OVERVIEW OF THE SEMESTER I feel i best respond to a tight brief, i think for me they make me more efficient when coming up with ideas. When we are set open briefs i find i am overwhelmed with the possibilities and outcomes, i personally find it hard as i am spoilt for choice with what i could achieve. On the other hand when i’m set an open brief i
have to be confident with my decision making. But overall between the two briefs i would rather work on a tight brief.
I really enjoy using hand drawn lettering in my work, i really want to keep at it and develop my skills further.
I feel it is an integral element, i really enjoy illustration but i have been told they are not strong enough to be used as integral elements. I find myself using more typography than i used too, i really enjoy working with typography. Over the summer i intend to develop my hand drawn type further.
My strengths lie within packaging, i really really enjoy making things and seeing my design come to life. I
really enjoyed working on my D&AD packaging project, i feel like i excelled in that brief because i enjoyed it
so much. I think the reason for the positive experience was because i had fun, sure it was stressful at times but the fun outweighed the stress.
My problems have arisen in my manifesto project, because the brief was so open and nonchalant i have been struggling with ideas. Also i really don’t enjoy self promotion projects as i don’t particularly have a
strong style i struggle to come up with a strong idea. Also time management has been my biggest enemy, with my job commandeering my weekend time, i struggle to fit everything in during the week. I have managed to overcome it, to put it very simple i’ve had to man up and just work the hardest i can.
I am interested in hand drawn type, screen printing, Nobrow press, collecting comics, cooking and boston terriers. I am all about handmade things, handmade is always better! I am also really into recycling and
sustainability within my designs, i think the greener for the environment the better. I feel i have had quiet a
few opportunities to show my personality in my projects this semester, they have all really been about your
own flair and take on briefs. I want to proceed more into handmade things and hand drawn type, i’m always
collecting certain things for their hand drawn typography. I really want to develop my own style in illustration and type.
D&AD: INTRODUCTION I chose the Design Bridge packaging project for my D&AD brief. The biggest opportunity that arose was to finally design a piece of packaging, i absolutely love packaging! The brief gave me an opportunity to design whisky packaging for women around my age, it also gave me the chance to be fully creative with how the actual whisky was packaged. In my initial research i looked into tetra paks and cartons of alcohol (wine boxes for example) that is the core of what influenced my idea. The whole theory behind my idea is sustainability and to promote a green mentality. The box is based loosely on a tetra pak, it also has a screw cap on the top so it is kept fresh (as most tetra pak’s involve ripping a corner off). The box is made from recycled card and in return can be recycled again. The box features an old photograph of the scottish highlands along with a deer that connotes freedom, femininity and nature. I developed the very masculine stag that is featured on most scottish whiskies and turned it into something light and feminine. I really do feel like i have met the creative demands of the brief, they had asked for the actual container of the whisky to be innovative and new (how many whiskies do you know of that are tetra packed?) The design features a subtle hint of scotland and is very feminine. The typeface is modern and light and is not over powering. I haven’t redesigned the actual liquid whisky, i have simple redesigned how it’s packaged, and made it visually appealing to the modern international woman.
MANIFESTO: INTRODUCTION In my manifesto i was trying to communicate a gardening and growing theme by using words like ‘harvest’ ‘blossom’ ‘grow’. I have used recycled card to package the seeds, so once the seeds have been planted my manifesto can be recycled. I wanted a very green conscious feel to the manifesto. I think by using recycled card and thread to bind the packaging (ie: little to no glue) it reflects the points in my manifesto. The whole thing looks very natural and safe to the environment so i think in that aspect it has done justice to my concept. I think having the experience of writing and then creating something was quiet hard, i think i have defiantly learnt that what you write has a very strong reflection on what you design. The writing defiantly influences the design process, i went through about 10 manifesto drafts before i finally decided to go for a gardening and nature themed manifesto. It does help to write something that sparks creativity and images in your head.
1. Plant your dreams 2. Be happy 3. Spring into action 4. Follow your heart 5. Blossom as a person 6. Grow your own food 7. Experiement with everything 8. Don’t over work yourself 9. Climb the tree of life 10. Harvest your ideas
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN I intend to practise my hand drawn type, research into different typefaces that work with that style of work, and also i need to research into shadowing and 3d effects as i use that a lot in my type. Other technical abilities such as photoshop, indesign and illustrator i use on a daily basis so i am always developing and broadening those abilities. I also regularly update my website so i am keeping up to date with the latest coding and ways to create websites, i also want to start looking into creating small flash animations for my own website. From looking at new blogs daily and keeping up with the latest design trends is how i will develop and broaden my knowledge in contemporary practise. I really enjoy reading comics and collecting independent zines for their art styles, so i have no worries with keeping up to date. I will travel more around the UK visiting various different museums and galleries over the summer break. I particularly want to see the post modernism exhibition that is currently running on at the Victoria and Albert museum in London. I will nurture and develop my current strengths by doing all of the above, i am always looking at new design styles and blogs. I just need to make sure i do something creative every day. That way i will be constantly developing my strengths. I feel when i am busy with university work and my part time job i don’t have the time to do something creative for myself every day, over the summer i have no excuses.
I will nurture and develop my current strengths by doing all of the above, i am always looking at new design styles and blogs. I just need to make sure i do something creative every day. That way i will be constantly developing my strengths. I feel when i am busy with university work and my part time job i don’t have the time to do something creative for myself every day, over the summer i have no excuses. I need to strengthen my game when it comes to editorial design, poster design, drawings etc. I need to just keep practising at them and look at other peoples work to help influence me. If i see a poster that looks interesting i can try to recreate it to see what tools they have used and how they achieved a certain look.