Lily Bird-Trip to Keswick

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Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcometo to to toKeswick... Keswick... Keswick... Keswick...

Castlerigg Ston

Windy Historial sightings

On a hilltop east of the main town of Keswick sits Castlerigg Stone circle that dates back to the Neolithic ear, which is roughly from 3000 BC The purpose of Castlerigg Stone Circle is to this day still unknown, however, on the day of the University of Cumbria trip, it was more than purposeful for sheltering away from the mass of directed winds.

ne Circle


Keswick: a market town in northwest England’s Lakedistrict National park is surrounded by mountains like Skiddaw, but in the windy days of September it is hard to relate to what beautiful area this small town in the west represents to so many tourists that visit.

Within the small town, the Cumberland Pencil Museum documents the history of the pencil, and as exiting as it can be for an illustration student to find pencils to be able to draw their minds, it was not the most satisfying of museums especially when you find that the world “largest” pencil is not actually ‘ usable’

Back Street Feelings The build-up of stress rises when someone panics over a the words of...

“Where has my purse gone...?� Losing things turns into dark situation that can turn into a massive issue causing big stressful situations. The situations and pressures that cause stress are known as stressors. We usually think of stressors as being negative; in this case it was, when stress starts interfering with someones ability to live a normal life or for this to take over their day it can become a serious issue to them. Stress can affect your body in many ways and it is important for the people surrounding the stressed person to keep them calm to make them realise that everything will be okay. Throughout this trip it was important for me to keep the stressed person calm and to try and enjoy the experience even on one of the most miserable of days.

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No money.

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rse is a precious item in which most people carry things more essential money towards everyday life. If someone was to lose that portable safe, would be offset for the rest of that day, and with Nicole, our group found we had all gound to a hault with what we could do. Without that purse she d become cranky and depressed for a while realising the importance of was inside. money. No Payments. No activities. No enjoyment. there something of great sentimental value inside or was it just the buildf stress coming to university.

No activities. No enjoyment. No payments.

ough not knowing this person well, I was already aware that this person d stay hold these feelings for a longtime, until they find their belongings by h case they are filled with joy. I, personally, keep anything i may have interst nowing where it is, in my purse, so would this be what is stressing this perout so badly?


When we get to the river my heart sinks. It is wider than i’ve ever seen, flowing swift and strong. The water is a turbid brown from eroding the banks it usually passes by so softly. Branches have been blown in by the strong storms. The water eddies around them, but not that relaxed way water usually does, but harshly, more like mini vortexes I suppose. In the rain that still falls, the surface is spitted so thickly that the radiating ripples cancel one another out. Adding to the stone-grey Keswick skies is the september mist from the surrounding mountain in the background of every sighting. The river is not what we prepared ourselves for, this trip to Keswick was full of stress from the build-up of missing importance...


In her Flat all along...

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