Rochester Engineering Society Magazine February 2020

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February 2020 The Cannabis Industry in the United States| 12

Also in this issue:

Engineering Improvements to RG&E's Station 26 - Part 2 - 17

Save the Date for the 118th RES Gala on Saturday, April 18, 2020 - Sponsorships Now Available - 4-5 2020 Engineering Symposium in Rochester - Tuesday, April 28th - Registration opens Mon., Feb 3rd- 19

The Cannabis Industry in the United States The Rochester Engineer Published since 1922 by


Founded March 18, 1897

Volume 98, Number 8, FEBRUARY 2020 (Electronic Copy Only) 2,500+ Monthly Circulation (Quarterly Hard Copies, 11 issues electronically) ISSN 0035-7405

RES Mission Statement: The RES will become the lead organization for improving the image and influence of the engineering community in the greater Rochester area by: Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the region’s engineering and technical capabilities; Providing the best clerical support and public relations assistance to our affiliates; Continually communicating the engineering and technical accomplishments to both the engineering and technical community and the public; Providing regular forums and networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues; and, Providing programs that identify career opportunities to the region’s youth and develop the skills of the practicing engineer. News items and articles are invited. Materials should be submitted to the administrative director at the society’s office, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607; Phone number (585) 254-2350, e-mail:

The web site for the Engineers’ Center is at: The deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to the issue. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this publication are those of contributors, not of the Rochester Engineering Society, Inc. Advertising information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Rochester Engineering Society or going to the website at

(cover article) Page 12-16


4-5 • 118th RES Annual Gala- Save the Date! Sponsorship

Opportunities Now Avalable! 6 • RES History - May - September 1971 7 • RES Technical Corner by Brett Eliasz, RES Director 8 • A New Focus for the RES Tutoring Team...STEM Support for the NYS

Elementary Science Curriculum 2019-20

9 • Dr. Walter Cooper Academy 2020 Science Fair Postponed Due to

RSCD Lay-Offs

10 • How Do You Arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom! 11 • Get to the Point! - More Writing Questions or Misconceptions 12-16 • The Cannabis Industry in the United States (cover) 17 • Engineering Improvements to RG&E's Station 26 - Part 2 (cover) 18 • Get IT Done - I, Robot 19 • 2020 Engineering Symposium in Rochester - Tues., April 28 20-23 • Position Openings 22, 27-31 • News from Professional Firms

Published every month but July. Yearly subscription is $20.00, (4 hard copies, 11 digital). You can sign up on the website for the subscription for digital copies only (free) and receive an email notice when posted.

24 • Continuing Education Opportunities (PDHs)

Go to to join the Rochester Engineering Society. Click on the individual membership and you can submit your application on-line. Board of Directors:

33 • What's News

OFFICERS: President JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE M/E Engineering / First Vice President GREG GDOWSKI, PhD University of Rochsester / Treasurer ANDREW C. HIRSCH Retired / Second Vice President MICHELLE SOMMERMAN, PE Bergmann Associates / Past President MICHAEL V. TRIASSI Javlyn, Inc. / EIGHT DIRECTORS: CORNELIUS (NEAL) ILLENBERG PE Rail Safety Consulting / LEE LOOMIS Retired / RICHARD E. RICE Erdman Anthony / MIKE KURDZIEL, PhD Harris Corporation / KENTON G. HINES Merrill Lynch / STEVEN W. DAY, PhD Rochester Institute of Technology / BRETT ELIASZ, PE Bergmann Associates / DENNIS ROOTE, PE CDE Engineering & Environment, PLLC / Administrative Director LYNNE M. IRWIN Rochester Engineering Society / e-mail:

25-26 • Engineers’ Calendar 32-33 • Professional Firms - Employee News 34 • In Memory of Donald J. Bergmann, PE 49-50 • Directory of Professional Services 50 • Directory of Business Services 51 • Affiliated Societies and Corporate Members of the RES Membership Application and Advertising Rates are also on the website:

news of the...

• ABCD Association for Bridge Construction and Design...............39-41 • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers......................................38-39 • ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers....................................................46 • ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers....................................44 • EA Electrical Association.......................................................................47 • GVLSA Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association.............................35


• IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.......................42 • IES Illuminating Engineering Society....................................................48 • INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering..........................43 • IS&T Society for Imaging Science and Technology.............................37 • MPES Monroe Professional Engineers Society......................................36 • RES Rochester Engineering Society..................................................2-10 • TERRA TERRA Science & Engineering Fair...............................................45


President’s Message

Joseph Dombrowski, PE Retired M/E Engineering RES President 2018 - 2020 It is the beginning January as I write this, and the Holidays are behind us. Hopefully you had a Merry and a Happy! I know I am resting up from entertaining relatives in town. We have resurrected our Strategic Planning Process. Changes are afoot, stand by for an announcement. Planning for the upcoming Gala in April 2020 is underway. We are looking to increase attendance at the event; any input is appreciated! The Engineering Symposium is planned for April 28, 2020 (PDH fest). The planning effort is also underway (thank you Chris DeVries). We will have sponsors but no vender venue this year at the Riverside Convention Center. As always, parking will be free. Seven (7) PDHs and a free lunch are available at a very modest fee. Help is always appreciated, especially teachers and moderators. We are expecting a record crowd for this event. Details are at, and

res news - president’s message

registration will be through the RES website again at The MPES scholarship process has begun and award winners will be announced in the Rochester Engineer and at the Gala. As part of end of the year process, we are looking for nominations for our Board of Directors. If you think you are a good fit or know someone who may be, please contact us for more information. The process is painless! If you have any concerns or input, or have the need to volunteer feel free to contact the RES via the website at or me directly at jdombrowski3@rochester.

Joe Dombrowski RES President


118th Rochester Engineering Society Gala

Save the Date!

Saturday, April 18, 2020 Program Engineering Honors 5:00 PM Reception and Silent Auction 2019 Engineer of the Year Hors d’oeuvres and cocktails, Displays 2019 Young Engineer of the Year 6:30 PM Dinner, Awards, Live Entertainment 2019 Engineers of Distinction; and Scholarships for High School and College Students

Sponsorship Opportunities

Commit by 1/30/20 and receive 10% OFF!!

Sponsorship levels

Program Ads

Diamond $4000 (10 tickets) Platinum $2,500 (5 tickets) Gold $1,500 (2 tickets) Silver $1,000 (2 tickets) Bronze $500


Vocal Point, female accopela group, University of Rochester

Back cover $600 Inside back cover $500 (reserved) Inside front cover $500 (reserved) Full page $350 Half page $200 Quarter page $100

Mistress of Ceremonies Stacey Pensgen, Meteorologist WHEC News 10

Visit for details 4 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

res gala

The Rochester Engineering Society

Commit by 1/30/2020


10% OFF

DIAMOND SPONSOR $4,000 ($3520 tax deductible) -

Primary Gala Sponsor - Company Name on all Printed Materials • • • • • • • •

Dinner reservations for 10 Full Page Corporate Profile in Rochester Engineer Logo recognition as one of our top sponsors on event signage and multimedia show Live recognition during the program Half-page ad in Rochester Engineer magazine Full-page ad in dinner program (and logo on cover as primary sponsor) Prominent recognition on RES web site Opportunity to provide corporate logo guest gift

PLATINUM SPONSOR $2,500 ($2200 tax deductible) • • • • • • •

Dinner reservations for 5 Logo recognition as one of our top sponsors on event signage and multimedia show Live recognition during the program Half-page ad in Rochester Engineer magazine Full-page ad in dinner program Prominent recognition on RES web site Opportunity to provide corporate logo guest gift

We thank those members that have committed early in sponsoring the Gala! (as of Jan. 28, 2020)


GOLD SPONSOR $1,500 ($1380 tax deductible)

• Dinner reservations for 2 • Logo recognition on event signage and multimedia show • Live recognition during the program • Quarter-page corporate ad in Rochester Engineer Magazine • Half-page ad in dinner program • Prominent recognition on RES web site



SILVER SPONSOR $1,000 ($880 tax deductible)

• • • •

Dinner reservations for 2 Logo recognition on event signage and multimedia show Quarter page ad in dinner program Prominent recognition on RES web site


• Logo recognition on event signage and multimedia show • 25% discount on quarter page ad in dinner program SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS Accepting gifts, cash, crafts, tickets, gift cards, etc. Proceeds to benefit Engineering Scholarsships; Auction



• Back cover • Inside front cover • Inside back cover • Full page • Half page • Quarter page

$600* $500* (reserved) $500* (reserved) $350 $200 $100

*Only one—first response basis res gala


PROGRAM ADVERTISERS AP. Professionals Erdman Anthony Heveron & Company, CPAs Popli Design Group Passero Associates FEBRUARY 2020 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 5

Rochester History Continuing with the historical sampling of the earlier writings on behalf of the Rochester Engineering Society, the years following "The Great War," into and through the “Great Depression,” continued to be a time of reaching out for the maturing Society, both locally and nationally. The meeting minutes describe a series of technical discussions and presentations intended to broaden the technical horizons of the membership (especially the CE's, ME's and EE's). The RES affiliated itself with a number of National technical societies, adopted local Affiliated Societies, frequently held joint meetings with them and continued taking action on a growing list of public matters. Certain issues of standardization, some crucial to public safety, became the responsibility of the RES and its affiliates. In the pervasive economic downturn of the “Great Depression,” the magazine offered classified advertising for unemployed engineers, technicians and draftsmen and took other steps to try to deal with the crisis. Still, it continued its effort to shape the function, purpose and infrastructure of the City of Rochester, and beyond. World War again affected the Society, taking away many of its leaders while providing opportunities for others to step forward to fill these vacancies. In an effort to provide even greater perspective on the happenings and concerns of the day, a synopsis, featuring selected items from "The Rochester Engineer" has become an integral part of this series. The Second World War and the Korean Conflict are now history, and the Vietnam War has recently become a focal point. These experiences have changed the face and, no doubt, the future of the community. The Rochester municipal leadership and the industrial community have become immersed in the cold-war, growth economy.

“The Rochester Engineer” (May 1971)

“What You’ve Always Wanted to Know about Engineers (But Were Afraid to Ask)”, was the title of the RES Annual Meeting presentation by Dr. Lane H. Riland, Director of Psychological Research & Services, Eastman Kodak Company. This being the annual “RES Ladies’ Night” event, Dr. Riland’s address promised to include a psychological profile of the typical engineer, and the ramifications with regard to his roles (Editor’s note: Yes, that’s what the article says!) as practitioner, consultant, supervisor, subordinate – and husband! In the spirit of the RES’ recent “Operation RESOURCE” initiative, the first in a series of public forums, on May 10th, at Monroe Community College, was announced. The featured speaker, Pliny Fisk, inventor and founder of the Waste Conversion Foundation of Croton-on Hudson, was billed as a man to whom “every pollutant is a waste asset,” who claimed to have been working on sensible techniques for waste management for the past 24 years. His organization was currently building a waste conversion plant in Secaucus, NJ, “a fully-automated complex of machines which take sewage solids, unseparated garbage and rubbish and grinds them together. Then it separates inorganic parts, washes them for industrial use, and re-grinds the biodegradable into organic soil concentrate.” RES President, G. Robert Leavitt, announced that subsequent meetings would be focused on other processes and methods of waste management. It was announced that another meeting, this one on incineration, had been scheduled for May 20th, also at MCC.

June 2, 1971 (RES Annual Meeting, Rochester Yacht Club Attendance - 33)

The assembled membership heard a summary of the important contributions made by RES Past President, Dr. Edward Kirkpatrick, whose recent promotion to President of the Wentworth Institute, Boston, MA would be taking him away from Rochester, where he had been serving the academic and engineering communities for the past seven years. RES Director, George Landberg, then introduced Dr. Lane Riland of Eastman Kodak Company who delivered a witty and provocative presentation on the special qualities, and idiosyncracies, of engineers. 6 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

A Sampling from the Archives of the Rochester Engineering Society...1897 - 1971 by Lee M. Loomis June 9, 1971 (Board Meeting, Treadway Inn)

The Board approved six new applications for Regular Membership and three for Junior Membership. A proposal by Dr. Harry Sine of the Rochester Committee for Scientific Information, that the RES consider sponsoring an all-day symposium on successfully run solid waste landfills, received considerable discussion, following which the Board approved $750 in funding to support the inclusion of several experts on this subject. “The Rochester Engineer” (June 1971) In thanking the RES staff and membership for their efforts during the past year, outgoing President, G. Robert Leavitt pointed out some recent successes of the Society, including Operation RESOURCE, the upcoming Fall 1972 “Info Expo”, establishment of a very successful RES Explorer Post, and the continuing work of the Education Committee in bringing a variety of inspiring technical presentations to the Engineering Community. An article celebrating the life-long contributions of RES Executive Secretary O. Laurence Angevine to the Rochester Engineering Community also announced the establishment of a memorial fund in his honor. The RES announced the establishment of a relationship with the NYS Department of Labor and the California Department of Human Resources for the purpose of matching engineers, scientists and employers in the Rochester area with employment opportunities through the use of computers programmed for this purpose. Candidate Registration Forms for accessing this service would be available, upon request to the RES office, without regard to an individual’s RES membership status.

September 8, 1971 (Board Meeting, Bausch & Lomb)

The Board approved four new Regular Membership applications, one upgrade from Junior Member and one Associate Membership. Disappointing sales of booth space to local commerce and industry, despite consultation with several local public relations and advertising agencies, caused the Executive Committee to recommend the postponement of the Fall 1971 “Info Expo” to next year, 1972, the RES’s 75th Anniversary. The Board also approved the establishment of a $500 discretionary fund for use by the Planning Committee. A progress report by the Civic Affairs Committee on the status of Operation RESOURCE included the announcement that they would be making a preliminary presentation to the Monroe County Environmental Management Council on September 15th, in advance of the planned November 11th public presentation and recommendation. There was much discussion, in which concern was expressed that the RES must make it clear that the Society is NOT in competition with consulting engineering firms. It was emphasized that the RES would continue to work with ANY consulting firm engaged by the County to develop a proposal for solid waste management, and that ALL materials developed by Operation RESOURCE would be made available to any such firm. Subsequent articles in this series will describe the RES' continuing outreach to other technical societies as it considered its role in this and the larger community, along with more of the activities of the RES as it moved to be of greater service to its membership, especially those suffering from current economic crises, and adopted a greater role in shaping the future of the City and its environs. Noted also, will be the contributions made by RES members in the struggle to meet the challenges coming out of World War II and the the Korean Conflict, as well as a hoped-for period of postwar growth and prosperity. These articles will also feature an impressive array of RES activities in support of post-war re-emergence of Rochester area industry. We welcome your questions and comments on this series.

res news - history


Technical Corner This month’s article focuses on ambient temperature adjustments for raceways and cables exposed to sunlight on or above a rooftop. It will also speak to some of the changes over the past few NEC Code cycles, which are shown below.

You will see that these tables are very close and did not appear to change between these cycles. However, the NEC 2017 has removed these tables and offers a 60 degree F adder to ambient temp only when the bottom of the raceway or cable is located less than 7/8” above the roof. The 2017 code also adds the exception that using type XHHW-2 cable eliminates the need to comply with any ambient temperature adjustments. Example A circuit for a 100A calculated load will need to be routed directly to the roof without any spacing from the roof surface. Loads are not continuous and the neutral should not be considered a current carrying conductor. Location is Rochester NY. Determine minimum size conductor using 90 degree C copper THWN-2 conductors. Use NEC 2017. Per ASHRAE standards the ambient temperature for Rochester NY is 86 deg F. The temp adder is 60 degrees F per NEC 310.15(B)(3)(c). So, the design temp is 86 + 60 = 146 deg F Look in table 310.15(B)(2)(a) and the 90 deg C column to find a .65 adjustment factor. Take 100A and divide by .65 to get 153.8 Amps Select a conductor not less than 153.8 from table 310.15(B)(16) using the 90 degree C copper columns to get: #1/0. Check the corresponding 75 deg C column to ensure this value of 150A is larger than the anticipated load of 100A, which it is. Hopefully this article finds you well and can be used as a reference for your project needs. If anyone would like to contribute to the RES magazine and add an article or would like to request information on a specific topic (not limited to Electrical) just email me at As always, any comments are appreciated…! Thank you for reading.

Brett Eliasz, P.E., LEED AP BD+C , RES Director res - technical corner


RES News - Tutoring Team A New Focus for the RES Tutoring Team… …Support for the NYS Elementary Science Curriculum – 2019-20

In response to a request from Administration and Faculty at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy the Rochester Engineering Society (RES) Tutoring Team has begun supporting an increased focus on the NYS Elementary Science Curriculum. Our RES Tutors now work with Teachers and Students, during and after their daily science lessons, in support of the scientific principles being taught, at ALL Grade levels. RES Tutors have easily made the transition from the exclusively “reading & math” focus, of prior years, and are now very comfortable, supporting the science lessons, as they are being taught. Following each of the lessons, they work with small groups of students to help them understand the scientific concept(s) presented, and also with individual students, as needed. All of this occurs inside the science classroom, with teacher supervision available, if needed. Does this sound interesting to you, or maybe to some of your friends? Could you see yourself supporting the presentation of science curriculum to students, ages five to eleven? Who was it that showed you how science could “make a difference” in your life? Could you help introduce someone to science, yourself? Do you think you can make room in your life for this important challenge? We are continuing to build our RES Tutoring Team, for the 2019-20 school year… We have been giving “Lunch & Learn” presentations in several Rochester area firms and professional groups, to inform and inspire prospective new tutors. We have “hit the ground, running”, and we need your support...Can we schedule a presentation with your firm, your work group, your church or family, sometime this Winter/Spring? Even just two hours a week of your time can make a big difference in the life of a Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Scholar… Questions??? Reach out to RES Past President Lee Loomis and the RES Tutoring Team at…Rochester Engineering Society (585) 254-2350, via website:, or via email:, (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text)


• When will the RES Tutors begin working? During the week of October 28th, 2019 • What is the schedule for the teaching of science (at each Grade level)? Mornings… Mid-Day


3 Grade (9:50AM – 10:30AM)

Kindergtn (12:50PM – 1:30PM)

2nd Grade (2:30PM – 3:10PM)

6th Grade (10:30AM – 11:10AM)

1st Grade (11:45AM – 12:15PM)

4th Grade (1:30PM – 2:10PM)

5th Grade (12:50PM – 1:30PM)


• Will Tutors be working (exclusively) inside the class rooms? Yes, they will be supporting the teachers & assisting the students, during and following the science lessons. They will be working in the classrooms, with small groups of students (3 – 5), and (occasionally) with individual students • Will there be week by week DWCA “Science Lesson” schedules for the school year? Yes, the teachers, at each Grade level, will provide this information for the tutors • What if I cannot begin tutoring until after the October 28th “start date”? You may become an RES Tutor, and begin whenever your schedule allows; we can "fit you in" to our tutoring schedule.


res news - tutoring


RES News - Tutoring Team Dr. Walter Cooper Academy “2020 Science Fair” Postponed due to RCSD Lay-Offs The recent lay-offs, by the Rochester City School District (RCSD), have resulted in the mid-year departure of as many as five elementary school teachers from our School. It has made it necessary for us to postpone and “regroup” in our effort to develop and present the “2020 First Annual Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Science Fair." The Rochester Engineering Society (RES) was invited to help establish new tradition, back in the late 2018-19 school year. The School-Based Planning Team, and the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), including parents, teachers and administrators, requested the support of the RES in developing a Winter 2020 science fair at #10 School. In response, we recruited a small team of Volunteer/ Mentors (V/M’s) to work with nine identified Cooper Scholars (Grades 4 – 6), to prepare them for a Science Fair. We were prepared to begin this effort in December 2019. However, with these sudden mid-year staff reductions, it will be necessary “let things settle out”, and to give the Administration and Faculty some time to determine if, and how, we might still be able to proceed with plans for such an event. At an early January 2020 meeting with the School Leadership, we began discussing options for moving forward in this effort. We are now in the planning stages for a Spring 2020, science fair. Please bear with us (Grrrr…), as we continue to seek ways to expose our Cooper Scholars to the many fascinating aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) in their futures. If you think you might be able to make room in your schedule to help with this effort, please reach out to RES Directors, Lee Loomis ( or (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text) or Jon Kriegel ( or (585) 281-5216, for more information, and to volunteer for this important, potentially life-changing opportunity. res news - tutoring


RES News How do you arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom!

In the 1990’s, Eastman Kodak Company jumped the gun, starting a family of STEM initiatives, years before the Government coined the STEM acronym. The name of these programs was the 21st Century Learning Challenge (TCLC), and at our peek, we were 1500 engineers and technicians, visiting Rochester City School Classrooms, twice a week for two-hour visits, during the entire School Year. This effort continued for nearly ten years, and not only pre-dates our recent STEM excitement level, but delivered support on a scale we have yet to match. Many of the volunteers in these programs were, and still are, members of the Rochester Engineering Society (RES). In the intervening twenty-five years, many have retired, or are about to retire. That makes them even more available as STEM Coaches, than they were as Kodak employees. The RES is working to put technical people in K-12 Classrooms, throughout the Greater Rochester area, as STEM Coaches. Their presence will: • • •

Help the Teacher stay current with our ever-changing technology. Provide real-World Application Examples, making whatever is being taught, real enough to be worth remembering. Support the teachers with not only the delivery of STEM concepts, but perhaps more importantly, the design and delivery of STEM related hardware.

Last year we had six STEM Coach, doing Classroom Visitation at School #3. That was so successful that RCSD is interested in expanding this program to involve nine STEM Coaches this year.

The RES is specifically seeking Retired, Technical people, (Engineers, Technicians, Machinists, Entrepreneurs or anyone whose work would allow them to visit during School hours), as STEM Coaches. We currently have more than 30 Coaches, and are connecting them with 13 Rochester-area Schools. “This is a life-changing experience!” For more information contact: Jon Kriegel   585-281-5216 RES Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer STEM Coach Please visit: 10 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

res news - stem bridges

Get to the Point!

More Writing Questions or Misconceptions Previously in this article, I listed the top 10 questions or misconceptions people have had about writing. Over the last 26 years I've noticed that I tend to hear the same questions, comments, or arguments in almost every class I teach. Here's some more for you to consider.

After a period, do you use one or two spaces? Years ago, we were taught that you insert 2 spaces after the final punctuation mark of a sentence. This was true when we used a typewriter, but things have changed with computers and wordprocessing. As I write this, I am reminded that some readers may never have used a typewriter so I decided to add an image.

All you need today is one space. Your grammar checker is probably flagging the extra space and you've wondered why. Sophisticated software can determine (with some acuracy) if the mark is an end of a sentence and auto adjusts the space to about 1.5 spaces. If you have two spaces, it creates an uncomfortable large gap. Are you wrong with two spaces? No...but don't argue this one at the lunch table; there's too much out there promoting one space.

What words should be capitalized in a heading? In a major

heading, the generally accepted format is to use caps on all "major" words. That means that "minor" words, such as "of, at, on, if, and" should be lower case. In second level, or third level headings, the general guideline is to use sentence format, which means a cap only on the first word. If this is the case, I suggest a color or a period after the lower level heading.

Should I use "who" or "whom"? If this confuses you there is

a good reason. Like it or not, over time, our language is evolving. In our spoken language, who is often replacing whom, even when it is grammatically correct. For example, when you answer the phone, do you say "To whom do you wish to speak?" or "Who do you want to speak with?" The first way is correct, but it sounds stuffy because we don't hear it that often. (I'm just telling you the way it is; I'm not advocating for either way here!) In writing however, the distinction is still observed and there is one simple rule: Use who to refer to the subject of the sentence and whom to refer to an object of the sentence. (I'll cover subjects and objects in a future article, if necessary.) SUBJECT: Who provided you with the RFP? OBJECT: To whom did you present the proposal? or Whom did get to the point

you present the proposal to? (For those of you howling about ending with a preposition, relax. That too, is evolving and most grammarians now agree it is OK to do so).

Is that or which better to use? It's not a choice of "better," but rather a choice of what you are trying to communicate. If you are adding some information to clarify a point, but is not essential, use which and set it apart with commas. If the information is required to understand the point, use that without any commas. CORRECT: The field staff require multimeters that are waterproof for the project. INCORRECT: The field staff require multimeters, which are waterpfoof, for the project.

What's the difference between a dash, parentheses, and commas? All three of these marks are used to set-off information

that adds, explains, or offers a side comment, however, they are not interchangeable. Each has its own relationship to the content. Commas indicate a moderate level of emphasis, parentheses offer a greater level of emphasis and may include a full sentence, and a dash interrupts the contect with an abrupt departure. I recommend avoiding dashes because they seem to lose the connection.

When do I use an S' to indicate a possessive? This is

another common cause for grammatical confusion and only occurs when you are working with plural words. If the plural does not end is S, then add 's to show possession as is done with women's rights or media's responsibility. However, if the plural ends in S, then you only add an ' as is done with attorneys' papers or the engineers' report. This means the report belonged tomore than one engineer.

How do I refer to plural numbers? This is related to the above issue but is a bit of a contradiction. According to the MLA and APA style guides, you should not use an apostrophe to indicate a plural of a number or an acronym. The following are correct: 1990s JPEGs PCs

Š 2019, RGI Learning Lisa Moretto is the President of RGI Learning, Inc. For 24 years she has helped engineers improve their oral and written communication skills. Visit or call (866) 744-3032 to learn about RGI’s courses. FEBRUARY 2020 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 11

The Cannabis Industry in the United States by Brett Eliasz, PE, Bergmann I’m still wondering what it would be like to walk in a store today and buy products from a Cannabis Plant, or of course, just go and look. I’m also wondering what the future holds for the general population. It was illegal back in the 60’s and 70’s, however, nobody seemed to care if it was being used according to a select few baby boomers I have spoken with. It seemed, during my younger years anyways (90s and 00s) that it was classified as a gateway drug, easy to get a hold of, minimal effects but penalties were much stricter. Now look at today where some states have legalized medicinal use as well as recreational use! The intent of this article is to brush up on some facts about the Cannabis Industry. It seems like a good time as this Industry has really taken off over the past few years. No, this is not a “Scratch and Sniff” article and free samples won’t fall out of the magazine, but hopefully I can retain your attention.

Definitions and slang terms: “Pot” and “Weed” and “Whacky-tobacky” are some popular slang terms. THC (Tetrahydorcannabinol) is the main ingredient in Cannabis which causes the “high.” Marijuana is the term given to the leaves and flowers of the Cannabis plant. Also, typically referred to as a “drug” plant and grown to solely deliver high amounts of THC. Cannabis is the official scientific name of the plant. It includes both hemp and marijuana plants. Hemp is the term given to the stems, stalks and seeds and roots of the Cannabis plant. Typically grown for the purpose of making hemp and CBD oils due to its low THC content. CBD is found throughout all parts of a Cannabis plant but typically derived from hemp plants since marijuana plants are used for their high THC content.

Concentrations of THC per product type: Anything greater than .3% is considered to have a psychoactive effect on the user. Marijuana strains are usually between the 5% and 35% THC. Hemp strains are always less than .3%. CBD oil is always less than .3% It is important to note that Marijuana plants or “drug plants” are mostly female that contain the flowers which contain the most THC. Hemp plants look like female plants minus the flowers or “buds” and they are used to derive hemp and CBD oils due to their low (<.3%) THC content. The photo to the right represents a “bud” which is used to obtain high amounts of THC content as well as insulation material made from hemp. As more states legalize marijuana for recreational use, mfg. companies are 12 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

cover article

betting on people wanting to sip, rather that smoke their marijuana. There are currently weed-laced coffee capsules to start your day, THC and CBD varieties of apple cider, THC infused lemonade and THC sodas being sold where cannabis is legal for recreational use. While it is illegal everywhere to combine alcoholic beverages and THC into one drink, craft breweries do make a non-alcoholic THC infused drinks as well as alcoholic weed brews which do not contain any THC. Back to CBD, I thought it would be interesting to indicate the options for ingestion: 1. Swallow oil concentrate-slower absorption 2. Eye dropper under the tongue-fastest delivery-bypasses digestive system 3. Vape CBD Oil-lung friendly way of smoking 4. Chew and swallow CBD Edibles 5. Mix CBD Oil with your food or drink 6. Rub CBD Oil on your skin-not absorbed in bloodstream 7. Use CBD Oil to wash and condition your hair-Think CBD is from hemp which naturally has a high fiber strength to possibly strengthen hair. With all that background information I’d like to put on my political hat and briefly touch on where the United States stands state by state. I think the illustration to the right sums it up well without any of the political talk.

Map notes:

With recreational and/or medical states it’s implied that CBD is legal in these states as well. Here is also an interesting chart depicting the growth of the cannabis market over the years. Some other examples on the Fortune 500 list of 2019 that are relevant to the Rochester Area for comparison are: BJs Wholesale Club ~ $13 BN Netflix ~ $16 BN Car Max ~$18 BN Marijuana ~$20 BN Starbucks ~$25 BN Best Buy ~$43 BN Lowe’s ~$72 BN

Instead of writing about how to get into this “smoking” market, as local Engineering firms in the area are currently involved in, it may be best for those of you that are either retired or not involved in this business is to let you know that this is a REAL business. As depicted below, it’s not about using recreational marijuana but it’s about many of the other benefits of Cannabis and the many ways that society is reaping the benefits of this crop which essentially creates a demand and in turn a business. A little saying I would like to add that describes it is: Continued on page 14...

cover article


From Recreation to Just Business.

At last, how does Engineering come into play with the Cannabis industry? As you can see it’s an entire process or operation which requires building footprint to cover all the needs of the Cannabis plant. The cultivation of the Cannabis plant can be broken down into the following types of rooms: Mother Room

 Clone Room  Grow Room  Flowering Room   Processing  Secure Storage  Offices

Drying Room

The general idea is to mimic the natural exterior ambient conditions of equatorial countries and countries in Central Asia where the Cannabis plant thrives. So, it’s a tropical destination in a box. Then fit this box into a building. That’s all…no joke…! Some general Environmental Requirements to think about: Temperature, Pressurization, Vapor pressure deficit, CO2, Odor Control, Air movement, RH, Light, Daily Cycles, Seasonal Cycles

Environmental Requirements for the Mother Room •

75°F, 50% RH

Lighting on 18 hours per day

Critical area – may require redundancy

Production plants are cloned from an existing

mother plan


cover article


Environmental Requirements for the Nursery (Clone) Room • 75°F - 80°F, 40%-50% RH • Lighting on 24 hours per day • Precise control to ensure young plants develop a strong root system • At this stage, plants are sensitive to temperature and lighting changes

Environmental Requirements for the Grow (Vegetative) Room • 60°F - 75°F, 40%-50% RH • Lighting on 18 hours per day • Allows plants to grow tall and strong with good root bulb • Constant temperature conditions important

Environmental Requirements for the Flower (Bloom) Room • 75°F - 78°F, 40%-50% RH • Lighting on 12 hours per day • CO2 Introduced during lights on cycle • Flowering buds, most commercially valuable • Higher yields, maximized profits • Can be a separate room or will change environmental conditions in grow room

Environmental Requirements for the Dry (Curing) Room • 60°F - 75°F, 30%-50% RH • Takes approx. 1 week • Reduces mold and bacteria • Reduces unpleasant odors

Continued on page 16... cover article


Environmental Requirements for the Processing Room • Can vary widely based on process • Packaging • Extraction • Edible Manufacturing • Oils

Energy Intensity

For this article I’d like to expand on the largest operational cost, and it just so happens that my knowledge lies within the electrical industry. With lighting being at number #1 I’d like to note that some outdated/inefficient lighting types are used in certain stages of growth as the plants prefer these certain wavelengths.

In the chart above you see that based on grower input they may prefer LED lighting over the older style lamps. As of now I couldn’t find any literature on if LED does in fact produce greater yields. As a means of general comparison of W/sq. ft. here a few areas that you may be familiar with that still are not even close: Open Office ~ .98W/sq. ft.

Operating Room ~ 2.48W/sq. ft.

Classroom ~ 1.24W/sq. ft.

I have truly enjoyed writing about this $20 Billion-dollar industry and I hope that you found this article interesting. It’s exciting to see such a local impact from this industry hit right here in Western NY with manufacturing of both Medicinal Marijuana and Hemp products. The Engineering and Construction work that has been created because of this industry is truly demanding and, as you can see, technically challenging. I can’t wait to see what happens in the future, especially with New York State. I believe it’s on the priority list to legalize for recreational use this year. I suppose we will find out! I hope you enjoyed! Brett Eliasz Current RES Director 16 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

cover article

T f 1 S s t 3 t t S t e E o m m P d f t h g

T w t f t e t b T t e w r o e r

A c f D c r a w o h

Engineering Improvements to RG&E’s Station 26 Part 2

The Station 26 hydropower facility was constructed in 1952 and is located on Court Street in Rochester, NY. The station utilizes a Kaplan style turbine generator to produce 3 megawatts of energy from the Genesee River. Part 1 of the Station 26 Hydropower Station project was featured as the cover story in the January e-issue of the Rochester Engineer. The story focused on the overall purpose, project management, and construction methods implemented. This story, Part 2, focuses on the design development and engineering plans for the tailrace diversion wall, a draft tube access hatch, and the gantry hoist system for two tailrace isolation gates. The purpose of the tailrace diversion wall is to deflect river water away from the tailrace, which conveys water from the draft tube after it has gone through the turbine. With the tailwater elevation lower than the river bed, there is more water head differential between the intake and the tailrace. This creates less back pressure on the turbine allowing it to operate more efficiently due to the increase in flow. The new tailrace wall was designed by Bergmann, who recommended raising the height 1 foot to reduce the likelihood of overtopping while not increasing the water surface elevation in the Genesee River during a flood event, as required by FEMA. A team of engineers from Bergmann, HDR, and LaBella collaborated to obtain the permits from local, state, and federal agencies to conduct the work. A Floodplain Development Permit was required, so Bergmann completed a hydraulic analysis of the river (FEMA no rise Report) that determined the project would not cause any rise to the published FEMA base flood elevations within the floodway. Although raising the wall more than one foot would benefit the generation efficiency, it would have resulted in an unpermitted incremental rise in the cover article part 2 (from January issue)

floodway during a 1% annual chance flood. Upon agency approval, Bergmann designed the demolition, reinforcement, and concrete details of the tailrace wall. The first 170 feet of the wall closest to the plant was removed and replaced completely, with localized concrete patching made to the remaining 130 feet up to the Court Street crossing. The new concrete is keyed two feet into the existing riverbed rock with shear pins protruding another 4 feet below the keyed footing. The entire wall was completed in three relatively large pours to minimize construction joints and water stops to avoid deterioration in a harsh environment. LaBella designed a new gantry system to support new mechanized hoists and steel isolation gates. Each steel gate is 16 feet tall and 14 feet wide and weighs 13,000 pounds. The hoist system can fully open or close the gates in 4 ½ minutes. The improvements will also include new platform framing, grating, handrails, ladders, new concrete deck, and safe draft tube access. New mechanical, electrical, lighting, and control upgrades were also part of the design to allow for a completely operational system. The LaBella project manager was responsible to coordinate technical details amongst several engineering firms to create a positive, professional, and productive team. LaBella, Bergmann, and HDR, along with the construction contractor, subcontractors, and owner, have benefitted from a collaborative group dynamic resulting in the successful Station 26 Hydropower project for Rochester Gas and Electric. Authors: Caroline Wheadon, PMP – Hydropower Discipline Leader, LaBella James Guistina, PE – Senior Project Manager, Bergmann Donald Lucas, PMP – Project Manager, LaBella FEBRUARY 2020 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 17

get IT done I, Robot

— by Andrè Godfrey Will robots take over your job? More importantly, will robots take over my job? People have been telling me for years I could be replaced by a machine and they could be right. On the other hand, first the machine may have to figure out exactly what it is that I do and that’s where I believe I’m safe from the automatons. Some of you may believe that what I do is write this column but to regular readers, they must conclude the obvious, that there is never a great deal of thought within the margins of this column and nothing to be construed as actual work. Factually, you could give the robot the parameter of writing 600 words, occasionally punctuated with periods and commas and the value would remain fairly the same. Or slightly improve. Automation is predicted to take away 75 million jobs in the U.S. in the next 10 years. Whose jobs are being replaced? It’s pretty much open season out there. You might think operating a 16 wheel heavy vehicle is something a human being has to do but you’d be wrong. Estimates from the American Trucking Association suggest there are 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the United States and the industry, as a whole, employs more than 8.7 million people. According to the Los Angeles Times, 1.7 million American truckers could be replaced by self-driving trucks over the next decade. I imagine the next Terminator movie will be less violent. Arnold Schwarzenegger may still be driving a truck the Nth sequel but instead of running over young Connor, he will be intent on making his UPS deliveries. The retail market may be worse. We know that e-tail came along (Amazon et al) with door-to-door shipping and the e-commerce marketplace now represents over 15% of all consumer purchases. But you are currently being trained for A-tail. You know it. Your favorite stores all have aisles for self-checkout. You were at first leery, maybe you were angry and said to yourself “the least they could do is take my money and say 18 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

‘thank you’. But you tried it when you had one item and the line was long. Of course, the line is long because they’ve cut out cashiers but regardless you checked yourself out. Ta Da! Actually A-tail happened to us back in the 1980s when you started pumping your own gas. That’s right my young friends, you were prohibited from pumping your own gas up until 1981. When the law was changed (except in New Jersey), you were self-trained to pump gas. By the way, those attendants also checked your oil and tires if you asked and also cleaned your windshield. How long did it take to train America to convert to self-service? As fast as they could build and install the pumps that took credit cards. I say all this, not from nostalgia, but to remind us all of the seachange that awaits us all in the new economy. I attended a preliminary workshop today on labor force creation. Well attended and well-intended. No doubt the direction of the discussion in future meetings will go where I believe it should go; to the next generation and what employment should look like for them. An inevitable trend to the highly specialized, the highly technical and the highly degreed. But I can’t help but look back from this fast moving boat and wonder what we are leaving in our wake.

Think about IT.

Andrè Godfrey is President, Entre Computer Services, get IT done


Save the Date for the:

2020 Engineering Symposium in Rochester

Earn up to 7 PDHs Sponsored by Rochester's Technical and Engineering Societies and RIT

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 Courses available in: Civil, Electrical, Lighting, Mechanical, HVAC, and Plumbing.

SAME LOCATION AS LAST YEAR: Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center 123 East Main Street, Rochester, NY Time: 7:30 am to 6:30 pm $140 Advance Registration $20 Student Registration $170 AFTER April 3, 2020 and at the Door Registration will be online at starting Feb. 3rd

The Monroe Chapter of NYSSPE, in accordance with ADA compliance, will make every attempt to provide reasonable accommodations for those requiring additional services to participate in our educational programs. If you should require such services, please contact Lynne Irwin at the Rochester Engineering Society ( or 585-254-2350) to request support by April 3, 2020.

2020 symposium


Position Openings...Pages 16-19

JOIN OUR TEAM! MRB Group Engineering, Architecture & Surveying, D.P.C. is currently recruiting for several positions to join our growing firm in Rochester and Syracuse New York including: Civil Engineers: to plan, design, direct, oversee and execute civil engineering projects in our water/wastewater group. Planner/Civil Engineer: to provide support on subdivision and site plan reviews, planning board activities, general planning services, and SWPPP/Site Inspections. Construction Observers: to oversee construction of various projects in Western and Central New York. Visit our website ( for additional information. Resumes can be sent directly to: or mailed to: MRB Group, The Culver Road Armory, 145 Culver Road, Suite 160, Rochester, NY 14620.


CONTINUOUS RECRUITMENT The New York State Department of Transportation is continuously recruiting engineering candidates at all levels, entry level through Team Leader. To apply, visit the New York State Department of Civil Service website at https://, select Engineering Positions, specifically Civil/Transportation Exam Series, which includes Engineer Trainee, Assistant Engineer, and Professional Engineer 1. For general inquiries, please email 20 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

Save the Dates 118th RES Annual Gala Saturday, April 18, 2020

Rochester Riverside Convention Center

Annual Engineering Symposium in Rochester Tuesday, April 28, 2019

Rochester Riverside Convention Center

Additional details will be posted on the RES website:

position openings


Engineer / Structural - Bridges City of Rochester, New York (Salary Range: $66,732 - $99,474)

Engineer / Water City of Rochester, New York (Salary Range: $61,286 - $87,990)

The City of Rochester is seeking a highly motivated and qualified Civil Engineer for the position of Engineer / Structural – Buildings. The incumbent in this position will act as the project manager for activities associated with the completion of complex building and structural design and reconstruction projects, either in the design or construction phase. Additional responsibilities will include:

The City of Rochester is seeking a highly motivated and qualified Civil Engineer for the position of Engineer / Water. The incumbent in this position will be responsible for coordinating activities and supervising technical staff associated with the design and construction phases of complex municipal water design projects. Additional responsibilities will include:

 Preparing project designs, proposals, and specifications and evaluating contractors and consultants designs and proposals for multi-disciplinary building and structural projects;  Analyzing existing structural data about the project site to identify factors that will affect construction design and scheduling;  Preparing and supervising the preparation of plans, layout drawings, specifications, and detail sheets for structural projects including cost estimates for materials and labor;  Coordinating the bid process, evaluating bids, contracts, and supporting documentation to determine compliance with project specifications;  Reviewing project designs and specifications with design staff, consultants, and contractors before construction begins to identify possible problems with designs, quantities, or timetables;  Scheduling and coordinating the work performed by contractors, sub-contractors, utilities, other governmental agencies, and other City divisions in order to assure work progresses in a timely and cost-efficient manner;  Supervising and conducting physical inspections and tests of construction and materials, noting deficiencies and any corrective actions taken. The ideal candidate will possess a New York State Professional Engineers License with experience in the design and construction of structures and buildings OR Possession of a New York State certification for Engineer-In-Training AND five (5) years of civil engineering experience which must have been involved with the design or construction of structures and buildings, with intent to obtain a New York State Professional Engineers License. The City of Rochester Offers:  Excellent Benefits Package  NYS Retirement System  Generous Holidays and Vacation

 Preparing project designs, proposals, and specifications and evaluating contractors and consultants designs and proposals for all phases of municipal water system design, such as improvement projects for water main extensions, and reservoir and dam improvements;  Preparing progress reports regarding the status of projects under construction to document work progress and contractor's compliance to specifications and timetables;  Reviewing project designs and specifications with design staff and contractors before construction begins, in order to identify possible problems with designs, quantities, or timetables;  Scheduling and coordinating the work performed by contractors, subcontractors, utilities, other governmental agencies, and other City divisions in order to assure that work progresses in a timely and cost efficient manner;  Recommending approval or disapproval of contractor's payments and requests for time extensions. The ideal candidate will possess a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and two (2) years of professional civil engineering experience, one (1) year of which must be in the design or execution of water system construction, in areas such as mains or conduits, reservoirs or dams, metering, backflow prevention, or control systems. The City of Rochester Offers:  Excellent Benefits Package  NYS Retirement System  Generous Holidays and Vacation To apply, please e-mail a copy of your resume to Thomas Miller, Manager of Staffing and Recruitment Services, at no later than March 6, 2020.

To apply, please e-mail a copy of your resume to Thomas Miller,


position openings



Position Openings

News From Professional Firms CHA News

CHA Consulting, Inc. Acquires CME Associates, Inc. in Connecticut

Acquisition strengthens CHA's presence in New England and expands transportation and bridge capabilities CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA), a highly diversified, full-service engineering consulting and construction management firm, recently announced that it has acquired CME Associates, Inc. (CME). CME is a transportation engineering firm based in Mansfield, Connecticut with 85 employees, five offices with a focus on complex highway and bridge projects, and national expertise in accelerated bridge construction (ABC). “The joining of CHA and CME will create great breadth and depth to our growing transportation business bringing immediate resources and value to our transportation clients and accelerating our expansion in the Northeast including Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island,” said Jim Stephenson, CEO of CHA Holdings. “This a great strategic fit for both companies and we look forward to coming together over the next several months.” CME COO, Bryan Busch, PE, said, “The CME team is very excited to join CHA. There is tremendous synergy 22 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

between the two firms and our combined transportation team will be a powerhouse of talent to address multifaceted highway and bridge design projects in New England and beyond.” “We are deepening our accelerated bridge construction capability with this union which cements CHA as a full-service transportation leader to serve the critical infrastructure needs of our clients,” said John Hensley, CHA Infrastructure Sector President. CHA and CMA will work closely together to ensure a seamless transition for CME’s clients. During the integration period, the two firms will also work together to maximize the expertise, best practices, and experience of both firms. A first step in the integration process is a branding change for CME which will be known as CME Associates, a CHA Company, effective immediately. Morrissey Goodale initiated the transaction and served as CME’s advisor. q position openings | news from professional firms


position openings | advertisment


Go to the RES Web Site for Updated Details On All Meetings -

Continuing Monday, February 10

Education Opportunities

American Society for Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 44 Title TBA 1 PDH Credit Pending Speaker: Jim Hall, Triatek Cost: TBD Place: TBD Time: 12:00 Noon, Lunch Buffet. Presentation starts approximately 12:30 pm Reservations: Reservations on the website at

Thursday, February 13

Thursday, March 12

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)

p 38

Joint Meeting with the TSC Grow Home – UB Sustainability 1 PDH Credit Speaker: Martha Bohm, Assistant Professor at the UB School of Architecture Place: Salvatore’s Italian Gardens, 6461 Transit Road, Depew, NY Time: Cash bar from 5:30 to 6:30 pm; Dinner begins at 6:30 pm (entrée choices are: Chicken Parmigiana/Roasted Chef ’s Blend Vegetarian option/Fresh Salmon/Prime Rib 10oz.) Cost: Members - $30; Non-members - $35 Registration: Contact Larry Mathews by Thursday, March 5th at

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD) p 37 Friday, March 27 Association for Civil Engineers (ASCE) Association for Bridge American Council of Engineering Companies of Construction and Design (ABCD) New York (ACEC-NewYork) (ACEC-NewYork) Truck-Bridge Collision Analysis – A Case Study 1 PDH Credit Pending

Spring Seminar – PDH Credits Available

Speakers: UB Engineering Students – Adam Krathaus, Catherine Goerss-Murphy, Brandon Kah Ho Lau, and Esther Saula. Place: Classics V, 2425 Niagara Falls Blvd., Amherst, NY. Time: Registration and cash bar at 5:30 pm; Introductions and announcements at 6:00 pm; Dinner and presentations at 6:15 pm Cost: $25 for members, $30 for non-members, $15 for students. Reservations:

Wednesday, February 19

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) Point of Use Water Heaters 1 PDH Credit Pending

p 42

Speaker: Mike Ziller, Twin-D-Associates Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. Reservations: Reservations by February 14th to Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or

Place: Batavia Downs Gaming Center, 8315 Park Road, Batavia, NY Time: Check-in at 7:15 am; Program begins at 8:00 am Costs: Before March 13th - $110 for members, $140 for non-members, $35 full time students; After March 13th - $140 for members, $170 for non-members, and $60 for full time students. Registration deadline is Friday, March 20, 2020 (no refunds after March 20th). Registration: Register using SignUpGeniss. More information to follow. Registration opens February 28th. For more information contact Jason Messenger, PE, or Rob Fleming, PE,

Tuesday, April 28

2020 Engineering Symposium in Rochester

p 17

Earn up to 7 PDHs Place: Rochester Riverside Convention Center, 123 East Main Street, Rochester Time: 7:30 am to 6:30 pm Cost: $140 Advance registration; $20 Student registration; $170 AFTER April 3, 2020 and at the door. Registration: Registration will be online at starting February 3rd.

To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email: 24 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

continuing education calendar | engineers' calendar

Engineers’ Calendar

The engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. The deadline for submitting copy is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: The meetings offering PDHs are highlighted in blue. Details about the meeting and affiliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the affiliate name.

Saturday, February 1

Tuesday, February 11

ASCE Ski Day – Bristol Mountain

Luminaire ‘Bug’ Ratings – What Are They? (Hint: It has nothing to do with bugs) Speaker: Rick Gottlieb, Director of Sales for Outdoor Products with Eaton Cooper Lighting Place: Lemoncello Restaurant, 137 West Commercial Street, East Rochester, NY 14445 Time: Noon to 1:00 pm Cost: $30 per person (includes lunch) Reservations: Register for this event on the ‘events’ page of the website at:

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) p 36 Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Place: Bristol Mountain, Route 64, Canandaigua Time: Donuts, Coffee, Tickets at 8:30 am; Ski and/or Board at 9:00 am; Lunch/Social at 11:30 am; Ski and/or Board from 1:00 to 6:00 pm Cost: Lunch Only - $10, Lunch and Ticket - $40; Students Lunch Only - $5; Students Lunch and Ticket - $20. Reservations: Contact Tom Hack –; Briana Clark –; ASCE – Additional details vie email and at www.ascerochester.rog.

Monday, February 3

Thursday, February 13

Electrical Association (EA)

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD) Association for Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Council of Engineering Companies of New York (ACEC-NewYork)

Electrical Week Luncheon Keynote speaker: Dr. Kathleen Parrinello, Executive VP & COO, URMC Place: Midvale Golf & Country Club Time: Noon to 1:30 pm Additional details on the website at or call 585-382-9545.

EXCOM Meeting

p 37

Truck-Bridge Collision Analysis – A Case Study 1 PDH Credit Pending

Tuesday, February 4

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

p 46

p 40

Place: China Buffet Time: 11:50 am to 1:00 pm Registration links for our events are at:

Monday, February 10

Speakers: UB Engineering Students – Adam Krathaus, Catherine Goerss-Murphy, Brandon Kah Ho Lau, and Esther Saula. Place: Classics V, 2425 Niagara Falls Blvd., Amherst, NY. Time: Registration and cash bar at 5:30 pm; Introductions and announcements at 6:00; Dinner and presentations at 6:15 pm Cost: $25 for members, $30 for non-members, $15 for students. Reservations:

Thursday, February 13

Society for Imaging Science American Society for Heating, Refrigerating, and Technology (IS&T) p 35 How Color Inkjet Web Printing Can Match Offset and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 44 Title TBA – 1 PDH Credit Pending Speaker: Jim Hall, Triatek Cost: TBD Place: TBD Time: 12:00 Noon, Lunch Buffet. Presentation starts approximately 12:30 pm Reservations: Reservations and details will be on the website at

Support Your Affiliate Attend A Meeting engineers' calendar

Lithography at Production Volumes

Speakers: by Image Test Labs ITL – Image Development Team Place: RIT, University Gallery located in James E. Booth Hall, Room 2765 ( From the North parking lots: heading south from the North Parking lots, enter the breezeway between Booth and Gannett. Enter Booth Hall entrance on the right. Pass Bevier Gallery, walk up two steps and straight across the hall. University Gallery entrance is on the right at the end of the hallway. Time: 6:00 pm No meeting reservations are required. Calendar continuted on page 24...


Wednesday, February 19

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) Point of Use Water Heaters 1 PDH Credit pending approval

Thursday, March 19

International Council p 42 on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

The Agile Systems Engineering Lifecycle Model

Speaker: Rick Dove, CEO/CTO, Paradigm Shift International Time: Meetings begin at 6:00 pm to approx. 7:30 pm Reservations: Contact your local host or contact Kevin Devaney with any questions or concerns at

Speaker: Mike Ziller, Twin-D-Associates Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. Reservations: Reservations by February 14th to Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or

Saturday, March 21

TERRA Science & Engineering Fair

p 43

TRFSEF – Come judge at the Fair

Thursday, February 20

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

p 41

p 41

Place: Rochester Museum & Science Center, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607 Register online at Have questions? Contact us at 315-422-2902

Problem Framing: Identifying the Right Models for the Job Speaker: James Martin, Principal Engineer, The Aerospace Corporation Time: Meetings begin at 6:00 pm to approx. 7:30 pm Reservations: Contact your local host or contact Kevin Devaney with any questions or concerns at

Friday, March 27

Thursday, February 20

Place: Batavia Downs Gaming Center, 8315 Park Rd, Batavia Time: Check-in at 7:15 am; Program begins at 8:00 am Costs: Before March 13th - $110 for members, $140 for nonmembers, $35 full time students; After March 13th - $140 for members, $170 for non-members, and $60 for full time students. Registration deadline is Friday, March 20, 2020 (no refunds after March 20th). Registration: Register using SignUpGeniss. More information to follow. Registration opens February 28th. For more information contact Jason Messenger, PE, or Rob Fleming, PE,

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA) Board of Directors Meeting

p 33

Place: 40 & 8 Club, 933 University Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607 Time: 6:00 pm Website:

Thursday, March 12

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)

Joint Meeting with the TSC Grow Home – UB Sustainability – 1 PDH Credit

p 38

Speaker: Martha Bohm, Assistant Professor at the UB School of Architecture Place: Salvatore’s Italian Gardens, 6461 Transit Rd., Depew, NY Time: Cash bar from 5:30 to 6:30 pm; Dinner begins at 6:30 pm (entrée choices are: Chicken Parmigiana/Roasted Chef ’s Blend Vegetarian option/Fresh Salmon/Prime Rib 10oz.) Cost: Members - $30; Non-members - $35 Registration: Contact Larry Mathews by Thursday, March 5th at

Board of Directors Meeting & Webinar

p 33

Place: Erdman Anthony, 145 Culver Road, Suite 200, Rochester, NY 14620 Time: 6:00 pm Website: 26 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

p 39

Spring Seminar Up to 6 PDH Credits!

Friday, May 1

Electrical Association (EA)

Casino Night – to benefit the Kessler Burn Center at URMC

p 45

Place: The Strathallan, 550 East Avenue, Rochester, NY Registration: Purchase tickets on-line at or call 585-382-9545. Inquire about sponsorship opportunities.

The RES website ( has a calendar of events for this month's meetings

Thursday, March 19

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA)

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)

and meetings that are received or updated after print deadline. Please refer to the website for updated information. If you wish to be listed in the calendar please send details to engineers' calendar

News From Professional Firms SWBR News

SWBR Successfully Completes “50 for 50” Campaign During its 50th Year SWBR, a multidisciplinary, award-winning design firm, celebrated its 50th year in business and a long tradition of design excellence throughout 2019. To commemorate the milestone, it hosted a special initiative called “50 for 50,” where team members collectively completed 50 community service projects. As team members volunteered for not-for-profit organizations, the outreach events were documented on large “50 for 50” boards displayed throughout the office. Additionally, efforts were promoted on SWBR’s social media pages. “We have an amazing team that has always given back to the community,” said President Tom Gears, AIA. “Our 50th anniversary gave us the opportunity to showcase that commitment. I’m confident that we’ll continue that incredible and meaningful work into the new year and beyond.” For 50 years, SWBR has designed projects on the belief that great buildings and spaces can inspire, influence and enhance the lives of their users and the community. “I believe that our 50th anniversary has been a testimony to three important constants here at SWBR: great clients, great people and great design,” Principal and Chief Marketing Officer David Beinetti, AIA said. “We have been fortunate to have all three in abundance. The ‘50 for 50’ campaign during our 50th year brought our team members together and it felt good to give back to our community through so many organizations." q SWBR Celebrates Ribbon Cutting for Freedom Commons Apartments in Syracuse SWBR joined state and local officials on Thursday, Nov. 14, to celebrate the grand opening of Freedom Commons in downtown Syracuse. The project is a collaboration between the Syracuse Housing Authority, the Center for Community Alternatives and Norstar Development. In addition to affordable housing, the project provides supportive housing to individuals transitioning out of the criminal justice system to help avoid recidivism. It consists of 54 units with a mix of one, two- and three-bedroom apartments and townhouses, with six mobility accessible units and three units for individuals with hearing or vision impairments. The project was also recently certified as LEED for Homes Gold by the U.S. Green Building Council. Freedom Commons Academy, also located on the campus, offers 11 beds for emergency housing. The Center for Community Alternatives will manage the academy space, which is designed to help individuals learn skills and gain stability. The project received funding through New York State Homes and Community Renewal through the LIHTC program, Key Community Development Corporation, Homeless Housing and Assistance Program, the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York with Member Bank Syracuse Cooperative Federal Credit Union, Central New York Community Foundation, Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative, and Syracuse Housing Authority. SWBR provided architectural, interior, landscape architecture and structural engineering design for the project. q news from professional firms


Stantec News

Stantec’s Design for Albany Skyway Project Receives 2020 ACEC New York Diamond Award Multi-phase project will transform an elevated interstate ramp into an ADA-compliant linear park for recreation and neighborhood connectivity Top ten global design firm Stantec has received a Diamond Award in the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) New York 2020 Engineering Excellence Awards for work on the Albany Skyway, a unique infrastructure renewal project poised to be the first elevated park in the Capital Region of New York and the first project of its kind that will convert an elevated interstate ramp into an ADA-compliant linear park. Stantec provided engineering and landscape architecture design and services for the transformative project, which will serve as a vital connection between Albany’s downtown, Arbor Hill and warehouse district neighborhoods, and the Hudson River waterfront on behalf of client Capitalize Albany Corporation. The project was made possible by the Environmental Protection Fund from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation. The project, recognized in the Studies, Research, and Consulting Engineering Services award category, will repurpose a half-mile portion of an underutilized elevated interchange ramp along I-787 to create a multi-modal linear park, with a landscaped promenade, bike route, event spaces, and foot path. The conversion of this link is informed by the Impact Downtown Albany strategic plan and the Corning Waterfront Park Master Plan (completed by Stantec), as well as the City of Albany’s comprehensive plan, which all show demand and economic need for increased connections between downtown and the waterfront. “Recognition for this project by ACEC New York is a testament to the impact of community engagement, for this unique transformation has grown out of public outreach and interactions with stakeholders,” said Gary Sorge, Stantec vice president for Community Development and project principal. “Stantec is committed to enhancing our communities by repurposing infrastructure to better meet today’s needs. We are confident that this project will 28 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

provide a model for the design and engineering profession of how to address a community’s desire to repurpose overbuilt infrastructure to achieve public goals for greater connectivity and mobility.” “As someone who grew up in Albany and still resides in the Capital Region, it is professionally satisfying to lead this transformative project for the City of Albany,” added Robert Cartwright, Stantec project manager and ACEC New York Eastern Region Vice Chair. “I join my neighbors in their excitement in watching this project come to life.” “It is fitting that Stantec has received an award for engineering excellence from ACEC NY for their work on the Albany Skyway project,” said Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan. “The community engagement and stakeholder involvement that took place in the preliminary process for this project was abundant and vital. Bringing the vision of a downtown community with greater connectivity and mobility to life through this unique infrastructure renewal project, the first project of its kind that will convert an elevated interstate ramp into an ADA-compliant linear park, has been exciting. The Skyway will not only provide a greater quality of life in downtown Albany, but will serve as a regional attraction, incentivize additional growth, and enhance sustainability. I commend Stantec for recognizing the significance of this project and congratulate them on this well-deserved award.” “The community feedback received and incorporated into Stantec’s work throughout the Skyway’s preliminary design and feasibility analysis process will go a long way towards the project’s ultimate success,” said Capitalize Albany Corporation president Sarah Reginelli. “The Skyway thinks about our infrastructure as an opportunity. This amenity will serve as a regional attraction and spur additional growth. Beyond even this, the project takes back a portion of I-787 improving walkability and bikeability as well as enhancing sustainability.” news from professional firms


The completed feasibility study has readied the project to move forward with detailed construction-ready drawings. Construction will begin in 2020. With Governor Cuomo’s support and more than $10 million invested by New York State, the project is able to move forward by decommissioning the ramp. New York State’s investment will enhance the park with amenities that will maximize the usage and impact of this new, transformational asset. An interdisciplinary team at Stantec led the project’s first phase, which launched in 2018 with a public input stage. The team’s scope of work included a structure assessment and feasibility study, traffic impact study, park concept design, public engagement, and preliminary design, among other related activities. The Engineering Excellence Awards are presented to projects that encompass both the public and private sector in the following categories: studies, research, and consulting services; building/technology systems; structural systems; surveying and mapping technology; environmental; waste and storm water; water resources; transportation; energy; industrial and manufacturing processes and facilities; and special projects. Each year, over 60 member firms submit projects that are judged on a rigorous set of criteria, which includes complexity, innovation and value to society. These projects are judged by a panel of industry experts, which includes military and government officials, ACEC National and International leadership, educators from college and university engineering departments, and leadership from other organizations dedicated to the built environment. Awards are distributed based on the average scores received by these judges and are assigned one of four levels (in ascending order): Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. The top-rated Diamond award that is designed and built entirely within New York State will earn the Empire Award, which will be announced during the Gala in April. Stantec brings a depth of experience in integrating infrastructure and open space for community enrichment. The firm’s engineers and landscape architects designed the nationally recognized conversion of Rochester’s Inner Loop expressway into accessible open space with bike lanes, walking paths, and green space. Previously seen as a barrier between Rochester’s downtown and eastside neighborhoods, the Inner Loop now serves as a welcoming complete street that has also created six acres of new property parcels already attracting development opportunities. Completed in 2017, the project received ACEC New York’s Diamond Award for Transportation, as well as a National Recognition Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies. q

Bergmann News

Bergmann Partners with Solar Home Factory on Net Zero Energy Residential Developments, Assists in Securing $1 Million Grant As part of the firm’s growing environmental and energy practice, Bergmann serves as the architectural and engineering partner to Solar Home Factory as the company expands its development of net zero energy residential properties. Bergmann provides site design, surveying, inspection, environmental permitting and design, consultation, and related services to Solar Home Factory for its ongoing and newly-announced projects in Geneva and Ithaca. Bergmann assisted in the development of Solar Home Factory application to New York State’s inaugural Buildings of Excellence Competition for the design, construction and operation of low-carbon emitting multifamily buildings. Through the program, Solar Home Factory was awarded a $1 million grant in preconstruction funds for development of The Geneva Solar Village. The 37-acre high performance, net-zero modular community will feature both single-family homes and townhome-style apartments called Solar Pods. The project, which will cost $20.4 million and take three years to complete, is currently in phase one, seeking news from professional firms

site plan approval from The Town of Geneva planning board. “These projects have a positive impact not only on the immediate area but on the planet as a whole,” said Robert Switala, P.E., Principal at Bergmann. “We’re proud to partner with Solar Home Factory to build innovative, sustainable and adaptable residential solutions for communities in New York State.” Bergmann also serves as the engineering partner for Solar Home Factory’s Ithaca Solar Village and the Lake Tunnel Solar Village which is located in downtown Geneva development and will be completed early next year. The Lake Tunnel Solar Village housing units sold out in two weeks. “Bergmann’s experience and expertise significantly contributes to our success in these initial stages of our latest development in the Town of Geneva and all our recent projects in the Finger Lakes region,” said Ryan Wallace, CEO, Solar Home Factory. “We look forward to what the future brings as the options for sustainable living continue to grow and evolve.” To learn more about Bergmann’s energy and sustainability design service, visit: https:// q FEBRUARY 2020 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 29

News From Professional Firms Stantec News

Stantec Completes Rehabilitation of Key Section of I-690 Artery in Syracuse The $65 million design-build project includes two new bridges and a reconstructed interchange to enhance aesthetics, capacity, and safety Leading global design firm Stantec marks the completion of a $65 million project to rehabilitate a major section of I-690, a key artery in the third most populous city in upstate New York, on behalf of the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). As part of the project, a 1,500-foot-long viaduct at Beech Street was replaced with a 70-foot bridge with aesthetic retaining walls, and the existing bridge at Teall Avenue was replaced with a wider structure. Additionally, portions of the expressway were reconstructed, along with the Teall Avenue interchange, to add capacity, remove non-standard conditions, and improve safety. As lead expressway designer for the project, Stantec worked alongside Crane-Hogan Structural Systems as general contractor and T.Y. Lin International as structural engineer. Stantec provided designs for the new highway, retaining walls, ramps, drainage, and lighting. “Improvements to this particular stretch of I-690, plagued for years by congestion and aging infrastructure, have long been discussed and are just one of the projects underway in the region to promote mobility,” said Jim Hofmann, Principal, Stantec. “We are proud to have brought our local expertise to the table in designing a project that improves safety and accessibility.” With extensive experience in design-build projects, Stantec promotes early collaboration with the design-build team to keep projects on schedule and on budget. The Stantec team, led out of Rochester, New York, developed a thorough highway design before even being awarded the job and thus was able to move very quickly to finalize the design. The team also overcame poor soil conditions on the project site by working with the design-build team to recommend a Controlled Modulus Column solution to reinforce the existing soils, saving time and money as well as bringing a new geotechnical approach to the project. Stantec has worked with the NYSDOT for over seven decades, with projects spanning numerous highway and bridge rehabilitations, inspections of major bridges in Manhattan, and a comprehensive study of transportation and community needs for the I-81 corridor in Syracuse. Stantec’s Transportation practice creates the connections that get people and goods moving safely and efficiently— whether by car, bus, train, plane, or their own two feet. Ranked among the top-10 International Design Firms in Transportation by Engineering News-Record, Stantec provides planning, engineering, and infrastructure management services that fit client needs and improve the overall transportation experience. To learn more, visit: q 30 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

news from professional firms


CPL News

Architecture Engineering Firm CPL Expands Into Westchester County, NY - Opening 17th office via acquisition The architecture, engineering and planning firm, CPL, has expanded its footprint in the Hudson Valley to include Westchester County, NY, with the recent acquisition of Sammel Architecture PLLC. The new Somers, NY location brings CPL’s total staff level to 450 team members and represents CPL’s seventeenth office (and 5th in the Hudson Valley) including Albany, NY; Binghamton, NY; Buffalo, NY; Charlotte, NC; Hudson, NY; Jamestown, NY; Newburgh, NY; Olean, NY; Pittsburgh, PA; Poughkeepsie, NY; Raleigh, NC; Greensboro, NC; Greenville, SC; Pittsburgh, PA; Rochester, NY; Suwanee, GA and Woodstock, GA. CPL’s design professionals presently serve the healthcare, higher education, k12, corporate, municipal and transportation sectors. Sammel Architecture Principal, David Sammel, founded the practice in 1998 and grew it into one of the most well-respected architectural design firms in the region, serving clients primarily in the K12 market.

Regional Health System (Rochester, NY); and the new $50 million National Comedy Center (Jamestown, NY). In the lower Hudson Valley and New York City, Sammel Architecture’s most recognized work includes Germantown Central School District Auditorium Addition; Carmel Central School District 2019 Bond including District-wide alterations, Collaborative Learning Center, and new Transportation Facility; Somers Central School District Security Vestibules and Turf Athletic Fields; and New York City School Construction Authority Capital Improvement Projects throughout the City.

The two firms’ service offerings are complementary both featuring award winning project portfolios. CPL and Sammel Architecture have been industry leaders in their respective service sectors and will now combine forces to better serve clients in the New York City metro area and Hudson Valley. Sammel Architecture’s clients will benefit from deepened discipline bench strength and expanded in-house design expertise including 3D / mixed reality design, interior design, MEP engineering, structural engineering, civil engineering, planning and landscape architecture. CPL is dedicated to a seamless transition for both the Sammel staff as well as integrating ongoing project work. It is anticipated that additional team members will be added to the Somers location over the next year to facilitate continued growth in the region.

CPL Chief Executive Officer Todd Liebert, AIA, NCARB, said: “Our K12 practice is a shining example of inspiring design work that makes a real difference. Helping improve facilities for students is fulling work that has a genuine impact on communities. The addition of Sammel further strengthens this practice and we warmly welcome them to the CPL family.”

In the Hudson Valley region, CPL’s prominent work includes the $80 million renovation/expansion of the Orange County Government Center (Goshen, NY); the City of Kingston Washington Avenue Sewer project; Newburgh Enlarged City School District-wide renovations and new CTE (Career, Technology & Education) High School Building; Spackenkill Union Free School District-wide renovations and new turf field & stadium; and the Town of New Windsor – Replacement of Lake Road Bridge over Metro-North Railroad. Several other notable projects include the design of the new $260 million Sands-Constellation Center for Critical Care tower addition for the Rochester

Sammel Architecture Principal David Sammel, said: “We knew that in order to stay at the top of our field, meet our client’s changing needs, and provide better and broader opportunities for our team members, we would have to grow. Growing organically in the current economy is challenging, and the opportunity to be a part of CPL was a perfect solution for us. The things that attracted us to this acquisition were CPL’s commitment to excellence in design and their dedication to teamwork with their clients and employees. They have an amazing culture and outstanding reputation.” q

news from professional firms

CPL Senior Vice President Rick Henry, PE, said: “We are thrilled to expand our practice into Westchester County to better serve our clients as well as establish new relationships in that vibrant region. It is an important market and acquisition for us.”


Professional Firms Employee News Bergmann News

Bergmann Adds Talent Acquisition Manager, Launches New Social Media Recruiting Program Megan Cates has joined national architecture, engineering and planning firm Bergmann as Talent Acquisition Manager. With experience managing recruitment activities in multiple locations and states, Cates will further the firm’s strategic hiring efforts across its 15 offices. Cates brings a strong background in social media recruiting and recruiting strategy to the firm. Drawing on her experience, the firm will soon launch a Bergmann Careers Facebook page and LinkedIn group to engage with potential applicants. Prospective candidates should follow these channels to be alerted to Bergmann job opportunities. “Megan’s recruiting expertise will help us hire the right talent to meet our growth plans in all regions,” said Shannon Weaver, Senior Manager of Human Resources. “In this tight labor market, it’s more important than ever that we continuously utilize new communication tools and enhance our approach to identifying and attracting people that are both a skill and culture fit.”

Megan Cates

Prior to joining Bergmann in December, she served in HR and PR positions in various industries including financial services, logistics management, education, and media. q

CHA News

CHA Promotes Jennifer Chatt to Executive Vice President & Chief People Officer CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA), a highly diversified, fullservice engineering consulting firm, announces the promotion of Jennifer Chatt to Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer. Based in Albany, Jenn has served as CHA’s Senior Vice President of Human Resources since July 2017 and has been responsible for talent acquisition, total rewards, talent development and employee engagement. In her new role, Jenn will increasingly play a critical strategic role in helping CHA grow and build an inspired workforce. Since her arrival, Jenn has developed innovative companywide programs and initiatives to ensure the achievement of key business objectives. She has led the firm’s talent acquisition and engagement functions, helping to position the firm as an employer of choice. Under her guidance, the firm integrated employees from three acquisitions and welcomed over 300 new hires in 2019, the largest annual count in the firm’s history. “I am humbled at the ongoing opportunity to be a part of this organization and am grateful for the talented human resources team who works every day to support the 1,250+ employees across our footprint,” Jenn Chatt said. “CHA’s future is very bright and I am excited about all that is ahead.” “In the relatively short time that Jenn has been with 32 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

CHA, she has had an enormous impact on our firm,” said CHA Holdings CEO Jim Stephenson. “Jenn has led her team in establishing CHA as an Employer of Choice, implementing programs and initiatives focused on building an inspired workforce and leading her team through the monumental human resources work related Jennifer Chatt to our 2019 acquisitions. I look forward to working closely with Jenn in her new role as we continue to strategically grow and bring the best people to our organization.” Jenn has more than 15 years of progressive experience in human resources management, having led highgrowth, client and employee driven organizations across multiple industries. She holds a master of business administration from the State University of New York at Albany and a bachelor of science in business administration and human resources from Geneseo State University. q professional firms employee news



SWBR's Caitlin Ellis Earns LEED Green Associate SWBR’s project architect, Caitlin R. Ellis, AIA, has earned her LEED Green Associate accreditation from the U.S. Green Building Council. This LEED credential denotes proficiency in today’s sustainable design, construction and operations standards. Professionals who earn a LEED credential showcase knowledge, experience and credibility in the green building marketplace. As a Project Architect, Ellis assists teams throughout the design process on many of the firm’s K-12 and higher education projects. She’s a thoughtful designer, passionate about making buildings that function better, look great, and contain touches of personality that are truly unique to the occupants and their use of the building. Caitlin R. Ellis, AIA

Ellis has been with SWBR for more than five years, earned a Bachelor of Architecture from Virginia Tech and resides in Rochester. q

Two SWBR Interior Designers Earn NCIDQ Certification SWBR announced that interior designers Megan Smith and Candace Gonnella have completed all the required exams to receive their National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) certification. NCIDQ certification is the industry's recognized standard of an interior designer’s proficiency and responsibility to protect public health, safety and welfare, as well as exhibit mastery of aesthetic considerations and commitment to the profession. Megan Smith

In addition to developing design concepts and finish plans, Smith is responsible for managing small interior projects, including client presentations, budgeting and supervising

installations. She received an Associate of applied science from Monroe Community College, and a bachelor of fine arts in interior design and a certificate in historic preservation and restoration from Villa Maria College. Gonnella is responsible for design concepts, presentation boards, monitoring current sustainable products and trends, and space Candace Gonnella planning for the firm’s key clients. She also managed the major interior renovation of SWBR’s Rochester office in 2018. She received her bachelor of science in interior architecture and design from Mercyhurst University. q

What's News

Announcement of a free, full featured e-book with interactive code integrated with engineering analysis by P. Venkararaman, retired academic from RIT

The book is: Essential Mechanics - Statics and Strength of Materials with MATLAB and Octave by P. Venkataraman

Description: Essential Mechanics - Statics and Strength of Materials with MATLAB and Octave combines two core engineering science courses - “Statics” and “Strength of Materials” - in mechanical, civil, and aerospace engineering. It weaves together various essential topics from Statics and Strength of Materials to allow discussing structural design from the very beginning. The traditional content of these courses are reordered to make it convenient to cover rigid body equilibrium and extend it to deformable body mechanics. The e-book covers the most useful topics from both courses with computational support through MATLAB/Octave. The traditional approach for engineering content is emphasized and is rigorously supported through graphics and analysis. Prior knowledge of MATLAB is not necessary. Instructions for its use in context is provided and explained. It takes advantage of the numerical, symbolic, and graphical capability of MATLAB for effective problem solving. This computational ability provides a natural procedure for What if? exploration that is important for design. The book also professional firms employee news what's news

emphasizes graphics to understand, learn, and explore design. The idea for this book, the organization, and the flow of content is original and new. The integration of computation, and the marriage of analytical and computational skills is a new valuable experience provided by this e-book. Most importantly the book is very interactive with respect to the code as it appears along with the analysis. It is a free, full featured e-book with interactive code integrated with engineering analysis. It is an OER resource and released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The web site for the book is: The book can be downloaded here: The book should be useful to the students and many professional engineers in your area. FEBRUARY 2020 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 33

Written by Pietro V. Giovenco, P.E., President and CEO, Bergmann On December 25, 2019 we lost a gifted engineer, an incredible entrepreneur, and, above all, an inspirational leader that many of us had the great fortune to know: Donald J. Bergmann, P.E. To know Don was to know a drive and vision that few often embodied, from developing one of the first full-service firms in Upstate New York, to being a front-runner in virtual reality simulations, to expansion into Philadelphia, Buffalo, Toledo and Jacksonville markets. It’s clear that his drive was a result of inspiration he drew from powerful leaders throughout his life. This started early in Don’s days serving as an officer in the US Naval Engineering Corps and later the Naval Reserves, and during his time at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), were he majored in civil engineering and played lacrosse under the legendary coach Ned Harkness. I remember Don sharing stories of the power of teamwork and shared purpose that Coach Harkness inspired in all of them. Don put those leadership learnings to work right away in his career in consulting engineering. Following 18 years at Erdman, Anthony & Associates here in Rochester, Don saw the opportunity to expand out on his own. He had a vision for a new approach in consulting tailored to client relationships and fullservice solutions. With his great eye for talent, he tapped four up-and-coming professionals (Brian Dougherty, Gary Olin, John Murray and John Flint) to help him start Donald J. Bergmann and Associates. Don was always the visionary and never doubted their future success. When the firm quickly reached 25 people, they outgrew the Terminal Building in downtown Rochester. Don had his eyes on a 5-story office building a block away, with his only concern being that “the building could only hold 300 people!” As Don predicted, they bought the nearby Jonathan Child House soon after to accommodate expansion, with growth in Philadelphia, Buffalo and beyond following closely behind. Don was also the ultimate entrepreneur, never letting a potential opportunity pass by. While the firm started out as a civil and transportation design company, he was quick to expand capabilities to serve Kodak’s mechanical engineering needs. Shortly after he added architecture, which has since grown to become a major part of the business today. The fullservice firm was well into its formation. 34 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

Being the consummate visionary, he was always ahead of the competition with new ideas. The Hoosick River Bridge, the Corning By-Pass, the Stutson Street Lift Bridge (known today as the O’Rorke Bridge) were major early projects that put Bergmann Associates on the map as a world-class civil engineering firm. He also foresaw the impact technology would have on the engineering profession and eagerly embraced innovation, being one of the first A/E companies in the U.S. to offer virtual reality simulations. Under Don’s direction, Bergmann invested significantly in a Silicon Graphics Onyx Supercomputer, which provided the computing power to render digital images to create a ‘virtual’ simulation. “We had no idea what we could do with such a powerful piece of equipment,” Gary Olin recalled, “but we soon realized that it would help differentiate us and get us many engineering and architectural projects.” Ken Avery, an early employee, said it well: “For most people, ‘seeing is believing’. For Don, and those he inspired, ‘believing is seeing’. He constantly put us in those places that are typically uncomfortable for engineers, but he instilled confidence in us through his inspiration and enthusiasm.” Don helped shape a generation of engineering and architectural professionals who are making an incredible impact on our world today. He created an environment where we could believe in ourselves, and understand that by applying ourselves creatively, pushing our boundaries and making good decisions, we could succeed in whatever client or project we committed ourselves to. Today, as the 3rd President and CEO in the company’s 40year history, I humbly and gratefully reflect on the time when Don and ‘the Associates’ started the company. John Murray defined Don with the words “Optimistic, Confident, Fearless, Hardworking, Inspiring and Visionary”. I have learned that these characteristics are still vital today as we grow the company and fulfill the dream that Don had. Don was very inspiring to me personally and instilled in me the confidence to reach beyond my wildest dreams in growing as a person and as a leader. On behalf of myself and the hundreds of professionals at Bergmann and beyond who you inspired throughout your life, thank you, Don. We are forever grateful for your vision and leadership

Rochester Chapter

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association Website:



Year 2020 Officers President Justin M. Roloson, LS Vice President Matthew R. Palmer, LS Secretary Robert J. Avery, LS Treasurer Michael A. Venturo, LS Jared R. Ransom, LS, Ex-officio

Upcoming Events 2020 February 20, 2020 Board of Directors Meeting - 6:00 PM 40 & 8 Club, 933 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14607 March 19, 2020 Board of Directors Meeting and Webinar - 6:00 PM Erdman Anthony 145 Culver Road, Suite 200 Rochester, NY 14620 April 16, 2020 Board of Directors Meeting - 6:00 PM General Membership Meeting - 7:00 PM 40 & 8 Club, 933 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14607 May 14, 2020 General Membership Meeting - 6:00 PM Finger Lakes Dinner Location TBD

Board of Directors

February 2020

2018-20 Timothy T. Odell, LS Martin Gotwalt, LS 2019-2021 Gregory T. Pauly, LS Jeffrey A. Tiede, LS 2020-2022 Christopher T. Locke, LS David L. Standinger, LS David Zuber, LSIT - Associates Representative

Board of Directors Meeting February 20, 2020 Time: 6:00 PM 40 & 8 Club

933 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14607

Board of Directors Meeting & Webinar March 19, 2020 Time: 6:00 PM

Professional Affiliations

 New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc.  National Society of Professional Surveyors  Rochester Engineering Society

gvlsa news

Erdman Anthony

145 Culver Road, Suite 200 Rochester, NY 14620


Monroe Professional Engineers Society A Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers 657 East Avenue, Rochestter, New York 14607 Dedicated to Professionalism in Engineering in the Interest of Public Safety and Welfare 2019-20 Officers: President Chris Kambar, PE, President-elect Arthur Reardon, PE, Vice-President Scott Wolcott, PE, Secretary Martin Gordon, PE, Treasurer Michael Ritchie, PE, Membership Chair Arthur Reardon, PE Past Presidents: David Roberts, PE, Chris Devries, PE Directors: Barry Dumbauld, PE, Robert Winans, PE, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, Jim Drago, PE, Neal Illenberg, PE, Douglas R. Strang Jr., PE

FE Review Course Considering taking the FE Exam? RIT is offering courses for both the Civil and Mechanical FE Exams.  RIT’s Civil Engineering Technology program, within the College of Applied Science and Technology is offering a Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Civil Exam Review Course for the civil engineering professionals. The next section starts on January 14. Download the course information flyer or contact Greg Evershed at for more information.  RIT’s Mechanical Engineering Technology program, within the College of Applied Science and Technology is offering a Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Mechanical Exam Review Course for the mechanical engineering professionals. The next section starts on January 14. Contact Dave Roberts at for more information. More information can be found at :

Engineers and manufacturers invited to take part in Girl Day Modern Machine Shop Girl Day began in 2001, when it came to the organization's attention that only 17% of engineering undergrads were women. DiscoverE chose to address that gap by helping organizations engage female students with activities designed to teach engineering skills, a project they called "Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day," or Girl Day for short. READ MORE:

Differences by gender: College freshman’s interest in engineering Society of Women Engineers Every year, the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA administers the Freshman Survey to gain a better understanding of the pre-college experiences of incoming college students. From this research we are able to see that, while interest in majoring in engineering and computer science is increasing, the gap between men and women's intentions to major in engineering and computer science remains wide. READ MORE:

As always, we encourage active membership in the Monroe Professional Engineers Society. We are constantly striving to improve your membership but we always need more help. If you are interested in becoming an active member or have any questions, please email me at or contact MPES through our website at

Christopher V. Kambar, President, MPES 36 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020

mpes news

Rochester Chapter

Society for Imaging Science and Technology Website: Our meeting locations have changed and additional details will be available monthly. The February meeting is THURSDAY, February 13 at RIT, University Gallery located in James E. Booth Hall, Room 2765 ( at 6:00 p.m. From the North parking lots: Heading south from the North Parking lots, enter the breezeway between Booth and Gannett. Enter Booth Hall entrance on the right. Pass Bevier Gallery, walk up two steps and straight across the hall. University Gallery entrance is on the right at the end

of the hallway. No meeting reservations are required. Meeting Schedule: February 13, 2020 - "Digital Substitution - How Color Inkjet Web Printing can Match Offset Lithography at Production Volumes" Venue ideas requested - we are soliciting input regarding other possible venues for our meetings.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Digital Substitution

How Color Inkjet Web Printing Can Match Offset Lithography at Production Volumes by Image Test Labs ITL - Image Grader Development Team Abstract:

We have now reached the day where digital printing is able to substitute for conventional commercial run length presses. This invited presentation discusses the methods used to make the world's first critical color production press run that matches the output from an inkjet web press with that from an analog offset sheetfed press on plain coated offset paper. We will also describe the benefits of using an inkjet web press to produce offset-quality output. This presentation describes the methods, color measurements and statistical process analysis we used. It will show that the consistency and stability of the inkjet digital substitute process exceeded the consistency of the offset press. Attendees will receive actual printed samples to take with them along with a white paper with the technical details. The presentation will conclude with ample time for questions and answers.


Henry B. Freedman is a third generation printer from Philadelphia whose family has owned and operated printing plants for 100 years. Henry has degrees in Printing Technology and Photographic Science from RIT as well as an MBA in Government Regulation from The George Washington University where he also attended law school. Henry's inventions in chemical film processing, automated printing controls, print ecommerce and digital image measurement have received many industry awards and economic success. Henry is an Eastman Kodak Scholar, 3M Fellow, a TAGA Fellow, a GATF Scholar and a National Science Foundation award winner for his research on the future of the graphic arts. Henry for 5 years was elected Director of the Washington, D.C. Chapter of SPSE (now IS&T). To share his knowledge Henry was the Technology and Trends Editor of American Printer, the Technology Editor of Graphic Arts Monthly (with fifty-five thousand print subscribers), and has authored over 485 scientific and technical articles in his now 40 year old Technology Watch newsletter. To learn more please see . Peter H Dundas was born in London and received BS in Chemical Engineering and PhD in Physics from Imperial College London University. Peter immigrated to USA in 1961 and was on the Chemical Engineering Faculty of MIT in Cambridge Mass for seven years. In 1974 Peter joined Xerox Corporation in Rochester NY and became a Principal Color Scientist is&t news

in 1997, responsible for the image quality of digital color products. Peter was also responsible for teaching the Xerox worldwide Color Analysts charged with supporting all the digital color products in the field. In 2004, together with Henry Freedman and Peter Crean, Peter Dundas was the first person to match a digital color Xerox DC8000 image to a Heidelberg offset image on a single page in a true production length press run. Peter has co-authored four US Patents. Peter Crean earned a PhD in high energy nuclear physics from Princeton University in 1970 and joined Xerox's Exploratory Development Lab to work on “advanced computer peripherals.� He worked with Lavallee and Starkweather to build the first Xerox laser printer prototype. He was a member of the team which, over the next 6 years, went on to develop a high resolution scanner, printer and high bandwidth electronics and assembled them into a functioning electronic copier/printer prototype which, 15 years later, emerged as DocuTech. He was the lead technologist on a high performance ink jet prototype and, from 1986 on, concentrated on color systems development with Xerox and Fuji Xerox. He had a major role in the 5775 color copier, iGen color press, Xerox color management and the high performance FreeFlow DFE. He retired from Xerox as a Senior Research Fellow in 2010. Dr. Crean has been awarded 54 US patents and has spoken at many imaging conferences, customer events and trade shows during his last 25 years with Xerox. In 2009, PIA/ TAGA awarded Dr. Crean the Reed Technology Medal for significant contributions to the graphics communication industry. Eric K. Zeise earned a PhD in low-temperature condensed-matter physics from Cornell University in 1981 and joined the Research Laboratories of Eastman Kodak Co. He was instrumental in developing the 8-bit non-linear LED exposure control printhead architecture utilized in Kodak and Nexpress printing systems from 1986 to present, led the image quality analysis and evaluation group at Nexpress for a decade, contributed color calibration and registration-control systems for the roll-fed Prosper production ink-jet press, then helped devise micronscale image stabilization techniques for flexographic micro-printing and developed near-real-time on-line image analysis capability for defect and line-quality analysis. He served as convenor of the ISO working group on image quality evaluation for nine years and has led the development of four perceptually correlated, objective ISO image quality measurement standards. He retired from Eastman Kodak Co. in 2018 with twenty-eight patents. FEBRUARY 2020 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 37


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President/Education Chair: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD CPL 205 St Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Vice President Technical: DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Legislative: DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110 Vice President Membership:/AYP TRAVIS JESSICK Dave Gooding Inc. 173 Spark Street Brockton, MA 02302 585-794-8845 Treasurer: ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Administrative Secretary: ADAM KRAMER IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Newsletter Editor: CHRIS WOLAK Victaulic Fairport, NY 14450 484-350-1954

President's Message 2020?! Time flies.

The Engineering Symposium in Rochester will be Tuesday, April 28 this year. Look for additional information in this publication regarding registration for that (page 17). Keep your eyes out for NYS information on updated Building Codes. The current plan is to adopt the 2018 ICC codes, with some NYS amendments. Refer to the NYS Department of State website for more information. In June we will have our annual golf outing. We will be looking for sponsors soon. If you are interested in participating in the tournament or sponsoring a hole, please contact any of our board members. We have an Affiliate Liaison position to fill on our board. IF you are a Vendor, a current member of the ASPE Rochester chapter and are interested in joining our board, please let me know.

Jennifer Wengender, P.E., CPD Rochester Chapter President

Meeting Notice – Save the Date Topic: Speaker:

Point of Use Water Heaters Mike Ziller, Twin-D-Associates

Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 Time: 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. (please arrive by 11:50 am) Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Rd., Rochester 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates) Credits:

1 PDH - pending approval

Cost: $20.00 (member or guest), check or cash at door. RSVP: To Dave Jereckos (341-3168), or by February 14th. (Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society)


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Rochester Chapter

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Rochester ASHRAE website: President's Message

Happy New Year to all! I hope you’ve been able to spend the Holidays with close family and friends. The past month has been very busy in anticipation for 2020. There is a lot planned for the first quarter. Our topic for our January 13th meeting was “HVAC Duct Design and Fitting Selection” presented by Patrick Brooks of SMACNA. This was our final meeting at City Grill. We’d like to thank the entire staff for hosting our events for the past several years. The service and food has always been top notch and we wish them well. The ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR Expo is quickly approaching on February 3rd through 5th in Orlando, Florida. The ASHRAE Learning Institute is offering many courses during the conference. If you would like to attend the conference or any of the courses, more information can be found at


ASHRAE February Meeting - 1 PDH Pending Date:

Monday, February 10, 2020


12:00 noon, Lunch Buffet. Presentation starts approximately 12:30 pm





Reservations: Reservations at Topic:

Title to be announced (see website) Presented by Jim Hall, Triatek

On Friday, February 7th, Rochester ASHRAE Chapter will be hosting its 63rd Annual Valentine Dinner Dance. Jody and Matthew McGarry put on a fantastic event. Please consider contributing to this event and joining us at the Strathallan Hotel. It is a terrific evening with fantastic food, music and fun. This past August, we lost a stalwart to our engineering community. Joe Harding passed away. He was well a respected and dedicated engineer that served western New York and beyond for many years. Joe was also an avid skier and to honor him, the friends and family ski day will now be named after him. Our 2nd annual family ski day at Hunt Hollow will be held on Friday, February 21st. As you can see there is a lot happening in ASHRAE! Please continue to check out our website at www.rochester.ashraechapters. org for current information on these upcoming chapter meetings, current officer list and contact information, chapter newsletters, and more! Also take a minute and like us on Facebook at www.facebook. com/#!/ashraerochester. Tom Streber, PE 2019-2020 ASHRAE President Rochester Chapter


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Affiliated Societies of the Rochester Engineering Society American Consulting Engineering Companies of New York President, David J. Meyer, 585-218-0730 Email: American Public Works Association Monroe County/Genesee Valley Branch Chairman, Peter Vars, PE Email: American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section President, Joshua T. Rodems, PE, Bergmann, Rochester, NY. 585-498-7944. Email: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Thomas Streber, PE, tstreber@ Email:

Association For Facilities Engineering, Rochester Chapter President, Matt Knights, Constellation Brands, Inc. Email: Electrical Association Executive Director, Karen Lynch Email: President, Russ Corcoran, Landmark Electric, 585-359-0800. Email: Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association President, Jared R. Ransom, LS 585-737-6881 Email: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Inc., Rochester Section President, Dan Rusnack Email:

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Steven Ivancic, University of Rochester

Imaging Science & Technology, Rochester Chapter President, Bruce Pillman, 585-748-6006 Email:

American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Rochester New York Chapter President, Jennifer Wengender, PE, CPD, Clark Patterson Lee, 205 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14604. 585-454-7600. Email:

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Eric Brown Email:

Alfred Steele Scholarship available to ASPE members and their immediate family. Applications due in January each year. Details at https://www.

Association for Bridge Construction and Design President, William Rugg, PE Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Email:

Monroe Professional Engineers Society President, Chris Kambar, PE Email: New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 President, Paul J. Spitzer, PE, NYS DOT Region 4, Genesee Valley, 1530 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY 14623. 585-272-4890. Email: NYSATE has scholarships available for dependents of members who are or plan to enroll in a postsecondary university of accredited business or vocational school (undergraduate only). Some members may also be eligible. Information will be posed in the early spring at

New York Water Environment Association Inc., Genesee Valley Chapter ( President, Bill Davis, 585-381-9250 Email: Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor’s National Association-Rochester, Inc. Executive Director, Aaron Hilger 585-586-8030. Email: Society of Plastics Engineers, Rochester Section President, Brett Blaisdell Email:

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Poojith Kalluru, Alstom Email:

Society of Women Engineers President, Marca J. Lam, RIT Email:

International Council on Systems Engineering, Finger Lakes Chapter President, Jack Riley Email:

Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science & Engineering Fair Director, Mary Eileen Wood, 315-422-2902 Website: Awards and scholarships available. Visit the website for details.

Corporate Members of the Rochester Engineering Society Bergmann (Enterprise) BME Associates CHA Consulting (Champion) Clark Patterson Lee Erdman Anthony Associates Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (RBA) Champion) Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, Inc.

Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Gleason College of Engineering

IBC Engineering, PC (Champion)


Kistner Concrete Products Inc.

TY-LIN International (Champion)

M/E Engineering, PC (Enterprise)

VJ Stanley

MRB Group (Champion) Optimation Technology, Inc.

IS YOUR COMPANY LISTED HERE? Call 585-254-2350 for information.

Passero Associates

affiliated societies & corporate members of the rochester engineering society



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