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American Society of Plumbing Engineers
JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD Clark Patterson Lee 205 St. Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600
Vice President Technical:
DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590
Vice President Legislative:
DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110
Vice President Membership:
DOUG MEIER Twin”D” Associates 1577 Ridge Road West Suite 116B Rochester, NY 14615 585-581-2170
ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, P.C. 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590
Administrative Secretary:
ADAM KRAMER IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590
Education Chairman:
JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD Clark Patterson Lee 205 St. Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600
Affiliate Liaison:
TRAVIS JESSICK aLTHERM, iNC. 255 hUMPHREY sT. eNGLEWOOD, nj 08631 551-486-9556
Newsletter Editor:
Open - please contact a board member if you are interested.
President's Message
I hope everyone is keeping warm. It’s been a chilly winter so far! The 2018 Engineering Symposium in Rochester will be held on April 24 this year at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. Registration is now open and information can be found here:
http://www.roceng.org/ http://www.engineeringsymposiumrochester.com/
Our calendar for spring meetings is filling in. We are planning for speakers on non-metallic potable water systems, and master mixing valves. We are also looking at having a facility tour in lieu of sit-down presentation for our May meeting. Our golf outing is slated for June 14 and we may also have summer family picnic. We look forward to seeing you!
Jennifer Wengender, PE, CPD
Rochester Chapter President
Meeting Notice – Save the Date
Basics of Building Fire Protection Design
Speaker: Ted Sherwood, LaBella
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
12:00 Noon - 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am)
Valicia's Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just nore of Route 31, Gates)
PDH Approval Pending
$20 (member or guest), check or cash at door.
To Dave Jereckos, 585-341-3168 or djereckos@ibceng.com by Monday, February 19, 2018.
(Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society)