Grey't Ideas Weekly 27.03.2015

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Grey’t Ideas weekly 27.03.2015

Food Wars Taco Bell is fed up with McDonald’s domination and compares rival to communist dictator telling us what and when to eat. Would you like to listen to the same jingle everyday, eat the same breakfast menu and stand in the long queues? Not to mention scary clowns? Fortunately there is a place where we can escape, but you need some balls to brake routine. For those who there - there is Taco Bell.

McDonald’s does not seem to care about smaller competitor and continues with the propaganda. In Sweden it’s opening first online shop with clothes in BigMac pattern.

Colorful stories

Sometimes I think, that dr House would be the best creative in the world.

To win a creative award nowadays, all you need is find a proper disease and make a touching video case. Pointless, useless and arrogant. Sometimes even sad‌

Mad Man Ave

AMC promotes new episodes of „Mad Man� with this simple bench in New York City. Last series of TV show starts on April 5th. Enjoy the show!

Disappearing billboard Audi build the most efficient and ecologic engine of the world. How to promote it?

Why not create an equally ecologic billboard out of thin air and some vapour. See how it works!

Men dancing Men can’t dance – we agree 100%. But this can change, when you add a little football.

Spanish football-lifestyle magazine, Liber, wen for that insight with a very good results. Watch how man can dance, when they walk into the field. Other ads:

All the words in the world Wanna know how „beetle� sounds in Bulgarian and all those other strange languages there are in the world? is a fun site that will translate any word you want and map it for you creating connections between languages.

last idea// Star Wars

Waiting for the new Star Wars movie? Ease your impatience with this short, independent film styled as a 80’s anime. Must see for those who like watching good guys loose:

Thank you for your attention and see you next week

This is a Grey Worldwide publication edited by Krzysztof Bogdalik, Adam Brzuszkiewicz, Marcin Ejsmont,Tadeusz Fułek. If you would be interested to see how digital can change your business, too, please contact your local Grey Agency.

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