2016 mediakit

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! ! E M O C WEL





a b o u t o u r r eade r s


s t a t i s t ic s


5 wa y s t o woo o u r r eade r s


8 o p p o r t u ni t ie s t o r eac h o u r r eade r s


t r adi t ional adve r t i s ing


t h e g r e y collec t ive




s ocial media and cam p aign s


t e s t imonial s

n a world of muted tones and watercolor, the Grey Likes brand is a refreshing, fun, and unexpected approach to wedding inspiration! Under her nom de plume, Lady Grey, stylist extraordinaire Summer Watkins, compiles and blogs stylishly handsome finds for lovers of the good and pretty. She is an advocate for the proper treatment of

details, fierce creativity and bravery in all color endeavors.

What distinguishes Grey is her knack for the accessible窶馬arrowing the gap between what a modern bride can admire and what she can afford. While Grey Likes Weddings features a variety of weddings, our selections lean toward a classic aesthetic and timeless details for the bride with a fashion forward bent. Above all, Grey likes love well-styled.


Our newest venture here at Grey Likes Weddings is the foundation of

T h e L adie s Socie t y o f M a t r imonial Fine r y —a


network devoted to solely to brides. The Ladies’ Society of Matrimonial Finery is an overt nod to the tradition of manners, fine dress, and the grace and civility of

t r u e L ad y s h i p .

It’s also an acknowledgement that weddings are one

of the few remaining reasons women circle together—a bride and her maids (and sometimes even a groom and his gents)—to reconnect, spend actual time together, and contribute to one another’s lives in a r eal wa y .

and meaning f u l

We aim to provide a place for brides to congregate—rather than just

come and go.

Our goal with the Ladies’ Society was to build an online community that took the idea of a blog one step further:

connec t b r ide s

with their already ex-

isting circle of friends, relatives, and bridal party, and introduce them to other women throughout the world, providing a platform to d r eam s , and in s p i r a t io N .


s h a r e t h ei r p lan s ,

The Ladies’ Society sets us apart as a

t r end - s e t t e r ,

both in the bridal

industry, as well as the social media landscape as a whole. We are excited to invite you to become a part of the vision.


r e ti


ap er c e h c


a n ti q uiti e

tai n


s e n t h usiast



Grey Likes Weddings and editor/stylist, Summer Watkins, have been featured in a number of print and online publications, some of which include:

Handmade Packaging Workshop Book C Weddings Magazine Southern Weddings Magazine Exquisite Weddings Magazine Daily Candy Modern Luxury Bride Magazine Decor8 Oh Joy Huff ington Post as well as fellow wedding blogs such as

100 Layer Cake Green Wedding Shoes Style Me Pretty



our content

p h oto s h oots

R e al w e d d i n gs

r e sou r c e s 8

fas h io n T i p s

I d e as & fi n d s

O r igi n al D I Y s H O NE Y M O O N S


li k e o u r r eade r s alwa y s s a y . . .

I li k e w h a t G r e y l i k e s!



our readers The online wedding industry is

mo r e u ni q u e

than almost any other niche

because of the highly targeted audience we attract. Our readers are overwhelmingly female, between the ages of 18-30 and 70% of them are actively planning a wedding or helping a bride plan her wedding. This means they are making ac t ive p u r c h a s e deci s ion s —

something no other genre can compete with. Unlike any other marketplace, our reader has money to invest in products and services that she deems val u e

d r iven

wi t h q u ali t y ae s t h e t ic s ,

making Grey Likes Weddings an ideal platform for reaching this s o u g h t a f t e r demog r a p h ic .



demographics Over 70% of our readers are p lanning wedding ,


or helping a bride plan her wedding.

37% of Grey Likes readers are between the age s o f 1 8 - 2 5 .

46% of Grey Likes readers

are between the age s

73% of Grey Likes readers vi s i t

t h e b log

every day or several times a week. Over 70% of our readers possess a Bac h elo r ’ s deg r ee .

25% possess a g r ad u a t e

deg r ee .

of 26-30.

Around half of our total readers have a household Over 75% of vendors featured on the blog experi-

income of over $ 5 0 , 0 0 0

ence a s igni f ican t

household income between $ 7 5 , 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 + .

inc r ea s e in t r a f f ic

and/or several professional inquiries.


p e r y ea r .

30% have a

the numbers

according to our c o n t e n t d e li v e r y n e two r k

2 . 9 million

p ageview s |


u ni q u e s

according to our h osti n g s e r v i c e

2 . 8 million

p ageview s |


u ni q u e s

according to our G oogl e a n alyti c s


p ageview s |


u ni q u e s

*pricing is based on our Google numbers, however the additional sources of analytics are provided to give you a broader representation of our traffic. pricing and traffic subject to change.


s ocial media twitt e r

43, 200

f ollowe r s

p i n t e r e st

32 ,400

f ollowe r s

fa c e b oo k

16, 200

i n stag r am

50, 200

f ollowe r s

r ss su b s c r i b e r s

4, 200


n e wsl e tt e r



let's get social!


li k e s


T h in k b e y ond clic k s ! C alc u la t ing Yo u r Re t u r n on I nve s t men t ( R O I )


brand awareness

Social media


increased searchability and SEO

yields a host


immediate interaction with viewers


wider area of coverage


greater buying power over traditional print


flexible campaign/artwork changes


high visitor value—reach a targeted audience


measureable effectiveness


dispersed news and information

of intangible benefits some of which include:

* So u r ce M D G adve r t i s ing


22.5% of online activity is spent on Social N e t wo r k s / Blog s *

74% of businesses are using social networking for b u s ine s s 64% of ma r k e t e r s

o b j ec t ive s *

s ea r c h engine r an k ing s *

41% of marketers that participated in an industry blog or forum saw an average or s igni f ican t inc r ea s e in R O I *

a r e in t eg r a t ing

social media into their market platforms.* 72% of marketers researched said social media h el p

65% of marketers saw improvement in

in clo s ing b u s ine s s *

45% of people invested in social media r e p o r t new p a r t ne r s h i p s


the long term with significant drops in marketing costs over the long term*

75% of marketers plan to increase social media ma r k e t ing

on b log s —the

third highest platform, trumped only by YouTube and Facebook* Over 75% of vendors featured on the blog experience a s igni f ican t in t r a f f ic

inc r ea s e

and/or s eve r al

p r o f e s s ional in q u i r ie s *

Today, social media makes up the largest portion of how consumers spend their time online. Marketers are wise to create online campaigns that target consumers where they devote most of their time. 17

H O W t o woo o u r r eade r s

Fo r an e f f ec t ive cam p aign , h e r e a r e a f ew t i p s t o h el p y o u and y o u r b r and cam p aign ma k e an im p ac t ! 18

O u r r eade r s a r e loo k ing f o r a com p an y t h a t i s :

trend oriented 路 using a creative approach fashion forward 路 aesthetically branded approachable 路 offering an authentic product cultivating a user experience For more specific information on creating successful ads, we highly recommend the case study compiled by the staff of Design*Sponge. You can access the report here. 19

ways to reach our readers




T r adi t ional s ide b a r ad s


2 No



S p on s o r ed Po s t s


T h e G r e y C ollec t ive L i s t ing

N ew s le t t e r D eal s , Fea t u r e s & E xcl u s ive O f f e r s



5 6 No

7 No

Slide r s

G iveawa y s


Social M edia

M u l t i - p r onged C am p aign s


s t r ive






with our advertisers. Together we develop a custom marketing strategy that

s u p p o r t s y o u r vi s ion


enthusiastically promotes your services and products. Likewise, we look to you, our advertisers, for

t o p - no t c h edi t o r ial con t en t .

For this reason, we hand-select our advertisers, as the Grey brand is em b lema t ic o f dedica t ion t o q u ali t y

and our intent is to

serve as the stamp of approval for your potential customers.




get noticed!!

b e n e f it s o f Side b a r A d v e r ti s i n g

B r and A wa r ene s s I mmedia t e vi s i b ili t y M axim u m ex p o s u r e — viewa b le 22

a t eve r y p ageview

Be t ween Po s t 300 x 250 L oca t ion : in editorial content, immediately after first post Si z e :

Limited to one, always visible P r icing : $700 per month D e t ail s :

P r emi u m Tie r 300x250 L oca t ion : First set of ads D e t ail s : Limited to three, rotate placement within tier, always visible Si z e :

P r icing :

$400 per month

Tie r O ne 300x250 L oca t ion : Directly below premium tier D e t ail s : Rotate placement, always visible P r icing : $250 per month Si z e :

Tie r Two


300x100 L oca t ion : Directly below tier one D e t ail s : Rotate placement, always visible P r icing : $175 per month Si z e :

t ie r one


Si z e :


Below the blog footer D e t ail s : Only one available, no rotation P r icing : $400 per month L oca t ion :

it's recommended to provide final ad images at

Be t ween Po s t

s k y s c r a p e r t wo

Bo t t om Banne r

s k y s c r a p e r one

t ie r t wo

Slim: 120x600 | Wide: 160x600 L oca t ion : Below tier three D e t ail s : Appear side by side, always visible P r icing : Slim: $300/mo | Wide: $350/mo Si z e :

b o t t om b anne r

double the dimensions that they will be displayed 23





T h e G r e y C ollec t ive

is an invitation-only collection of pho-

tographers and wedding vendors that share our ae s t h e t ic s ,

commi t men t t o

quality work, and understanding of social media (and

therefore an ability to engage with our readers). Embedded in The Grey Collective is our newly added shop section—a c u r a t ion

me t ic u lo u s

of our absolutely favorite artisan and handmade bou-

tiques. The result is an online shopping experience like no other. We are

ex t r emel y s elec t ive

for inclusion in The Grey Collective,

so if you are interested, please contact us to request an invitation.


Benefits of Membership Hig h l y t a r ge t ed clic k s Brides that spend time perusing our Collective are most definitely on the hunt for a vendor! So while you may get a lower CTR, this reader is more likely looking for a vendor!

Te s t imonial s Your custom page includes a testimonial area! Brides will come to a neutral place where they can read feedback from your past customers! This is a perfect way to get your past ideal clients to leave rave reviews for other brides to see!

Sea r c h engine o p t imi z a t ion Your membership includes a custom page on Grey Likes Weddings, which helps significantly with searchability and SEO.

B r and a s s ocia t ion Our aim is to maintain such a high standard of excellence, that your association with us is a clear emblem of quality and Partnership status and a personal representative to receive submissions, questions and inquiries.


Details & Pricing As a Grey Likes Partner, your membership in the Collective includes a custom listing page which will have a unique URL that includes your company name. The page will feature a logo, company description, area of service, links to your shop (if applicable), website, blog, email, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest page as well as links to features of your work from around the web.

V E N D O RS Listings are limited to 20 vendors per area per category. Pricing: $ 3 0 0

f o r s ix mon t h s


$ 5 0 0 f o r t h e y ea r .

To be considered, your work must maintain a high quality aesthetic and reflect an awareness of industry trends.

The Shop Listings are limited to 20 shops per category. Pricing: $ 1 5 0

f o r s ix mon t h s


$ 2 5 0 f o r t h e y ea r .

To be considered, your shop must maintain a consistent aesthetic, type of product and quality of goods. 26







In addition to a custom listing, you’ll have ac-

Embedded at the top of all our Collective pag-

cess to our Ladies’ Society Newsletter, which

es are image sliders, which feature oversized

is a weekly email newsletter sent to nearly

images and clickable text. You may upgrade

4,000 subscribers, featuring exclusive deals

your listing to include a highly visible slot in

from our members, as well as trend high-

the slider section.

lights, DIY ideas, and tons of inspiration.

S L I D E R P r icing new s le t t e r p r icing

top of collective landing page

Inclusion in our newsletter is free of

5 slots available per month

charge to all Grey Collective members.

$200 per month

You may be featured up to twice a year, and all features are by your request

top of photographers landing page

and first come first serve.

5 Slots available per month

For all other advertisers, the costs are as follows:

$100 per month

Row 1: $500 per feature

top of shop landing page

Row 2: $350 per feature

5 Slots available per month

Dedicated Newsletter: $1500

$75 per month

We've only been part of The Collective a short time, but we've already seen the traff ic on our website increase. And that's not all, we even booked a new client that found us on The Collective! C h r i s t o p h e r T r emen t o z z i ,







S p on s o r ed Po s t s


Editorial posts are most effective at garner-

Giveaways are an opportunity to engage our

ing reader attention because of their inclusion

reader with your products and services, while

in the main content column and because they

gaining valuable exposure in the process.

are written with our voice. We prefer to keep the content of Grey Likes as free from advertising as possible and or that reason, sponsored posts are highly valued, and all inquiring companies are subject for review and must be approved by our editorial team.

Bene f i t / /

Click through rates and com-

ments are significantly higher than standard sponsored posts. Readers are more likely to peruse your offerings when they are given the choice of items to win. Limited time discounts or offers are a great way to end a giveaway, be-

Bene f i t / /

Viewed in Editorial column

Written from the perspective of Lady Grey,

cause those that didn’t win are offered an incentive to purchase the item anyway!

sponsored posts build a bridge of trust between advertiser and reader D e t ail s / /

Posts and images are subject to

approval and include text written by Summer.

D e t ail s / /

Giveaways include an introduc-

tion post about the product/giveaway on a Monday, and concludes with the announcement of a winner in Friday’s post.

“Sponsor” is denoted in the title or text. Dates for sponsored posts are subject to approval. G I V E A W A Y P r icing

A premium price of $ 5 7 5 p e r


SP O N S O R E D P O ST P r icing

giveawa y is reflective of their value

A premium price of $ 5 7 5 p e r

and helps us to keep the number of

s p on s o r ed p o s t is reflective

posts per month limited. The giveaway

of their value and helps us to keep the

prize must be a minimum of

number of posts per month limited.

$ 1 0 0 r e t ail val u E .

editorial advertising

I wanted to thank you again for running the giveaway on your blog. Wow your readers are amazing! I received MANY fantastic emails and I couldn't be happier with the wedding that I picked. Thanks again for helping me spread the word about relocating my business. - E li s a b e t h M illa y ,



social media & campaigns 30



s ocial media



cam p aign s

Choosing to become a sponsor of Grey Likes

Some of our distinguished advertisers, such as

Weddings also allows you access to our social

James Allen and Macy’s, chose to create a cus-

media network, which extends well beyond our

tomized multi-dimensional campaign. For com-

daily readership. New members, sponsored

panies that are seeking to interact with our read-

posts, and features are often a part of our

ers through the variety of channels we offer,

weekly interaction on all social media plat-

please contact us directly.

forms. To inquire about specific inclusion in a social media outreach, contact us directly. All brands must meet our aesthetic guidelines.

ge t s t y led b y g r e y / /

For companies with a

product based business, please contact us for opportunities to have your product styled by Grey, photographed by our team, and/or featured organically in a styled shoot.

s ocial media p r icing

cam p aign s p r icing


$250 per post Custom package rates and Facebook Post

subsequent discounts are

$100 per post

available upon request. If you are interested in interacting

Pinterest Campaign

with our readers through a va-

varies by scope and timeline

riety of the channels we offer.


Being a part of the Grey Likes Wedding Collective has en h anced in an extremely

com p e t i t ive ma r k e t p lace .

m y vi s i b ili t y

I have seen great results and have

been hired to photograph numerous weddings by the s t y li s h

and s o p h i s t ica t ed

Bride and Grooms who frequent the Grey Likes Weddings Blog for inspiration and find me in the Collective. I am so grateful to be a part of such a talented group of creatives! Jen Simon ,

Fondly Fo r eve r P h o t og r a p h y

Not only did being in the Grey's Collective bring in s t an t

c r edi b ili t y

to our busi-

ness, it helped us book work right away! Along with giving our submissions priority and having a direct contact at Grey's, they also featured us in their newsletter that goes out to thousands of brides! We h ad

in q u i r ie s wi t h in min u t e s

of the newsletter going

out, and booked an awesome wedding from it! That one wedding alone p aid f o r t h e G r e y ' s C ollec t ive adve r t i s ing co s t s ,

mo r e t h an

and made us want

to be partners with Grey's for a long time to come! Thank you Grey's Collective!!! C h a f f in C ade ,

C h a f f in C ade P h o t og r a p h y

We invested in a sponsored post and co u ldn ’ t

b e h a p p ie r

only was Summer an absolute delight to work with, the

with the outcome. Not

r e s u l t s we r e ama z ing .

Brides still visit our site daily following the link from the post on Grey Likes Weddings, and we are s t ill

b oo k ing clien t s t oda y

thanks to the post that went live over a

year ago! It’s amazing. Jo s e p h ine g r een b r oo k ,


vin t ageinvi t e s . com


Hoo r a y ! y o u ’ ve made i t t o t h e end !

You ought to have yourself a glass of bubbly— or at the very least, a cupcake!


darling, won't you be a gem and give us a "ring" ? adve r t i s e @ g r e y li k e s wedding s . com 35


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