Kayathlon Adventure Racing Magazine - June 18

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Kayathlon.ie ISSUE #3

JUNE 2018

Your Home of Adventure Racing

The Kit is Here



53 DEGREES NORTH OUTDOOR FESTIVAL Do you have what it takes for Gaelforces Toughest Race yet...


Ireland's first ever outdoor pursuits festival. on page 24

on page 16 ON's Cloudventure Trail Runner. Switzerlands Answer to the Mountains

DAR DINGLE Get the inside track

Contents 24 NEW ADVENTURE!

Denis McMahon recaps on his trip of a lifetime to Africa's highest point, Mount Kilimanjaro









A few quick words from the boss chimp See what races are in store for the month of June The iconic yellow jersey race is back. Get the inside track.


As if Gaelforce West wasnt tough enough, there is now an Ultra!


Learn whyits so important to vary your running





Get the low down on the new revolutionary grip technology









A adventure of epic proportions

Making the transition from Mini to Sport Like the outdoors, then this is festival is for you. KUDOS, THANKS YOUS AND A LOT TA LOVE!



THE NUMBER OF RACES ON OUR 2018 CALENDAR In total we featured 35 races in 2017 from all 4 corners of our lovely, awesome, jaw droppingly beautiful little country.

letter from the editor

Hi, Greg Dillon

Chief Adventure Officer

ello and welcome back to our brand spankin' new issue of your Adventure Racing Magazine!


Last March, we published our Spring Edition of the magazine. It went down a treat and the feedback we got back was great. One of the things that was mentioned to us was that it was a shame it was a quarterly edition and you had to wait so long for the next one. So, we set about rectifying this and came up with your new monthly issue. Each issue will now contain

all the juicy details of races coming up in that release month. Along with a bucket load of Adventure Racing related information. We hope you enjoy it WHAT DO YOU WANT? If there is anything you would like to see in the upcoming monthly releases please let us know. Remember this magazine is for you...the Adventurer. Email us on info@kayathlon. ie with your suggestions and keep up to date by following our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We also have a free Strava Group with over a 100 fellow adventures. Join us!

Upcoming Events June 2018. GARTAN ADVENTURE RACE Date: 2nd June There is always a buzz when there is a new race announced. And this one is no different having sold out 2 months before race day.

• 30K - Short Course • 46K - Long Course

Race info...

DAR Dingle Date: 9th June Still remaining one of the favorites on the adventure racing calendar, Dingle DAR has it all!

• 21K - Mini • 43K - Sport • 48K - Full

Race info...

...lots more new events to be announced, to stay up to date with all the latest even Kayathlon.ie | 4

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Gaelforce West/Ultra Date: 23rd June Gaelforce bring you the iconic Gaelforce West. Now in its 12th year, it has stood the test of time. A yearly pilgrimage to Croke Patrick with a twist. And now they have also introduced the Gaelforce West Ultra. A 154k race that will leave you praying for the finish line... • 67.5k - GFW • 154k - GFW Ultra

GFW info...

Ultra info...

DAR Dingle - 12/24 Date: 30th June - 1st July It's back to Dingle again in the yearly 12 & 24 hour team race. This race will test your resolve, your navigation skills, and teamwork to battle it out for points to see who is the best of the best • 12 hr race: MTB- 90K, Hiking - 25k, Orienteering 5-10k, Kayak 5-15k • 24 hr race: MTB 130, hiking 45, orienteering 15, kayaking 10-15. Race info...

so make sure to follow us on Facebook nt announcements.... Your Home of Adventure Racing

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Not to be missed



he Iconic Yellow Jersey. The breath taking back drop of Dingle peninsula. Mount Eagle. Ventry Beach. Slea Head. Conors Pass. Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh. An after party and a Dolphin thrown in for good measure. All this and more. It's what brings racers back year after year. That's what we came across last year and more of the same this year please. A highlight on a lot of racers calendars. And rightly so.

as ever, with only one change to note from previous years, the first transition (bike) area will be about 150 yards further up the hill from the Distillery. The race will start in the town with a snappy 1k run to the

kayaking section, which can be viewed across the bay. Due to gael force winds last year, the kayak had to be cancelled but with this amazing sunshine the country has been basking in, I can't see it being an issue. You should bring your sun

WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A LOOK AT THE SPORT ROUTE. Now in it's 8th year, the sport course is still as challenging Kayathlon.ie | 6

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9th June 2018

block this year I think instead. After the kayak it's up to the new transition area and onto the bike for 20k up and around Slea Head. Absolutely stunning coastline so take it in as much as you can before you turn off, up the hill towards Mount Eagle. There is a stiff uphill climb for about 1k so if youre feeling brave, try and battle it to the transition at the top. The terrain is long winding gravelly/stoney pathway and will get marshier as you get closer to the top. The weather leading up to the race will have a major role here but forecasts would lead you to believe it will be a lot quicker than previous years. Once you reach the summit, take a moment to take in the whole of the Dingle Peninsula and beyond. You will then make your way back down the same route back to the bikes. The round trip is about 7.5k. Then it's back on the bike(11k) for a fast downhill section and back towards the town, dropping off the bike and a short 1k run to smiles, finish lines, medals, libations and craic. The award ceremony will be held in Danno's Bar at 9pm Send us on your best race day pics and we will pick the best for next months issue.

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DA R M I N I (21k)

1k Ru n , 1k kaya k 7k Cycle – Dingle to Ventr y beach - Height Gain 80m Height Loss 80m 5k Beach Run - Height Gain 80m Height Loss 80m 6k Cycle 1k Ru n to f inish line

DAR Total Distance 21km / 13 mls Height Gain 160m / 500ft Height Loss 160m / 500ft

DA R S P O R T (4 3 k) 1. 1k Run, 1k kayak 2. 20k Cycle – Slea Head5k Beach Run Height G ain 310 m H e i g ht Loss 14 0 m 3. 7.5k Run - Up/Down Mount Eagle 390m Height Loss 390m 4. 11k Cycle back towards Dingle Height Gain 10 0 m Height Loss 270 m 5. 1k Run to finish line

Total Distance 43km / 27 mls Height Gain 800m / 2,640ft Height Loss 800m / 2,640ft

DA R F U L L(4 8 k) 1. C yc le: D in gle to Clo g h a n e vi a C o n o r Pass . D i s t a n c e 2 5 k m / 15.5 m l s Height Gain 480m Height Loss 480m All of cycle is on surfaced roads.

2. Hike / Mountain Run. Cloghane to Baile Breac. Distance 10 k m / 6.5mls Height G ain 950 m Height Loss 780m All of Mountain Hike Run is on rough trails. 3. Road Run. Baile Breac to Milltown/ Dingle. Distance 10.5k m / 7mls Height Gain 60m Height Loss 230m 4 . K aya k . M ill town . D is ta n c e 2 k m / 1.4 mls H e i g h t L o s s o r G a i n 0 & .75 k m r u n to f i n i s h line Dingle

To t a l D i s t a n c e 4 8 k m / 3 0 m l s H e i g h t G a i n 149 0 m / 4 ,910 f t H e i g h t L o s s 149 0 m / 4 ,910 f t

CLICK FOR MORE INFO. Kayathlon.ie | 7


23.06.18 RUN 1: 30K CYCLE 1: 109K RUN 2: 4.5K CYCLE 2: 11K TOTAL: 154KM

JUST TOUGHER The iconic Gaelforce West if not difficult enough...has just got longer, tougher & harder with the introduction of Gaelforce West Ultra.


o I fell over the line last

year of Gaelforce West, with a tank that was well and truely emptied, not knowing whether to smile or cry, as Brigid and the gang from Killary Gaelforce welcomed me home with smiles, medals and refreshments. I thought to myself, wow, that was tough. Within 5 minutes of sitting down and soaking up the sunshine, I was planning next years assault on Croagh Patrick, thinking of the training I would need to get around quicker and knock some time off my now PB.

and a real buzz has grown around it. With around 3 weeks to go, the elite few will be well and truly tuned into the task that lays ahead. 67KM EXPERT ROUTE The Ultra will be run on the same day as the historic GFW.

Roll on a couple of months and rumours were beginning to spread that there was new offering coming from the Gaelforce contingient. Well they didn't siece to surprise. They were dipping their toes into the Ultra end of the sport and to put the icing on the cake, it was going to be an extended Gaelforce West route by almost 90k. Recently speaking to one of the Gaelforce crew, they have told us that the more experienced racers are now looking for a bigger, better challenge. The event is hotly anticipated



TH GA the Erriff back to Aashleagh Falls, along the north side of Killary Fjord and into DISCIPLINE DISTANCES MAKING UP the stunning Delphi valley. THE 154KM COURSE: THE COURSE

1. Running: 34km approx 120km approx

2. Cycling:


Starting on Glassilaun beach at daybreak you will make your way to Killary Fjord and along the rough Famine greenway which hugs the shore. The mountains of Connemara and south Mayo soar either side of you. You will then begin your ascent into the unmarked Maamturk mountains, along the aptly named Col of Despondency. Descending into Leenane village you will overlook the fjord once more as you follow the Western Way trail to your first transition at Killary Adventure Centre. For the most part this will cover the first 14k of the standard Gaelforce West opening run before swinging off up the mountainside where you usually turn off for the kayak section. STAGE 2: CYCLE (110KM)

The cycle begins along the shore of Killary Fjord passing through Leenane village and into the Maam valley. Once again mountains loom above you on every side and houses are sparse. Turning into the Maamtrasna valley the route passes Lough Nafooey and Lough Mask before turning at Tourmakeady bringing you over the mountain pass to the Erriff river. Here the route follows

Leaving the Delphi Valley and heading for Drummin there are impressive hills to climb and extreme care needed on the downhills. Expect severe corners and narrow country roads. On to a gradual climb (all on sealed roads) to the back of Croagh Patrick and the next transition area. STAGE 3: MOUNTAIN RUN (4.5KM)

Though your legs may be staging a protest but there is no completion without the traditional ascent and descent of Croagh Patrick (764m). Stay on the path and take care on the top section of this mountain as it has a lot of loose stones. Killary Gaelforce would like to acknowledge and thank all of the land owners of the Croagh Patrick mountain for the continued support of Gaelforce West, without which the event could not happen. Killary Gaelforce would like to share the ethos of care on Croagh Patrick with you our competitors. We ask that all competitors ensure that they ‘Leave No Trace’ on the mountain and that what they bring up with them MUST come down. We also encourage you to read the Mayo Mountain Rescue Safety Guidelines when climbing Croagh Patrick.


Always obey the rules of the road. The route tracks back to the N59 which competitors follow into Westport town and the finish line. STAGE 5: FINAL RUN

Bring your bike on to the green area to the final bike drop and make the final short run to the finish line at Westport Leisure Park in the town centre. TIPS: • We recommend cycling shoes, if possible, as you will be on the bike for at least 5-6 hours. •

A good pair of trail runners s essential kit. Especially if there is any rain in the days leading up to the race. The first mountain run will store a lot of water if this is the case and is usually soft enough the higher you go. There are strict cut off times, make sure to plan/schedule out your route.

There will possibly be 2 bucket drops throughout the whole race. One at the first transition where your bike will be stored and the second (which has to be confirmed) at the foot of Croagh Patrick.

As this race is in it's infancy, Gaelforce have kept the entrant numbers low. There are limited places left, so if you think you are up to the challenge, get to it. We expect the average person will take between 10 to 11 hours. We usually rate a course but as of yet this course has yet to be tested. We will be sending out our Kayathlon team mate Padraig O'Connor to tackle this bohemoth on the day. So look out for this race report.

If you are doing the "normal" Gaelfroce West, the guys at Killary came up with a really cool idea. They have a limited number of t-shirts for early registrations that show how many times you have completed the race by adding a green stripe for every year you competed to your tshirt.

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5 Reasons to Run on Different Surfaces


Reasons to Run on Different Surfaces

It's time to mix it up. In the words of Ron Burgandy...It's science! 1. INJURY PREVENTION In order to minimize the opportunity of getting injured, you should really try and get off the hard surfaces. Those high impact surfaces. The ones that batter the joints i.e. concrete, tarmac. Over time these will absolutely crucify the body. 2. A CHANGE IS ALWAYS GOOD Monotony can be killer. Motivation levels can seriously drop when faced with the same old slog night after night. So get off the roads and hit the trails. Stay visually & mentally stimulated with new ever changing environments. It always makes training easier. 3.SEE THE WORLD

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Say goodbye to the concrete jungles and own the wilderness. We live in one of the greenest countries in the world, why not get out there and embrace it! 4. GET AWAY FROM IT ALL YIf you work in a built up area, concrete can be a subconscious reminder of work troubles. By getting away from it, you leave them behind. Fill your lungs with healthy fresh (non-toxic city) air and feel your stresses melt away. 5. HILL RUNNING IS GREAT FOR CYCLING TRAINING! What? Yes, that’s right. You use the some of the same muscle groups to run up hills as you do to cycle. So if you struggle to get free time to train for all the disciplines in an adventure races, kill two birds with the one stone and hit the hills. But remember there is no substitute for actual cycling training.

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€ 20

R U N N I N G U P TO M OXI E A D VEN TU R E RA C E 7p m @ B l e s s i n g t o n PR E- B O O K. CA L L B R IA N 0 87- 8 3 072 1 4 Your Home of Adventure Racing

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Gear Review

GearReview:ON's CL






o there has been a lot of noise coming from the Swiss Footware company ON's and the general trail running community about the new revolutionary grip technology. We decided to take a closer look .

DOES IT HELP OR HINDER US ADVENTURE RACERS? Have to say overall they were very good

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especially in this dry weather we are having. But no smoke without fire... PRO'S They look good and come in a variety of colours We were looking at the waterproof edition and well, they lived up to the billing. Upper shoe is completely waterproof (except for the big bit you put your foot goes it). Foot was kept warm

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LOUDVENTURE at all times but didn't overheat. They are about average weight coming in around 300g. The new sole design is light and gives you plenty of spring. They contain anti-odour particles which will definitely come in handy as you used them more. Great in dry dusty terrains. Good for power hiking up steep hills. The heal invites you to push forward with every step. Excellent for those tough adventure races. The rebound rubber technology soul is designed to evenly distribute the impact throughout each foot strike CONS They lacked grip on wet rocks. But this is a common faux pas of trail runners in general. The thin laces had a tendency to open especially on longer runs. Not ideal My foot moved around a lot in the box causing some discomfort to the toes especially on down hill sections. The center of the sole was quite soft and some of the tougher rockier terrains could be felt on the foot causing discomfort. CONCLUSION The new design did take a while to get used to from the normal trailrunner. A great summer time companion on those dry trails. It's a new technology, definitely in it's infancy so it will be exciting to see where this goes.


7/10 Your Home of Adventure Racing

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Adventure racing is a serious sport in Ireland but still very much in it's infancy in the UK. Quest have been pushing the boundaries across the water as they have went for round 2 to Wales in early May. Naturally we couldn't pass the opportunity to return to the picturesque Betws-y-coed to have another craic at what Wales has to offer.


ere at Kayathlon, we often wax lyrical about an adventure race being more than the actual race itself. Well this weekend we headed for Quest Wales and it certainly didn’t lack in the adventure stakes. The road/boat trip was well, simply put, epic! The following events I’m about to write down…did actually happen! WHERE DID THAT SEASON COME FROM? It all started on Thursday afternoon, 24 hours before we were set to set sail to Holyhead. Our fast crossing ferry was cancelled with forecasted rough seas. So, we had to cancel that Irish Ferries sailing and rebook to Stena Line. Both roughly going out the same time, but our ferry was a slower one. Forward 24hrs, we were a crew of 3. My brother John, Barry Cronin and I. John had to make his way from Killaloe but got a flat tyre which he managed to sort but then had engine issue. So, a quick car swap and he was on his way up Kayathlon HQ. Quick transfer of bikes and we headed to the port via the East Link. Low and behold, the bridge was up, and we were left stationary for almost 30 mins. When we eventually got to the port, we had missed our boarding time. Next boat not for another 5 hours. Snookered but what could we do. Then it dawned on us, our van rental pickup in Holyhead would be missed. Unble to leave the keys out for us, we had to cancel our Hertz booking. RACE DAY 6:15 in the morning and the hostel was buzzing. Time to get our game faces on! Shower, breaky, gear up and off we headed on an 8k cycle to the start line. BUUUUUT just as things were looking up, our luck changed for the worst…again. John’s pedal practically snapped off his bike. One piece of luck was it was primarily downhill, so he free



WINNERS ENCLOSER Winners of the Mens Challlenge 25k race.

ROAD TRRRIIIIIIPPPP! Pictured here before we reached the East Link...obviously :)

wheeled in hope of getting a bike mechanic to have a look. He did…prognosis, bike need a new pedal crank and pedal which he didn’t have. Only hope was renting a bike, which he didn’t have…unless someone in wave 1 or 2 didn’t collect. Wave 1 flew off at a rate of knots…all bikes collected. John was in wave 2. Ollie was calling everyone into the start zone, giving the briefing as we nervously waited. “2 minutes to start”. We found an unclaimed bike in the back of the mechanics van and John went into the start area. “60 seconds to start”. We whipped it out. Had to put new pedals on it “30 seconds to start”. Pedals were on. Bike sorted. It was about a 80-meter dash to the bike collection area. I grabbed the bike and bolted for the transition. “10, 9, 8….” I jumped the barrier, lashed the bike on a railing. “GO! GO!”

headed towards the starting area. I noticed the first of the expert route coming back into transition 1 and clocked it took them roughly 38 mins to do the 6k loop which was either very slow (not likely with these guys) or hilly as hell. As it turned out it was hilly. I was speaking to Mick Fitzgerald of the Cavankayakarun fame in the starting pen and we both copped onto this. He also said had reccee’d some of the course the previous night and there was a section on the 1st cycle that was very tough and said I should save the batteries for that. A piece of advice i will be eternally grateful for. I then spotted Kayathlon’s Ann Horan coming in and she seemed to be moving well. There was a great buzz around and as this is a relatively new sport in the UK, the field was full of hopeful and excited first timers. Great stuff altogether.

And before I knew it, I was being swarmed my enthusiastic racers, putting on helmets and grabbing bikes. I signaled to John where his new trusty steed was and off he flew into the distance. It was his first race in 2 years, so it would be interesting to see how he got on… Well he won it and set a new course record too! Pints were on me! It was going to be a long trip home.

With 139 fellow racers, we got our briefing and headed to the hills. The first section was the run. Open road, fire road, through the forestry, over stiles and back to the bikes. It was obvious from the start that there were a lot of first timers as they were making the same mistakes I first made back in the day but I helped and offered advice where I could. A lot of triathlon guys too. They were fast on the flat, but a lot struggled on the technical downhill and especially the mucky, boggier surfaces. There was heavy rain the previous day and it took its toll on certain parts of the course.

TIME TO GET MY ASS IN GEAR I was glad I had 45 minutes till my wave as I was taking on the sport route at 9:30am. I found a deckchair, caught my breath and chilled. The sun was beginning to heat up nicely. After a while I began to get myself sorted for the race. Double and triple checked my own bike and kit and

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Getting to T1, I would say I was about mid table, which is good for me as I’m not the fastest runner in the world. Helmet on, quick drink, dumped the

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now almost trademark base layer and I was off on this 11k route. Time to make up a little ground but with the expectation of the prophesized hill ahead, I didn’t go full kilter…Thanks be to god I didn’t. The first 5.5k was flat but then turn the corner and 3k of climbing with gradients of 20% in places. I chose my battles and dismounted a few times. No shame in that. I didn’t see anyone make it all the way up to summit. Then it was downhill to the kayak, passing a few on my way. Bike in, quick drink and hopped into a kayak but had to wait for about 60 seconds for someone to join me. I spotted a Thomond Tri-club kit coming towards me and he happily obliged. We got into a nice rhythm and before we knew it we were heading back to shore where we were greeted by Brian Kehoe and the Total Experience Crew who were providing the great kayak service for the day. This would not be the last time our paths would cross but more about that later. Quick drink and a nibble and I was off on the 9.5k run around the beautiful lake. This was tough. The total climb was 343m and every turn for the first half of the run seemed to have another hill. As I ambled along at a mesmerizingly slow pace, I began to recognize parts of the course from my race in 2017 where I did the mini 25k route. It was breath taking in places. The scenery would rival any course you find in Ireland. I eventually got back to the bikes after 1hr13min of “running”. Quick drink and off I went on the bike. I knew this route well from last year. It was the same as the mini route so knew exactly what to expect. A few hills before the mandatory dismount zone of about 500m, then head down and empty the tank to the finish line. I came over the finish line in 3h25m and 50th overall. Delighted with that time. Definite improvement there for next year but overall, I would say this course suited a stronger runner more than a cyclist. And as if you haven’t probably guessed by now, I would class myself as the latter. I was greeted by the extra smiley faced Ann Horan who had came in 3rd in the ladies expert route. Pictured below with her Orwell Cycling Team Mates…Barry Cronin, Luke McMullan, Rosy Temple & Ann Horan.. CONCLUSION A cracking event overall with the logistical adventures adding to it and I can’t wait to sign up again for next year. If you had played with the idea of coming over this year but didn’t. Well, you should. It’s a great race, the location is an outdoor enthusiasts playgrounds. But wait…hold on. Race done. Medals collected and trophy in my brother’s case, we needed to get back to Holyhead and we didn’t fancy a 80k cycle, especially when one bike only had one functioning pedal. Remember I mentioned Brian Kehoe from Total Experience, well he offered us a lift back no bother whatsoever, but we would have to jump in the back of the van and keep the life jackets company. They truly were life savers!!!

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FROM MINI TO SPORT DISTANC We constantly get questions about the different aspects of adventure racing and one of the most common ones are...I have done the mini routes but want to step up to the next level, Sport. What do I need to do? THE LAW OF AVERAGES The typical sport route will be around the 40k marker. That's about twice the length of a mini. They will also have of one or two more transititions than you are used to. RUNNING You will need to up your running distances. We would recommend 10-15k (at any one outing). Try and keep on trails. Likelyhood in a race, this distance will be split in two. e.g. a 6k and 9k. Run on trails or fire roads if possible. It's better for you and your body reducing the chance of repititive impact strains and also it's more fun! You will soon begin to improve ascending and descending technique but a good pair of trail runners is a must now your upping your game. CYCLING You will need to be comfortable cycling for at least 30k at any one outing. So while the sun is shinning get out on the bike and clock up those km's. Be sure to add in plenty of hills, practicing going up and building confidence coming down too. KAYAK In more races than not, the kayak distance

will not have changed too dramatically so there will be no great changes here. Although with the rigours of completing the now longer running/cycling routes, the impact on your body overall will be greater, so we would recommend possibly doing some strength and conditioning/gym work with emphasis on your core. This will pay dividends in all areas of the race. BRICK TRAINING? Yes, this is a thing...this is basically a method of transition training that will help SURE CAN'T leg prevent or KAYAK...BUT at least reduce the I"Heavy EVEN syndrome" that you will SWIM encounter when moving from bike to running. There is a blog we have done, which you should look at if you are unfamiliar with the finer aspects of it...why it happens and how to help overcome it. Click here STRATEGY Yes, this is so important. Unlike mini routes, sport routes can last anywhere up to 4 hours (depending on your fitness levels). Try not to get caught up in the moment and bolt for the starters gun. You will be burnt out in no time. You have now entered into the endurance side of things where strategy is key to your survival and ultimitely enjoying the day. NUTRITION The word endurance does exactly what it says on the tin. Your body is going to have



Like the thousands before you, you have tried this Adventure Racing lark and you caught the bug. Only thing is now you want to up the ante and move to the middle distance but haven't a clue where to start! well...read on!

to 'endure' more than it's used to. You need to keep your body fuelled with the right food. We advise you train with these food sources. There is a plethora of resources outdoor to keep you trucking e.g. carb drinks, gels, protein bars but some may not agree with your bio-system. It's vital you find out what works for you and what doesn't. Do your research. One we in Team kayathlon use is Tailwind and would recommend you at least try it once. A lot of people suffer from whats commonly known as 'Gut Bombs'. These are stomach cramps that when your gut is trying to absorb the gels etc produces cramps that can literally stop you in your tracks. Tailwind has been designed to work in tandem with you digestive system and is a fine powder that is mixed with your drink. HOMEWORK Make sure to know the course you are about to tackle, the distances, the hills, the valleys, the transitions, the water stations etc. Don't come in blind, hoping all will be ok on the day.

A New Adventure is Coming If camping, hiking, archery, axe throwing, yoga, kayaking, sailing, trail running, BBQ's and live music is your cup of tea, then this festival is for you!

Experience two days of camping, hiking, hillwalking, mountain biking, fat biking, bushcraft, archery, axe throwing, climbing, kayaking, wakeboarding, sailing, yoga & pilates, nature walks & expert talks, mindfulness classes plus much more including live music, a film night hosted by the famous Kendal Mountain Festival, beers and great craic around the campfire all set amongst the stunning backdrop in the “garden of Ireland�. On site bar will be supported by local craft beer brewery and local whiskey brand. Food covering all tastes from BBQ and Burritos to Vegetarian and Pizza.

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This festival is for the runners, climbers, hikers and lovers of the outdoors. If you are a budding Tom Crean and there is an explorer whose sense of adventure burns bright inside you, then this is definitely for you. Situated only a short trip from Dublin city on the picturesque site of Blessington. If you have, and we recommend you do, compete in the Moxie Adventure Race, you will be familiar with the beautiful surroundings. The Kayathlon Team will be there, so make sure to say hi

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What this gets you:

What this gets you:

What this gets you:

2 - night camping in main campsite

2-night camping in main campsite

2 marquee events

2 marquee events per day

2 marquee events per day

Access to all onsite activities which are walk up and play

Access to all onsite activities which are walk up and play

Access to all talks, demos and workshops as well as all entertainment on site for the 3 days

Access to all talks, demos and workshops as well as all entertainment on site for the 3 days

Vango 2man tent * (only 4 00 spots)

Bonus: Outdoor cinema on the Friday evening

Access to all onsite activities which are walk up and play Access to all talks, demos and workshops as well as all entertainment on site

Bonus: Outdoor cinema on the Friday evening

€19 5 . 0 0

€17 5 . 0 0


What this gets you:

What this gets you:

2 marquee events Access to all onsite activities which are walk up and play

This ticket is to be bought in conjunction with a full priced weekend camping ticket

Access to all talks, demos and workshops as well as all entertainment on site

2-night camping in main campsite 2 marquee events per day Access to all onsite activities which are walk up and play

Bonus: Outdoor cinema on the Friday evening

€75.00 Your Home of Adventure Racing

Access to all talks, demos and workshops as well as all entertainment on site for the 3 days Bonus: Outdoor cinema on the Friday evening


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THANK YOU!!! We hope you enjoyed reading this as much as we did making it... Next issue...July '18 P.S. Please make sure to follow us on Facebook. Likes make all the hard work that little bit easier.

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We will be looking to bring Issue 4 to July. There will be limited advertising opportunities in the magazine. If you think you, your company or someone you may know would be interested in availing of this opportunity, please get in contact with us where we would be happy to discuss your options and what would work best for you. You can contact us via email: info@kayathlon.ie


This amazing shot was taken by CLEARSKIESAHEAD.COM

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