How Was The Bicycle Developed

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e all have one.

ome of us leave it in a dark room gathering dust...

ome of us can’t go a day without using it.

e’re giving the bicycle the spotlight. I’m here to tell its story.










raisine, 1817

Created by Baron Von Drais, this ‘Laufsmachine’ was propelled by the feet as it did not have any



Taken from a previous built wooden velocipede, the Boneshaker was mass produced in metal by Pierre Michaux and the Olivier brothers

afety Bicycle, 1885

First released by Rover, this used a chain mechanism that we

see in modern bikes today.

acmillan Bicycle, 1839

First bicycle to be propelled via the back wheel with pedals still at the front. Works similar to a steam locomotive.

enny Farthing,1870

‘Ordinary Bicycle’, this was the first machine to be called a bicycle. Speed and travel achieved via large front wheel, however it was hard to balance

odern Bicycle Standard bike stll using the chain method. Many variants on bikes since the safety bike, including Mountain bikes

This feature has always been included in the design of the bicycle. The reason why spokes were so successful is that they add strength to the rim of the wheel, transfer energ y from our legs into the hub and to the wheel. It also distributes and balances the rider’s weight onto the wheel.

Modern day bikes use something called ‘pneumatic tyres’ which means the wheel operates using compressed gas (A hollow rubber wheel filled with air). Back in the past, wheels were made from solid rubber and even metal. The advantage to this invention is that the wheels take better shock absorption but on the other hand they’re rendered inoperable once you get a flat tyre.

The first model of bicycle was crafted out of wood which they found to be heavy. This urged the progression onto a metal frame which was more comfortable and prettier to look at, downside to this, it was still moderately heavy. Eventually, the metal was hollowed out which helped the frame to become lighter.

We set off with simplistic push of the feet on the floor mechanism, the fashion wore off quickly, to combat this, the treadle and pedal were introduced. Pedals let the rider use their energy more efficiently and average speed in which you could ride increased. To support the pedals, a chainset was added to the front/rear wheel.

he police and beyond After gaining popularity, bikes not only became used by the public, but were also used by services like the post, the police, the fire service and even the military (guns on bikes).

emale Freedom The bicycle was an important instrument in the advancement of women’s rights. The bicycle meant women were now able to wear special ‘Bicycle Bloomers’ (trousers worn for the first time) and could go places unchaperoned by husbands or brothers.

uture of the roads For the future of bikes to be attained, road surfaces needed to improve. This surface improvement meant that driving cars became a lot easier and many bike manufacturers soon turned to making the automobiles (Henry Ford being one).

ocial clubs Bicycles were phenomenal in creaing a sense of community. As they became more affordable and more and more people bought them, cycle clubs began to spring up. Vast numbers of people would cycle through parks in their local area on the weekends.

ake sure to wear a helmet and knee pads.

just the bike seat so your feet are comfortably touching the floor

emove the pedals at first, this gives you a little time to adjust to steering and balancing yourself first off. On a flat even surface, practice pushing off the ground and lifting your feet to coast along the road.

nce you’re confident, reapply the pedals to the bike and with the help of another, apply your feet to the pedals. Your partner should support your weight and balance by holding you under the arms or the back of the bike seat. This stage is to give you a feel of the pressure to apply to the pedals to pick up speed. Once a speed has been reached, your partner will let go

hantom Bicycle This forkless ‘Phantom’ bike can be driven without the aid of front forks. Instead, the long tubes extending from the back serve as the steerer.

rtikar This recumbant bicycle contains four wheels and is similar in style to a velocar. It allows cyclists a new way to travel by night with a fully luminated frame, enabling others to see them more visibly.

co Bike The eco bike is similar to the Bendy Bike in concept as they both serve to take up less space. However, the Eco Bike can compltetely disassemble and be packed into a brief case.

endy bike This bike takes up less space on the streets as its frame can bend fully around on itself and easily locked into place. A truly original design.




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