2 minute read

President’s Message

Dear Fellow Engineers,

August is now upon us and a number of in-person events are emerging in the Rochester area! Both the Electrical Association and IEEE are hosting nights out with the Rochester Red Wings! ASCE and ABCD are hosting their annual golf outings and tournaments! IES is hosting a tour of the Rochester City Skate Park. You can find information on each of these events in the Affiliate pages in the magazine! It’s time to get out and enjoy some of these great activities! memberships is growing! I am extremely grateful for the support of the community in keeping the RES alive and vibrant. Alstom Signaling is the latest to join as an Enterprise level corporate member! Your support reaffirms our commitment to provide value to our membership. One of the ways that we have done this has been to revitalize the magazine to better highlight the successes of our corporate members and their employees. If you are looking to celebrate your engineering staff and technical accomplishments, please consider joining as a corporate member.

There are also some great articles in the magazine this month. The article by Tony Keefe in “get IT done” highlights many of the different ways that social media is used for egregious activity. Take a look at pg 9 to learn about phishing, vishing and smishing among others. This is a great article to get informed about what to look for and how to keep safe while engaging with social media! Frank Armento from Fisher Associates provided a great overview on the renovation of Bull’s Head district in Rochester. This renovation project has been underway for decades! This article (pg 10-13) provides you with an overview as to what it takes to execute a project of such magnitude.

The RES tutors completed 8 weeks of virtual tutoring with the Dr. Walter Cooper Academy over the last several months (pg 7). We are hoping to resume in-person tutoring in the upcoming semester. I would like to personally thank Jim Koon, Kathleen Hoffman, and Margaret Ornelas for their invaluable help over the last year in tutoring students. I know that my nieces and nephews have all grown very tired of zoom over the last several months. I am sure the children were very thankful to have occasional contact with outside individuals – even if only by zoom.

If you haven’t noticed the list of RES corporate memberships is growing! I am extremely grateful for the support of the community in keeping the RES alive and vibrant. Alstom Signaling is the latest to join as an Enterprise level corporate member! Your support reaffirms our commitment to provide value to our membership. One of the ways that we have done this has been to revitalize the magazine to better highlight the successes of our corporate members and their employees. If you are looking to celebrate your engineering staff and technical accomplishments, please consider joining as a corporate member.

hope you have a great summer!

Greg Gdowski, PhD University of Rochester RES President June 1, 2020 - May 31, 2022

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