JUNE 2017
Photos from the 115th RES Annual Gala - April 8th |
Additional Photos on the RES Website: www.roceng.org Next Issue is a Printed Version: August 2017 No July issue is created. Copy is due before July 10th to be included in the August issue. Also in this issue:
American National Standard for Metric Practice (IEEE/ASTM SI 10TM-2016) | 18
The latest revisions to the SI-10 Standard are now available!
Photos from the 115th RES Annual Gala
The Rochester Engineer Published since 1922 by
Founded March 18, 1897
Volume 96, Number 1, JUNE 2017 (E-only) 2,500+ Monthly Circulation (Quarterly Hard Copies, 11 issues electronically) ISSN 0035-7405
RES Mission Statement: The RES will become the lead organization for improving the image and influence of the engineering community in the greater Rochester area by: Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the region’s engineering and technical capabilities; Providing the best clerical support and public relations assistance to our affiliates; Continually communicating the engineering and technical accomplishments to both the engineering and technical community and the public; Providing regular forums and networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues; and, Providing programs that identify career opportunities to the region’s youth and develop the skills of the practicing engineer. News items and articles are invited. Materials should be submitted to the administrative director at the society’s office, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607; Phone number (585) 254-2350, e-mail: admin@roceng.org
The web site for the Engineers’ Center is at: www.roceng.org. The deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to the issue. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this publication are those of contributors, not of the Rochester Engineering Society, Inc. Advertising information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Rochester Engineering Society or going to the website at www.roceng.org. Published every month but July. Yearly subscription is $20.00, (4 hard copies, 11 digital). You can sign up on the website for the subscription for digital copies only (free) and receive an email notice when posted. Go to www.roceng.org to join the Rochester Engineering Society. Click on the individual membership and you can submit your application on-line. Board of Directors: OFFICERS: President MICHAEL V. TRIASSI Optimation Technology, Inc. / mike.triassi@gmail.com First Vice President TBD Second Vice President - TBD Treasurer FAHRETTIN (FAZ) BAY LaBella Associates DPC / Fahrettinbay@gmail.com Past President JON KRIEGEL Retired / jkriegel@rochester.rr.com
EIGHT DIRECTORS: CORNELIUS (NEAL) ILLENBERG PE Retired / nillenberg@aol.com LEE LOOMIS Retired / leeloomis46@gmail.com RICHARD E. RICE MJ Engineering / rriceaquash@gmail.com JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE M/E Engineering / jdombrowski@meengineering.com DANIELLE WALTERS Harris Corporation/ dwalters710@gmail.com DOREEN EDWARDS Rochester Institute of Technology /ddeeen@rit.edu GREG GDOWSKI, PhD University of Rochsester / Greg_Gdowski@urmc.rochester.edu TBD Administrative Director LYNNE M. IRWIN Rochester Engineering Society / e-mail: admin@roceng.org
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contents 6 • Photos from the 115th RES Annual Gala - April 8 (cover)
8 • The RES Tutoring Team at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Wants To Begin Lining Up Tutors For The 2017-18 School Year 9 • How do you arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom!
10 • Get to the Point! - Using the Active Voice 11 • Get IT Done - Robbed Peter, Paid Paul, Hired Susan 14-17, 42 • Professional Firms - Employee News 16, 23 • News from Professional Firms 17 • Position Openings 18 • American National Standard for Metric Practice (feature) 12-13, 19 • Campus News 20 • Continuing Education Opportunities (PDHs) 20-21 • Engineers’ Calendar 22 • 4th Annual Genesee River Basin Summit - June 15 40-41 • Directory of Professional Services 42 • Directory of Business Services 43 • Affiliated Societies and Corporate Members of the RES Membership Application and Advertising Rates are also on the website: www.roceng.org.
news of the...
• ABCD Association for Bridge Construction and Design...............34-35 • AFE Association for Facilities Engineering...........................................26 • APWA American Public Works Association...........................................25 • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers............................................29 • ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers....................................................30 • ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers....................................31 • EA Electrical Association.......................................................................36 • GVLSA Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association.............................32
• IES Illuminating Engineering Society....................................................37 • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.................38-39 • INCOSE International Council of Systems Engineering...........................24 • IS&T Imaging Science and Technology...................................................23 • MPES Monroe Professional Engineers Society......................................27 • NYSATE New York State Association of Transportation Engineers....33 • RES Rochester Engineering Society.................................................... 1-9 • SWE Society of Women Engineers........................................................28
President’s Message
Michael Triassi, EIT Optimation Technology RES President 2017 - 18 I am honored to be sworn in as president of the Rochester Engineering Society. For me it holds a special significance. We have had past presidents serve two terms, including the most recent, Jon Kriegel; however, I don't believe there has ever been a father and son both serve as president. And while it goes back thirty years, I certainly recall his selection as Engineer of the Year. This tradition of celebrating the profession in this way continues as one of the hallmarks of the Society. On the board since 2010 and treasurer for the last 5 years, I can share that our balance sheet remains healthy. Our major programs have all done well in the recent year. The symposium had continued record attendance and continues to overflow its venue. Our scholarship program awarded four students with RES engineering scholarships including a new award started by the Amish family through their generous $50,000 donation to keep it going for years to come. The Gala was well attended and entertaining with its tribute to the latest Engineer of the Year, Diane Trentini, who notably ushered in the Young Engineer of the Year award in her term as president through a gift from the Kate Gleason Foundation of $50,000. Our new tutoring program has reached 20+ tutors at the Dr. Walter Cooper Academy School #10. Special recognition goes to Lee Loomis in ushering this program and Bergman Associates who have taken it as a corporate program.
res news - president’s message
The technology side of me is pleased with our work with Wild Apricot, our online registration system, membership management, and hosting service. It managed three very large events for us - the Gala, the Symposium, and the ABCD conference. We are well positioned and welcome the opportunity to help other affiliates manage their large events with this tool. In the last year we greatly enhanced this ability by transitioning to QuickBooks Online and its integration with PayPal. With the explosion of online transactions to almost 1,000 payments we are now able to streamline our financial reporting for theses activities. Our migration to being connected carries over to the magazine. Over the recent year we changed the format of our Rocheser Engineer to a hybrid of print and online delivery. This is the first step in moving to a more connected experience with this publication. It is clear that we must continue to stay up to date to attract new and younger membership and to that end we have formed a strategic planning team to help identify areas we can better serve the engineering community. It is my hope we will strengthen our affiliate alignments and grow our membership through this effort. I look forward to working with our new board in this effort.
Past President’s Message Jon Kriegel, ASME Fellow RES Past President 2016 - 17 (and 2003-04) It has been a privilege serving a second term as President of the RES. (OK, the picture is from my first term.) Just drive through Downtown for evidence of how Rochester is changing, right before our eyes. We need to
meet this future head-on, and foster growth and development as a technology-driven community. Please hear this as a call-to-action to ignite the interest of your peers, to recruit new members, and as a call to each of you personally, to embrace the challenges of leadership. Sometimes in my STEM Volunteer efforts, I see a spark in a student’s eye – science! It works to capture the imagination of our youth. At least according to the Government STEM Initiative, our responsibility as engineers is to fan that spark. But the immediate need is for RES Directors, Committee members and even members, particularly young members. I have harped on the value proposition of being involved with the RES; but my hope is that we can recognize how beneficial it is to Rochester, to have this organization whose goal is not only to serve the area professional organizations, but to connect the entire technical community, within itself and to the Rochester community at large. You may be seeing this article because you are a member of one of the RES Affiliates, please consider also becoming a member of the RES itself, and better yet a Director. Many thanks, Jon Kriegel 4 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JUNE 2017
res news - past president’s message
Rochester History Continuing with the historical sampling of the earlier writings on behalf of the Rochester Engineering Society, the years following "The Great War," into and through the “Great Depression,” continued to be a time of reaching out for the maturing Society, both locally and nationally. The meeting minutes describe a series of technical discussions and presentations intended to broaden the technical horizons of the membership (especially the CE's, ME's and EE's). The RES affiliated itself with a number of National technical societies, adopted local Affiliated Societies, frequently held joint meetings with them and continued taking action on a growing list of public matters. Certain issues of standardization, some crucial to public safety, became the responsibility of the RES and its affiliates. In the pervasive economic downturn of the “Great Depression,” the magazine offered classified advertising for unemployed engineers, technicians and draftsmen and took other steps to try to deal with the crisis. Still, it continued its effort to shape the function, purpose and infrastructure of the City of Rochester, and beyond. Soon, war would again affect the Society, taking away many of its leaders while providing opportunities for others to step forward to fill these vacancies. In an effort to provide even greater perspective on the happenings and concerns of the day, a synopsis, featuring selected items from "The Rochester Engineer" has become an integral part of this series. The Second World War and the Korean Conflict are now history. These experiences have changed the face and, no doubt, the future of the community. The Rochester municipal leadership and the industrial community have become immersed in the cold-war, growth economy.
January 4, 1966 (Executive Committee Meeting, Chamber of Commerce) The Board approved the applications of eleven new regular members and five junior members. The Executive Secretary reported that engineering organizations planning to exhibit at Midtown Plaza during “1966 Engineers’ Week” were concerned about liability insurance. He indicated that he had researched the possibility of the RES, as the sponsoring organization, providing sufficient coverage for the week, for a premium of $212, and that it had been tentatively agreed that this would be shared among these exhibiting organizations. The Board unanimously approved this action.
“The Rochester Engineer” (January 1966)
This issue announced that General Bernard A. Schriever, Commander, US Air Force Systems Command, and newlyappointed Director of the US Manned Orbiting Laboratory Program, would be the key note speaker at the Engineers’ Joint Dinner, February 24, 1966. The two RES Luncheon presentations for January were announced; “Selling is Everybody’s Business” by Howard F. Kalbfus, Director, Eastman Kodak Sales Training Center and “International Standards – Should the US Convert over to the Metric System?” by John G. Mulder, Asst. General Manager Kodak Park Works. Given the RES’ strong support for the newly-formed Monroe County Water Resources Council, Council President, William C. Larsen, PE was invited to contribute an article discussing the aims and policies of this body, especially as it concerned projecting the long-term water needs of the County, including restoring, maintaining and preserving our water resources. Larsen stated, “The Council is intended to bring together the information, understanding and activities of all organizations interested in the preservation and enlargement of water resources.” Editor’s note: For this, and numerous additional contributions to our community, Bill Larsen would be named “2001 Engineer of the Year” by the RES. res news - history
A Sampling from the Archives of the Rochester Engineering Society...1897 - 1966 by Lee M. Loomis
February 15, 1966 (Executive Committee Meeting, Chamber of Commerce) The Program Committee agreed to take under
advisement the proposal that the RES move its bi-monthly luncheon meeting at the Chamber of Commerce from Tuesdays to some other day of the week, due to its regularly conflicting with the weekly Rochester Rotary Club meetings, at the same place/ day/time. The Executive Committee approved the applications of ten new members, among them Donald M. Barnard, James A. Clark (Editor’s note: 1976 Engineer of the Year), Paul Erdman and Edwin L. Anthony (Editor’s note: 1977 Engineer of the Year). The Executive Committee unanimously approved the Awards Committee’s recommendation of Bernard F. Perry as the “1965 Engineer of the Year,” to be celebrated at the upcoming Engineer’s Joint Dinner. The Committee further approved a motion to charter a bus, for $30. to transport dinner attendees from the NYSSPE Women’s Auxiliary cocktail party at the Sheraton Hotel to the Chamber of Commerce, on the evening of February 24th. The Executive Committee approved the application of the Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association for Affiliate Membership to the RES. The Committee also approved several changes to the RES Constitution and By-Laws for consideration by the full Board of Directors at their next meeting.
"The Rochester Engineer” (February 1966)
This issue announced the selection of Bernard F. Perry, PE, District Engineer, NY State Department of Public Works as “1965 Engineer of the Year.” RIT announced a special program in which 90 local high school students and their guidance counselors would be invited to visit the Eastman Building on the campus, attend classes in mechanical and electrical engineering, and attend a luncheon which would include discussion with leaders of several local engineering organizations. The only RES luncheon meeting for February was announced; “The Psychology of the Perception of Noise & Sound,” by Oliver L. Angevine, Jr., son of the former RES Executive Secretary. Numerous RES Affiliate Societies, and others, announced they would be exhibiting at Midtown Plaza during National Engineers Week, including American Welding Society, AIChE, AIIE, American Society for Metals, American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers, ASME, American Society of Lubrication Engineers, American Institute of Safety Engineers, IEEE, NYS Society of Consulting Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers and the Society of Photographic Engineers and Scientists. Subsequent articles in this series will describe the RES' continuing outreach to other technical societies as it considered its role in this and the larger community, along with more of the activities of the RES as it moved to be of greater service to its membership, especially those suffering from current economic crises, and adopted a greater role in shaping the future of the City and its environs. Noted also, will be the contributions made by RES members in the struggle to meet the challenges coming out of World War II, as well as a hoped-for period of post-war growth and prosperity. These articles will also feature an impressive array of RES activities in support of post-war re-emergence of Rochester area industry. We welcome your questions and comments on this series. JUNE 2017 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 5
115th RES Annual Gala Saturday, April 8, 2017
Additional Photos on the RES Website: www.roceng.org
cover - candid photos annual gala
Additional Photos on the RES Website: www.roceng.org cover - candid photos annual gala
RES News The RES Tutoring Team at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy wants to begin lining up tutors for the 2017-18 School Year
RES Tutors, Zachary Kolbuc & Michelle Sommerman, with Dr. Cooper and some of the #10 School Staff, at the 2017 RES GALA The RES Tutoring Team is well into school year 2016-17, at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy. Twentyone RES Tutors have begun working with our learners at #10 School. Eighteen of these tutors are from Bergmann Associates. Assembled into three teams (X, Y & Z), each of these tutors volunteers once a month for a two-hour assignment. The result is an equivalent three regular tutors, working every week with our students. Three full-time tutors are also continuing their assignments. At the April 8th, RES 2017 GALA, we hope you might have met Dr. Cooper and several of our RES Tutors, all honored guests of Bergmann Associates. We are building our Tutoring Team, for the 2017-18 school year. Please consider requesting an RES Tutoring Team Application, now or…We are currently scheduling “Lunch & Learn” presentations in several Rochester area firms and professional groups, to inform and inspire prospective new tutors. We have “hit the ground, running”, for this school year, but we still need your support...Can we schedule a presentation with your firm, work group, church or family? Whether or not you think you have the time to commit to it, right now, please contact us, learn about this successful program and the opportunity it offers us to “make a difference” in Rochester’s City Schools. Let us come and meet with you, your business associates, family members, friends, neighbors. Even just two hours a week of your time can make a big difference in the life of a student. Hear about the training each tutor will receive. Please contact the RES office, and let us know you’re interested in tutoring at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy - School #10, 353 Congress Avenue (in the 19th Ward, one block North of Genesee Park Blvd., between Post Avenue and Virginia Avenue). Questions??? Reach out to RES Past President Lee Loomis and the RES Tutoring Team at… Rochester Engineering Society, (585) 254-2350 via website: www.roceng.org or via email: leeloomis46@gmail.com, (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text) 8 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JUNE 2017
res news - tutoring
RES News How do you arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom!
In the 1990’s, Eastman Kodak Company jumped the gun, starting a family of STEM initiatives, years before the Government coined the STEM acronym. The name of these programs was the 21st Century Learning Challenge (TCLC), and at our peek, we were 1500 engineers and technicians, visiting Rochester City School Classrooms, twice a week for two-hour visits, during the entire School Year. This effort continued for nearly ten years, and not only pre-dates our recent STEM excitement level, but delivered support on a scale we have yet to match. Many of the volunteers in these programs were, and still are, members of the Rochester Engineering Society (RES). In the intervening twenty-five years, many have retired, or are about to retire. That makes them even more available as STEM Coaches, than they were as Kodak employees. The RES is working to put technical people in K-12 Classrooms, throughout the Greater Rochester area, as STEM Coaches. Their presence will: • • •
Help the Teacher stay current with our ever-changing technology. Provide real-World Application Examples, making whatever is being taught, real enough to be worth remembering. Support the teachers with not only the delivery of STEM concepts, but perhaps more importantly, the design and delivery of STEM related hardware.
Last year we had six STEM Coach, doing Classroom Visitation at School #3. That was so successful that RCSD is interested in expanding this program to involve nine STEM Coaches this year.
The RES is specifically seeking Retired, Technical people, (Engineers, Technicians, Machinists, Entrepreneurs or anyone whose work would allow them to visit during School hours), as STEM Coaches. We currently have more than 30 Coaches, and are connecting them with 13 Rochester-area Schools. “This is a life-changing experience!” For more information contact: Jon Kriegel jkriegel@rochester.rr.com 585-281-5216 Volunteer Coordinator - Rochester Engineering Society Volunteer STEM Coach or visit: www.roceng.org/volunteer res news - STEM volunteering
Get to the Point! Using the Active Voice
Don’t you wish that you could have stayed awake back in your junior high school English class? If you had, you might be able to interact with the Microsoft Grammar tool more effectively. How many times do you get the little green line under a sentence and when you right click on it, if you are lucky, the software provides a “better” sentence? More often than not, you’ll get the generic message “Passive voice, consider revising.” To that, most people will simply click IGNORE. W e didn’t understand passive voice when we were 12 years old so how are we expected to understand it now, decades (and decades) later. What’s the fuss over passive sentences?
Impact on the Reader
The appearance of a document and the arrangement of the headings and paragraphs encourage a reader to start reading, but it’s the quality of the words and sentences that keeps him or her turning over the pages. The quality of the words and sentences also convey an image of you and the organization or department you represent when you write. A reader who encounters well-constructed sentences that are direct and informative will envisage a writer who knows what he or she is talking about, and will react positively to the writer's suggestions. But a reader who encounters wordy constructions, vague or ambiguous statements, or abrasive expressions, will gain an image of a writer who is unsure about the subject. The reader may even doubt the validity of the information, and react negatively to the writer's suggestions. If you are writing a proposal, you cannot afford a negative response from your reader.
Write Emphatically
The following four sentences contain the same information, but each presents it in a different way. Which presents its information most efficiently, most emphatically? A. We were represented at this year's business management conference by Karen Hunt. B. Our representative at this year's business management conference was Karen Hunt. C. At this year's business management conference we were represented by Karen Hunt. D. Karen Hunt represented us at this year's business management conference. Most business managers prefer sentence D because it is direct and emphatic.
The Active Voice
This direct, emphatic construction is known as the active voice. The active voice uses a simple who did what sentence construction: WHO (or WHAT) DID WHAT (subject) (verb) (object) Dave Cullen.... issued.... a receipt. Karen Hunt.... attended.... the conference. A broken cable.... stopped.... the printer. I.... request.... a refund. 10 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JUNE 2017
The Passive Voice
In the previous four sentences, A, B, and C are written in the passive voice. The passive voice uses a what...was done...by whom construction. If the short sentences in the list above had been written in the passive voice, they would have seemed much less emphatic: WHAT A receipt.... The conference.... The printer.... A refund....
WAS DONE was issued.... was attended.... was stopped.... is requested.
BY by.... by.... by....
WHOM (or WHAT) Dave Cullen.... Karen Hunt.... A broken cable....
Note that the word "by" appears in the first three sentences, and is implied in the fourth (i.e. A refund is requested [by me] .) You can often identify when you are using the passive voice by searching for the word "by" and when you use the helping verb “to be” in any form: is, was, were.
Write in the Active Voice
We recommend that you write in the active voice for "tell" messages, and even for most "sell" communications. The active voice will help make your writing seem much more definite, much more confident. To write in the active voice, you need to Place a "doer" (a person or object) at the front of the sentence to start the action, as in Dave Cullen...issued and A broken cable... stopped If you are the "doer," write in the first person ("I" or "We"), as in I request... . If you do not know who the doer is, or prefer not to name the doer, then you have to write in the passive voice. For example:
The budget was cut by 15%. (You don't know who cut it.)
When you use the active voice, you will find that your documents are much shorter and easier to read. The next time you read a report and wonder why you don't remember anything about it, go back and see if it was full of passive sentences. One of the major consequences of having too many passive sentences is that the reader is not fully comprehending or retaining the information. Is there a report that you read weeks ago that you can still recall specific information from? Go back and see if that one is written with clear, concise and direct active sentences.
© 2017, RGI Learning Lisa Moretto is the President of RGI Learning, Inc. For 23 years she has helped engineers improve their oral and written communication skills. Visit www.rgilearning.com or call (866) 744-3032 to learn about RGI’s courses. get to the point
IT done
Robbed Peter, Paid Paul, Hired Susan — Andrè Godfrey
You missed it, but it was a sensational event. Every year since 1999 the technology people of Rochester NY gather together early on a spring morning to honor a person who is awarded the Technology Woman of the Year award. This year was no exception. The place was the classic gathering spot, Casa Larga in Fairport. The rising sun shone bright and the crowd was a sold-out throng of 300 technical standouts who represented companies ranging from area powerhouses like Paychex and Xerox to our largest employer, the University of Rochester Medical Center, all the way down to WebSurge, a highly focused ten person social marketing firm. Fourteen nominees vied for the TWOY Award, an award designed to recognize, celebrate, and make visible the achievements of women in high technology fields. Through this award, women who work in these professions are encouraged to stay in the Greater Rochester area, mentor young women, and contribute to the economic growth of the region. This award is designed to recognize, celebrate, and make visible the achievements of women in high technology fields. Through this award, women who work in these professions are encouraged to stay in the Greater Rochester area, mentor young women, and contribute to the economic growth of the region. The nominees were submitted by co-workers or senior management who wanted to recognize women they knew who met the criteria of being exceptional in a technical field but who also gave back to the community and particularly those who gave back by encouraging other girls and women in the field. Digital Rochester, the not-for-profit centerpiece of the Rochester technology community presented the award which was preceded by two inspirational presenters, President Deanna Porterfield of Roberts Wesleyan College and Ewa Pigna, the 2016 recipient of the award. It is apropos to this conversation that the following event that Digital Rochester held was entitled ‘The War on Talent’, referencing the difficulty of finding technical talent in Rochester specifically, and the United States in general. At the risk of telegraphing the pitch, when only 26 percent of the technology workforce is comprised of get IT done
women is it any wonder that there is a shortfall of talent in the technical genre? Amazing, isn’t it? And let me strike a little closer to home for the readers of this magazine. For engineers, that number is 12 percent. Let’s say that again. Only 12 percent of engineers (look around you- take your time) are women. And yet the biggest issue facing engineering firms today is the paucity of talent, particularly in a hard sell environment like Rochester New York. Ok, so perhaps this isn’t news to any of you but all the more reason when you consider that this is an age-old dilemma with major bottom line business implications. You have a problem – lack of engineers. So you try to solve it by robbing Peter to pay Paul and enticing the competition’s people, which doesn’t enlarge your pool of talent but does increase your employment costs. Or you attempt to resolve the issue by hiring H1B visa candidates. Oops. That looks like a dry well very soon. Stop robbing Peter, stop paying Paul and start hiring Susan! By the way. The deserved recipient of the 2017 Technology Woman of the Year, which I had the privilege to present, is Garland Nichols of Xerox. As vice president of information security for research and product development at Xerox Corporation, Nichols’ team delivered 19 security certifications to support over $200 million in government business and deployed secure coding training to over 1,000 software developers. Congratulations again Garland Nichols. Think About IT.
Andrè Godfrey is President, Entrè Computer Services, www.entrecs.com
Campus News RIT’s all-female Formula SAE electric race team wins in New Hampshire Top placement comes in only second year of competing; team is also recognized for engineering excellence
The all-female RIT Hot Wheelz Formula SAE Electric vehicle team took home first place in the Electric-only category at the 2017 SAE Formula Hybrid competition May 5 in New Hampshire Motor Speedway, along with other trophies and recognition. The team also received the IEEE Excellence in Electric Vehicle Engineering trophy, a top award given in recognition of a team’s overall engineering process—from its design and build procedure to assessment of team performance, dynamics, attention to detail and the team’s ability to establish or continue a legacy. Ford Motor Company also recognized the Hot Wheelz team for their outstanding teamwork, spirit and success at the competition with an autographed bumper from NASCAR driver Greg Biffle. “It was so exciting to be recognized in the middle of the competition by Ford,” said Missy Miller, team project manager and a fifth-year industrial and systems engineering student from Belvidere, N.J. “They don’t provide formal awards at the competition, so for them to approach us halfway through the competition with their version of an award was so rewarding for the girls.” Hot Wheelz, only in its second year participating in Formula Hybrid competitions, took top placements in the design, autocross, acceleration and endurance categories and won first place in the project management presentation. “This year we wanted to make sure that we were a strong competitor in all of the events on the track,” said Kathleen Lamkin-Kennard, faculty adviser to the team and associate professor of mechanical engineering in RIT’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering. “The team was really well-prepared and they were able to make it through all of their inspections early, which gave them a significant advantage, particularly for the endurance run – one of the most challenging events for an all-electric vehicle.” The team completed all the required inspections by Monday afternoon, and many teams didn’t finish those requirements until Thursday, said Sarah Burke.
team in only two years of competing,” said Burke, who is also a team adviser and career services coordinator in RIT’s Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education. The SAE Formula Hybrid competition is an interdisciplinary design and engineering competition in which students must design and build a formula-style electric vehicle and compete in a series of events both on and off the track. Last year, Hot Wheelz competed for the first time at Formula Hybrid, hosted by Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth since 2006. They built their electric vehicle from the ground up and placed third overall. Heading into the new season, Hot Wheelz improved their vehicle, incorporating custom, team-made battery packs, a remote data acquisition system that could be accessed by the pit crew while driving, and by refining previous mechanical designs, Miller explained. The new designs proved successful. “One thing that really set our vehicle apart at competition was our custom battery packs and the ability to access information on our system from the stands while Phoebe, our car, was on the track,” she said. During competition, team members communicated with the driver via Bluetooth about battery status. “The girls worked so hard to design and build their own battery packs, and competition was an opportunity to see all of that hard work come to fruition,” said Miller. The team unveiled their racecar at the recent Imagine RIT: Innovation and Creativity Festival, where the team has some history. In 2012, the team built a modified electric go-cart and took the checkered flag in the festival’s E-Dragster feature event. They have come a long way from modifying a go-cart to building a champion 82 horse-power, 744-lb electric hybrid Formula-style race car. “And we’re not done yet!” said Miller. Competition photos, taken by team adviser Marty Schooping can be found at: https://flic.kr/s/aHskW9nPES. q
“During the endurance race, we completed 31 of the 44 laps on the battery, the longest any all-electric team completed this year. All-in-all, a great set of accomplishments for this 12 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JUNE 2017
campus news
New nine-credit general education immersion course is a first for RIT Students take critical approach to ‘The Meaning of Things-in Three Objects’
Take three objects—the sail, the harmonica and the game—and create a nine-credit immersion general education course that would be the first of its kind at Rochester Institute of Technology.
Whenever I look at something now, I think of who, what, when, where, how, but in a way deeper level than before.” • Jennifer Kane, fifth-year mechanical engineering student from Coudersport, Pa.: “We have to recreate almost what the class was about for our final project— to come up with our own object. I’m working on the flag and what it means to different countries, culturally, politically, historically—and in the future.”
“The Meaning of Things— in Three Objects” made its signature debut this spring and the curriculum offers a truly interdisciplinary experience that develops strong critical thinking skills by spanning traditional academic boundaries. • Samuel Falconer, fifthThe pragmatic purpose from a student perspective is to fulfill “The Meaning of Things—in Three Objects” class set sail at year software engineering student from Newmarket, the nine-credit general education the Rochester Yacht Club April 22. N.H.: “It’s definitely the most immersion requirement, which all Credit: Mike Johansson interdisciplinary class I’ve ever students must complete, in one taken—and that’s the general truly immersive single-semester consensus. You hear a lot of lip course, as opposed to the usual service to multi-interdisciplinary three separate courses stretching over multiple semesters. studies at RIT, and this was a class where it was achieved. We can say we did it first.” And according to the dozen students who decided to take the pass/fail risk of three courses in one, the overall consensus was: “Nothing like this is taught at any other university; we are making history.” The course encourages critical thinking/entrepreneurship—where students study three objects (the sail, the harmonica and the game) and reflect on their design, history, social and cultural past. Key learning outcomes included applying the objects on broader social and historical contexts, examining their consequences and impact on human experience and assessing design problems they pose and solve.
According to the faculty instructors, all three are present at every class. They also participate in group activities for the students that included “sailing” small boats across RIT’s Clark Gym, playing harmonicas at Park Point’s Lovin’ Cup, a tour of the electronic game collection at The Strong/National Museum of Play, a board game night and sailing along the Genesee River with the Rochester Yacht Club.
The Meaning of Things was taught by three primary faculty: Thomas Hanney, senior lecturer in the School of Individualized Study and local musician who plays the harmonica; Al Biles, professor in RIT’s School of Interactive Media and the Center for Media, Arts, Games, Interaction and Creativity (MAGIC) and notable jazz/trumpet musician; and Mike Johansson, senior lecturer in the College of Liberal Arts and avid historian and enthusiast of sailing vessels.
“We look in depth at each of these objects through different lenses, spending time in fields such as history, culture, economics, political science, public policy, technology, math, art and literature, music and performance,” said Biles. “The principle outcome is enhancing critical thinking skills and encouraging students to analyze and critique ideas and make connections across disciplines. By making knowledge useful and applicable to their daily life, they can understand content on a deeper, more lasting level.”
“Two years ago, Provost Jeremy Haefner offered a grant proposal for an innovative, interdisciplinary curriculum,” said Hanney. “Meaning of Things came about from a book in The British Museum, A History of the World in 100 Objects, which got us started on the concept of three objects. The course was unanimously approved and it took a year to put it all together.”
Faculty from across RIT who were involved in the development and support of the Meaning of Things—in Three Objects were: Professor David Neumann, College of Liberal Arts; Professor Mark Indelicato, College of Applied Science and Technology; Assistant Professor Mindy Magyar, College of Imaging Arts and Sciences; and Professor Babak Elahi, College of Liberal Arts.
Here’s what some of the students had to say about taking the course: • Christopher Flemming, second-year industrial design student from Boston: “It’s definitely a different structure, not dedicated to one subject; they present facts but you decide which facts you want to look at and make your own decisions.”
“I’ve been truly amazed at how I’ve seen the students’ thinking going from ‘that’s interesting’ to, ‘but if that is the case, then…’ and ‘but why can’t this be used for?’” said Johansson. “In other words, they have started to appreciate the world around them is the way it is because of a lot of inter-connectedness through time, and this opens their eyes to future possibilities, future ways to critically examine why things are and what they can be. The course in my book has been a huge success.”
• James Kemper, third-year advertising and public relations student from Yokosuka, Japan: “I thought it would be an easy class, an easy A, but found out differently. These three objects may not have something in common but they’ve all affected history in more ways than one. campus news
Professional Firms Employee News Clark Patterson Lee Welcomes Two New Hires in Rochester Clark Patterson Lee, a full-service design firm that has served public and private-sector clients for more than 40 years, welcomed Sean Anderson to its Rochester team as architectural designer and Michelle Lenhart to its team as accounting specialist.
Sean Anderson
In his new position, Anderson is responsible for architectural design and production of drawings for construction projects. He brings 10 years of experience to the team with expertise in higher and K-12 education, retail, and museum and performing art spaces. He has worked with a variety of firms during his career including Morphosis, Randall Stout Architects, Michael Maltzan Architects, Large Architects, 5+ Design and Frederick Fisher and Partners. Anderson earned his bachelor’s degree in architecture from Rensselaer and his master’s degree in architecture from the University of California, Los Angeles. Clark Patterson Lee also welcomed Michelle Lenhart to its Rochester team as accounting specialist.
Michelle Lenhart
In her new position, Lenhart will work primarily with accounts payable and cash receipts. She brings to the position more than 12 years of experience in bookkeeping and nearly four years of experience in accounting, with expertise in accounts payable and receivable, and payroll. Prior to joining the Clark Patterson Lee team, Lenhart spent four years with KDM Development dealing with human resources/payroll. Lenhart earned her associate degree from Kaplan University q
SWBR Employee Receives Certification SWBR announced that Elvedin Krupic was recently named a Level 2 Certified Infrared Thermographer (CIT) by the Infrared Training Center (ITC). Krupic, who serves as Technical Coordinator, has been with the firm for more than 20 years. In 2013, he received his Level 1 CIT. Level 2 Infrared Thermography certification is the second of three levels of infrared training the ITC offers. Certified professionals can operate infrared cameras and software and identify and measure anomalies based on thermal patterns, comparisons with similar equipment and their own experience.
Elvedin Krupic
Krupic attended a training course, passed the required exams and submitted a field assignment to successfully complete his certification. He studied architecture at the College of Architecture in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. q
professional firms employee news
Professional Firms Employee News
BME Associates Announces The Addition of Two New Members to the Board of Directors The owners of BME Associates D.P.C. announced the addition of two new members of the Board of Directors: Gregory Bell, P.L.S., and Martin Janda. President Peter Vars states, “We are excited to have both Gregg and Martin join the Board; they exhibit the leadership qualities that will serve BME well in the future and they have earned this position through their hard work and dedication to the firm.”
Gregory Bell, PLS
Martin Janda
Project Surveyor, Gregory Bell, P.L.S, joined the firm in 1999 as a surveyor and now is responsible for the management of the survey field crews. He also leads the CAD management team, where he is tasked with company CAD standards and employee training. Wetlands Services Manager, Martin Janda, has been with the firm for over 28 years and has successfully led the start-up and delivery of environmental services. In addition Martin serves as a project manager for several of the firm’s high profile projects throughout western New York.
Both Gregory and Martin are a welcome addition to the Board of Directors and will play vital roles in charting the course for the firm into the future. q
Erdman Anthony Hires Erdman Anthony has hired Ruth Landry as an office assistant in the Rochester office. Ruth has an associate degree in liberal arts from Monroe Community College. She has 35 years of experience as a legal secretary and paralegal. q Ruth Landry professional firms employee news | advertisements
News From
Professional Firms
SWBR Unveils New Logo & Brand Identity New brand highlights multidisciplinary design approach
Earlier this year, SWBR Architects welcomed a new president. Today, the firm has announced that it has changed its name to SWBR, introduced a new logo and launched a new website at swbr.com. Approaching 50 years in business, SWBR will continue to positively impact lives through meaningful design, now with a bold, clean and energetic new look and logo. The new brand represents a philosophical change in how the firm represents itself. The name change reflects all the firm has to offer: architecture, interior design, structural engineering, landscape architecture and graphic design.
The new logo conveys a bold, agile and timeless identity, while the color palette articulates energy, creativity and trust — important aspects to SWBR.
“Our new name better conveys our firm’s core identity as a design firm with highly talented designers in their fields of expertise,” said Tom Gears, AIA, president. “We’ve been growing. We have a vision for success and the belief that we can positively impact lives through meaningful design in every market we serve. We now have over 90 amazingly talented individuals and design beautiful, functional spaces that successfully meet our clients’ needs. Our expertise delivers the best solutions and our new brand represents this energy and forward-planning goal of growth.”
• Multidisciplinary • Creativity • Expertise • Integrity • Vision SWBR is a multidisciplinary design firm headquartered in Rochester, New York. Its areas of expertise include education, housing and workplace design. For more information, visit swbr.com. q
SWBR’s 2015 corporate strategic plan identified the need to update the firm’s brand. “People mistakenly believe that all we are is an architecture firm, unaware of the interiors, structural, landscape and graphic design services available. We want to change that,” Gears said. The goal for the new brand is to reflect the firm’s core traits:
Professional Firms Employee News Senior Mechanical Engineer Joins IBC Engineering Staff IBC Engineering, an engineering consulting firm specializing in innovative design building systems, recently announced its appointed Norman Johnson as senior mechanical engineer. In his new role, he will be responsible for design and analysis of sustainable building systems, as well as heating, cooling and ventilation within healthcare and higher education facilities. Some of his other responsibilities include writing project reports, documentation of systems in design software, as well as load calculations and equipment sizing.
Norman Johnson
Norman comes to IBC Engineering with more than 26 years of experience, most recently serving at M/E Engineering, P.C. and BGL Associates. He is a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology with a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering. q
professional firms employee news | news from professional firms
Position Openings
2110 S. Clinton Ave. Suite 1, Rochester, New York 14618
Bergmann Associates News
Mike Terrano Mike Terrano has joined the team at leading local engineering and architecture firm Bergmann Associates. Terrano will be a project engineer for the New York Buildings department in the Rochester office. Terrano will work specifically for the Building Engineering Systems (BES) team. He previously worked for Erdman Anthony as an electrical engineer in Rochester. Terrano has a bachelors’ degree in electrical engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology. q
RES is Wishing everyone a great summer!
professional firms employee news | position openings
American National Standard for Metric Practice (IEEE/ASTM SI 10TM-2016) The latest revisions to the SI-10 Standard are now available! As the United States slowly continues its voluntary adoption of the metric system industry leaders, scientists, researchers and academics realize there needs to be a coordinated standard to follow as we transition to the metric system. The International System of units or SI (French: Système international d'unités) was developed in the 1960s as a coherent system of units of measurement built on seven base units, aka the metric system. The unifying nature of SI made application of the basic metric system universal. By the end of the last century nearly every country in the world had adopted SI. Some have been slower to implement but even in the US, the measurement system we all know and love to hate, the footpound system, is based on definitions found in the international SI standards. As many industries in the US have realized, globalization and efficiency impel them towards metrication. Some understand the benefits of using a simpler base 10 system, others have converted to stay competitive. Perhaps the largest industries to convert to date are the automotive, computer, and pharmaceutical industries. The U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) adapted the international defining SI Brochure to use American English spellings and this continues in existence today as NIST Special Publication 330 (SP 330). NIST also provides a guide to federal agencies on using the SI as NIST Special Publication 811 (SP 811). Given the voluntary nature of the Metric Conversion Act of 1975, American industries have been left on their own to implement the SI and to standardize its practice in U.S. industry. As more and more science and technology based industries converted it was clear that many existing US standards produced by dozens of organizations would need to be converted to SI. To help coordinate conversion of these standards, used in US industry, scientific research, engineering and academia, several industries developed metric standards, not to replace SI but to supplement it and make it usable and understandable for their particular organizations. These standards began to coelesce for industry with the development of a US primary metric standard. The primary American National Standard that resulted is the one produced by the joint metric standard developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): IEEE/ASTM SI 10TM-2016. Both organizations contribute members to the standing joint committee to write and maintain this standard. The committee chair rotates between IEEE and ASTM with each revision cycle. With this combined cooperative effort, there is now one standard that can be applied to any technical standard on a variety of topics related to science, engineering, technology 18 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JUNE 2017
and industry. The United States Metric Association (USMA) contributes several members to the joint committee to help develop these joint standards. These organizations work very closely and continually revise the US metric standard as SI develops and evolves on a worldwide basis. It should be noted that IEEE/ASTM SI 10-2016 is drawn from the SI Brochure, published by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) to define the SI. SI 10 also hews very closely to NIST SP 330 and SP 811 to provide a fairly seamless interacting between government and non-government concerns in the U.S. A few professional and industrial groups in the U.S. develop their own metric standards to address their particular needs but those derive mostly from SI 10 and thus also from NIST SP 811 and the SI Brochure. This document is the primary American National Standard on application of the metric system. It emphasizes use of the International System of Units (SI), which is the modern, internationally accepted metric system. It includes information on SI, a definitive list of non-SI units accepted for use with SI, and a list of conversion factors. There is an entire appendix on conversion giving guidance to help those wishing to convert and how to discern between conversion of standards and the development of new SI based standards (substitution). The standard provides general guidance on style and usage. It also lists older "metric" units that shall no longer be used. The word “primary” implies that other metric standards in the United States should be consistent with this document. – from the IEEE SI-10 web site page. In other words, SI is the non-government authoritative reference on using SI in the US. The latest version of the standard, the American National Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System (known as IEEE/ASTM SI 10TM-2016) is now available for purchase. If you are involved in development or maintenance of any industrial, commercial, scientific or national standard you are encouraged to purchase a version of SI to ensure your standards are current and as relevant as they can be. If your interested in learning more or wish to purchase a copy, go to: http://standards.ieee.org/findstds/standard/SI_10-2016.html https://www.astm.org/Standards/SI10.htm http://webstore.ansi.org/FindStandards.aspx
Submitted by: Howard Ressel, member US Metric Association q featiure article
Campus News RIT hosts ‘Enabling the Digital World’ about future of electronics manufacturing and workforce development Industry panel discusses how electronics are being integrated into next-generation technologies Rochester Institute of Technology is expanding its university/corporate partnership with ASM Systems focusing on next-generation electronics manufacturing, research and workforce development. The partners are highlighting projects underway during “Enabling the Digital World: The Future of Electronics and Manufacturing,” a half-day of events from 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 21. Opening events take place in the Golisano Hall auditorium, located in RIT’s B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. Co-presented with ASM and RIT’s Center for Electronics Manufacturing and Assembly (CEMA), the event includes tours and demonstrations of state-of-the-art electronics packaging equipment taking place in the CEMA Laboratory, located in RIT’s Louise Slaughter Hall. A panel discussion led by industry experts and information about workforce needs and research trends in electronics also will be highlighted during the event. An agenda of the half day of activities includes: • 1 p.m.: Opening remarks, Martin Anselm, director, CEMA Lab • 1:15 p.m.: “RIT’s Commitment to Research and Industrial Outreach,” Manian Ramkumar, CAST interim dean • 1:30 p.m.: “ASM Enabling the Digital World,” Jeff Timms, managing director ASM Americas • 1:45 p.m.: Ceremonial ribbon cutting and networking hosted by Ryne Raffaelle, vice president for research at RIT • 2:15– 3 p.m.: Panel discussion: “The Culture of Electronics, Manufacturing & Research” with panelists Irene Sterian, executive director, ReMap; Martin Anslem, director, CEMA; and Jeff Schake, process engineer, ASM • 3–5 p.m.: ASM Line/Equipment Demonstration, guided tour of CAST and CEMA, student electronics manufacturing and packaging research poster session and test laboratory tours ASM, an international supplier of electronics assembly and packaging equipment, has installed two machines in the CEMA lab—a DEK screen printer, which precision-prints solder paste, and a SIPLACE SX2 pick and place machine for flexible, high-speed surface mount technology component placement. A ceremonial ribbon-cutting takes place at 1:45 p.m. in the atrium of Golisano Hall. The new equipment expands CEMA’s capabilities in electronic manufacturing and will be a means to contribute to AIM Photonics, one of its many industry collaborations. The working relationship reinforces and improves upon both companies’ direction toward next-generation electronics devices and packaging, positioning both to contribute to the growing industry, said Martin Anselm, CEMA director and assistant professor of manufacturing and mechanical engineering technology in RIT’s College of Applied Science and Technology.
campus news
“CEMA provides a unique service in the area of workforce training and research for the electronics industry, and with this new equipment from ASM, coupled with the growing research partnership we’re building, we can make a big impact in applied research in the area of electronics manufacturing and packaging,” said Anselm. Jeff Timms, managing director of ASM Americas, agreed. “As the world’s leading provider of capital equipment and robotics used in electronics manufacturing, ASM has had a strong relationship with RIT for many years to develop process capabilities and practical solutions for today’s electronics manufacturers. As the level of system and packaging integration has continued to increase, the complexity of manufacturing systems has also increased, leading to challenges in manufacturing that have yet to be solved. “This is particularly true in the world of system in package devices, wafer level fan out applications, and the emerging world of photonics. Based on past experience, we knew we could not simply partner with just any institution, therefore we chose to work with RIT. RIT has the experience, the tools, and the know-how to tackle the electronics manufacturing challenges of today and the future. This is why we selected RIT as a process development and application partner,” Timms said. One of the central activities of the day is an experts panel led by Irene Sterian, executive director of ReMAP, who will discuss the culture of electronics, manufacturing and research and how electronics will be fully integrated into next-generation technologies such as the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, wearable technologies and renewable energy. The panel discussion begins at 2:15 p.m. Sterian leads ReMap’s Network of Centres of Excellence for renewable energy, new materials and optics and photonics. Together with dozens of start-ups, subject matter experts, large organizations, and leading research institutions from across Canada, she has formed an integrated, shared ecosystem dedicated to accelerating the commercialization of electronics products manufactured in Canada for the global market. Over her 30-year career with IBM and Celestica, Sterian has experience in innovation management, product enablement and global technology transfer. She has contributed to the Surface Mount Technology Association, serving on its board of directors for six years, and has been both speaker and organizer of international manufacturing programs such as the 2016 Exponential Manufacturing Summit and the Canadian Global Impact Challenge. Sterian is a recipient of the IBM Technology Award and the Celestica Leadership Award. She holds a patent in high-density package design and has published more than 30 papers and articles for industry publications on electronics assembly and emerging technology. q JUNE 2017 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 19
Go to the RES Web Site for Updated Details On All Meetings - www.roceng.org
Education Opportunities The RES website (www.roceng.org) has a calendar of events for this month's meetings and meetings that are received or updated after print deadline. Please refer to the website for updated information. If you wish to be listed in the calendar please send details to admin@roceng.org.
To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email: admin@roceng.org
Engineers’ Calendar
The engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. The deadline for submitting copy is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: admin@roceng.org. The meetings offering PDHs are highlighted in blue. Details about the meeting and affiliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the affiliate name.
Tuesday, June 6
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Rochester Section Excom Meeting Place – New Location: Tandoor of India, 376 Jefferson Road, Henrietta, NY Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm Cost: $5 for members, $3 for students. Details at https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/44003 20 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JUNE 2017
Thursday, June 8
American Society of p 39 Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)
p 31
Annual Golf Outing Place: Victor Hill Golf Club, 1450 Brace Road, Victor Time: 10:00 am tee-off. Cost: $75 (includes lunch, 18 holes of golf, dinner, awards). Make checks payable to Rochester Chapter ASPE.
continuing education calendar
Thursday, June 15
International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
Shaping Systems Engineering and InCOSE for the Future
Friday, June 23
Genesee Valley p 24 Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA)
Rochester Red Wings vs Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs
Speaker: Garry Roedler, INCOSE President-elect. Place: 7 hosts available. See page 28 for details or go to the website at http://www.incose.org/ChaptersGroups/Chapters/ ChapterSites/finger-lakes/chapter-home. Time: Meetings begins at 6:00 pm and ends approximately 7:30 pm. If you need details or have any concerns contacting a host email Kevin Devaney at kdevaney@srcinc.com.
Thursday, June 15
Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD) 19th Annual Scholarship Golf Outing
p 34
p 32
Time: Dinner at the 10th Inning Bar starting 6:30 pm; Game starts at 7:05 pm Tickets: Tickets are $25 per person and includes dinner (consists of Roast Chicken, Hot Dogs, and Sausage with a side and a drink). Details will be available at www.gvlsa.com.
Monday, July 10
Electrical Association (EA) 37th Annual Invitational Golf Outing
p 36
Place: LeRoy Country Club, 7759 East Main Road, LeRoy, NY Registration: Early registration discounts available. More information online at www.eawny.com.
Place: Terry Hills Country Club, 5122 Clinton St. Rd, Batavia Time: Registration begins at 11:30 am; Lunch beginning at 11:30 am (Halfway House), Shotgun start at 12:45 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Awards following dinner. Cost: $100 per person (includes lunch, golf with cart, Keg beer, and dinner). $35 for dinner only. Reservations: Reservations by Wed. June 9th to Mike Barrett, 716-688-0766, mbarrett@wendelcompanies.com. Reservation form is also on page 35 of this issue.
Thursday, July 13
Wednesday, June 21
drinks. We ask attendees to bring a dish to pass. Details will be available at www.gvlsa.com.
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Summer Event – SEABREEZE!
p 39
Place: Seabreeze, 4600 Culver Road, Rochester, NY 14622. The only goal of this event is to have FUN! Bring your entire family for a whole day of excitement. Going to Seabreeze with dinner normally costs $30/person. For you and your family, it’s just $5/ person. This rate will increase to $10/person if you register on June 30 or later. Tuesday, June 20 Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE) p 26 Time: 11:00 am to 10:00 pm To register, go to: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/meeting_ AFE’s Annual Nick Dargento Memorial Scholarship registration/register/44408 Golf Outing For more details about activities and dinner menu, visit Place: Victor Hills Golf Club, South Course, 1450 Brace Road, https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/44408 Victor, NY Time: Registration starts at 9:00 am; Scramble Format/ Saturday, July 15 Shotgun Start at 10:00 am. Comments: Collared shirt required (no t-shirts, tank tops, Genesee Valley cutoffs, or jeans). Includes a Continental breakfast, lunch Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA) p 32 (grilled chicken, burgers, sausage & hots), beer and soft drinks, 2nd Annual GVLSA Picnic Buffet Dinner at 4:00 pm (steak, chicken, ziti, salads, and Place: Stewart Lodge, Mendon Ponds Park more). Cost: 18 Holes of Golf and Lunch - $60; Golf and Time: Noon. Dinner - $85; Dinner Only - $35. Comments: GVLSA will provide chicken, hot dogs, burgers and
Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) IES Rochester Golf Outing
p 37
Place: Victor Hills Golf Club Time: 10:30 am Cost: Individual Golfer - $95; Foursome - $370 (sponsorship available for $100). Price includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch, steak dinner, and drinks). Registration: Reserve and pay for this event before June 14th through the website at www.iesrochester.org on the ‘Events’ page. Direct any tournament questions to John Garbinski at jgarbinski@qlsny.com. engineers' calendar
Friday, August 11
New York State Association of Transportation Engineers (NYSATE)
Annual Summer Picnic and Red Wings Game
p 33
Norfolk/Fireworks/Food Time: 7:05 pm Contact Keri Ossont for ticket information, Keri.ossont@dot.ny.gov.
4th ANNUAL GENESEE RIVER BASIN SUMMIT River Access and Recreational Opportunities
June 15, 2017 - 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM - RIT Campus Genesee RiverWatch is hosting its 4th Annual Genesee River Basin Summit on June 15, 2017 in the Louise Slaughter Building on the Rochester Institute of Technology Campus. The topic is "River Access and Recreational Opportunities." The Summit is open to the public. Please join us! Purpose: Our region is blessed with an abundance of water assets. But those assets are underutilized especially the Genesee River and its tributaries. The purpose of this year's Summit is to review the current state of river access and recreational use, understand the benefits associated with increasing these opportunities and plan for how we can move forward to benefit our citizens and the local economy. The Summit will be broken down into four sessions. 1. Available River Access - Presentations will review available river and tributary access opportunities and maps. 2. Available Recreational Opportunities - Experts will discuss the boating, fishing, hiking and biking opportunities available. 3. Why is it Important? - This series of presentations will explore various perspectives on why recreation and access is important to regional tourism and the economy. 4. What Can or Should Be Done? - This session will look at what kinds of projects and programs are in the works across the basin and solicit feedback from the attendees on a path forward. A complete agenda will be published soon.
Date: June 15, 2017 Time: 8:00am to 4:30pm Place: Rochester Institute of Technology, Louise Slaughter Hall, Building 78, Rooms 2240-2210 Registration required: http://www.geneseeriverwatch.org/ Fee: $15 includes breakfast, breaks and lunch. Includes: Continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon break. 22 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER JUNE 2017
genesee river watch
Rochester Chapter
Society for Imaging Science and Technology Website: http://rochesterengineeringsociety.wildapricot.org/ISandT Our meetings are held at 6:00pm in Room 1275 of the Carlson Center for Imaging Science on the RIT campus. Everyone is welcome to attend. Parking is available in the F lot, just north of the building. No meeting reservations are required.
Venue ideas requested – we are soliciting input regarding other possible venues for our meetings.
The next scheduled meeting is in September. We will meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, except for October (2nd week), November, December, February, and April (April features RIT Students program)
News From
Professional Firms
SWBR Recognized with Local Award from the Construction Specifications Institute SWBR announced that its work on the Long Pond Senior Housing Apartments in Greece, New York, has been recognized with the Rochester Award for New Construction from the Rochester Chapter Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). The award is given for exceptional teamwork between owner, designer and constructor realized through CSI’s principles of how clear, well-prepared construction documents can positively influence the process, quality and successful outcome of a project. Co-developers Cornerstone Group and Pathstone Development Corporation, of Rochester, were pleased with the professionalism and clarity of the design team’s documents as they worked with SWBR on the senior housing project. The complex nature of constructing affordable housing through the oversight of numerous funding sources necessitates thorough and accurate processes. The co-developers were able to meet their goals and are working to achieve similar energy efficiency thresholds on future housing projects. As the population ages, the need for affordable, supportive senior housing has never been higher. is&t news | news from professional firms
With this in mind, SWBR designed the innovative 54-unit senior housing project to provide independent and enriched housing to income-eligible seniors 62 and older — the first of its kind in New York. Designing the building to be highly efficient, SWBR used systems and materials that reduce water and energy consumption by an expected 20%-30% over typical code-compliant construction, earning the project LEED for Homes Gold certification. In April, Rochester’s Cornerstone Group and SWBR accepted the award at the Annual CSI Gala held at Memorial Art Gallery. q JUNE 2017 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 23
Finger Lakes Chapter of INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON SYSTEMS ENGINEERING http://www.incose.org/ChaptersGroups/Chapters/ChapterSites/finger-lakes/chapter-home
Upcoming Chapter Meeting Events
• Thursday, June 15, 2017: June Chapter Meeting Garry Roedler, INCOSE President-elect
Shaping Systems Engineering and INCOSE for the Future
Incoming INCOSE President Garry Roedler of Lockheed Martin has agreed to speak at our June meeting, and will discuss his vision for the profession of systems engineering, as well as his plans for INCOSE. Garry Roedler is a Fellow and the Engineering Outreach Program Manager for Lockheed Martin (LM). His 30+ years of systems engineering (SE) experience spans the full life cycle and includes technical leadership roles in both programs and systems engineering business functions. During his career, he has performed and led systems engineering activities on a wide range of programs including the space, aeronautics, and intelligence systems domains, as well as commercial systems integration. His previous roles have included Chief Systems Engineer, Senior Systems Engineering Manager, Chief Technologist for Engineering Processes and Senior Program Manager. Garry holds degrees in mathematics education and mechanical engineering from Temple University and the Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP) certification from INCOSE. Garry is an INCOSE Fellow, and the recipient of many awards, including the DoD Meritorious Service Award, INCOSE Founders Award, INCOSE Outstanding Service Award, Best SE Journal Article, IEEE Golden Core, Lifetime Achievement Award from USC Center for Systems and Software Engineering, Lockheed Martin Technical Leadership Award and Lockheed Martin NOVA Award (highest technical honor in Lockheed Martin).
• Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm
Please RSVP with your local host – a list of local hosts and their contact information is below; if there are any issues contacting one of them, or there are any other questions or concerns, please contact Kevin Devaney at kdevaney@srcinc.com. 1. Ithaca
Wesley Hewett at wahewett@gmail.com, Cornell University, Rhodes Hall
2. Syracuse University
Dr. Young Moon at ybmoon@syr.edu, 220 Link Hall
3. Rome, NY
Bruce Rubin at bruceieeerubin@yahoo.com
4. North Syracuse, NY
Kevin Devaney at devaney@srcinc.com, SRC, 6225 Running Ridge Rd., 13212
5. Lockheed Martin MST Shirley Kupst at shirley.kupst@lmco.com, Owego, NY 6. Rochester, NY
Rick Zinni at rzinni@gmail.com, Location TBD
incose news
Genesee Valley Branch
American Public Works Association Serving Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans and Wayne County Website: NewYork.APWA.net
“There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.” Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes Water water everywhere.....
Once again, public works agencies are thrust into their role as emergency responders! The spring thaws and historical rainfalls have resulted in unprecedented shoreline flooding with damage to docks and other accessory structures. The communities along our shoreline have responded quickly to assisting residents. This was the result of several town supervisors quick response in mobilizing town forces. Unfortunately, the media and several politicians have whipped the property owners into a frenzy blaming Plan 2014 from the International Joint Commission (IJC). For those that attended the recent NY Chapter of APWA Conference that was in Rochester, you could have heard a great presentation by William Warrick regarding Plan 2014. This report was designed to allow the Great Lakes to mimmick natural fluctuations in water levels to preserve aquatic habitat, recreational use of the waterway, provide adequate supply of domestic water, and create hydroelectric power for a sustainable future. I left the session confident in that the IJC did put the best interest of the all parties. Then, the feces hit the oscillating blades! Everyone needs someone to blame for Mother Nature’s fury. So politicians get face time on TV telling us it is the IJC’s fault! While I certainly feel sorry for those that are losing shoreline or structural damage, but there is a certain risk in living at the water’s edge. Go ask those that live in any coastal area or along the Mississippi River. Bill’s talk highlighted some interesting facts. The IJC was formed in 1909 to address common concerns to the Great Lakes, the largest freshwater supply in the world! They analyzed a large amount of data including the drought of the 1970’s. The implementation of the plan was cursed by its timing with the highest rise in lake levels in 100 years! I was amazed at how calmly our Canadian neighbors weathered the flooding with minimal complaining. I also was amazed to learn that Montreal is on an island. If you want to see real devastation, take a ride along the St. Lawrence River through Canada. So what is the lesson learned? First, for those that were boy scouts, first and foremost is “be prepared”! History notes that our area was once covered with giant glaciers and we now have a period of warm weather that will include increases in water levels. Wave action is very destructive. The NYSDEC establishes a 100’ Coastal Erosion Zone along the Great Lakes yet every water front owner wants to cut down trees and build decks out the edge of shore. Despite repeated efforts by property owners to stop the erosion, soil loss continues at a steady rate. Thanks to all the town and village staff who helped out with sand bags and emergency services to respond to those in need! Final factoid to share, the rate of evaporation on the Great Lakes is 2 times the flow rate over Niagara Falls!
Genesee Valley Branch News
I have been proud of the accomplishments of the GV Branch of APWA, all driven by some great people who give up their personal time to make our Branch the largest and best. Thanks to Treasurer Peter Vars, the GVB is in a great financial position with cash in the bank and now looking at creating a scholarship fund. The Board of Directors will be having an election of officers that will be sent to all APWA members. Please be sure to vote. I am proud to say that it is time for me to step down as President. Jason Kennedy will be running for Branch President. We are also looking at expanding the number of at-large directors to encourage participation from all counties in our branch as well as to attract contractors and venders to APWA. Jason is a dedicated APWA member and represents the largest agency member of our branch. I support Jason’s nomination and look forward to his passion and support of APWA. The American Public Works Association (www.apwa.net) is a not-for-profit, international organization of more than 29,000 members involved in the field of public works. APWA serves its members by promoting professional excellence and public awareness through education, advocacy and the exchange of knowledge. APWA is headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, and has an office in Washington, D.C. with 63 chapters throughout North America. apwa news
afe news
Monroe Professional Engineers Society A Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers 657 East Avenue, Rochestter, New York 14607 Dedicated to Professionalism in Engineering in the Interest of Public Safety and Welfare 2016-17 Officers: President David Roberts, PE, President-elect Chris Kambar, PE, Vice President Arthur Reardon, PE, Secretary Martin Gordon, PE, Treasurer Neal Illenberg, PE, Membership Chair Arthur Reardon, PE
Review: 13th Annual Engineering Symposium in Rochester (ESR)
A total of 454 engineering professionals were in attendance at the Engineering Symposium in Rochester, held on April 18, 2017. Over 194 organizations were represented including consulting firms, manufacturers, government agencies, educational institutions, and other for-profits. Labella Associates boasted the largest number of registrants, with 36 attending – roughly 9% of total registration. Stantec and Erdman Anthony were both tied for second largest number of registrants at 16 apiece. Ten registrants were from the City of Rochester, while 9 were students from Finger Lakes Community College. Rochester Institute of Technology and the University of Rochester were both well represented and also had information tables set up in the lobby for the event. Held at the newly renovated Hyatt Regency in Downtown Rochester, the symposium featured 37 accredited courses for professional engineers. Each P.E. in attendance was given the opportunity to earn up to seven professional development hours (PDHs). The morning kicked off with opening remarks from Symposium Committee Chairman, Christopher R. Devries, P.E., while the attendees enjoyed various fruit and pastry selections. Afterwards the attendees were dismissed to the various morning PDH programs, including topics such as: 3D HD Scanning For AECO Professionals, The Basics of Building Fire Protection Design, and MEP Seismic And Wind Provisions of ASCE 7-10. The entire group reconvened in the Grand Ballroom at lunchtime to hear the Keynote Address: Forensic Engineering: Engineering Applied to the Law. Presented by Martin E. Gordon, P.E. Professor & MMET Undergraduate Program Director from Rochester Institute of Technology, the program explained the interesting, yet challenging work that Forensic Engineers do. The audience was enthralled by the real-world examples Professor Gordon shared, accompanied by supporting analyses and simulations of vehicle crash reconstructions. After lunch, the group again split into the various program tracks, attending courses such as: Climate Change Mitigation – Engineering & Policy Solutions, Principles of Laboratory Design and Fume Hood Operation, and Lead in Drinking Water & New Regulations for Schools. At the end of the day the attendees enjoyed cocktails and conversation in the Main Street Gallery Lounge. The event would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the Symposium Planning Committee. Their work begins up to six months prior to the event, and includes arranging the venue, scheduling speakers, and providing PDH certifications. MPES heads up this event with close support from the Rochester Engineering Society (RES). The Planning Committee is made of active members of MPES and RES, as well as several other engineering societies including: ASCE, ASHRAE, ASME, ASPE, EAWNY, IEEE, IES, and NYSATE. Special thanks go to Lynne Irwin of RES who manages a number of tasks behind the scenes which make this event go smoothly and Jen Miller of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers (NYSSPE) who supports us in getting PDH accreditation for nearly all the courses. If you’d like more information about the symposium, please visit the website: http://www.engineeringsymposiumrochester.com/. As always, we encourage active membership in the Monroe Professional Engineers Society. We are constantly striving to improve your membership but we always need more help. If you are interested in becoming an active member or have any questions, please email me at dcrobertspe@gmail.com or contact MPES through our website at www.monroepes.org/contactus/.
David C. Roberts, P.E., President, MPES
mpes news
swe news
Erhard Marcus Uhmann YoungerMarcus MemberUhmann Group Chair Erhard Erhard Marcus Uhmann Younger Member Group Chair Hannah Rockwell Walter Kaniecki Younger Communication Chair Member Group Chair Treasurer Walter Kaniecki Hannah Rockwell WalterKayla Kaniecki Hannah Rockwell Pliszka Ke’Shara Webb Communication Chair Treasurer Communication Chair Chair Treasurer Community Outreach Educational Outreach Co-Chair Kayla Pliszka Ke’Shara Webb Kayla Pliszka Ke’Shara Webb Tony Sanganetti Nicole Cleary Community Outreach Chair Educational Outreach Co-Chair Community Outreach Chair Educational Outreach Co-Chair Social Outreach Chair Educational Outreach Co-Chair Tony Sanganetti Nicole Cleary Tony Sanganetti Nicole Cleary Social Outreach Chair Educational Outreach Co-Chair Social Outreach Chair Educational Outreach Co-Chair
Board Editorial by Erhard Marcus Uhmann, Chair, Rochester Section Younger Member Group Board Editorial by Erhard Marcus Uhmann, Chair, Rochester Section Younger Member Group Board Editorial by 2016, Erhard Chair,(YMG) Rochester Younger Group Since September theMarcus YoungerUhmann, Member Group boardSection has grown, giving Member us the ability to plan new events and become more involved in the community. To focus our group’s direction, we have Since September 2016, the Younger Member Group (YMG) board has grown, giving us the ability to plan Since September 2016, the Younger Member Group (YMG) board grown, giving usdirection, the abilitywe tohave plan new divided resources into three main areas: community, education, and social/networking activities. new events our and become more involved in the community. Tohas focus our group’s events and become more involved in the community. To focus our group’s direction, we have divided our resources We our started our journey with main the support of the ASCE Rochester as summarizedactivities. below divided resources into three areas: community, education,Section, and social/networking into three main areas: community, education, and social/ We started our journey with the support of the ASCE Rochester Section, as summarized below networking activities. WeOUTREACH started our journey with the support EDUCATIONAL of the ASCE Rochester Section, as summarized below.hosted by Our group has participated in many events EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH Section Career Committee Our Rochester group has OUTREACH participated in Guidance many events hosted by EDUCATIONAL including the Holiday Science and Technology Days at Rochester Section Career Guidance Committee Our group has participated in many events hosted by Rochester the Rochester Museum CenterDays in at including Holiday Scienceand andScience Technology Section Careerthe Guidance Committee including the Holiday December 2016. At these events, kids learn the Rochester Museum Science Center in about Science and Technology Daysand at the Rochester Museum and the ingredients in concrete and allow them to mix and December At these2016. events, kids learn about Science Center 2016. in December At these events, kids the learn cast concrete with our oftothe ingredients in concrete andhelp. allow themthem mix and about the ingredients in concrete and Many allow tostudents mix andare excited towith see help. the product wait to concrete ourfinal help. Many thecan’t students are cast cast concrete with our Many of theofand students are excited show friends family they created. Museum and Center––Science Science Exploration Rochester Museum andScience Science Center Exploration Day Day excited totheir see the final product can’t wait to to see the final product and and can’t waitand towhat show their friends and Rochester family what they created. show their friends and family what they created. Rochester Museum and Science Center – Science Exploration Day We have also teamed up with the Science Technology Entry Program (STEP) to expose middle and high school students toup the various civil engineering disciplines. We give a briefmiddle presentation on the We We havehave also teamed up with the Science Technology Entry Program (STEP) tostudents expose middle and high also teamed with the Science Technology Entry Program (STEP) to expose andschool high students to the various civil engineering disciplines. We give students a brief presentation on the opportunities andIf opportunities and careers, and our Younger Members discuss their personal experiences in the field. school students to the various civil engineering disciplines. We give students a brief presentation on the careers, and our Younger Members discuss their personal experiences in the field. If you are interested in speaking/ you are interested in speaking/sharing a few projects, and meeting others within the organization, opportunities and careers, and our Younger Members discuss their personal experiences in the field. If sharing fewinterested projects, and meeting others within organization, us know so the we can provide the students let us know so we can provide thethe students withmeeting aplease more let well-rounded experience. you aplease are in speaking/sharing a few projects, and others within organization, withplease a moreletwell-rounded experience. us know so we can provide the students with a more well-rounded experience. COMMUNITY OUTREACH COMMUNITY OUTREACH Giving back to the community is an important part of our role. We have been organizing various COMMUNITY OUTREACH Giving back to the community is an different importantparts part of role. We haveCheck been organizing various volunteer efforts volunteer efforts to impact of our the us outorganizing at the CanStruction Giving back to the community is an important part of community. our role. We have been various to impact different parts of the community. Check us out at the CanStruction Rochester competition (you can view Rochester competition can view entries from May 21st us to out Juneat2nd it new home in Tower volunteer efforts to stimpact (you different partsthe of the community. Check theatCanStruction nd to June 2 at it new home in Tower 280) – this year’s theme is Fantasy and Fairytale! Also, the entries from May 21 rd 280) – competition this year’s theme is Fantasy andentries Fairytale! on June 3 , we will volunteering our Rochester (you can view the fromAlso, May 21st totheir June 2nd atbe it information new home inavailable Tower on June 3rd, we will be volunteering our assistance to Lollypop Farm atrd site (more on our to Lollypop at their site (moreAlso, information Facebook page, 280)assistance –page, this year’s theme is Farm Fantasy and Fairytale! on June 3available , we willonbeour volunteering our link below). Facebook link below). assistance to Lollypop Farm at their site (more information available on our Facebook page, link below). SOCIAL / NETWORKING SOCIAL / NETWORKING to meet neworpeople or build relationships that you Use as our events asstone a to SOCIAL / NETWORKING LookingLooking to meet new people build relationships with thosewith thatthose you know? Useknow? our events a stepping stepping stone to complete this goal. Be on the lookout for upcoming events in the next few months. Looking meetBenew people or build relationships with that know? Use our events as a complete thistogoal. on the lookout for upcoming events in those the next fewyou months. stepping stone to complete this goal. Be on the lookout for upcoming events in the next few months. GETTING INVOLVED GETTING INVOLVED We’re excited events we’re currently for this fall, and can’t to GETTING INVOLVED We’re excited about theabout eventsthe we’re currently planning forplanning this summer andsummer fall, and and we can’t wait we to see youwait at one! see you at one! To get involved, learn more about upcoming events, or add your voice to the To get involved, learn more upcoming events, orplanning add yourforvoice the conversation, please connect with We’re excited about theabout events we’re currently thisto summer and fall, and we can’t wait to us in conversation, please connect with us in for anynew of upcoming the following ways. always any see of the following ways. are always looking ideas! you at one! To getWe involved, learn more about events, orWe addare your voicelooking to the for new ideas! conversation, please connect with us in any of the following ways. We are always looking for new ideas! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/58147388482/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/58147388482/ Email: asce.rochester.ymg@gmail.com Email: asce.rochester.ymg@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/58147388482/ ASCE Rochester Email: asce.rochester.ymg@gmail.com P.O. Box 18104 Rochester, NY 14618-0104
asce news
ASCE Rochester P.O. Box 18104 ASCE Rochester Rochester, NY 14618-0104 P.O. Box 18104 Rochester, NY 14618-0104
ashrae news
President: ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, P.C. 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Technical: DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Legislative: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD Clark Patterson Lee 205 St. Paul Blvd. Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Vice President Membership: DOUG MEIER Twin”D” Associates 1577 Ridge Road West Suite 116B Rochester, NY 14615 585-581-2170 Treasurer: TERRY BROWN, CPD M/E Engineering, PC 150 North Chestnut Street Rochester, NY 14604 585-288-5590 Administrative Secretary: ADAM KRAMER IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Education Chairman: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD Clark Patterson Lee 205 St. Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Newsletter Editor: DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110 Affiliate Liaison: ADAM FRENZEL Empire State Associates. 181 Bay Village Drive Rochester, NY 14609 585-602-0271
aspe news
President's Message The new Chapter Board of Officers for 2017-2019 is:
• • • • • • •
President: Jennifer Wengender, P.E., CPD. Vice President Technical: Dave Jereckos. Vice President Legislative: David Myers. Vice President Membership: Doug Meier. Treasurer: Alan Smith, P.E. Administrative Secretary: Adam Kramer. Affiliate Liaison: Travis Jessick.
Congratulations to the new Chapter Board. Thank you to all the members that voted for the new officers. 65% of the membership voted in this election. A special thank-you to Adam Frenzel who is retiring from the Chapter Board. Adam has been the Chapter Affiliate Liaison for the past 6 years. Thank-you Adam for your years of involvement and support. There will not be any meetings during the summer months. Our next meeting will be in September. I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer.
Alan Smith, P.E. Rochester Chapter (soon to be) Past-President
Meeting Notice – Save the Date Topic: Date:
Annual Golf Outing
10:00 am Tee-off
Victor Hill Golf Club, 1450 Brace Road, Victor
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Credits: (bragging rights at dinner for any eagles made) Cost:
$75.00 (includes lunch, 18 holes of golf, dinner, awards and prizes). Make checks payable to Rochester Chapter ASPE.
Future meetings - September 20th, October 18th (Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society) JUNE 2017 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 31
Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association Website: www.gvlsa.com
Year 2017 Officers President Roy B. Garfinkel, LS Vice President Jared R. Ransom, LS Secretary Robert J. Avery, LS Treasurer Michael A. Venturo, LS John F. Gillen, LS, ex officio
Upcoming Events 2017: June 23, 2017 - Rochester Red Wings vs Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs. July 15, 2017 – Second annual GVLSA Picnic Steward Lodge, Mendon Ponds Park - Noon August – NO MEETINGS September 14, 2017 -Board of Directors meeting at 6:00pm, Webinar at 7:00pm at Erdman Anthony
June 2017
Board of Directors 2015-2017 Jeffrey A. Tiede, LS Scott E. Measday, LS 2016-2018 Justin M. Roloson, LS Douglas W. Magde, LS 2017-2019 David R. Standinger, LS Daniel T. Hickok, LS Jonathan Navagh - Associates Representative
Friday, June 23 Join us Friday June 23rd for the
Rochester Red Wings vs Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs. Tickets are $25 per person and includes dinner at the 10th Inning Bar starting at 6:30.
October 19, 2017 -General Membership meeting Livingston County Dinner time and location T.B.D.
Dinner will consist of Roast Chicken, Hot Dogs,
November 16, 2017 - Board of Directors and General Membership meeting at the 40 & 8 Club,
and Sausage with a side and a drink.
933 University Avenue, Rochester December 9, 2017 – Annual Dinner Meeting time and location T.B.D.
Seats will be located in the lower level. Game starts at 7:05pm
Saturday, July 15 Second annual GVLSA Picnic at the Stewart Lodge in Mendon Ponds Park starting at Noon. Professional Affiliations •
New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc.
National Society of Professional Surveyors
Rochester Engineering Society
GVLSA will provide chicken, hot dogs, burgers and drinks. We ask attendees to bring a dish to pass. We plan on having a pacing contest and some other survey related games.
gvlsa news
nysate news
abcd news
abcd news
ea news
Rochester, NY Section P.O. Box 23795 Rochester, NY 14692 www.iesrochester.org
It’s Time Again For The Annual
IES Rochester Golf Outing
June 21, 2017 - 10:30 AM
Individual Golfer: $95 Foursome: $370 Sponsorships Available for $100 (Price includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch, steak dinner, drinks and prizes)
Please direct any tournament questions to John Garbinski at jgarbinski@qlsny.com Please RSVP and pay for this event before 6/14 through our website at www.iesrochester.org on the ‘Events’ page. ies news
ieee news
ieee news
Directory of Professional Services
Geophysical Services
• Seismic
• Ground Penetrating Radar
• Electromagnetic • Vibration Monitoring
• MASW, Seismic Site Classification, Refraction/Reflection • Concrete Inspection (Voids, Rebar, Thickness, Mapping)
Mark Saunders, Geophysics Division Manager 80 Lawrence Bell Dr. Buffalo, NY 14221 T +1 716-279-3540 M +1 716-270-7856 Email: MarkSaunders@applusrtd.com
www.eco-rentalsolutions.com 855-ECO-RENT Newest Rental Fleet in the Industry Exceptional Customer and Technical Service Consistent Quality Rentals • Sales • Service
directory of professional services
Directory of Professional Services
300 State Street Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614
Office: 585.454.6110 Fax: 585.454.3066 www.labellapc.com
Solving soils problems for over 40 years. 46A Sager Drive, Rochester, NY 14607 Tel: 585-458-0824 • Fax: 585-458-3323 www.foundationdesignpc.com
CLEANROOMSERVICES.COM Certification Training Consulting Servicing Cleanroom Facilities Since 1977 ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited
R. KRAFT, Inc. (585) 621-6946 rk.cleanroomservices@gmail.com
Michael S. Quagliata, Jr., PE President
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 217 West Commercial Street East Rochester, New York 14445 585/385-1450 585/385-1482 Fax mikeq@q-techpc.com
Electrical & Mechanical Engineering & Design
Inc. A sign, of ct Deeld, NY 14526 US u d o r P P. Haltaolt nfi e f P f.com o , e r H Ga ry Halt ridge Lan @ y arr ckb
40 Ro
585-831-9640 Mobile 866-835-6651 Fax greg.chalmers@ads-pipe.com
directory of professional services
Design Engineering Services - Concept thru Production Mechanical / Electromechanical - Consumer / Industrial All Plastic and Metal Technologies Tel: 585-388-9000 Fax: 585-388-3839
Directory of Business Services Philip J. Welch
First Vice President - Investments
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
200 Meridian Centre Suite 260 Rochester, NY 14618 Direct: 585-241-7546 Fax: 585-241-3986 Toll Free: 877-237-6201 philip.welch@wellsfargoadvisors.com
New Membership Application and Advertising Rate Details are at www.roceng.org
Professional Firms Employee News Beardsley Architects + Engineers announced that Lawrence S. Koch, R.A., has joined the firm as architect and Daniel J. Whitman, CPD, has re-joined the firm as plumbing senior designer. Mr. Koch has over 30 years of experience in the architectural Lawrence S. Koch, design of educational facilities, R.A. manufacturing facilities, administrative buildings, and county office buildings. He has served as a project manager for multi-million-
dollar design and construction projects, leading project teams and coordinating closely with clients. Mr. Whitman has over 24 years of experience in the design of plumbing and fire protection building systems for commercial, educational, residential, retail, and medical Daniel J. Whitman, facilities. He returns to Beardsley CPD where he previously served as a department manager in addition to his work as plumbing designer. q
directory of business services | professional firms employee news
Affiliated Societies of the Rochester Engineering Society American Consulting Engineering Companies of New York President, David J. Meyer, 585-218-0730 Email: dmeyer@pathfinderengineers.com American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Vincenzo G. Marcello, 585-422-0043. Email:Vincenzo.Marcello@SDMS.usa.xerox.com American Public Works Association Monroe County/Genesee Valley Branch Past-Chairman, Geoff Benway Email: gbenway@ci.webster.ny.us American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section President, Clement Chung, PE Email: cchung@members.asce.org or cchung.pe@gmail.com American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Christina Walter Email: cmwalter@trane.com American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Steven Ivancic, University of Rochester Email: American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Rochester New York Chapter President, Alan Smith, IBC Engineering 585-292-1590. Email: asmith@ibceng.com Association for Bridge Construction and Design President, Kevin H. Miller, PE 716-852-3211 Email: kmiller@bergmannpc.com Association For Facilities Engineering, Rochester Chapter President, Matthews Knights, 585-924-2186 x221 Email: mknights@ultrafab.com
Electrical Association Executive Director, Karen Lynch Email: karen@eawny.com President, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, LC, M/E Engineering, PC
New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 President, Howard R. Ressel, 585-272-3372. Email: Howard.Ressel@dot.ny.gov New York Water Environment Association Inc., Genesee Valley Chapter (www.gvcnywea.org) President, Bill Davis, 585-381-9250 Email: william.davis@mrbgroup.com
Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association President, John F. Gillen, LS Ex-Officio, Robert Hatch, 585-349-3750. Email: bhatch@schultzpc.com Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Inc., Rochester Section President, Dwight Roth, Maynards / VP Supply, 585-500-3188. Email: droth@vpsupply.com Imaging Science & Technology, Rochester Chapter President, David Odgers Email: odgers@frontiernet.net Independent Entrepreneurs Council, Rochester NY Chapter Chairman, Ralph Kraft, 585-621-6946 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Greg T. Gdowski, 585-275-2580 Email: Greg_Gdowski@urmc.rochester.edu Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, John Kaemmerlen, 585-475-2767 Email: jxkpdm@rit.edu International Council on Systems Engineering, Finger Lakes Chapter President, Jack Riley Email: jackri2139@hotmail.com
Professional Services Management Association, Upstate New York Chapter President, Margaret Rathmell, SWBR Email: mrathmell@swbr.com Refrigeration Service Engineers Society Executive Director, Kirstie Steves 585-313-8972, fax 538-6166, Email: kirstie@rses-rochester.org President, Jim Allen, email: jta141@yahoo.com Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor’s National Association-Rochester, Inc. Executive Director, Aaron Hilger 585-586-8030. Email: mzin@smacnaroc.org Societ of Manufacturing Engineers, Chapter 16 Chairman, John F. Schmitt, 585-581-1880 Society of Plastics Engineers, Rochester Section President, Brett Blaisdell, Bausch & Lomb, 1400 North Gooaman Street, Rochester, NY 14609 585-338-5417, Email: brett.blaisdell@bausch.com Society of Women Engineers President, Marca J. Lam, RIT Email: mjleme@rit.edu
Monroe Professional Engineers Society President, David C. Roberts, PE Email: dcrobertspe@gmail.com
Corporate Members of the Rochester Engineering Society Bergmann Associates P.C. (Enterprise)
BME Associates
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. IBC Engineering, PC (Champion)
LaBella Associates (Enterprise) M/E Engineering, P.C.
CHA Consulting (Champion)
MRB Group
Erdman Anthony Associates
Optimation Technology, Inc. (Champion)
Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (RBA)
Passero Associates
affiliated societies & corporate members of the rochester engineering society
Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Gleason College of Engineering TY-LIN International (Champion) Visron Design, Inc. VJ Stanley
IS YOUR COMPANY LISTED HERE? Call 585-254-2350 for information. JUNE 2017 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 43
Return Service Requested
Seeking Cover & Feature Articles The RES is seeking articles for our monthly (except July) publication. We have four (quarterly) hard copies and 11 electronic issues. We would love to hear from you. Contact the RES for information - res@frontiernet.net.
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