

Kayathlon.ie | 44

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HE YEAR '17 WAAR.ie Adventure Race took top honours with this beauty. Well done to all involved. We can't wait to see what 2018 holds for us.

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Red Bull Flugtag will return to Irish shores this summer. Taking flight from Dún Laoghaire Harbour on Sunday, 20th May, the event will see over 50 teams attempt to push the limits of human flight, as they launch their handcrafted flying machines in front of over 40,000 spectators.

on three criteria: flight distance, creativity of the craft, and showmanship. These criteria have inspired flying tacos, prehistoric pterodactyls, and even Snoopy and the gang to grace the Flugtag flight decks!

Red Bull Flugtag challenges the brave and brainy to design, build and pilot homemade flying machines off a 9-metre high flight deck, in the hope of soaring into the wild blue yonder…or more often, to plunge into the waters below. Flugtag, which means “flying day” in German, pushes the envelope of human-powered flight but competitors need more than airtime to reach the podium. Teams are judged

In 2011, Dublin celebrated the momentous 100th anniversary of the Red Bull Flugtag series and we are bringing back the madness to the capital on 20th May, 2018. So mark your calendar and be ready for more flights, fun and foolery.

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If you are interested in participating, applications open 21st February. Five-member teams of aspiAring aviators and

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RED BULL FLUGTAG courageous craftsmen and women can apply for a chance to compete at Red Bull Flugtag 2018 by submitting flyingmachine plans to www.RedBullFlugtag. ie The deadline to submit craft designs is 31st March.

AND ON MY LEFT HAND SIDE was a European mountain trail running champion....

Applying to participate in Red Bull Flugtag is free. Pilots and participants must be 18 or older. For more information, including applications, rules, photos, and video footage from past Red Bull Flugtag events, visit www.RedBullFlugtag.ie

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You don’t have to travel to the coast of Italy, to the islands of the pacific, nor to the top of the Himalayan Mountains to savor a complete array of the world’s most powerful superfoods. Packed into a single bottle, MOA brings them all to you in a comprehensive blend from around the globe. Two shots each day is all

In this highly toxic world, it is important to nourish our bodies. Superfoods are loaded with concentrated phytonutrients that work synergistically with your body systems, nourishing on a cellular level for optimal health benefits. MOA is a composite of 34 of these concentrated superfoods. Everything from BioPerine, a black pepper fruit found to enhance the absorption of critical nutrients, to exotic fruits like mangosteen and acai. Additionally, shitake mushrooms are added to help stimulate the immune system. MOA is a diverse antioxidant powerhouse!

you need! •

Supports immune functions

Promotes cellular function

Supports healthy levels of cholesterol

No artificial flavors

When it comes to supplements, it’s not what you eat that counts… it’s what you absorb. Your Home of Adventure Racing

Kayathlon.ie | 51


5 Reasons to Run on Different Surfaces


Reasons to Run on Different Surfaces

It's time to mix it up. In the words of Ron Burgandy...It's science! 1. INJURY PREVENTION In order to minimize the opportunity of getting injured, you should really try and get off the hard surfaces. Those high impact surfaces. The ones that batter the joints i.e. concrete, tarmac. Over time these will absolutely crucify the body. 2. A CHANGE IS ALWAYS GOOD Monotony can be killer. Motivation levels can seriously drop when faced with the same old slog night after night. So get off the roads and hit the trails. Stay visually & mentally stimulated with new ever changing environments. It always makes training easier. 3.SEE THE WORLD

Kayathlon.ie | 52

Say goodbye to the concrete jungles and own the wilderness. We live in one of the greenest countries in the world, why not get out there and embrace it! 4. GET AWAY FROM IT ALL YIf you work in a built up area, concrete can be a subconscious reminder of work troubles. By getting away from it, you leave them behind. Fill your lungs with healthy fresh (non-toxic city) air and feel your stresses melt away. 5. HILL RUNNING IS GREAT FOR CYCLING TRAINING! What? Yes, that’s right. You use the some of the same muscle groups to run up hills as you do to cycle. So if you struggle to get free time to train for all the disciplines in an adventure races, kill two birds with the one stone and hit the hills. But remember there is no substitute for actual cycling training.

Your Home of Adventure Racing

“I use Revolution Laundrette for washing and drying my swim, bike and run gear. It is the most efficient service to use on the GO, and it is both quick and convenient!” Cillian Moffat, Triathlete.

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• wash clothes as soon as possible after wearing • wash workout clothes inside out • don’t overuse detergent, as it’s already included in the cycle. • do not use fabric softener, as it leaves a coating on garments and prevents water absorbing. • use low heat setting for drying, as heat amplifies odours.

250 locations


Don't forget your shoes, gym bag and exercise mats. All of these need regular cleaning as well and will easily fit in a 18kg drum.

Home of Adventure Racing Kayathlon.ie | 53 FindYouryour nearest launderette location at www.revolutionlaundry.ie


Off the beaten track

How Exercise Can Be Unfortunately, suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 50 in Ireland and the UK. In the UK alone, 100 men take their lives every week with young males three times more likely than women to commit suicide. And it’s a growing problem to men in their 40s.

By Greg Dillon

But thankfully now, what was once considered a taboo subject and would be brushed under the carpet, put down to a load of bullsh!t excuses, is now a topic that is acceptable to be public domain. There is always someone who can help. But did you know that exercise, be it running, cycling or kayaking (or anything that gets the heart pumping) can help manage depression and beat depression. After mountains of research, modern thinking, and new technology, the following has been discovered.

Kayathlon.ie | 54

Depression is connected to having low levels of certain neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and serotonin. These can be stimulated by…you guessed it…exercise. Exercise can help fight the chemical imbalance that cause depression. Some side effects of this imbalance can include, lack of energy, headaches, lethargy, anxiety, poor concentration, lack of confidence and lowered libido. Running, for example, can challenge all of these mentioned. Did you know that in the UK, GPs are now prescribing gym memberships because there is solid research, in the cases of mild and moderate depression, exercise is as effective, if not more useful than, medication. I believe this is ground breaking! Other reasons why exercise is so damn good for you… • It helps brain cells repair (let’s be honest, we all need a bit of that) • It improves memory • It boosts decision making • It improves multi-tasking skills • It lengthens your attention span • It helps the generation of new blood cells and growth of new nerve cells

Your Home of Adventure Racing

eat Depression I have lost count of the amount of sh!t days I have had in the past, albeit from work or whatever, and knocked back a few pints. Yes, it’s a short-term fix but you wake up the next day even cloudier. But when I walked passed the tavern door and hit the hills, it is like a release, the head clears and, I feel a hell of a lot better than I did before I donned by runners. One of the main ideas behind Kayathlon.ie, was to get people moving, off the sofa, achieving better states of physical and mental health. In one way or another, there are very few of us that, who haven’t been affected by depression or suicide, either directly or indirectly. But by shedding light on it, I hope that we understand there is light at the end of tunnel. The support is there. Reach out! It's not a sign or weakness, it's a sign of strength. As the coined term goes, Its OK not to feel OK. There is nothing embarrassing about it.

Talk! Walk! Run!

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THANK YOU!!! We hope you enjoyed reading this as much as we did making it... Next issue...June '18 P.S. Please make sure to follow us on Facebook. Likes make all the hard work that little bit easier.

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We will be looking to bring Issue 3 to print in the summer, where copies will


be available in all 53 Degrees Stores and at race registration expos. There will be limited advertising opportunities in the magazine. If you think you, your company or someone you may know would be interested in availing of this opportunity, please get in contact with us where we would be happy to discuss your options and what would work best for you. You can contact us via email: info@kayathlon.ie

ADVERTISE WITH US Adventure Race 14th July 2018 @ 10am Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo

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