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III EDITION Right to the city





Right to the City MADRID 2018

From October 15 to 28, 2018 in Medialab Prado and in the Barrio de las Letras.

The team of guests: Mama Kone from Bamako, Abdellah M. Hassak from Casablanca, Mmakhotso Lamola from Cape Town and Lalya Gaye of swedish-senegalese nationality. The third edition of Grigri Pixel, held from October 15 to 28 in Medialab Prado, revolved around the theme of the Right to the City, launching objects, actions and a collective investigation, which has resulted in a festive intervention as of Pilgrimage through the Barrio de Las Letras.

The ultimate goal of this action was to conjure and re-enchant the No-Plaza, an undefined urban space that is located at the crossroads between Calle de la Verónica and Calle de Gobernador. Our purpose was to carry out a vindication of common life in the city as a place of meeting and collective creativity, and to appeal, from this experience, to other memories and imaginary of a multicultural and diverse citizenship.

During the months prior to the workshop, we worked with entities linked to the right to the city, especially in the neighborhood of Las Letras and Lavapiés, to provide information and new contacts for the diagnosis prior to the workshop. From these conversations, the project was disseminated and possibilities for collaboration were explored. These meetings also gave the opportunity to expand the diversity of participants in the workshop, including both people from the neighborhood and people from migrant groups, and to create new complicities and collaborations. From this diagnosis, we were able to prepare a Context Kit, a guide document to deliver to guests and collaborators.




Previous page: A moment during the Pilgrimage for the Right to the City in its tour of the Barrio de las Letras. This page (up): Commissioning of one of the processional objects. This page (down): Teamwork, making the felt pots to hang on the wooden structures of the processional objects. Illustrations (up): Drawings made by Sara Fratini collecting the entire process.

On Tuesday, October 16, the meeting Shared diagnosis: the right to the city in Madrid took place with the participation of SOS Racismo Madrid, CS La Ingobernable, EV Arganzuela, the Manteros Union of Madrid and also the

Neighborhood Association Sol de las


The purpose of this open meeting was to develop a shared diagnosis about daily life in the Barrio de las Letras and how it is affected by recent urban transformations. From the invited experiences, in dialogue with the contributions of the public, we analyzed and discussed how to defend, in practice, the right to the city on a neighborhood scale such as Las Letras: what difficulties do we encounter, what tools do we have or what objectives we set ourselves as neighbors and citizens.




This page (up): Mama Kone shows us the song she has prepared for the pilgrimage during the “Cook your Grigri” workshop at the Guatemala Community Center. This page (down): Departure of the pilgrimage from Medialab Prado. Next page: The pilgrimage as it passes through one of the streets of the Barrio de las Letras. Illustrations (up): Drawings made by Sara Fratini collecting the entire process.

On Saturday, October 20, the seminar Right to the city - Right to other urban imaginaries took place, whose objective was to share experiences, reflections and imaginaries that, from African and European cities, will help us think about what it means the right to the city, what challenges its defense poses to us and what conditions should be met to achieve it, especially when we focus on the historical centers of cities and their architectural and cultural heritage, until we turn them into common goods of all and for all.

For this, Ibrahima Wane, from the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Monza KANE Limama, rapper and cultural activist from Nouakchott, Cherimus, artistic collective from Sardinia and Itziar González, architect and urban planner from Barcelona.



As part of the activities carried out during the Pilgrimage and the final day of the workshop, on Sunday October 28 a public vote was held to propose a name for the “nameless” square. Plants from the municipal plant nursery were also delivered to neighbors and other people, attending the activity, that was an excuse for mapping assistance.

Finally, there was an open radio activity "Radio my neighborhood" with interviews with attendees. This activity was recorded and is part of a sound archive along with records of the daily life of the neighborhood and its memory or the acoustic concert performed by Reuben Odoi Yemoh and Neus Kita Fatma.

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