Grey't ideas weekly 03.07.2015

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Grey’t Ideas weekly 03.07.2015

Find Your Fast Nike presents probably the fastest commercial that is quite long for ad.

One of the biggest sports wear producers changed his slogan. Find Your Greatness was converted to Find Your Fast. Probably the greatness has already been found and now it is time to work on fast. bh8r6S2FNP0

Safety comes first Oh! this enduring trend on pranks. This time the hero if the joke is a well-known part of body. Weekend is around a corner so like every weekend condom sales increase. But not everybody knows how important is to wear them. Norwegian charity organization RFSU want to remind us about safe sex in kind of strange way. Just see yourself.

Internet queue When Internet draws inspiration from the offline world‌ Online is very opposite to offline in terms of queues. On Internet everything is instantly available. Or is it? When you visit MOST EXCLUSIVE WEBSITE, you will have to wait in queue to see it content. The worse case scenario‌ You will have to leave the computer on for quite some time when before You is more then 150 000 people waiting. And please do not close the tab accidentally just before it is Your turn..

Star Wars US Army finally found proper objective for their billions: a hoverbike. Money well spent. Works on a relatively small, personal flying vehicle has been continuing for years, even more work on the subject has ben done by sci-fi authors. Now it’s for real, the wealthiest army of the world works on „Tactical Reconnaissance Vehicle”, something that looks like a child of a quad and a drone. Our fingers are crossed for the technology to be developed and then moved outside battlefield – so we can personally experience Star Wars or Fifth Element style fun. Source: Popular Science 5

How to be popular? There finally is a scientific analysis of when to post updates to get the most likes, comments or shares on Facebook. That’s real big data: Klout company conducted a research that suggests to leave weekends for workdays. The hours however differs depending on the city. If we look at London (closest to us), we should be more active when work is about to end.

The full article is available here, luckily people from The Economist prepared nice infographics. 6


last idea// game Find 8 difference. Facebook logo was changed a little.

Thank you for your attention and see you next week

This is a Grey Worldwide publication edited by Krzysztof Bogdalik, Marcin Ejsmont, Krzysztof Wierzbicki. If you would be interested to see how digital can change your business, too, please contact your local Grey Agency.

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