3 minute read
Avoiding Thorns And Traps
from grenepages issue 23
by greneavenue
God, no wonder the devil keeps people away
from it. The Bible is the richest, most inspir
ing, most motivating, most enlightening, most
powerful, most reliable and most comforting
word that you can ever see or lay hold on in
this world.
sleep anytime they carry the Bible to read. In
fact, some see it as being boring and interest
ing. Little wonder people are destroyed, killed
or are messed up by the devil because many
children of God are ignorant of the power, de
fense, shield, instruction in the Bible.
word, God’s power, God’s Love and instructions
in the Bible. Remember every man is a product of
what he knows or does not know. For instance, a
mother that only feeds her baby with carbohy
drate will have Kwashiorkor baby at the end of
the day. It does not matter if she did it out of ig
norance or not.
The same thing happen to us when we don’t ap
ply the instructions in the word of God. It does
not matter if it was out of ignorance of the Word
of God or out of disobedience. So far as you act
contrary to the instructions in God’s word, you
may have to pay dearly with your life except by
God’s divine intervention.
Let’s examine the Bible according to Proverbs
the only feeling you experienced was
“pain”. What about a trap; have you seen a
trapped rat before? The rat is completely
helpless in pain and cannot move forward or
That is the clear picture of what sin does to
people’s destiny. It brings pains, guilt, re
gret, helplessness, stagnation and shame. In
addition, if the sinner refuses to repent, it
will lead to death. Don’t you think that a
trapped rat can die if nobody rescues it on
time? It is the same thing with the thorns.
Imagine someone falls on plants with
thorns, for hours could not stand up due to
the pain and nobody comes to rescues him.
What do you think could happen to such a
“Thorns and traps are in the way of the
sinful. He who watches himself will stay far
from them.”
That is what exactly happens to those who
sin and refuse to repent, they are suddenly
cut short and destroyed by their sin.
Now let us examine this scripture with practical
life example.
Those who live a sinful life make themselves prey/
victim in the hands of devil. Sin itself is a trap, so
even if the devil decides to ignore a sinner, the
I knew a lady who came to school just like
every other student but began to mingle
with the wrong/bad set of friends. She re
fused to listen to counsel to stay away from
such friends. Unfortunately, one Saturday
she had finished her exams but refused to go home,
hanging around with friends (bad one). Probably the
person that drove them was drunk to have hit a sta
tionary truck. Moreover, as a student, what was she
doing in the midst of soldiers at night going out of
the town?
My beloved, sin is indeed a trap and a thorn. Do not
fall victim. Some people do not live to tell the story.
Devil is most powerful over a soul that sins. He can
waste them anyhow as far as the soul is in sin. How
ever, as many that confess their sins and believe in
Christ Jesus, the devil no longer has a say over such
This is where I am driving at; this particular warning
against sin is in the Bible. However, when we do not
carry the Bible, open nor read the Bible, how do we
see these warnings and heed to them. Do not be de
ceived, the richest book on earth is the Bible. It is a
preserver of life and destiny both here on earth and
in eternity. Therefore, decide today not to be far
from the Bible henceforth.
Sometimes some people want to read the Bible but
do not know where to read. There are many ap
proaches to reading the Bible. I will just give you few
if you read Genesis Chapter 1 today, tomor
row you will read Chapter 2 of the same
Genesis until you get to the last Chapter
and move to the next book, which is Exo
dus. Thus, you are able to comprehend how
humankind came to existence. It helps you
to follow several events that happened seri
ally up to the time of Christ.
Approach 2: Topically
If your Bible has concordance, you can go
to the back pages and look for a topic that
will interest you. Under such topic, they will
write several scriptures that are related to
that topic and you begin to feed on those
For instance, you may decide to study on
‘love’. If your Bible has concordance, check
the topic and it will show you scriptures
that talk about love. Thus, you are able to
know and understand such topic very well.
I pray for you that God will give you under
standing of the word every time you open it
in Jesus Name. Love the Bible and your life
and destiny is preserved!