2013-2014 Chicago Maroon Media Kit

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Serving the University of Chicago since 1892

Media Kit


Publishing Schedule 2013




OCTOBER Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DECEMBER Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

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Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

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Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 MARCH Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

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MAY Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

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JUNE Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

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Key: 4 Chicago Maroon 16 Special Issue

The Maroon publishes five special issues: Grey City, Orientation, Historical, and Graduation.

Maroon Advertising Audience The Maroon’s Readership




88% 90% 67% 90% 76%

of students shop at a supermarket or convenience store of students dine at a sit-down restaurant of students eat at a fast food restaurant of students shop at Kimbark Plaza of students shop at Hyde Park Shopping Center

Students Online 95% 76% 73%





The Maroon’s website has:





(Annual University Payroll)






of students purchase books online of students purchase clothing and shoes online of students purchase electronics online







Maroon Advertising Rates | PRINT Full page

Half page

Half page

Quarter page

Eighth page

10” x 16”

7.5” x 10.5

10” x 8” or 5” x 16”

5” x 8”

5” x 4”


National Rates National Rates


b & w $832.00 colorcolor$1248.00 $1248.00

$409.50 $409.50 $614.25 $614.25

$416.00 $416.00 $624.00 $624.00

$208.00 $208.00 $312.00 $312.00

$104.00 $104.00 $156.00 $156.00

$275.00 $275.00 $385.00 $385.00

$275.00 $275.00 $385.00 $385.00

$175.00 $175.00 $245.00 $245.00

$90.00 $90.00 $126.00 $126.00

Local Rates Local Rates

b & bw& w $450.00 $450.00 colorcolor $630.00 $630.00

University of Chicago Departmental Rates

b & w $375.00 color $487.50

$220.00 $286.00

$220.00 $286.00

$125.00 $162.00

$80.00 $104.00











Student Rates

b&w color

*Prices based on $13.00 NET per column inch. Discounts do not apply. *Color prices are for full color. No spot color options available.




There is an 8% discount when an ad runs four times and a 12% discount when an ad runs eight times during the same month. All discounts exclude classifieds.

$4.00 per line based on 45 characters (including spaces and punction) per line when calculating the final cost. All ads must be prepaid using check, cash, Visa, or Mastercard.

Email electronic (PDF) ads to ads@chicagomaroon.com.

Maroon Advertising Rates | ONLINE The Maroon’s site averaged 96,000 unique visitors per quarter (11 weeks) in the 2012-2013 academic year. Reach out to our readers by advertising online at chicagomaroon.com.

1 WEEK = $100* 4 WEEKS = $350* Top Banner

(728 x 90 px)

Runs on the top of the page.


All online advertisements must be less than 300 kb and in a standard web image (.jpg, .png, or .gif) or flash (.swf) format.


AD Right Box

(300 x 250 px)

Runs on the right side of the page. Rotates with up to four other ads.

*Rates effective beginning January 2014.


JPG, PDF, PNG, and GIF formats are accepted. In addition, please provide a link to redirect our viewers to your website.

All ads must be prepaid. The Chicago Maroon accepts cash, checks, Visa, or Mastercard. There will be a $20 charge for all returned checks. Deadlines: Print ads are due two business days before publication. For Tuesday issues, ads are due the previous Friday by noon. For Friday issues, ads are due the previous Wednesday by noon.

INQUIRIES? For all classified or display print advertising inquiries, please contact our office Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m.

Tyronald Jordan, Business Manager (773) 702-9555 ads@chicagomaroon.com

Maroon Advertising Rates | BOXES & INSERTS The Maroon distributes 44,400 copies of our paper each month. Reach out to the Maroon’s readers by advertising on the front of the Maroon’s distribution boxes. National: $650/mo Local: $450/mo Departmental: $350/mo

15 3/4” x 7 3/4” advertisement Multiple boxes available at a time


Inserts must be printed for the entire circulation of the Maroon (5,500). Rates are in accordance with the page count of the insert:

Pages 1-4 5-8 9-12 13+

$70/thousand ($385 total) $90/thousand ($495 total) $110/thousand ($605 total) $140/thousand ($770 total)

Inserts can either be printed on location or delivered to the printer seven days prior to the publication date. Cost of inserts varies depending on whether the insert is printed on location by the printer or by the advertiser.

Blue Island Attn: Bob Ogle 262 W. 147th Street Harvey, IL 60428

Maroon Advertising Rates | SPECIAL ISSUES Orientation Historic Graduation Our back-to-school installment, the “O-Issue” serves as a survival guide for incoming freshmen. This year’s O-Issue is slated for September 22nd.

The Graduation issue provides congratulatory coverage for students in their final weekend in Hyde Park. This year’s Graduation issue is slated for June 4th.

The Historic issue aims to remind both students and the community of the storied heritage of the university. This year’s Historic issue is slated for February 18th.

Issue marks 121 years of continued coverage Vol. 2 No. 1

The Daily Maroon

400 STUDENTS OCCUPY AD BLDG! January 31, 1969

‘Disruptive’ Students Face Expulsion Dozens of students face expulsion from the University as a result of charges lodged against them at the administration building sit-in. Charles O’Connell, dean of students, said in a statement yesterday that the University will take disciplinary action against students involved in “disruptive” actions. He said the action might include expulsion. An ad-hoc student negotiating committee said at the captured administration building last night that they have not changed their demands despite the University’s statements. The students, led by the Committee of 85 (now the Committee of 444), demand: • The immediate rehiring of sociology and human devel-

FRATS BANNED IN COLLEGE! November 16, 1945 The University of Chicago, first major American University to ban intercollegiate football, yesterday climaxed a two-year probe in disclosing that social fraternities will be barred in the College after March, 1947. Six years after it had outlawed the varsity gridiron sport, the Board of Trustees, highest ruling body of the University, struck down a second celebrated American University institution by voting to terminate the 54-year existence of the social fraternities at the undergraduate level in the U. of C. Its decision, announced yesterday by President Ernest C. Colwell, followed a two-year investigation by a faculty committee and a University administrative ruling board who had both recommended fraternities be ousted because they “tended

Commemorates University’s historic moments


opment assistant professor Marlene Dixon. • Acceptance in principle of equal student participation in faculty hiring and firing. • Unconditional amnesty for demonstrating students. • Full compensation for University employees who could not work because of the demonstration. University president Edward Levi was unavailable for comment last night. Some fifty students marched from campus at 11:00 pm to the University Ave home of President Levi to give him an enlarged copy of a student summons. He was asked to appear in one hour at Eckhart hall for a disciplinary hearing on charges of participating in a disruptive

demonstration. Occupants of the house refused to open the door. Approximately 400 students seized the administration building yesterday at noon. The decision to occupy the administration building was made at a meeting Wednesday night attended by more than 500 people. Students participating in the sit-in spent most of the afternoon organizing on all six floors and setting up some basis by which they could carry out discussions. Basic issues raised were the amnesty proposal, control of the press, and communication with faculty and administrators in the ad building. Wednesday night students planning the sit-in decided to PROTEST continued on page 4

COMMITTEE CUTS COMMON CORE April 3, 1998 The College Council’s move at the end of last quarter to cut the “Common Core” has drawn both fire and praise from University administrators and students. The reductions include the elimination of the foreign language Core requirement, and the reduction of the science, humanities, mathematics, and civilization sequence requirements. The Social Sciences sequence is the only aspect of the Core to remain virtually untouched. The College Council is a University ruling body composed of elected members of the faculty, and ex officio administrative representatives. The last curriculum review, entitled Project 84, after the year it was completed, significantly increased the number of Common Core courses. “I think the revision of the Core will introduce a desirable

of the Social Sciences Collegiate Division, Steven Walt. The new Core will consist of a total of 15 required courses. Consequently, the number of courses required for a concentration will be limited to 13, with 14 elective courses possible. Under the new plan, students will only have to complete five quarters of science, including two quarters of biology and two of physical science, and one of mathematics. A new six quarter combination of humanities, civilization, and the arts will be implemented, replacing the previous requirement of a year of humanities, a year of social sciences, and one quarter of the arts. Herman Sinaiko, chairman of General Studies in the Humanities said that cutting the humanities and civilization requirement “could lead to the erosion of a very special liberal

NEW DORM ON 55th “BIG” January 15, 1960 There is just one way to describe the new men’s dormitory which is now being built. It is big. It is being built on over 72 thousand square feet of land, and is ten stories high. It will house 320 students and an unspecified number of housing staff members when it is completed. The building is costing 2.4 million dollars to build. Its architect is Harry Reese. According to I. Robert Palm, architectural assistant on the job, “Weather permitting, we should have the building completed sometime in August.” Eight floors of the new building will be devoted to student rooms. The eight floors are subdivided into four ‘houses,’ each having its own lounge, study and practice rooms, and house head. The building’s two elevators will stop on every other floor. “By doing this, we hope to preserve a feeling of the unit house,” says J. Lee Jones, consulting architect for the University. “Toward this end we have also varied color schemes in the halls of the different houses. What this new building actually is, is four separate units, which we have placed on top of one another,” Jones continued. Each house in the building will have, in addition to the study and practice rooms, a large student lounge. These lounges are two stories high, with a spiral staircase running from the first floor to the second floor of the lounge. Each lounge will have a natural wood fireplace. The main entrance to the dormitory, which is located at the corner of 55th street and University avenue, is on the south side of the building, in the back of the Field house. As the student enters the dorm, he comes into the administrative area. This area will contain students’ mail boxes and the offices of the dormitory’s administrators. Half a flight down from the administrative area is the recreation center of the building. This area will contain a snack bar for between 50 and 60 students and an area for ping pong and billiards. The first floor of the building is to be used as the dining room. Jutting out from the first floor is a terrace, which will run almost half way around the building. The terrace will be covered by a roof almost all the way around, with a small area being open. There will be stone benches spaced periodi-

One hundred and twentyone years ago, on the first day of classes in the first year of this University’s existence, The University of Chicago Weekly was founded. Ten years later, with the President Harper’s blessing, it would blossom into The Daily Maroon, officially giving campus its first paper of record. As World War II progressed and the draft diminished undergraduate enrollment and advertising revenue, the Maroon was re-shaped as a bi-weekly. Since then, the newspaper has been called the Chicago Maroon, and publishes every Tuesday and Friday of the academic year. It has produced an incredibly diverse group of alumni: Times columnist David Brooks, Pulitzer-winners David Broder and Seymour Hersh, raunchy comedian Tucker Max, Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, and geek-prophet Nate Silver are among a few. These alumni, however, are mere contributors to the paper’s most important function: to be a continually growing document of this University’s past. It has covered the opening of

Free now-ancient buildings, bars, and coffee shops. It has investigated major Core reform, the creation of Student Government, and the massive student protests of the 1960s. Its front pages have mourned the assassination of presidents, and celebrated the election of one close to home. The Maroon—more than a collection of writers, editors, designers, and photographers— is a living, breathing history. The Historic issue presented in these pages is a tribute to a vast and diaverse Hyde Park community that has drastically evolved in the past century. Practically, it is also a tribute to the popular Historic issues of the 1970s, and to the intentions of Maroon editors past. As the inaugural issue of the new, bi-weekly Maroon told its readers in 1942, “If we could serve the University, as a stimulus, as a guide, an organ of critical thought during these critical times... That was our aim.” We’re not sure we live up to this lofty expectation, but maybe after reading the following articles— half from our archives, half from our current staff—you can decide for yourself.

The Class of 2013


Hutchins blasts committee, bills; defends University April 22, 1949 Springfield, Ill., April 21— Legislative hearings into alleged subversive activity at UC adjourned suddenly at 4:15 today when the Broyles commission upheld by a majority vote Eli Snitzer’s right to refuse to answer questions of his political affiliation and belief. Earlier, Chancellor Hutchins told the investigators, “I cannot testify concerning subversive activities at the University of Chicago, because there are none.” Snitzer, who identified himself as chairman of the Communist club, refused to tell Investigator J.B. Matthews whether he had been a member of American Youth Democracy. A motion entered by Sen. Libonatti supporting Snitzer’s stand was approved by voice vote. A moment later Snitzer was asked, “Would you fight for the U.S. in a war against Russia?” and again refused to answer. When the committee again approved his stand, Matthews requested adjournment until 10 tomorrow. Chancellor Hutchins opened the investigation with a 15 minute prepared statement, in which he told the legislators, “The miasma of thought control that is now spreading over the country is the greatest menace to the United States since Hitler.” Hutchins denied that any member of the UC faculty is a Communist. “It has sometimes been said,” he continued, “that some members of

organizations. The University of Chicago… does not believe in the un-American doctrine of guilt by association.” He denied, too, that any students are engaged in subversive activities. The Chancellor reminded the legislators that neither the Walgreen investigation of 1935 or a Broyles’ Committee agent in 1948 discovered any subversive activities at the University. “The University has been trusted by the government… with the most momentous military secret in history.” Hutchins told the hearing that UC students had been “entirely right” in lobbying against the Broyles bills. He characterized the legislation as “unnecessary, unconstitutional, and un-American.” Packed galleries in the House Chamber heard Hutchins conclude, “The policy of education is better than the policy of repression… the University and the legislature are both opposed to Communism… the University is earnestly dedicated to making the policy of education produce the results that the American people believe it can produce.” In questioning Hutchins, Matthews attempted to establish connection between members of the faculty and various Communist-front organizations. Matthews charged that “Sixtyodd professors have been associated with 135 red-front organiza-

Grey City

The sister magazine of the Chicago Maroon, Grey City is committed to long-form student journalism and is the most widely read literary publication on campus. As a unique forum for student writing, Grey City has a long shelf life on student and faculty desks. Published twice per year at the start of Winter Quarter and the start of Spring Quarter. In 2014, Grey City will be published on January 28th and April 15th.

Regular pages Full page (7.5” x 9.5”) Half page (7.5” x 4.75”) Quarter page (3.75” x 4.75”) Eighth page (3.75” x 2.5”)

Cost $835 $425 $250 $150

THE CHICAGO MAROON’s Quarterly Magazine

Spring 2013

UNDER THE TABLE Inside food culture at the University of Chicago » Page 14

PLUS Q&A with Dean of College Admissions and Financial Aid, Jim Nondorf » Page 19

The State of the Humanities (And why you shouldn’t double major) » Page 2

Through The Portal: The Maroon Rabbit Revealed » Page 22

and Pierce’s last stand » Page 7 GREY CITY | 1

Premium pages Page One or Two Back Cover

$895 $1,195

Rates apply to national, local and U of C advertisers. Color is included in all rates.

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