Contents Contents Contents 10:2810:28-Castlerigg Castlerigg 10:28- Castlerigg 11:27 11:27- Around - AroundTown Town 11:27 - Around Town 13:46 12:33- Derwent - PuzzlingWater Place 13:46 - Derwent Water 413:46 Days Later - Derwent Water - Catbells
A brief note Although the day was wet, dull and grey, the trip as a whole was quite nice. It gave us a chance to see some of the area and history of the place where we now live. Granted I had been to keswick before it was still nice to see it again in all its overcast beauty.
The sky, multiplied with the menacing mountains, looked forboading and as if to tell people to stay away.
When we arrived at castlerigg the weather looked dull but not too bad, but as soon as I battled to open my car door I realised it was a good job my coat is windproof.
When we parked up at booths shopping center I thought the weather was starting to look better. 10 minutes after leaving the car I regretted not bringing taking my coat.
Thankfully there was pleanty of places to shelter from the downpour. But by the time we got to some shelter we were allready very wet.
Its quite amusing how much contrast is between keswick and the fells. Keswick is very much catered to tourists nowadays, and when your walking most fells you might not even come across another person.
At the end of the path there was a clearing which allowed us to see Derwentwater in its full glory, the problem was that it also allowed the wind to take us away.
Getting to Derwentwater signaled the end of the trip to Keswick which was secretly a blessing in disguise.