How BYOD Would Be More Secure Than Traditional Computing By 2014?
It has been predicted that BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) security would be up to snuff than conventional computing by 2014. Many of you may not agree with whatever written over here. While many of you won’t believe this, it's based on the existing security control trends for the SAP enterprise mobility solutions. Enterprises are incorporating best practices that are quickly enabling BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) more secure than conventional desktop computing. It is a truth that mobile devices and tablets are initially thought of as consumer products. But today, they have become a great tool for the enterprise use. The most sorted out security best practices for Bring your own device to work scenarios, in consort with rapidly emerging technology, are contributing a lot to the security of the mobile devices. However, still there are almost 46% of the representatives or employees have admitted that their organizations are adequately prepared for the security problems that are caused by the concept of BYOD. But not all of them fall under that category. Most of the organizations have created strict policies related to the usage of the mobile devices within the enterprise. Today, many organizations are using encryption technique to ensure security in a BYOD environment when offering employees with a Smartphone or tablet. Encryption helps organizations ensure that confidential or sensitive information stays secure and intact from the security threats while it is being accessed by the mobile devices within an enterprise network. Organizations, who have implemented enterprise mobility solutions or systems, are now utilizing encryption and remove wiping systems that effectively protect and eliminate all the confidential enterprise related data, in case the device is lost or stolen.
Moreover, today’s organizations utilize some of the advanced technologies like Sandbox effectively to improve the security within the enterprise network. Sandbox technology basically uses a testing environment to isolate the untested code, which basically helps organizations deployed mobility solutions to reduce the security breaches through the malicious apps. This at the end boost up the level of defense against the malware threats. In addition, even though the application vulnerabilities have become the primary gateway for the enterprises to their security, today’s hybrid as well as native mobile apps are created with a lot of security measures. But according to the survey conducted by the Cisco partner Axispoint on the consumers about their mobility habits and BYOD policies in the enterprises, the results are quite shocking. It indicates that with the introduction of enterprise mobility solutions or BYOD, the rule of hardware may have changed within the enterprises. And the time has come for all the enterprises or organizations to accept and be aware about the security risks associated with the Bring your own device concept. However, with such a tighten security guidelines and adoption of technology to prevent the possible security attacks by the enterprises, it it possible to have far better control over the mobile devices than they’ve had over the conventional desktop computers. And if they continue implementing different prevention techniques, then, in future, mobile devices won’t be a security threat to the enterprises…! Learn more about SAP Enterprise Mobility Solutions contact our customer support team at