July 2017 DIAP

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disability inclusion action plan (diap) 2017

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contents introduction


message from the mayor


message from the general manager




developing the diap


snapshot of disability in griffith




policy & legislative context


what the community said


consultation process


summary of community views


creating liveable communities


promoting positive community attitudes and behaviours


supporting access to meaningful employment opportunities


improving our systems and processes


long term financial plan Page 3

Griffith is located in the heart of the Wiradjuri Nation – the largest nation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia. Griffith City Council recognises Aboriginal people in the history and growth of Griffith and its surrounding villages. As such, Council acknowledges the Wiradjuri people as the traditional owners of the land and pays respect to Wiradjuri Elders past, present and future. We recognise and respect the Wiradjuri cultural heritage, beliefs and their ongoing relationship with the land for people living today. Griffith City Council also acknowledges the contribution made to this community by the many and diverse cultural groups that have greatly contributed to the social and economic wealth of this region. Wiradjuri Elder, Aunty Gloria Goolagong

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message from the mayor As Mayor, I am proud to endorse the Griffith City Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP). Disability inclusion planning is about Council supporting the basic human rights of people living with a disability to have access and choice to live, work and enjoy community life in Griffith. Our new DIAP sets out Council’s commitment to making our local government area a welcoming and inclusive place for people of all abilities in all aspects of community life. Council listened to the community’s concerns about existing barriers which limit their choices in participation and interactions and Council will work towards improving these conditions. The DIAP can also be a guide for other businesses, services and agencies to review and amend their business practices to improve access for people living in and visiting our community and I recommend this document to them.

John Dal Broi Emeritus Mayor

message from the general manager Griffith City Council’s aim is to ensure that our services, programs and facilities are accessible and inclusive. The DIAP will guide Council staff to integrate inclusive practices into their day to day operations and interactions with people of people living with a disability. The Plan demonstrates Council’s commitment to improve the quality of our existing services, built facilities, systems and programs. The Plan was developed in consultation with the community, non-government and government agencies, people who access their service and Council staff and outlines the actions we will take to provide more accessible and inclusive services.

Brett Stonestreet General Manager

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Griffith is a thriving and innovative regional capital with a vibrant lifestyle and diverse economy. We embrace our community, heritage, culture and environment.

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background In August 2014 the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014 (DIA) was passed. Local Governments under this Act are required to undertake disability inclusion action planning to help remove barriers and enable people with a disability to participate as active members of the community.

Purpose A Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) outlines and demonstrates local governments commitments to people with a disability by promoting and improving access to services, facilitates and employment. The DIAP is also designed to change perception and prejudicial stigmas about people with a disability.

Council Commitment to Improving Access and Inclusion Council’s aim is for an inclusive, respectful and diverse community, where residents and visitors enjoy a safe, friendly and accessible environment. Council’s DIAP identifies strategies we will introduce over time so that we will provide better access to Council information, services and facilities ensuring people living with a disability can fully participate in this community. Council will achieve this by: • Making improvements to ensure that Griffith is a liveable community • Promoting positive community attitudes and behaviours towards people with disabilities • Supporting access to meaningful employment • Improving access to services through better systems and processes.

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steps taken in developing our diap This Plan was developed using a variety of methods to reach a broad section of the Griffith population whose contribution was essential to this Plan. These methods included: • Study of legislation and policy review • Review of Council IP&R documents, strategies, policies and plans • Consultation with Council Departments (see p21) • Community consultation held at:

o Griffith Central Plaza

o Griffith City Library

o Including a number of Local service agencies.

• Focus group discussion with a number of local agencies and service providers (see page 21) • Community Survey:

o Council’s Annual Satisfaction survey

o Community DIAP survey

o Council Employee survey

o Community feedback on draft DIAP

The plan was endorsed by Council Tuesday 9 May 2017 at the Griffith City Council Ordinary Meeting and placed on public exhibition for 28 days. The Plan was formally adopted on 27 June 2017.

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snapshot of disability in griffith population now

25,986 population 2036



number of unpaid carers in the Griffith LGA


increase in the number of people living with a disability (2006 to 2011)


people receiving disability support pension

Top 2

age groups requiring assistance

85 & over 20-59 13

locally based service providers for those living with a disability


of the population require assistance (between 0 and 64 years)


of people over 65 require assistance


people in Griffith require assistance in their day to day lives due to a disability

access to buildings in Griffith

39% somewhat satisfactory

44% satisfactory

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing, 2011 (Usual residence data) Compiled and presented in profile.id by .id, the population experts.

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access Council have worked hard to improve access to our services and facilities. Some of the improvements include: • Kathleen Aiton Memorial Upgrade o Water bubbler installed near the memorial that is disability accessible • West End Playground Development (2016) o Circular pathway around the playground connected to seating, shelter, bins, bicycle parking. • Griffith Aquatic Centre o Investigating the slip resistance of surfaces. o Installation of pool hoist (2011) o Main pools have stair access • Public Toilets (2016) o Installation of three new facilities, all include a toilet for people living with a disability. Two are located in Lake Wyangan and one in Yenda Memorial Park • IOOF Park o Signs placed along footpath for inclusion. • Griffith City Theatre o Burley Griffin Room is accessible via lift o An entire section of removable seats to accommodate wheelchairs (8), and the ability to accommodate two wheelchairs at either end of this section o Hearing Loop available Griffith City Council o Now accepts National Relay Service calls (2017)

Annual events Council also participates in and supports local events and celebratory days that celebrate people’s abilities. This includes: • International Day of People with a Disability Sponsors “Don’t Dis My Ability” • Annual Golf Day – Fundraising event for “Riding for the Disable Association” • Carer’s Day Celebration • Supports Local events and agencies.

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Future Projects • Griffith Art Gallery o Install ramp at the front entrance - estimated completion 2017 • Griffith Regional Aquatic & Leisure Centre o Proposed new 50m pool to have accessibility ramp o Upgrade slip resistant surfaces • Griffith City Park o Disable toilet facility o Installation of a Liberty Swing • Enticknap Park o Proposing a large precinct park that will be inclusive • Yambil Street o Redevelopment - New footpath level, additional pedestrian crossings, more pleasant street for people to enjoy (commencing 2017/18) • Skate Park Upgrade o Upgrade to include disabled friendly spaces (estimated commencement 2017)

The Iiberty swing is set to be relocated to City Park from CWA Park

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policy & legislative context

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) • Endorsed by Australia in 2008 • Acknowledges that people with disability have the same human rights as everyone. • Supports the social model of disability; which recognises that attitudes, practices and structures are disabling and can create barriers to people with disability from enjoying economic participation, social inclusion and equality.

National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (NDS) • Developed in partnership by the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments. • Sets out a national plan for improving life for Australians with disability, their families and carers, to support the commitment made to the UNCRPD.

National Disability Insurance Scheme • A major reform that will deliver a national system of disability support focused on the individual needs and choices of people with disability. • Gives participants more choice and control over how, when and where supports are provided. The role of councils in the NDIS will vary depending on their community, their relationship with local disability interests, and role within disability service provision. Disability inclusion action planning is complementary to the NDIS, and will assist councils in breaking down local barriers to full participation by people with disability in the community.

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Disability Inclusion Act 2014 (NSW) • Provides the legislative framework to guide state and local government disability inclusion and access planning. The Act supports people with disabilities to access:

• The same human rights as other members of the community

• Independence and social and economic inclusion within the community; and

• Choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports and services.

Griffith City Library most ‘liked’ facility in Griffith

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griffith diap community consultations – what the community said Griffith City Council’s Community Development team undertook a number of consultation sessions, each catered to the group they were meeting with. This took place between July 2016 and concluded during March 2017. In addition, the team conducted an all Council staff and community survey to garner information relevant to the development of the DIAP .

Survey Results

What Needs Improvements (top 10)

What is most Importance (top 10)

1. Footpaths

1. Griffith Regional Aquatic Leisure Centre

2. Public Toilets

2. Griffith City Library

3. Lake Wyangan

3. Griffith Regional Theatre

4. Cycled-way/ Shared Pathways

4. Council Parks/Open Spaces

5. Designated Disability Parking

5. Designated Disability Parking

6. Griffith Pioneer Park Museum

6. Council Run Events, Festivals and Activities

7. Griffith City Library

7. Lake Wyangan

8. Griffith Regional Art Gallery

8. Griffith Regional Art Gallery

9. Griffith Regional Theatre

9. Cycle-way/ Shared pathways

10. Griffith Regional Aquatic Leisure Centre

10. Public Toilets What They Liked (top 10) 1. Griffith City Library 2. Griffith Regional Aquatic Centre 3. Council Parks/ Open Spaces 4. Sporting Fields 5. Lake Wyangan 6. 2Council Customer Service 7. Children’s Playground 8. Designated Disability Parking 9. Griffith Regional Theatre 10. Griffith Regional Art Gallery

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consultation process Consultation with Council Departments: o Human Resources – Employment opportunities incorporating recruitment procedure and Council policies e.g. Carers Leave Policy ; o Urban Design – Existing and new developments; o Development Assessments – Best practice Neil - expand o Executive Services – Accessing Council Information and publication; o Customer Services – Communication methods/ tools; o Infrastructure and Operations – Pedestrian And Mobility Plan (PAMP); o Cultural Services – Access to Council Facilities.

Focus Groups and/or Survey participation: o Griffith Post School Option; o Ningana Enterprises Inc. o Kalinda School o Personnel Group o Griffith Interagency Network o Western Riverina Community College o Riding for the Disable Association (RDA) o Family and Community Services o Intereach o Linking Community Network o Forest Community Services o CareSouth o Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association (MDAA) o Advanced Rehabilitation Management Service (ARMS) o Riverina TAFE NSW o Centacare o Griffith Early Intervention Service

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summary of community views and suggestions for change Creating a Liveable Communities Griffith City Council acknowledges the importance of creating a liveable community for all people to live, learn, work and play as they wish.

Themes & Suggestion for Improvement • Public Toilets

o Upgrading and maintaining existing public toilets

o Providing more accessible toilets in all public buildings

o Clearer identification and mapping of accessible toilets.

o Visible contact details for reporting issues.

• Footpaths, Cycled-way/Shared Pathways

o Upgrading, repairing and maintaining existing footpaths and shared pathways.

o More continuous accessible paths to and between facilities and services.

o Providing more footpaths and shared pathways near busy residential and busy areas.

• Designated Disability Parking

o Appropriate placement and construction of disability parks.

o Providing more parks and drop-off point

• Council Facilities & Services/ Events & Activities

o Provide accessible and appropriate entry ways to Council buildings, services and events.

o More levelled surface pathways

o Using appropriate furniture in Council facility.

o Provide more accessible and appropriate rest areas and facilities

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Toilets are past use by date, no family toilet for when assisting another person, need a family room. Most public toilets are in need of an upgrade. Disabled toilets are not accessible easily.

Disabled parking in CBD limit causes access to the shopping precinct.

Footpaths in Pioneer Park and access to historical buildings are precarious for able bodied persons, but so much harder for a person with a disability. Access through the front entrance at the art gallery is impossible without support/carer.

Many footpaths are in disrepair and are major trip hazards. Footpaths that have potholes need to be fixed because people will end up getting hurt if they trip over the potholes on footpaths. …the lack of footpaths is extremely dangerous, as having to push a wheel chair on the road with some of the drivers is quiet frightening…

Regional Theatre needs more suitable seating tables for seniors and people with a disability. …limited seatings and/ or shade at council events and facilities...

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what council will do Creating a liveable community Action




guiding griffith 2040

Improve access into More positive feedback on Council facilities where access in Council facilities possible e.g. appropriate and services. entrance to council service.

Sustainable Development


AIM 4: Ensure Griffith is a great place to live.

Upgrade & maintain council facilities e.g. Public toilets

- Percentage of facilities accessible. - Decrease in resident complaints

Infrastructure & Operations

- Hard-copies of Maps that identify Council’s toilet facilities. -User / interactive friendly online link on Council’s website.

-Copies of toilet maps in Council’s facilities. E.g. Griffith Information Centre. - Interactive map link on Council’s website.

Sustainable Development

Review Priority Actions in Council’s Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan (PAMP).

- Number of accessible Infrastructure & pathways or footpaths to the Operations Council facilities


Updated annually


4.4. Provide and promote accessibility to services and facilities. 4.6. Encourage a socially inclusive community that cares for all age groups and genders, people of different abilities, disadvantaged or minority groups. AIM 8: Provide and manage assets, services and facilities.

- Number of priority actions completed. Review placement and construction of communal resources in all public area e.g. rest areas in council facilities and designated disability parking

- Increase in access satisfaction rate in “community satisfaction survey”. - Decrease in resident complaints

Sustainable Development


Ensure significant development applications (DA) are reviewed by DIAP committee

Number of reviewed developments

Council’s 355 DIAP Committee


Sustainable Development

At time of DA

Council will comply DA’s comply with the NCC with the National Construction Code (NCC) with new DA’s

4.2. A shared responsibility for the safety of individuals and the community.

8.1. Provide, renew and maintain a range of quality infrastructure, assets, services and facilities delivered in a cost effective and sustainable manner.

…one thing I would love to see is a public toilet on Yambil Street, it’s very difficult for someone with a disability accessing for example Centrelink and having no access to a public toilet…. Wait times can be quite lengthy and that can present some issues.

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Promoting Positive Community Attitudes & Behaviour Griffith City council recognises the importance of promoting positive attitudes and behaviour towards people with a disability. Council demonstrates their commitment through the development and implementation of a DIAP committee.

Themes & Suggestion for Improvement • Provide Council staff and Councillors with training, information and support to:

o Promote accessibility and inclusion of people with a disability;

o Build awareness and capacity for people with a disability and their carers.

o Reduce negative stigmas and stereotypes associated with disability.

o Provide culturally competent practice and services

• Promote the DIAP Committee, as well as grow the current number of community members on the committee. • More education for the community, businesses, and Council about the broad range of disabilities. • Increase visibility of information about or/and people with a disability in Council publications and materials. • Promote more opportunities for the community to engage with people with disability.

I believe we should be providing training along the same lines as cultural awareness training. Not everyone has been around a person with a disability and has the natural ability to work or assist a person with a disability. There are also people I encounter who believe real disabilities are visual; which is not the case. “I think more awareness with what sort of Disabilities are out there would be great as NOT all Disabilities are visible. I feel also having someone to contact when dealing with someone with a Disability would be good such as a go to person who could point you in the right direction as they may know their support worker to help explain to them on what’s happening.

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what council will do Attitudes and behaviours Action




guiding griffith 2040

Develop or introduce more detailed training for front-line/ customer service staff on access

Percentage of staff completed accredited service provision.

Human Resources


AIM 4: Ensure Griffith is a great place to live.

Investigate or introduce new methods or mediums for communication, distribution and provision of Council information and resource.

Implement National Relay Service, Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) and other.

Executive Services


Audit Council’s Website to ensure it includes pictures of people with disabilities and that layout, language and design is appropriate.

Website include appropriate images and language

Executive Services

Celebrate and participate in keys events or special days that promotes and celebrate people with disability

Celebrating International Sustainable disability Day e.g. Carers Day Development etc. Positive media coverage after event.

Updated annually

4.3. Promote and celebrate our social and cultural diversity 4.6. Encourage a socially inclusive community that cares for all age’s groups and genders, people of different abilities, disadvantaged or minority groups.


“Council employments opportunities, procedures and recruitment processes are based solely around the individual’s merits. Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes diversity in the workplace. Council encourages all people regardless of their individual differences to apply for any advertised positions. Council commits to providing its staff with the appropriate support and resources they required to cater and assist their individual needs.

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Supporting Access to Meaningful Employment Opportunities Griffith City council understands the important role employment plays in people lives; as it provides people with a sense of independence and security.

Themes & Suggestion for Improvement • Actively promote and develop a respectful and welcoming workplace environment and culture • Review recruitment procedures to support nondiscrimination of people with disability.

o Ensure forms & language used is easy to understand.

• Investigate new methods that create a more accessible employment environment for people with disability.

o Provide volunteering opportunities

• Include inclusion and accessibility as a key focus point when:

o Designing workforce management processes and practice;

o Making decisions about physical infrastructure, and information and communication technology

• Review Council Work Force Management Plan.

Provide current and up-to-date information on the appropriate forms of practices and approaches that can be applied or implemented when interacting with individuals with a disability or mental health condition. Ensuring the availability of information that also takes into account the diverse cultures within the Griffith Community…

Growing Griffith 2030

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Page 15

what council will do Supporting access to meaningful employment Action


Promote inclusive workplace practices Review Council’s Workforce Management Plan



guiding griffith 2040

Number of people employed Human with a disability Resources

Number of people employed with a disability

AIM 7: Encourage a skilled workforce with employment opportunities.

Gaps identified and addressed

Human Resources, Workforce Planning & Senior Management Team


Review employment and Wording on application recruitment processes forms & job description are and procedures for simplified. accessibility.

Human Resources

Updated annually

7.2. Develop partnership to build on quality education and training opportunities.

Actively continue to conduct and respond to staff disability inclusion survey

Annual Survey. Update DIAP with results.

Human Resources, Workforce Planning


7.3. Advocate for safe work practices and employment standards.

Promote an inclusive workplace culture through induction training.

Number of training days held.

Human Resources, Workforce Planning


Review Council’s Carers Leave Policy.

Number of recommendations endorsed

Human Resources, Workforce Planning


7.1. Increase the range of opportunities to work locally.

I believe we should be providing training along the same lines as cultural awareness training. Not everyone has been around a person with a disability and has the natural ability to work or assist a person with a disability. There are also people I encounter who believe real disabilities are visual; which is not the case.

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Improving our Systems and Processes Council acknowledge how important it is for people to access the services and support they need. Council is committed to improving ways they deliver and promote information, events, and services and interact with residents and stakeholders.

Themes & Suggestion for Improvement • Consider or introduce additional communication formats to provide accessibility for people with a range of disability.

o Vision Impairments e.g. Audio description.

o Hearing e.g. Subtitling & Signing.

o Coordination difficulties e.g. Large prints, audio description

o Interpreter services

• Provide and delivery Council information through a range of formats to support different needs and capabilities.

o E.g. provide council information in audio description or in video format with subtitling.

• Presentation of information on Council website is easy to navigate and understand, by using:

o Simple terminology

o Appropriate colour design e.g. People with low vision find it hard to distinguish colours.

o Friendly layouts

• Providing more opportunities for feedback on access and inclusion in Council services.

I am vision impaired and can’t access Council’s website. Would like to be able to access Council information by TTY.

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what council will do Systems and processes Action




guiding griffith 2040

Review key council documents to develop “easy English version�

Revised and Easy-readable documents.

Executive Services


AIM 1: Develop an engaged and connected community

Review Council Website to ensure its compliant

Website is user friendly

Executive Services


Review employment and Wording on application recruitment processes forms & job description are and procedures for simplified. accessibility.

Human Resources

Updated annually

1.1. Provide clear and transparent communication to the community.

Produce significant Council documents in a range of formats for the public.

Number of available & accessible Council documents in different format e.g. audio and video.

Executive Services


Promote and advertise key events, consultation and information in number of formats

Number of promoted events Executive Services


Develop a database of local qualified interpreters.

Number of key contacts and Ausland/Signed English Interpreters at formal events.

Sustainable Development


Investigate ways to Live Streaming of Council make Council meetings Meetings more accessible e.g. Live Streaming on Facebook.

Executive Services


Community Service Increase in the number of Directory updated on a registered organisations and regular basis (6 monthly) community groups

Sustainable Development and Executive Services


Promote and advertise Number of accommodation accommodation which venues stating accessibility provides disability access

Sustainable Development


1.2. Be well informed, proactive and responsive to current issues that impact our community.

Growing Griffith griffith2030 diap Page 27 17

Griffith City Council 1 Benerembah Street Griffith NSW 2680 P: 6962 8100 F: 6962 7161 E: admin@griffith.nsw.gov.au W: griffith.nsw.gov.au

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