Carlisle On the 18th of September I go in for an interview at the University of Cumbria, Carlisle. By that afternoon I have been accepted onto the first year of BA(hons) Illustration course. I have no belongings, no paperwork, no where to stay and no money.
The trains are my only means of transport, I take one back that evening.
So I go back to Blackpool.
By the end of the day I have packed everything I need to return to Carlisle. Well I wouldn’t say everything. At this point I still have no food, no cutlery, limited art materials, and no money. But it will have to do, I have to get back to Carlisle ASAP, the course has already begun and there is an important trip to Keswick the next day that I have to make. It’s a big rush.
The Next day I go to board a train back to Carlisle but-
They’re all
The weather is miserable, which in’t particularly unusual for Blackpool, but the rain is lashing down over the train station and the wind is howling with more force than the day before. It’s a storm, and it’s the reason why all of the trains are
kpool I have no other way to get to Carlisle. I can get a lift on the weekend, but I will miss my first week of the course. It’s an annoying, frustrating situation, all because I can’t catch a
Stuck in Blackpool. Great. My plans are
Cancelled. I bet you’d think being in Blackpool is great! It’s not. I hate Blackpool.
The S Her name was Ali. She had 100mph winds, and with them she devestated Northern Ireland, North England and Scotland.
She ki lled a woman Ireland in .
n a v a r a c r e h w Ble f. right off a clif With her inside it. She k and illed a man i the njured ano in Irela sam th n e at tack er fello d, . w in
Pushed a tree onto them. her tree t o n a d e h s u She p Crewe in y d la a o t on
She bl ew a s hip off of it’s moorin gs.
Sh e for shu tho t do usa wn pow nd s er
Storm She also
cancelled my trains.
I do not like Ali
There is actually a moral to this story Always check your train times But more importantly Always check the bloody
Kia Ivers-Woods