Grey't Ideas Weekly (05.04.2013)

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Grey’t Ideas Weekly 05.04.2013

Sheepvertising Or ungulatesvertising – new type of adverts that uses hoofed animals in communication. We had horses, goats, now it’s time for sheeps. The hero in new Corona Light beer platform is a sheep named Sully. So far she starred in four fifteen seconds spots. It’s not her debut – Sully had her episodic role in last year’s communication. Plot of commercials is full of absurd situations (like in all animalvertising). Hopefully they aren’t boring and bring a lot of fun, especially when Sully „grabs” bottle with her hoof. Spots revolve around the story how one sheep stands out from the herd and joins humans to celebrate unique occasions to drink Corona beer.

Spots with Sully:

Biorobots Robotics are rapidly developing, and the biggest improvements are those drawn from animals. The latest types tested imitate the behaviours observed in the world of nature: 1. BionicOpter is a flying robot that looks like dragonfly. It’s remotely controlled, 44 cm long device that’s, thanks to ultra light materials, is very agile. It can move in every direction and hang in the air like helicopter. nj1yhz5io20

2. Cyro (jelly fish in Latin) is a submarine robot created by students from Virginia Tech School. The device is still in progress, but a few organizations are already looking into it. Military sees in it the future of spying, biologists hope it will help to explore and examine oceans or to clear waters from oil spills. Cyro took it’s name from jelly-like synthetic cloak that covers mechanic parts and provides camouflage in water. /62880818

Sweet memories of the 80’s For some the 80’s has been the time of rebellion and freedom, for others they marked the birth of yuppie’s culture. Whatever your memory of those times is – you surely remember it’s icons. Few of those icons: • International stars that peaked at that time (including Michael Jackson, Madonna, Michael J.Fox, etc.), • VHS and tape recorders,

• Walkman, • Skateboards, • Boom on cocaine. You can refresh your memories of the 80’s on this special page – – prepared by National Geographic.

Google’s got a nose for ideas We’re not going to bring in all April Fool’s Day jokes that surfaced this week (not enough space for this). We just picked our number one from our latest favourite company – Google. Creativity of Google’s employees seems to have no boundaries. This time they came up with innovative feature for their ever-growing search engine. Google nose (sound strangely like Google knows) allows you to smell any scent that you googled for. By clashing photons and infrasound waves produced by electronic devices Google can recreate a large variety of scents.

This is another step made by Google to map every inch of our world. Every inch and every sense.

last ideas\\ how to: advertise GPS Latest Nissan Juke ad shows you can still talk about GPS in a fresh way without loosing the urban and youth feel.

last ideas \\ Gronie or Classic? Our latest ad for Tyskie beer, made for Kompania Piwowarska/SAB Miller.

Plot summary: A bar where for centuries people used to drink Tyskie until the new Tyskie (Classic version of Gronie) came in and divided people into two camps. Only when the outsiders (from Czech) arrive, people realize there is only one Tyskie. Bartender: Gronie or Classic? Newcomer: Don’t you have Tyskie?

Thank you for your attention and see you next Friday

Contact editors: Marcin Ejsmont Krzysztof Bogdalik Tadeusz Fułek

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