David Rees Portfolio
Layout Excercises. This was a quick 2 week university project that helped us to explore different and experimental ways of exploring editorial layouts without getting distracted by the elements wihtin.
www.daveyr.co.uk daveyr13@gmail.com
David Rees Portfolio
Given Grid. This project was about creating a two page spread for a book introducing an artist of our choice.
www.daveyr.co.uk daveyr13@gmail.com
David Rees Portfolio
ipad App. This uni project was about creating and ipad/iphone app for an events/arts centre that allowed users to buy tickets for all events occuring at the venue.
www.daveyr.co.uk daveyr13@gmail.com
David Rees Portfolio
Editorial Design. Another univeristy project, in this one we explored a full rnage of spreads for a magaizne of our choice and design. We had to include a Masthead, contents page, splash page and turn page.
www.daveyr.co.uk daveyr13@gmail.com
David Rees Portfolio
Summative. This university project was about summing up what we had learned over the past semester. Not only knowledge but also what we had learnt about ourselves.
www.daveyr.co.uk daveyr13@gmail.com
David Rees Portfolio
Website. This project was all about designing a website to show off the our portfolio in digital and online form. It was also so we could familiarise ourself with dreamweaver, so we could understand code.
www.daveyr.co.uk daveyr13@gmail.com