St Mary Star of the Sea College P&F General Meeting Minutes 26 October 2011 (7:00pm) - Polding Learning Centre
Cathy Briand-James, Marie Vitnell, Frank Pitt (Principal), Helen Bow (P), Maggie Henderson (S), Megan Waud (VPa), Rob Anderson, J Anderson, Catherine Sutton(VPa), Jennifer Portman, Karen Tavener-Smith, Gerry Sozio, Kevin Grimmer (T), Maria Orr, Rosa Blassi
1. Opening Prayer – Thank you Frank Pitt. 2. Apologies – Mr & Mrs Tsalidis 3. Minutes of Previous General Meeting Actions carried over Refer to list attached. T1/9.8 Explore different ways of communicating more often. ie. forum on website, Invite teachers to
showcase their area of school at future meetings. [Closed] T3/7
Amendment to Financial Report regarding dance costumes [Motion for P&F to donate the full cost of the dance costumes] Proposed by: Megan Waud, seconded by: Cathy Briand-James, carried unanimously.
T3/11.3 Improving future P&F meetings. Constitution states no less than 1 meeting per term.
ACTION: To be tabled Term 1 with new committee Accepted: Seconded:
Megan Waud Robert Anderson
4. Correspondence (In) 1. Letter from maths Coordinator requesting donation towards participation in MANSW National Mathematics Summer School. To be discussed in General business 10.2. 2. Receipt from CARITAS 5. President’s Report President’s report attached. Accepted: Seconded:
Catherine Sutton Jennifer Portman
6. Principal’s Report Principal’s report attached. Accepted: Seconded:
Jennifer Portman Cathy Briand-James
St Mary Star of the Sea College P&F General Meeting Minutes 26 October 2011 (7:00pm) - Polding Learning Centre 7. Financial Report Treasurer’s report attached. ACTION: Frank to send Good Sams Day invoice to Treasurer for reimbursement. Accepted:
Cathy Briand-James
Robert Anderson
8. Pastoral Care Sister Rita asked for meals end of last term. Slowly coming in and filling freezer. Would like to send pastoral care participation form with invitation to Cocktail party. ACTION: Maggie to email form to Catherine. 9. P&F events Update Year 12 Graduation Lunch: First time held and well received. Mass went a little too long causing a delay with the start of lunch. Suggest we dispense with the presentations next year. P&F subsidy was $2000 for cake, student’s meals and drinks. Suggest next year charge full price for students and contribute to drinks. There was a miscommunication with the wording on the tickets with parents thinking the student price was for all children attending. Need to reword next year. Year 7 Welcome BBQ: Year 8 parent helpers will be required to assist with the BBQ next year. ACTION: Megan to ask Year 8 parents for help when school’s back in 2012. 10. General Business 10.1 Absence notification Some parents receiving notification that their daughter is absent even if they are not. Usually occurs when student is doing something for the school, ie. rehearsal for mass. FP advised that the daily bulletin used to be paper based but has now been transferred to an electronic screen for teachers to see more readily. 10.2 Allocate Funds Item 1: Yr 11 student Jessica Grozdanov was selected to attend the mathematical Association of NSW National Mathematics Summer School in January 2012. Jenny Bell Mathematics Coordinator has asked if the P&F would be able to contribute towards the $1400 cost to participate. MOTION: P&F to contribute $1000 towards the cost (School will pay balance of $400) of Jessica’s participation in the summer school. Accepted by Karen Tavener and seconded by Jennifer Portman. All in favour. Motion carried. Item 2: Applications for P&F funding by various departments (Refer to attached list) MOTION: P&F to allocate $56725 as per the list of items attached including $1000 towards the cost of Jessica’s participation in the summer school. Accepted by Megan Waud and seconded by Cathy Briand James. All in favour. Motion carried.
St Mary Star of the Sea College P&F General Meeting Minutes 26 October 2011 (7:00pm) - Polding Learning Centre Item 3: It was proposed that the P&F have a lap top for administrative activities and filing of documents. MOTION: P&F to allocate $1500 towards the purchase of a laptop computer including required accessories for the P&F Executive’s use. Accepted by Cathy Briand James and seconded by Rosa Blassi. All in favour. Motion carried. Item 4: Consider allocating some funds towards a Guest Speaker for next year. Item 5: Send out call for submissions to staff at the staff education day. Submissions to be discussed in term 2. 10.3 Next P&F Meeting (AGM) vacant positions Executive positions will be vacated at the AGM in Term 1, 2012. Nominations will be accepted in the new school year. 10.4 Report on Strategic Plan – St Mary’s 2020 Looking at an annual plan for 2012 - Enabling higher things. The strategic intent focus areas cover: Good Samaritan Ethos, Staff, relationships, learning experience, the enterprise and technology. A brochure has been developed and will be mailed to parents shortly. 10.5 PCs for year 10 The college has decided to purchase laptop computers instead of leasing. There will be no one type of laptop purchased, rather, we will choose Laptops that best fit a learning situation. ie. design and technology students would better suit Apple Macs. Different laptops are being trialled. Yr 10 laptops for 2012 not yet confirmed. 10.6 Plaques for P&F donations It was suggested that brass plates/plaques be placed on or near big ticket items funded by the P&F. i.e espresso machine in SGN kitchen. 10.7 HSC uniform Yr 12 girls can wear their sports uniform while doing their HSC for more comfort and to provide opportunity to sell their uniform to yr 10 girls. 10.8 Other Business 10.8.1 SES Cadet Program The SES Cadet program can be run in one block or over a term as a substitute for sport. ACTION: Maggie to email details to Gerry Sozio. 10.8.2 Face book web page The College confirmed they had a face book page 10.8.3 College Survey The College reported around 30 teachers and 100 parents responded to the survey with a positive response from students. Results are being collated. 10.8.4 Exams early in Term 4 Concern raised regarding how early the exams are being held in term 4 this year. Students only just back from break and not much time to prepare for exams. What are they doing in last few weeks of school? College confirmed teachers to continue teaching. Preparing yr 9 students for yr 10 and Yr 10 have step up program. 10.8.5 P&F logo on home page Hard to P&F on the college website, can we have the P&F logo on the home page.
St Mary Star of the Sea College P&F General Meeting Minutes 26 October 2011 (7:00pm) - Polding Learning Centre
Meeting closed: 9: 33pm Next meeting: Annual General Meeting Term 1, 2012 7pm
Action Items on next page....
St Mary Star of the Sea College P&F General Meeting Minutes 26 October 2011 (7:00pm) - Polding Learning Centre Agenda item T1/9.8
Action items carried over
Due date
Question raised regarding different ways of communicating more often ie. forum on website? HB to discuss with IT re: software
Facebook an option, to be tabled for further discussion at next meeting
Helen Bow
Frank Pitt
Kevin Grimmer
Refer to T3/11.3 below T1/9.8
Presentations by staff at P&F meetings. Keith – weather station
Invite teachers to showcase their area of school at future meetings
Neil - microscopes T3/11.3 T3/7
Agenda item
Improving future P&F meetings
Table for further discussion T1 meeting with new exec
The P&F agreed to donate $1700 for dance Amendment to Financial report costumes and any extra cost above this was to be required: incurred by the school who also agreed. The report indicates P&F charged $1970. Let the report reflect that the amount the P&F actually donated was $1700.
Action items NEW!
Treasurer requires invoice from Good Sams day to reimburse school
Send Good Sams Day invoice to Treasurer for reimbursement.
Pastoral care participation form required to send with Maggie to email form to Catherine invitation to Cocktail party.
Parent helpers required for Yr 7 welcome BBQ
Megan to ask Year 8 parents for help when school’s back.
SES Cadet Program for year 10 students
Maggie to email details to Gerry Sozio
Due date
Attachments Presidents Report
Term 3 P&F meeting for 2011. Last term I reported that we had commenced organising the Fashion Parade. Well tonight I am going to report that the event has happened and again it was a great success. The girls involved had a great time and the feedback we received post the event has been wonderful. Even though the intention is not to fundraise, again I am happy to report that the night did make a profit and we shall hear about that in Kevin’s report. I will also be raising in General Business how we could spend this profit. Invitations to our first Year 12 Parent/Student lunch went out and we are hoping for a great response. I am sure it will be a wonderful afternoon for the girls and their parents. It was decided to hold the luncheon at The Lagoon. Sister Rita has again expressed her gratitude for the Pastoral Care program and recently requested for more meals to be prepared. Thankfully when the request went out to the volunteers the response was fantastic and I believe the freezer is full once again. I also believe that the coffee machine has been installed in the kitchen of the SGN. Hopefully we will make great use of this. Finally our Year 12 girls are coming to the end of their time at the College. This is such an important time for them and I ask that you keep them in your prayers. As always I am sure our staff will prepare them exceptionally well and so please also keep them in your prayers also. Thank you again for attending tonight and being an active participant in your daughter’s education. Helen Bow P&F President
Principals Report
Reflections on Term Three The HSC commenced on Monday 17 October and our students have made a very good start, with generally positive feedback about the exams that have taken place and a sense of preparedness evident for the exams ahead. Our Year 12 girls completed their school careers on a number of high notes. The final week of Term Three provided the college with the opportunity to congratulate the students on their academic achievements at the Year 12 Academic Assembly, to pray with and for them at their Graduation Mass and the opportunity to celebrate with them at the Year 12 Parent Lunch and their formal. My particular thanks to Megan Waud who did an excellent job of coordinating the Parent Lunch and coped remarkably well with the associated stress that such an event brings. We have included this function into our school calendar for 2012. Term 4 is traditionally a time for end of year exams and for final assessments and practical tasks to be completed. Students from Years 8 and 9 will undertake yearly exams in coming weeks and the Year 10 girls will undertake the final School Certificate exam. As discussed in previous reports, the School Certificate will discontinue from 2012 and we await the requirements of the Board of Studies as they consider the possibilities regarding an alternate credential or some other form of statement of attainment. The college welcomed 205 girls who joined our community for the first time as they began their orientation into Year 7. The girls were very excited about their day at St Mary’s and they returned to their primary school excited by the possibilities and opportunities that St Mary’s offers. Parents who joined us for the information evening later in the day were equally excited and very much looking forward to the girls commencing their secondary school careers. We are also in the process of coordinating the Try Year 7 for a Day program that is held in partnership with Edmund Rice College. These days will be held on 7 and 8 November and we anticipate a large number of Year 5 girls and their parents visiting the college to try life as St Mary’s girls. The college has received the NAPLAN results for 2011 and we are again very pleased with the progress the girls have made. NAPLAN measures progress in the areas of Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) and Numeracy. While the girls in Years 7 and 9 have again scored consistently above State averages, the most pleasing aspects of the results are the learning gains that have been made between Year 7 and Year 9. While we are very pleased with our results, we recognise that there are still students who are not making the improvements required for academic success and we have again commenced extra support classes for these girls throughout Term 4. The college continues to work toward integrating technology more effectively into the various curriculum areas and we are evaluating the technology we are using to ensure that it is meeting the needs of students and staff. We recognise that the pace of change in this area is rapid and education is significantly influenced by changes in technology. As a result the college will be trialling a number of new technologies over the next twelve months. I will keep parents informed of any proposed changes; however, our feeling is that that applications will be a key driver in the use of technology in schools in the short to medium term and this is an area that we will be investigating in coming months.
The air conditioners are installed in the hall and, while there is still work to complete, they have been available for use during the HSC. We have been fortunate in that the temperature has been quite moderate; however, I believe it won’t be long before the air conditioners are tested as the warmer weather arrives. I would again like to take the opportunity to thank the P&F for their generosity in assisting with the funding for the air conditioning in the hall. This is a project that will benefit the entire college. As you are aware, the college has spent much of 2011 developing a new strategic plan. The plan titled “Enabling Higher Things� was an initiative of the Board of the college who took a very collaborative approach and who sought the opinions and advice of our entire community. The plan identifies the areas of Good Samaritan Ethos, Staff, Relationships, The Learning Experience, The Enterprise and Technology as focus areas for continuing to offer outstanding education in the Good Samaritan tradition. The Board involved students, staff, parents and community members in the consultation process and a steering committee involving representatives from each of the groups was formed. The result has been a plan that provides focus and direction to meet our current responsibilities while having a vision and a strategic direction that will guide us into the future. The plan will be launched on 24 November and I warmly invite all families to join us for what should be a very enjoyable evening. I have enclosed a list of resources and equipment developed by the KLA coordinators and specialist staff from various areas of the college for your consideration. The criteria used when selecting resources or projects to be funded by the P&F is that they provide direct benefit to students in each case. I believe that the list provided meets the criteria as each of the projects will directly and indirectly benefit the student body. I wish each of you a peace filled and happy Christmas and I thank you for your ongoing cooperation and support. Frank Pitt Principal
Treasurer’s Report
St Mary Star of the Sea College Parents & Friends Association Financial Statement for the period 01/01/2011 to 20/10/2011 CHEQUE ACCOUNT RECEIPTS
Opening Balance
Interest Received
P&F Levy Term 1
Ticket sales etc - Movie Night
Fashion Parade Tickets
Interest Received
P&F Levy Term 2
Yr 12 Grad Lunch Receipts
Interest Received
Yr 12 Grad Lunch Receipts Yr 12 Grad Lunch Receipts - to cover bounced chq below
$ 65,224.86
Total Income for Period
76,644.73 141,869.59
EXPENSES Cheque number 661467
Chickos - Yr7 BBQ
Betta Maid - Yr7 BBQ
Falcone's Bakery
Chipmasters - Yr7 BBQ
D J's Bizzo - Yr7 BBQ
Packaging Direct - Yr7 BBQ
Chickos - Yr7 BBQ
Illawarra Smallgoods - Yr7 BBQ
Megan Waud - Yr7 BBQ
St Mary's - Grants 2010
Village Roadshow - Movie Night DVD Licence
St Mary's - Uniform Grants 2009/10
409.00 271.80 45.00 50.00 88.00 275.94 15.00 631.60 358.78 36,506.85 385.00 4,344.50
Student grant - Football Rep Sponsorship
Void chq
Movies Night - Caritas donation
Megan Waud - Grad Lunch deposit + cakes
St Mary's - Dance troupe uniforms
Void chq
St Mary's - Coffee Machine
Kid's Wish Donation - Fashion Parade Profit
St Mary's - Maths Day prizes
Student grant - Touch Football
Student grant - Touch Football Returned chq - Yr 12 Grad Lunch
Holy Spirit College - Fashion Parade Expenses
St Mary's - Yr 12 Spirit Awards 2011
Void chq
Yr 12 Grad Lunch
St Mary's - Air Conditioning contribution St Mary's - I-Pod dock & speakers, Yr 12 study area
167.00 105.25 1,092.81 1,970.00 4,638.00 600.00 400.00 200.00 200.00 125.00 278.50 950.00 10,980.00 50,000.00 189.00
Sub total of Expenses
Balance @ 30/09/2011
Opening Balance
Interest Received
Interest Received
Interest Received
Balance @ 30/09/2011
Current bank balances 30/09/11 Add 4/10/2011 20/10/2011
Cheque account per statement
Outstanding deposits Yr 12 Grad Lunch Receipts Yr 12 Grad Lunch Receipts - to cover bounced chq below
1,190.00 125.00
1,315.00 Less Unpresented cheques 661490
Holy Spirit College - Fashion Parade Expenses
St Mary's - Yr 12 Spirit Awards 2011
Yr 12 Grad Lunch
St Mary's - Air Conditioning contribution St Mary's - I-Pod dock & speakers, Yr 12 study area
278.50 950.00 10,980.00 50,000.00 189.00 62,397.50
True Financial Position - Chq A/c
Term Deposit A/c
Total Funds Available
St Mary’s Applications for P&F Funding 2011 KLA
HSIE (K Hopkins)
2 sets i-pod speakers 15 copies of Cold War 15 copies of Germany 15 copies of Germany Weather Station Equipment e-chalk subscription
$140 $470 $470 $470 $300 $400 $2250
PDHPE / Sport (S Goodman)
Full Day Netball Clinic for the Jnr Netball Academy Athletes
Languages (P Turek)
Subscription to RAI TV Subscription to LBF French TV Subscription to Online Learning DVDs Listening Activity Kits
$600 $600
Performance (P Wouters)
25 sconces for music stands B-Flat Bass Clarinet 10 Manhasset Music Stands
$2375 $2850 $620 $5845
Visual Arts (K Harrigan)
Artist in Residence
Music (K Harrigan)
Jamhub Silent Rehearsal System
English (K Wall)
Literacy Games
Religious Education (C Mason)
One year subscription to acess the website Understanding Faith A set of Qur’an
$3000 ($3/student)
Sport (B Sparks)
Basketball Uniforms
Science (N Quinn)
Microscopes (40)
$100 $300 $500 $2100
$225 $3225
Mathematics (J Bell)
Materials from: $3899 *Modern Teaching Aids *Objective Learning Materials *Mathematical Publications *Online Web assress *C-D Soft educational *Resources *Teaching Solutions *Abacus *Hawker Brownlow Education
Kulilla Centre (N Mahoney)
Portable CD Player Micro Hi-Fi System Relaxation CDs & Aromatherapy candles
Science (A Bell)
St Mary’s Science Fair Cash Prizes Science Fair Boards
Art Club (M Boyle)
Diverse Learning Needs (M Boyle)
2 i-Pads
TAS (A Keyte)
Bistro Contact Grill Food Tech Equip Upgrade
$605 $2722.15 $3327.15
Polding Learning Centre (L Peard) College requirements
Reference Books from a variety of Curriculum areas Portable BBQ - trailer
Approx $6K – Rolls Royce quote $8k