What I learnt: as this was our first official brief it gave me a better insight as to what I was getting myself into, providing thumbnails and showing development, but also due to not being able to attend the trip it also encouraged me to think outside the box
The original plan was a trip to Keswick, in which we would be soaking in the enviroment, and taking photos to use in our first project, which was to produce a digital book on our time and overall experience on Keswick Unfortunately I was ill the day of the trip and had to stay at home but I didn’t let that stop me from doing the brief, I still decided to do a digital book on my experience of Keswick, even if it was ill at home
So I buckled up and put my brain to use and decided to make a book on the experience I had, which was viewing Keswick through social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Snapchats ffrom the people on the course, I used the templates from each of the and put information and highlights from the place photographed on the side
This project was putting our What I learnt: I was properly animation skills to the test, we introduced to Premiere Pro from were given the task of creating this brief by Friday tutorials and a short animation of your how to make an animation choosing, whether it be stop from scratch this helped with motion, computer animation future briefs especially our film and so on. I was new to & titles brief didn have animating and didn’t much experience, in fact the only experience I had was creating a gif on Photoshop during College, but this time around we were using Premiere Pro instead which opened a lot of different doors and ways to animate I created my little animation using my iPad and Premiere Pro, the animation consisted of a skeleton finding its soul, I drew multiple images of the the same frame so the animation was constantly moving but at the same time acted almost as a stop motion, I didn’t experiment with any sound unfortunately but I was happy with my outcome and enjoyed the overall project as we were free to work on whatever we wanted to do
Within the course we were given two typography projects, the first one we were given 3 pieces of text in which we had to correct the deliberate errors and use the knowledge given to us to create a piece of appealing typography
What I learnt: I learn that there is a lot more to typography than you see before you, throughtout these briefs we learnt the fundamental rules, for example use strong ranging points, keep your column width fr from 45 - 55 characters, keep away from soggy edges etc, I experimented mostly digitally The first brief was more of an introduction to typography and on this brief which was a shame as you can create some the second brief we had a lot more freedom whereas the first interesting things with manual experimentation brief we had rules to stick too therefore the second one was lot more enjoyable, again we were given a piece of text to work from but we could experiment with different colours, patterns, techniques, the works
This brief placed us in teams of two, I was with Harry for this brief and the aim was to produce a ‘seven step’ booklet on our given topic, our topic was based on how the Apollo rocket launched and returned Ea back to Earth Working with my flatmate and friend Harry was great as we both shared the same vision for our booklet which made the work straight forward, we seperated into different jobs, Harry did the research and I did the design for the booklet, of course I used the research to help influence my design and also feedback from Harry What I learnt: this brief gave me a better look into working as a team which is essential when being a Graphic Designer. I also learnt how to use ISSUU which is a digital publishing platform for magazines, which is brilliant to use when creating digital booklets/magazines, great for displaying your work before finalizing it
For this brief we were given a song to listen too, we had to figure out the meaning behind the song and create artwork relating the band and the meaning behind the song
What I learnt: my outcome to this brief wasn’t spectacular, I feel I let myself down with this brief, I overwhelmed myself with ideas but never went through with them as I was worried I wouldn’t hit the The song given to me was Salt, deadline. I’ve now learnt to just Peppa and Spinderella by go ahead and be confident in Johnny Foreigner, initially from my work and not hold back listening to the song I assumed it was about being attracted to all the bad things, pleasure and lust but after talking to my lecturer we came to the conclusion it was associatd with nightlife so my development and final design was orientated around nightlife, the design consisted of using both photography and illustration to match the bands previous album styles
I was given the opportunity to study life drawing as my career path was to become a tattoo artist, but I decided to change my mind on becoming a tattoo artist as becoming a full time Graphic Designer was a more stable career path, but I still gave life drawing a chance non the less It was a new experience for me, I’ve never done life drawing before but I did enjoy it, although I felt I was nowhere near as skilled as everyone else as they were illustrators I didn’t let that put me down, I still gave it a shot but after a while of doing it and learning what I would be doing if I did a manifesto I decided against continuing life drawing and pursued the manifesto brief
What I learnt: I learnt that a lot goes into life drawing, I learnt many different techniques in regards to drawing parts of the body, for example work from shapes, like picture the leg as a rectangle then work within that, and how much lighting is important within life drawing, overall I did enjoy it but seeing as I change my career path I didn’t see it beneficial although it is a good skill to have
MANIFESTO The manifesto I joined near the end, luckily I joined as the tutorials began so I learnt how to create a simple book, although I did miss out on previous work which would have been beneficial towards the final design
I was successful in creating my book in the end, with help from the workshop, in the end I stuck with a book that contained laser cut pages of 10 steps to getting a tattoo, it was more of a pictogram guide book but I was more than happy with the result, I also created many I had less time than everyone variants of a poster to help else when it came to creating advertise this book, I played the final book which was based with face tattoos on celebrities on “10 rules of creativity”, such as Bill Gates and Leonardo luckily my lecturer let me base Dicaprio which would appeal to mine of tattooing, so I had a modern day audience knowledge straight away and sta ideas starting flowing but due What I learnt: this was a to time constraints I couldn’t stressful brief as I was struck explore every idea I had, I for time and didn’t have as explored with acetate, textures much knowledge on the brief and laser cutting as everyone else, I learnt a lot about time management which helped a lot with handling stress and not overworking ove myself. I also learnt a lot about different way of creating a book and the actual importance of an attractive front cover and title
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This brief was similar to the ‘look it moves’ brief, except this time around it was focused around live action, we were placed into teams and given a genre, our team consisted of me, Abbie and Natalie and we were given the genre of monster movie and to reference Ray Harryhausen
Our movie consisted of both stop motion and live action, the scenes of the doll getting up and moving around was stop motion whereas the first person perspective of the doll moving out of the workshop was live action along with the rest of the film
We played with the word monster and what it could mean, monster is stereotypically a large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creature but it could also be used to refer to criticize people, we used abusers as an example both drug abusers and physical but forgetting it had to be similar to a Ray Harryhausen movie that idea was scrapped and we went with a frankenstein esque movie, involving a doll stitching itself together and running outside the workshop and chasing one of our friends
What I learnt: I learnt how difficult stop motion can be, as you have to take into account quite a lot, such as the time of day, lighting, and background as one slight change could affect the final product, I also learnt how to use adobe after effects alongside premiere pro in our Friday tutorials, this was great as I’ve always needed an introduction into after effects
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2018 - 2019