Build Apps from Scratch with React and Redux
Time has become an important factor and a crucial resource when it comes to building apps. Apps need to better, stronger and take twice as little time to make. Developers are constantly looking at new and different ways to make their app work faster and reduce the time it takes to develop the app. Redux and React was the result of one such search. Dan Abramov was looking for a way to get his apps to reload code faster without having it run all aspects of the code, and instead only focus on the parts that were changed, and he ended up devising React Hot Reloading. Now, to get the code to hot reload or only fetch data that was changed, the codes were long and messy. This brought in Redux, which reduced the amount of code that he had to write, making it shorter and cleaner. Redux is basically a predictable state container for JavaScript apps, which means that the codes need not change depending on the environment they are running on, allowing them to run consistently on all environments. It does this by storing the entire app in an object tree inside a single store, and in case a change is made and an action is emitted, instead of changing the state of the entire app, it simply creates a new object and returns that. The developers adds reducers, which determines how every action was created and will transform the entire application’s state. When React and Redux are combined, developing single page dynamic applications become easier and the app created are faster. This is one of the reasons why React and Redux are a powerful combination and are commonly used by developers everywhere. Do you want to make powerful SPAs with the minimum amount of code required? Well, here’s your chance to learn how. This comprehensive React and Redux tutorial course will help you break down Redux and understand the core components of the technology. You will learn Redux and its core components such as state & nested components, methods and PropTypes & Validation, be introduced to JSX, understand how to install and work with WebPack, fetch data from an API and also create a complete WeatherCheck Application from scratch. This is the perfect course for you to master Redux and React and step up in the world of app development. So, let’s get started.