My Day In Keswick

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The hills surrounding Castlerigg Stone Circle, Keswick


Castlerigg Stone Circle


A very nice and breathtaking loction.

Castlerigg Stone Circle Castlerigg Stone Circle was raised around 3000BC during the Neolithic period. Enjoy seeing a part of British history while surrounded by panoramic views. If you are walking from the centre of Keswick, it will take you approximatley 30 minutes.


Pencil Museum The Derwent Pencil Museum is a 7 minute walk from the town centre. The museum is of home of the first pencil.Make your way through a replica of a graphite mine to see jounrey of how pencils were made.

See one of the largest colouring pencils in the world measuring almost 8 meters!

In the musuem, you will come across; Secret WW2 penicils with hidden maps, The Queens diamond Jubilee pencil, miniature pencil sculptures and much more! One of the best parts about the museum, is the art workshop they run.This gives you the oppotunity to test the different kind of pencils they make. The perfect day out for young children! To top things off, every visiter gets a chance to do a quiz! This includes lookng round the museum to find the answers to the questions. Kind of like a treasure hunt.

This was my favourite part of the trip to Keswick as I have a passion for history. It was a great opportunity to be able to learn the history of such a small and old town. I enjoyed playing with the Muscial Stones as it made me feel like a part of history. Anyone who loves history as much as I do, I advise you not to miss it if you ever find yourself in Keswick.


Excellent small museum with local histroical facts and artefacts

Visit the art gallery to see the highlights from the strong regional collections the museum has to offer. From Musical Stones to Fine Art to Archaeology, there is something for everyone. With over 20,000 objects that reflect on the life of Keswick, this museum is not to be missed! Not to mention, if you have children with you, make sure they get a chance to dress up and take part in the quiz.


Keswick Art Gallery &

History Museum

Shopping In Keswick

A lot of the buildings were quite old fashioned which I liked because it gave Keswick more history and how the style hasn’t changed over the years.

Keswick has lots of cute little shops and cafes. I’m a big fan of shops that are run by a family and not well known companies like Rohan and Mountain Warehouse. Even though most of the shops are stocked with walking gear, theres something for everyone. Wether you’re into hiking or antiques.

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