Groomer to Groomer February 2015

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Be the hero! MICRO-TEK SPRAY Leave on formula continues working for 24 hours.

MICRO-TEK SHAMPOO Instant relief. Your customers will thank you.

MICRO-TEK GEL Aloe vera based gel. Great for paw pads.

The Micro-Tek System creates the healthiest environment for healing. A premium shampoo great for all coats. Gentle and safe for puppies and kittens. Outperforms oatmeal shampoos.







by Kathy Hosler

HAVE I GOT A GIFT FOR YOU! by Bonnie Wonders PAGE 6

ALSO INSIDE Wilkes: “He’s Never Done That Before” 18 Promoting Oral Health


Stuff I Tell My Clients


Omboy: Creative Kids, Buddy & Linzie LaRue 34 Conner: In With the New 36 Salzberg: Engaging the Pet Peeps


Alternate Cleaning Supplies for Groomers


The Loss of a Pet


Call Me!


New Products


Calendar of Events


Classifieds 69





WEB DESIGNERS Lance Williams


Luke Dumberth

Lucas Colton




Missi Salzberg

Dawn Omboy

Kathy Rose

Teri DiMarino

Gary Wilkes

Bonnie Wonders

Kathy Hosler

Mary Oquendo

Daryl Conner ON THE COVER:.Mackensie Murphy, winner of the PetSmart Best in Show award at Groom Expo 2014 with PetSmart representative Connie Bailey.

Copyright Feb. 2015. Groomer to Groomer is published monthly by Barkleigh Productions, Inc, 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. Postmaster: Send change of address to Groomer to Groomer c/o Barkleigh Productions, Inc., 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. Annual U.S. subscription rate $25. Outside U.S. $79. year, surface rates. Groomer to Groomer is free to current Barkleigh Productions, Inc. customers. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Editorial offices: 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. (717) 691–3388 FAX: (717) 691–3381 Email:

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


HAVE I GOT A GIFT FOR YOU! E by Bonnie Wonders e


t’s the second Friday of the month. The second one always starts out pretty much the same as the one two weeks later. You see, twice each month on Fridays I have a lady who brings in her Terrier mix for his appointment. Along with the dog comes a bag of treats. Not for the dog, but rather for me. I must emit a vibe that says “Feed Me” as so many of my customers have an uncontrollable desire to do just that. This particular lady however always brings me things that are outdated. I mean SERIOUSLY outdated. I can’t tell you how many times


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

I’ve gotten yogurt from her that is six months old. I don’t know how these things manage not to explode. When I open the bag and see one of them in there it looks like a mini Mt. Vesuvius. The container is all humped up on both the top and the bottom. It doesn’t have a chance of sitting upright. I promptly toss it into the trash, along with the bag of Christmas cookies that show an expiration date of 2010. Too bad it’s 2015. Quite the combination, but I don’t really know if it’s any worse than the time she brought me in a can of black olives to snack on. They too were

way past their prime as evidenced by the rustiness around the rim of the can which coincidentally had that familiar “hump” on top. Let me say now, this lady drives a new car every year or so, has some of the nicest jewelry I’ve seen and acts perfectly normal in every way. She’s well-liked by other people that we know and is very easy to get along with. However... A couple months ago she brought in the dog along with a bag tied with a really nice bow. “Wow,” I thought to myself. “Finally I’m getting something

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Several hours went by and I thought I’d break open one of the peppermint sticks. Lo and behold, as I pulled it from the bag, I noticed that the wrapper had a kind of yellow tint to it. worthwhile.” “Here’s something special for you,” she said as she dropped the bag onto the front counter and then turned and headed out the door. I curiously pulled the bow off the bag and peered into it. That time was really an eye opener. Inside was an “elderly” Fiber One bar, a jar of artichokes and an “egg” of Leggs

Half pg (7"x4-7/8")-print:Layout 1

pantyhose. Yes, there was indeed a pair of pantyhose in the Legg egg. “What the ______?” I said aloud to her dog as he sat staring up at me. He looked just as perplexed as I did. He had no comment either. Once again, I made a short trip to the trash can. Sometimes I would almost swear that somebody has installed hidden cameras in my 4/18/14

11:40 AM

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shop to see my reaction to some of this stuff. I remember when one of the “goodie” bags was actually a tray of chocolate candies like in one of those “Samplers.” When I took the plastic off the tray I happened to pick up a cracked chocolate candy. I remember thinking to myself, “Surely, she wouldn’t have,” and turned the candies over. Sure enough, each one was cracked... just enough that someone had obviously checked out the filling in them and tried pushing them back together. Most groomer’s trash cans probably contain dog hair. Mine are full of old food gifts. I shook my head in wonderment when she brought me in a bag filled to the brim with salt, pepper, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise and other various condiment packets. Do you know what those packets look like when they

“We can get big Newfoundland dogs on them and the tables are rock solid.” “I’ve had my Groomer’s Best table for a li�le over a year and I just love it! It’s really helpful because the table goes low so when you’re grooming big dogs they can step right on, and they go up really high, so any size dog you groom you can adjust accordingly. I’m tall so it really saves on my back because I’m not having to lean over or strain to pick up big dogs. And the table is so sturdy and we can get big Newfoundland dogs on them and the tables are rock solid. Plus there’s a scissor hole in the table which is great so if you have to step away from the table you don’t have to worry about the scissors falling off the table. I would highly recommend Groomer’s Best for anyone looking for a top quality hydraulic table.” Lindsey Dicken - 2014 Groomer of the Year Fetching Canine Grooming and Bou�que, Longwood, FL Lindsey Dicken 2014 Groomer of the Year

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

Style In Style They’ve got style, so should you! Introducing the new Air Force® Commander® colors, available in two-speed and variable control models. The same all-steel American-made dryers you’ve relied on for 30 years with a bit more flair. User-friendly, long-lasting and backed by more than 75 years of manufacturing experience.

The configurations and coloring of Air Force® Commander® and Blaster® brand pet dryers are protected by US Registered Trademark 3,552,787.


are probably 10 years old? Ewwwww... I made a special trip down to the dumpster at the end of the parking lot with that one. It was a big bag! Although it is usually food that she brings me there have been other times that I’ve gotten gifts from her that have no expiration dates so I don’t have to worry about spoilage. I DO wonder where her head is though. She once brought me in a small box that contained some “extras”, as she called them that I might like. In the box there was an assortment of probably 30 different kinds of decorated artificial fingernails. I will say they were unused, but there were just a few of each set in there. Maybe like four of one design, seven of another. Usually a person has a complete set of ten fingers and you’d generally like them all to match, but maybe I’m just abnormally picky. For Christmas one year she gave me a gift box that was very nicely wrapped. “Open it and see if you like them,” she instructed. I was scared,

knowing her track record with giving me gifts, but I obliged. I opened the box to find a set of four soup mugs. I pulled them from the box and they were indeed very pretty. However, two of them obviously had the handles broken off. The handles were not in the box....just completely broken off. “Ohh....” I said not sure of what to say. Before I had to worry about saying ANYTHING else, she burst out with her explanation. “I thought they were just so nice, even though the handles are broken off. I thought you’d like them anyhow,” she said. “Oh...” I said again. “They really are pretty...” Are you and I thinking the same thing? As I write this, it is November. Yesterday the lady brought me in a banana, a bottle of Mt. Dew and two candy canes. Not thinking much could be wrong with the candy seeing as how we are a month away from Christmas at this point, I stuck the bag on the counter. Several hours went by and I thought I’d break open one of the

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

peppermint sticks. Lo and behold, as I pulled it from the bag, I noticed that the wrapper had a kind of yellow tint to it. Shaking my head to no one but the dog that was standing on my grooming table, I attempted to break the stick in half. Apparently when a candy cane is older than dirt, they don’t take well to being broken. The candy bent completely around. I can tell you with scientific proof that an old, damp candy cane can be bent into a complete spiral. It never broke. I wound that baby tighter than a piece of pasta and it stayed intact. I kept that candy and wound and unwound it half a dozen times. I tried to give it to the Mailman, the beer guy next door and my husband. So far, no takers for some reason. I have decided, probably to your disbelief, that I won’t eat it. If you don’t hear from me for a while though, I may have caved and given in. At least the hospital is only a few blocks away... ✂

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


HOW SAFE ARE YOU? E by Kathy Hosler e



hen groomer Paulette Tuunanum, owner/ operator of Creature Comforts, began work that fateful morning she never envisioned the horror that awaited her. Creature Comforts is a home-based grooming salon in the quiet, rural community of Fryeburg, Maine. Paulette works alone and had never been concerned for her safety, but that was about to change in a drastic fashion. That morning, a stranger appeared at her salon door carrying an obviously pregnant dog that was in labor and having difficulty whelping her pups. He burst in and demanded that Paulette help the dog deliver her puppies. Paulette went into the next room to get some clean towels and to call a veterinarian to get help for the dog.

When the man saw her on the phone, he became enraged shouting… “Why did you call the police… I’m not going back there!” and with that, he started hitting Paulette. He knocked her into the tiny bathroom and as she fell against the toilet, Paulette felt the rounded handles of the grooming scissors that she had in her smock pocket. She pulled them out and tried to defend herself – but her assailant got the scissors away from her and began to stab and slash at Paulette. Even though the telephone call that she was trying to make was to a veterinarian, Paulette screamed, “The police will be here any second!” The man stopped assaulting Paulette, grabbed the money from a donation jar on her counter and money from Paulette’s purse, then he scooped

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

up his dog and disappeared. He has never been found. Paulette has recovered from her physical wounds, and although she says that this was a freak incident and that she will not allow it to make her live in fear – she will never forget that day. HOW SAFE ARE YOU? Many groomers, like Paulette, work alone. Mobile groomers and house call groomers often meet new clients in unfamiliar surroundings. But whether you are in a salon or in some other situation, your personal safety must be uppermost in your mind. What can you do to keep yourself safe? If you are a mobile or house call groomer and you are meeting a new client, try to have someone go with you. If that is not possible, make sure

that somebody knows where you are at all times. Phone a person that you trust when you arrive at a client’s home and again when you leave it. Daryl Conner, owner/operator of FairWinds Grooming Studio, has been a salon owner, mobile groomer, and house-call groomer at different times during her grooming career. She recalls an incident that happened to her when she was doing house-call grooming… “The client was a man… a pilot that had a huge house,” shares Daryl. “He was very much in my personal space while I worked, and all the hair on the back of my neck stood up. This was the first time I realized that I needed to listen to my body’s reactions to people even when my mind overrode the messages. My head said, ‘He is a wealthy professional man, he must be ok.’ My body said, ‘Get the heck out of here!’ I declined to make future ap-


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

pointments for him.” Daryl continues, “Learn to listen to your senses and trust your instincts. If you feel scared, nervous, or suspicious, remove yourself from the situation. Think up some excuse to trot out ahead of time… upset stomach, family emergency, etc. It is better to be wrong than to be hurt!” Some of your most important defense tools are awareness and action. Find out if mace or pepper spray is legal in your area. If it is, keep one on your key ring. If it is not, keep a can of wasp spray on your counter or in your tack box. It looks innocent enough, but it will spray a good distance and will temporarily disable an attacker so that you can make an escape. Even if all you have is a can of hairspray – spray a burst of it into your attacker’s eyes. If you have a gun for protection, you better know how to use it – and

if you are going to carry it with you, make sure that you have a concealed carry permit. Everyone can benefit from taking a self-defense course. Knowing what to do (and what NOT to do) in an emergency situation can make all the difference. If you are a salon owner who works alone, there are a lot of things that you can do to increase your safety… Install security cameras inside and outside of your establishment. Have an alarm system put in – some of them can install a ‘panic’ button that you simply press if you need help. You have probably never thought about it, but wearing a medical alert necklace can connect you to help at the press of a button. Good outdoor lighting is a big deterrent to criminal activity. If you are



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alone and have to close your business at the end of the workday, don’t allow yourself to become a target. As you walk to your car, keep your finger ready to press the panic button on your car’s key ring. Most people assume that groomers have cash in their salons and will be leaving with it at the end of the day. Vary your routine. Don’t leave at the same time each night. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, don’t freeze up – act. Don’t hesitate to blow a loud whistle, yell ‘fire’ or ‘help’. However, if you are robbed, and you have no opportunity to prevent it, don’t resist. Money can be replaced – you can’t. Almost everyone has a cell phone. A quick and efficient way to obtain emergency help is by getting a personal security system put on it.

“The Guardian MPS (mobile personal safety) system allows users to download an application into their phones that can help guard their safety in many situations,” explains by Rob Rae, Vice President of Business Development of Guardian MPS. “For example, if you are a mobile groomer or house call groomer, you frequently meet new people and go to unfamiliar places,” Mr. Rae continues. “Before you (the user) go into an appointment, you log in to your service. You then leave details of the location and the amount of time that you expect to be there. If you are later than expected, and do not log out, Guardian MPS will call your cell number to verify your safety. If the service does not get an answer with the correct pin number after two attempts, they follow an emergency protocol that you

have pre-selected.” There is also a panic activation service with the system. The user can trigger a panic alarm from their device. Once you hit the panic button, it will use GPS to track your location, contact the nearest 911 location, and if possible, get a live audio feed from your cell phone to help ascertain the emergency. As a rule, we groomers are a very trusting group of people. But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be aware of the dangers that may be lurking as we go about our everyday routines. And it certainly doesn’t mean that we can’t educate ourselves about the best ways and the tools that are available to keep ourselves safe. Take a moment and see what changes you can make to help keep yourself safe. ✂








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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 33 Ed 11 • November 2014



The Ultimate Clipping Machine


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“He’s never done that before...” THE MAGIC WORDS OF DOG OWNERSHIP


e all know dogs. We know what they do. We humans have been around them for about 15,000 years. You could sit down and list most of their known behaviors off the top of your head. They run, they bark, they bite, they chew things. They also nuzzle, snuggle, lick, pee, poop and roll in noxious, decayed things. Despite our collective knowledge of canines, one of

the most common, naïve comments by people is “he’s never done that before.” This isn’t a casual comment like saying it’s the first time your nine-month-old male dog lifted his leg, it’s usually a response to some bizarre or tragic event – like my neighbor’s dog that slipped out of the gate yesterday, followed the family car down the street and across a busy thoroughfare. He didn’t make it. The father explained why they were

so surprised by the dog’s behavior by saying the magic words – he never did that before. He certainly isn’t going to do that again. BE PREPARED: SAVVY PET OWNERSHIP REVEALED The Boy Scout motto is “be prepared.” If you weigh that against the “he never did that before” mantra you will instantly see which one works

Help your clients with problem urination, house training, destruction, aggression and more!


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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

For a decade the Pet Pro Van has been a workhorse of our industry. But as that chapter closes, Wag’n Tails is proud to introduce the Ultra Groom Van.

An Improved Chassis Layout, Yielding a Larger Salon Area with Improved Lighting and Cabinetry

Lower Total Cost of Ownership!

best. One assumes that any behavior a dog can do is possible. The other lives in a world where if it hasn’t happened yet it doesn’t require a moment’s consideration. As the person most involved in a dog’s life outside the immediate family, you are in a perfect position to help your clients get savvy. The direct benefit for them is a less frustrating and potentially much lon-

ger life with their pet. For you, retaining a client is a very good thing. They rarely make grooming appointments for dogs that didn’t make it. PREPARING YOUR CLIENTS Like no other profession, groomers know more about what a dog might do than just about anyone else. This makes you the perfect source for “be

prepared” lessons periodically along the way. Here are some suggestions of simple topics you can bring up in a conversation to get your clients thinking about what their dogs can and may do, someday. AGGRESSION Most dogs are capable of skilled, serious aggression. As infants, they play-fight with miniature ferocity until they become adept at using aggression. This behavior is often allowed to develop as the pup grows to maturity. While the act of play-fighting may lay dormant for many months, the dog still gains coordination, speed and stamina as it ages. If some event triggers the aggression when the dog is an adult, we hear the magic words. The most common times to watch out for aggression are the advent of sexual maturity, (about 8-9 mos) social maturity (12-24 mos.) and when new dogs are introduced into the family. Being able to ask questions about a dog’s development makes the perfect entre into suggesting training in advance of the need to react to an aggressive event. HOME SECURITY One of the behaviors most likely to lead to “Gee, he’s never done that before” revolves around outdoor gates, front doors and garage doors. There is a reason why every municipality has dog catchers – it’s because dogs escape and range freely. While some owners allow this, most don’t. Sometimes it’s the pool guy who accidentally left the gate open. (Which is why a discussion of this topic can help you head-off a tragedy.) There are products available that can metaphorically lock the door on this possibility. PetSafe makes a product called the Paws Away. It is a form of containment system that uses a small transmitter connected to a collar that gives a sting if the dog gets too close. They are meant to be used indoors but putting them in a sealable


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

Spray Treatment & Sulfate Free Shampoo with Argan Oil ! Indulge Daily Brushing Aid with Argan Oil and Indulge Sulfate-Free Argan Oil Shampoo are the perfect combination for keeping the coat and skin of your pet in the best possible condition. Bathe your pet with Indulge Sulfate-Free, Argan Oil Shampoo and you get that “perfect” clean! Follow up with Indulge Daily Brushing Aid with Argan Oil and the result will amaze you! A beautifully clean pet that’s smooth & silky and easy to groom and style! Both the Shampoo and Spray Treatment are blended with 100% Pure Organic Argan Oil from Morocco • Natural source of Vitamin E, Linoleic Acid and Omega-6 fatty Acids. • Penetrates hair shaft and hair follicles to help nourish skin and coat. • Able to stop fly-away hair • Non-sticky, non-greasy, non-irritating • Can use on a daily basis Indulge is gentle on ALL skin types. It works on both short and long hair coats.

Indulge Shampoo is also available in convenient Gallon & 5 Gallon sizes

plastic bag can teach a dog never to approach a gate unless invited. They are fantastic at teaching dogs not to charge the front door and escape. While your sales stock is likely stuffed with SKU’s, this is a product that can dramatically help your clients prepare for the future and you can make a profit on it too. DESTRUCTION There is nothing more disconcerting than returning home to a couch with a huge hole in it, unless it’s a $3,000 hearing aid crunched on the floor. When a dog passes through its teething stage from about 5 mos. to just shy of a year, it’s a great time for you to quiz your client’s about the dog’s behavior. While the majority of dogs grow out of incessant teething some persist for a year or more. Often your knowledge of the problem, based

on subtle signs from the owner, can head off the problem before it gets to the “he’s never done that” stage. HOUSETRAINING Every year, people get rid of dogs because they are finally fed up with urine soaked carpets. From puppyhood to old age, regularly reinforcing a dog for correct elimination makes this highly unlikely. If a dog poops in a formal living room at age two and he’s truly never done it before it either means some kind of illness, a total lapse on the part of the owners or failure to plan ahead and make sure the dog is devoted to pottying outdoors. PUBLIC NUISANCE Many pet owners cannot walk their pets in public without a struggle. The “he’s never done that before” often takes the form of their dog lunging


Certified Organic Aloe Vera Vitamin & Protein Fortified Gentle & Mild for Sensitive Skin Works Great with all Bathing Systems Wheat, Gluten & Paraben Free Non Toxic/Biodegradable No Unnecessary Additives or Thickeners By Envirogroom

and/or attacking another dog. Using a head-halter is the best way to prepare for this possibility. Halters give the handler a mechanical advantage. Instead of having to resist the entire dog, only the muscles that connect the neck to the head come in play. If a dog lunges at another dog, a very light pull back on the leash turns the dog’s head. That means the bite will not land and the dog will get “a mouthful of feathers.” For people who are not savvy dog handlers, halters are the correct solution to this problem. They are also a product that you can sell. Hint: Dogs on halters are less fractious when they come into your shop because they cannot lunge forward and an owner can comfortably control their dogs as they stand at the front counter. ✂


PUPPY & KITTEN SAFE All Special FX products are made with only natural, biodegradable, non toxic ingredients with no unnecessary additives and thickeners. They are certified gluten free, so that no gluten allergens are absorbed through the skin minimizing allergic reactions for pets and humans. This advanced line of professional shampoos and conditioners is the most versatile and effective that money can buy! Made for the show dog or professional groomer demanding the highest performance for all coat types. Formulated for all Canine, Feline and Equine animals.

5 Products to Choose from in 4 Scented Packages: Platinum Plum, Tropical Passion, Citrus Blossom & Simply Fresh

Facial & Body Shampoo - 50:1

Conditioning Shampoo - 50:1

Super Conditioner - 32:1

Pro Spray RTU

Cologne RTU

Tearless & Hypoallergenic Clarifying for all coat types

Adds brilliance & softness Conditions and highlights without weighing down the coat.

Advanced Versatility Conditions, moisturizes and de-sheds

Leave in Conditioning Spray Cuts drying and brushing time in half

Alcohol Free Eliminates static and smells good.

Envirogroom Professional Products • Made in the USA


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015 •

Ne w

Try Our

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s a groomer, you may not think that you play an important role in the oral health of the pets that you groom, but you can - and you should. Studies show that by the age of three, seventy percent of dogs and cats begin to show signs of periodontal disease. Good oral health is a key to a pet’s overall well being. Periodontal disease can lead to serious problems and can affect a pet’s heart, liver, and kidneys. And, inflamed, swollen gums and loose, rotting teeth can be a constant source of pain for the pet. The odor from a


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

diseased mouth can be very offensive. We have all worked on pets whose breath is so bad that you can smell it as soon as they enter your door. And how many times have you seen pets with their teeth and mouth in such bad shape that it’s almost impossible to touch, let alone groom, their faces? Wouldn’t life be immeasurably better for those pets (and you) if they had healthy tartar-free and odor-free mouths? Educating your clients and providing them with the products they will need to create and maintain the

good oral health of their pets not only benefits your client and their pets – it also benefits you and your business. In fact, retailing products that promote good oral health for pets can become a gold mine for you. We groomers usually see the pets on a regular basis, and often we observe dental problems even before their owner does. We all know that a large portion of pet owners never look in their pet’s mouth and some of them don’t have a clue how to care for their pet’s oral needs. If you are not already educating your clients about the lifelong

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importance of good oral care for their pets – now is the time to start. Many groomers offer teeth brushing and breath freshening services as an add-on, but that is just the tip of the iceberg as to how you can be involved in the pet’s oral care. Although it’s never too late to introduce your clients to products that will improve and then maintain the pets oral health, getting the owners involved when their pet is young is ideal. You can start by explaining how important good oral care is to their pet’s overall health. Then you can introduce the owners to the basics of dental hygiene, beginning with a pet toothbrush and pet toothpaste, and show them how to use it correctly. If the owners are unwilling or unable to brush their pet’s teeth, there are a multitude of other oral care products available that will get the job done. There are oral care sprays and gels that work to remove plaque and tartar

from the pet’s teeth and to freshen their breath. An even easier way to promote and maintain oral health is with an additive the owner simply puts in the pet’s drinking water. They won’t even have to touch their pet’s mouth. In addition, there are a multitude of specialty products that you can retail to pet owners. There are the basics like finger toothbrushes, single-use toothbrushes that are prefilled with pet toothpaste, and complete dental care kits. There are also pre-moistened dental wipes and pads, oral gels, foam, sprays, and water additives. There is an almost endless selection of dental treats, bones, biscuits, and chews that are designed to promote oral health by removing tartar and plaque, freshening the breath, and helping to maintain healthier teeth and gums, all the while giving the pet the natural satisfaction and enjoyment of chewing. There is also a huge assortment of pet toys that are designed to aid in oral

health when the pets chew them. For instance, rope toys act like dental floss to remove the plaque and tartar from teeth. All of these dental care products, treats, and toys can become a source of year-round repeat sales for you, which will certainly boost your income. Even if you don’t have a large retail area, or are a mobile or housecall groomer, making these products available to your clients should be a priority. Carrying a complete selection of pet oral care products will benefit everyone involved - the pets you groom, their owners, you, and your business. Now, that’s something to smile about! ✂

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APRIL 23–26, 2015

STUFF I TELL MY CLIENTS E by Robyn Michaels e



ow do you get new grooming clients? Most of mine have either come from seeing a dog I groomed and talking with the owner, or often something I’ve said to a dog owner who repeated it to another dog owner. For example, as I get to know my clients, I always ask how the dog is at home, and, in so many words, if the owner is happy with the dog’s behavior. The short conversation, usually about if the dog has a cat friend, or us; a devil or an angel, gives me an idea of whether the owner will keep the dog. It also gives me a chance to address other issues. One big issue is the dog pulling on the leash. Unfortunately, most of my clients have frequented pet stores staffed by retailers who know NOTHING

about the products they sell, and whether the products are dangerous or appropriate. As a result, almost all the small dogs I’ve been grooming went from wearing collars to harnesses in a matter of several years. Trending? Please! Anybody who knows me, knows I hate them. Only Guide Dogs and sled dogs should be wearing harnesses. You can’t control a dog that wears a harness. Yes, I understand that many people don’t want to control their dog, and I understand the VETERINARIAN told them to get a harness (collapsed tracheas - of course) rather than reshape the dog’s behavior. Paired with a Flexi, you’ve lost all control. Dangerous not just on icy walks, but if you encounter someone who has

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

their pooch similarly decked out and they (the walker) are on a cell phone or otherwise not paying attention to the end of the leash - dangerous. I don’t sell any products. I remind my clients I don’t benefit economically, I am just telling them what is real. Well, sort of a miracle has occurred. Am I really that persuasive? Just about every dog owner I’ve talked to went out and bought a martingale for their dog and a six foot leash! And they tell me their dogs have stopped pulling! Can you imagine? Why would I care? I care because I love dogs. When pet owners are not happy with their dogs, they don’t bond with their dogs. They might find homes for their dogs, and I’ve lost a client. This is why YOU should also








care. Nobody leaves a dog groomer just because she charges too much; they leave because they don’t feel they are getting service. The big box stores will be able to undercut you on everything. You have to keep seeking knowledge about dogs and expressing an interest in your clients’ dogs. What else do I tell my clients? Let me show you how to brush this dog with a slicker brush...and you are going to need a comb. I often get clients because the last groomer shaved the dog. Sometimes you have to shave the dog. I ask if the client bathed this dog without brushing it and I ask them to show me their brush. 90% of the time it is one of those horrible pins on one side, bristles on the other — worthless. Lots of people don’t know that matting is caused by static electricity. I use The Stuff or Ice

on Ice in the shop, but you can now get smoothing products at a lot of drugstores and it doesn’t take much Dimethicone to get the tangles out. I explain why having the dog up off the floor is important, and why it might be a two person job. But once a week, five minutes is all it usually will take. I remind them if they have to wash their hands after brushing the dog, the dog needs a bath and I brush the shampoo through the coat. Who is going to do this? The pet owner who doesn’t want his dog shaved. More important, the pet owner knows I showed him what to do, and he didn’t do it, and I am trying my best. Get double edged thinning shears! How often do I get a dog in who needed a haircut three weeks ago and the owner cut the hair around the eyes? Sometimes I can fix this...but

not always. Since they are going to cut anyways, I advise them to get double edged thinning shears. They are less likely to make a big booboo. I like the Oster & Master Equipment curved grooming rakes too, especially for Goldens & Collie types. Get the dog used to being handled. So many of my clients are mature adults with no kids. The dog is just there, or sitting on Mom’s lap. When I get them on the table, they become passive resisters. You know the type - they won’t stand up and they pull back. It used to be that obedience classes taught the basic ‘stand for examination’, but those kinds of classes are harder to find. If you can find conformation classes, they are much more informal, but the dog will get used to walking on a leash and being handled. This really helps with shy dogs. Please don’t put a sweater on the dog - get a decent dog coat. Sweaters are a joke. If it is really that cold, the dog needs a coat. And why shave a dog to put a coat on it? Another the dog cold? I have two Whippets; one dog who shivers looking out the window and the other goes out in all sorts of weather and never seems to get cold. A sweater is a fashion statement, and when you pull it off a non-shed dog, hello static and matting. What’s the point? Enroll your oldest kid (& the dog) in an obedience class... and get one of the great books on dog training. I have seen kids as young as four do amazing things with dogs. How can that be? They don’t carry a lot of baggage about how to communicate with the dog. They speak directly to the dog, and they expect results. They just need mentoring. Dog training classes are an excellent family experience. Plus, there are so many really good


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


September 17-20, 2015 Hershey Lodge and Convention Center Hershey, Pa

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


books out there. I always recommend “How to be Your dog’s Best Friend” by the Monks of New Skete, “Good Owners, Great Dogs” by Kilcommons and Wilson and “Dog Training for Dummies”. There are now many good YouTube Videos as well. Training a dog gives a child experience in exercising patience and leadership. You don’t want that smell from the shampoo to last more than a day. I love the Nature’s Specialties LavaDerm, and I really loved the Bark 2 Basics Almond. Unfortunately, one of the dogs I used the Almond on had an owner who was allergic to almonds and she almost went into allergic shock. I am not making this up. Phthalates.... have been linked to carcinogens. If it lasts more than a day, it might have bonded to your dog’s coat and skin. Better to use a spray cologne which is

much lighter and will evaporate. Let me know if you need training or grooming help. Or if you know of people who can’t have pets but want to help them. I am involved in many animal welfare groups, which always need volunteers. Safe Humane Chicago always needs people who can go to court as advocates for animals in the court system. In less than 10 years they’ve made a huge difference in how animal crimes are prosecuted, and the judges welcome us. Many groups need help with marketing or fund raising. Some of the shelters need dog walkers and socializers. If we can’t spread this information around, who can? Put an emergency plan for your pet somewhere most people can find it (the refrigerator door?). I have a client who is an old lady with

no living relatives. And it happened. One day, another neighbor knocked on my door and asked me if I could take Punkin. If I hadn’t, Chicago Animal Care & Control would have gotten her. Certainly, a ‘no-kill’ group would have snatched her up immediately...but this would not be so true for most dogs owned by older folks. They would be euthanized within days. I am working on getting an ordinance passed in my state to direct landlords who rent to people with no ‘next-of-kin’ or emergency contacts to ask how they want their pets dealt with. If you want to be that person, go for it. As a person who loves animals, you have an opportunity to offer more service than any retail pet or chain store. Sometimes, it’s a bow or a scarf. More often, it’s that you had a conversation with the pet owner, and they know you care. ✂

The Aqua Quest Walk-In Tub The Aqua Quest is our pro model walk-in animal bath used by more professionals worldwide than any other tub. This finely crafted tub is the top of our line model. It allows easy walk in ability for larger animals, with a convenient ramp which extends and withdraws into the face of the tub. The slide away stainless steel door allows easy access for larger animals as well as geriatric animals. Comes with 2 types of animal restraints: a tie out bar with floating ring as well as two eye hooks to keep animal safely secured inside while bathing .

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015








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irbrushing is here to stay and not just a passing fad. You do not need to make a huge investment to get started and it is a good idea to have temporary creative products at your fingertips should a client decide on a last minute design. It just makes perfect sense to be prepared and many companies are now jumping on board to supply these products to us.

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One important thing to remember is to always make certain to keep the needle in your airbrush gun clean. I usually clean mine with alcohol after each use. I use a small air compressor with a gravity fed airbrush gun, the ink reservoir is on the top. I have found for me this is the easiest way to go, it is also easy to change colors in between by adding some alcohol to the reservoir and running it through the gun, then a quick wipe out with a Q-tip does the trick for me. The most important thing is not to be intimidated by it so play and practice on a sketch pad to get used to it before trying it on a dog. I recently went to visit my brother’s family in Atlanta and took Harry LaRue along for the ride. I also just so happened to have my small airbrush kit with me. So being the cool Aunt that I am, we set up

an easel with a large sketch pad on the kitchen table so the kids could get in a little practice before turning them loose on Harry LaRue. I was so pleased to see these kids taking turns getting a feel for the airbrush and Buddie (10) and Linzie (12), both already knew what design they each wanted to put on Harry. So after a few minutes practice time we put Harry up on my brother’s kitchen table and Linzie went to work on her pink paw prints on Harry’s back. Then it was Buddie’s turn to airbrush. Harry was more than happy to be on the table getting attention, he loves those kids! In the end my two little creative artists had made a masterpiece of Harry. So don’t be intimidated by this little old airbrush, it’s tons of fun and temporary. I was super happy that I did not have to bathe Harry when we got back home, Buddie and


Linzie had done a great job. And Harry and I loved our day in Atlanta with family! ✂






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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015



MATTERS by Daryl Conner


It’s a brand spanking new year and I don’t know about you, but I find that to be rather exhilarating! I like to think of things I can do to make my life a little more fun, easier or more exciting during this time of reflection and planning. I also like to apply these principles to my grooming. Here is a list of 12 ideas that you might like to incorporate into your new year, or maybe you will think of things that suit you better. But at any rate, do embrace 2015 with some excitement.


1. Learn something new: Grooming is a career that has a fairly high rate of “burn out.” There are lots of great things about grooming, but we all have days where the idea of flipping burgers at a fast food restaurant for minimum wage seems like it would be a whole lot more fun. One way to combat burn out is by learning. Go to a trade show. Not only can you see the latest tools designed to make our work easier and discover how to use them,

you can go to classes taught by skilled professionals. See how to groom a rare breed just for fun, learn how to be better at running a business, discover how to groom cats or hand strip terrier type coats. Find classes that appeal to you and open your mind. It’s good for your brain to pick up new skills, and it is good for your soul too. I have never been to a trade show that I didn’t come back from energized and newly in love with my work.

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

If you simply can’t make it to one of the shows held across the country, consider signing up for a month on You can watch industry greats doing what they do best in the comfort of your own home, wearing your pajamas if you like! If even that is not in your budget, go spend some time reading all the wealth of knowledge at www. or petgroomer. com. Years of collective wisdom are

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tales fill the air. There is nothing like being able to pick up the phone and talk to another groomer when something goes wrong, or better yet, when you have a really great day and want to share it with someone who knows what you are talking about. 3. Mentor a beginner: Share your knowledge. It does no one any good if you take all the skills you have learned to the grave with you. If someone you know wants to become a groomer, consider being their mentor. Steer them in the right direction to learn all the things a really talented groomer knows. This can mean allowing someone to job shadow you for a day to see what our work is all about to a full blown apprenticeship, and many things in between. It’s up to you. Just think back to when you were starting out. Wouldn’t it have been great if someone kindly helped


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filed there, free for the reading. In addition, buy or borrow some of the fabulous new grooming books available to brush up (pun intended) on your breed skills. 2. Network with like-minded people: If you don’t have friends who are groomers, you should. No one else will ever “get you” the way another groomer will. Thanks to the internet, you can have cyber grooming friends with the click of a few buttons. But better still, try to have face to face meetings with groomers in your area. Nothing is gained from being adversarial with others in our industry. Invite your peers to meet at a pizza place to chat and share ideas, or invite them to your place for a pot luck and a grooming DVD viewing. I can pretty much promise the DVD will not get watched, as tales of anal sac explosions and funny grooming



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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


You’ve only got one body. Make this the year you pack a healthy lunch every day, drink more water, plan some gentle exercise and give up a habit that you know isn’t healthy for you. you on your way? Or if someone did, wouldn’t it be fabulous to pay it forward? 4. Invest in a new tool: Is there a tool that you don’t own that would help you work more safely, more swiftly and more comfortably? I bet there is. Set a goal and budget what you can towards the purchase of that tool. There is nothing more fun that having a new bathing system, vacuum system or the table of your dreams delivered to your door.

5. Learn to say “No”: As a groomer, you are probably a kind and nurturing person. This makes it hard to say “no” sometimes. Don’t despair, this is a learnable skill. Look at your calendar and set yourself up some days off. A real vacation, even! Then mark those days off in bold ink so you can’t sneak even “one little pet” in there. You need and deserve time off to rest. Saying “no” comes in handy at other times, as well. It is ok to refuse to groom the dog that you are pretty sure

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

is going to hurt you, and you can also refuse to demat a pet that is pelted. And saying no does not have to be mean. Often if you offer an alternative, people will be perfectly happy. Here are two examples, “No, I’m sorry I can’t fit your Old English Sheepdog in now as we will be closing in 45 minutes, but I’d be happy to do him on Saturday.” Or, “No, I’m sorry, we can’t leave a fluffy coat this time, but if you rebook for 8 weeks after today’s smoothie I’d be thrilled to give you the fluffy look you desire!” 6. Institute a price increase: This is always an awkward thing to do, but to keep up with the cost of living and to earn what you deserve, it must happen. Many groomers find that early spring is a good time to raise their rates, just before the busy season kicks in. One suggestion on how to do it is to tell customers during their appointment before the increase date. Try this, “Good news! I am getting a raise!” Most people will say something like, “Good for you. You deserve it!” Then you can add, “Spikes groom will cost $__ next time you come in.” Mark it on their appointment card and make a note in your file that they have been told. If the humorous approach is not your style, you can simply type up a polite, informative little note to hand them during the prior groom that announces the increase. 7. Learn to fire clients that you dread seeing: If there is a customer that causes your gut to clench with dread when you see their name in your appointment book, send them on their way. Life is too short to have to deal with people that ruin your day. Maybe the human annoys you, maybe the dog is impossible, whatever the reason, the quality of your life will improve if you don’t have to deal with them anymore. You can be gracious. Recommend a groomer that you think would be better suited to their needs, but don’t let them back on your schedule.

8. Do something completely different: Take a class at your local continuing education center about absolutely anything that doesn’t have to do with work. Trying something new is a great way to shake things up. It can be a one hour lesson on how to make goat milk soap or a 6 week creative writing class. New ideas and new energy in one aspect of your life can shake things up in all aspects. 9. Try some new products: It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with the same shampoos, conditioners and coat sprays. For a small investment you can buy a few new things to try. Some companies will send you a free or inexpensive sampler package of things to try. I’ve been grooming 30 years and only recently discovered how well the “quick drying” sprays work. They actually break the bond that water has on the pets’ hair, and they seriously

reduce drying time. Drying table toppers are another neat tool. They go on your table like a fitted sheet goes on a mattress. Put a bathmat under it and you will be amazed at how much faster your drying is. Bonus point; the fabric deadens the sound from the velocity dryer when it contacts your table top, making the drying less stressful for you and the pet. 10. Hire help: Book keeping is not my thing. It makes me feel sick with dread to think about it. So, I am happily committed to groom an extra dog or two in order to pay someone else to put my paper work in order. I’d rather wrestle a once-a-year Chow than spend time with Quick Books, so that is what I do. If there is a job you dread, consider grooming a bit more to pay for someone else to do it. 11. Take care of your SELF: You’ve only got one body. Make this

the year you pack a healthy lunch every day, drink more water, plan some gentle exercise and give up a habit that you know isn’t healthy for you. 12. Take charge of joy: If you love nothing more than soaking in a hot bath by candle light, make time for that. If a facial or pedicure is blissful for you, work that into your life once in a while. Maybe nothing soothes your soul like a walk along the beach or by a rushing river. Go do that. Sometimes we have to take charge of bringing joy into our own lives. Make this the year that you make a little more money, take some time off, learn a fun new skill and indulge yourself in things that make you smile. Because you, dear groomer, matter! ✂

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


Paw Inspiring by Missi Salzberg



ne of the things I do in the wee morning hours when sleep is unattainable is I cruise through the webpages and Facebook pages of pet-related businesses for ideas. Although I typically start my adventure looking for inspiration, I often end up feeling like writing an article about it instead! The unbelievably flexible, free, visual platform offered by Facebook is just amazing,


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

and yet many salons still either do not have a FB page, or the page they have is underutilized. The point of Facebook Fan Pages is to get likes and shares. Period. As a business-building tool it is all about letting the friends of friends of friends discover the amazing groomer and salon that is you, but without spending a penny. The trick is that everyone is so overwhelmed with content these days;

it’s got to be something of interest or of value to your audience to make them press that button. With that in mind, here are some things that are NOT that interesting. It just isn’t very interesting to repost cute dog pictures from all over the Internet. I agree that there is an abundance of over-the-top joyful photos of dogs and cats and bunnies; however, these pictures do not truly engage your

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


audience. They are a brief moment of eye candy, and then they move on. Another way to underutilize Facebook is to post pictures of every single dog and cat that you groom. I visited one FB site and that’s all they did, all day, everyday. The owners of these dogs will be tickled pink, but the vast majority of people that visit will see a groomed dog. Visually pleasing, yes. Engaging, no. These approaches are considered broadcasting. From an American Express Open Forum, “Ask any social marketing consultant what the number one no-no is on Facebook, and he’ll likely tell you it’s “broadcasting” your messages. Instead of providing fans with relevant content and engaging on a continual basis, too many people blast away instead of engaging customers. With Facebook, marketers of any size can do effective, word-of-mouth marketing at scale for the very first time. But Facebook is all about authenticity, so if your company is not being authentic or engaging with customers in a way that feels genuine, the community will see right through it,” says Facebook spokeswoman Annie Ta.

One thing to consider with the onslaught of material our audience is exposed to everyday is length. Twitter definitely figured out the attention span of the masses, and it is 140 characters! That’s it! You’re in — you’re out, in 140 characters or less. I am not suggesting that every post you make be that short, but feed the audience bite-size portions with significant content and perhaps a link to more lengthy material and you capture their attention for that moment they hover their mouse in your general direction. I do break this rule occasionally, like my year-end manifesto to my customers, but they have grown to enjoy the reflections at year’s end, but it is once a year! Let’s focus on the ways in which you can utilize FB and get those “Likes” and “Shares.” Be Authentic. Write to your customer base from your own voice, as if they are standing before you. Many customers choose independent pet establishments because they want that familiarity and connection. Don’t lose it when you use the online applications.

Solve A Problem. Again, bite-size portions of solutions to everyday pet problems. For example: One easy way to satisfy your puppy’s urge to chew when they are teething: Soak and freeze a rope bone. Add a drop of soy sauce. Satisfaction and relief. Chronic ear infections? Try a gradual food change to a grain-free, fish based diet. Lots of fatty acids to help support healing. Be Entertaining. People like to be entertained, and they love to take part in something that is fun and quick. Try some interactive posts that invite them to take part in something silly. One that I have enjoyed is posting a funny picture and asking people to provide a caption. Reward people for their engagement. On our FB page for my feed store, Chickadee Seed & Feed, we drive people to the page by releasing information there first. During our “Chick Season” when our customers are waiting for the baby chicks to arrive, we always tell them to check the FB page. It gets them in the habit of checking the site regularly, and we provide further content regarding sustainability and raising egg-layers. We are known for selecting unusual breeds of

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@barkleighinc Are Your Bathing Tools Getting Your Clients Clean in the FIRST Bath? Having to rebathe costs you time & money! The NEW YUPPY PUPPY BATH BRUSH reduces bathing time, leaves them super clean & ready for your finishing table. Gently lifts & removes dirt & debris Lathers up those “hard to reach” places Effectively removes undercoat for a fast deshed in the tub Scrubs dirty paws, nails & greasy ears clean Exfoliates scaly skin to promote healing



Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


chickens, and just being a little nutty about chickens, so we keep this page very lively, which brings me to my next suggestion. Spend the time. You cannot simply throw a fan page up and wait. You have to give people a reason to come back over and over again. You also physically have to stay engaged to get your posts on the screen in front of your clientele. It is a marketing tool, but you have to work it. I post every business day, typically. Run Contests. Our favorite is the “Show Me The Love” contest every Valentines Day. We ask for a selfie of customers with their pets, showing the love! Every year it grows. It is fun and engaging and people do love to see their babies on the Internet. I make a collage of different entries and the customers LOVE it. Involve Your Staff. Familiar faces mean a lot to our customers. At The Village Groomer, our groomers often

compete in grooming contests, and a quick pic of one of them with their ribbon or trophy displays their commitment to their craft. I have often found that customers will “Share” a picture of their groomer with a prize. It’s bragging rights, after all! Be Passionate. Postings that reflect an ideology, a belief, or a cause that you know will resonate with your customers are great. Educate. Some of the greatest response we’ve gotten has been to educational information, which customers really enjoy sharing. Be as personal as you feel comfortable. Have boundaries, but by creating a feeling of ‘family’ on FB, and being inclusive with your customers brings a feeling of connection. For instance, when Kathy D, one of my groomers, first became a grandmother, we got a huge response from a picture of her with Savannah and a few of the other staff people. Love

For all the latest pet industry news, visit 44

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

resonates. I hope some of these tips will help you further develop your FB presence. Our fan base grows steadily all of the time, and I believe it is because of the ongoing, interesting dialog we are having with our customers. These are ‘real’ likes, actual interactive people that visit our site and our store. A quick word of caution: Do not buy fake likes. One of our local businesses bought fake likes just after opening, and within hours, their FB page reflected over 10,000 likes. If these ‘likes’ are from the other side of the planet, what good does that do your business? The point is to engage people that will actually visit your place of business. Consumers are savvy and they see through falseness. ✂

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 32 Ed 4 • April 2013





hat if I wanted to use natural cleaning and disinfecting products for my day-to-day cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting needs? Do they exist and are they effective? The good news is yes, they do. However, some of these choices are not labeled for this practice, so we do not have a handy reference for proper use.

material. Biological material is hair, blood, urine, feces, and dander. Biological material is a vector for transmission of bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic disease and illness. Sanitizing reduces the bacteria on surfaces to a level that is considered safe. Disinfecting kills the bacteria. The basic rule of thumb is sanitizers and disinfectants work better on clean surfaces.


SOME ALTERNATE CLEANING SUGGESTIONS Good old soap and water. It removes the biological material.

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

Anytime you use soap and water on your equipment, dry thoroughly and oil. Wash hands between dogs for at least 20 seconds. UV sanitizers use ultraviolet light to sanitize equipment. The cons are that the light must reach the surface for twenty minutes. That’s for each side of the equipment. A piece of ceramic tile to cool down blades. It will take a couple of minutes. However, clean, wellmaintained blades will not get hot as quickly. Rubbing alcohol, vinegar, and

Pet Release Forms A Little Light Humor for a Serious Subject! These cartoony Pet Release Forms explain – in a gentle way – the pet owner’s responsibility to the groomer and give you the right to obtain emergency treatment for their pet. One popular television judge even sided with the groomer because she had her client sign a Fuzzy Pet Form. MIX & MATCH STYLES! 50 FORMS PER PAD


PEOPLE’S COURT! Barkleigh Productions, Inc. • • (717) 691-3388


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 32 Ed 7 • July 2013 READER SERVICE CARD #10245

hydrogen peroxide undiluted will sanitize. They need a minimum of ten minutes in order to be effective. Spritzing and wiping is not sufficient to sanitize. What is nice about these choices is they are easily biodegradable. Cats cannot metabolize hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol. Be certain to rinse thoroughly before allowing cats access to the area. 50% vinegar to 50% water is my cleaner of choice. If I want it to smell nicer, I add lemon, lime, or orange rinds. Steam cleaners use high heat to disinfect and sanitize. It also has the benefit of being effective on porous surfaces such as grout. Enzymatic based cleaners use “friendly bacteria” to remove “unfriendly bacteria.” This product will clearly state the directions on the label, as well as the amount of time necessary

to do the job. Baking soda mixed with a little water to form a paste will clean tubs. Charcoal bags will absorb odors and prevent mold. They are inexpensive and easily sourced on Amazon. Himalayan salt lamps will neutralize bacteria, allergens, and odors when heated with a candle or electric bulb. A heated lamp will separate the sodium and chloride ions. The negative chloride ions will attach to the positively charged toxins in the air and disable them. Keep a plate under the lamp, as salt lamps flakes when heated. Plants such as Spider plant, English ivy, Lady palm, Peace lily, Boston fern, Snake plant, Golden pothos, Wax begonia, and Red-edged dracaena removes formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, as well as other air borne toxins. However, many plants are

toxic to both dogs and cats. Air circulation. Intake and outtake fans will remove many airborne contaminants. As consumers are looking more to natural products, many manufacturers are accommodating that upcoming market. It has become easier to find ready made supplies. Education. Learn about the ingredients in your products. Products destined for human consumers may or may not have complete listings. If that label is not complete, their website will list full ingredients. However, products destined for the pet industry do not have to list them all, even though humans (groomers) are using them. Essential oils with antifungal and antibacterial properties. I am a long time user of such products, however, it is important to buy from manufacturers with integrity. Barbara Bird,

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 33 Ed 2 • February 2014


creator of The Scented Groomer line of aromatherapy products for groomers, says, “With the tremendous surge in the popularity of aromatherapy and use of essential oils, the demand is straining the supply. Unfortunately this has resulted in the appearance of adulterated products or oils that have been stretched by the addition of cheaper oils or poor grade distillates. It is important to purchase essential oils from trusted sources and companies with a commitment to quality and a history with aromatherapy. Expect to pay more for products using good quality essential oils.” NOTE —the reason cats cannot metabolize essential oils is because the have an altered gluconidation pathway in their livers. It means they lack many of the enzymes needed to process essential oils. Instead of eliminating them out of the body, these oils are


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

stored in their livers. Over time, this can cause premature organ failure and other health problems. And due to less than stellar manufacturing protocols, even “safe” essential oils may pose a problem. A shampoo manufacturer may not even be aware of the standards of the company they are buying their oils from. ESSENTIAL OIL CLEANING RECIPES Window Cleaner Add 4 tablespoons of vinegar with 12 drops of lemon oil in a 32oz spray bottle. Fill with water and shake before using. Multi-purpose Cleaner Start with 2 cups of water; add 1/2-teaspoon sodium borate, ¼-teaspoon liquid castile soap, and 36 drops of your choice of either lemon, tea tree, eucalyptus, or lavender

oil. Add to a spray bottle and shake before using. (Eucalyptus is my favorite.) Floor Cleaner In a one-gallon bucket of warm water add 2 tablespoons unscented liquid soap, 4 drops of lemon oil, and 2 drops of tea tree oil. Tub To 1-cup of baking soda; add 24 drops of tea tree oil, and 24 drops of grapefruit oil. Do I have cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products with chemicals in them? Of course I do and will use them if I think it is necessary. However, I prefer to use natural products for my daily use. ✂

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


THE LOSS OF A PET E by Joseph A. Dewan e

Association for Pet Loss & Bereavement Certified Bereavement Counselor and owner operator 1 HARRY PLACE Mobile Grooming



t’s a Tuesday morning when the dreaded call comes, (my personal belief is that no good can ever come from a Tuesday) it’s Mrs. Browne calling to let you know that Bisket will not be coming for his monthly grooming because after a battle with illness, Bisket has passed. What do you say? What do you do? That’s a tough question, because although death is a daily occurrence throughout the world, most of us spend a great deal of time avoid-

ing the topic. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that one should spend their days in terminal remorse and wearing all black like a Gothic princess, but the way we handle the loss of our clients’ furry family can certainly leave a lasting impression. Sometimes the passing is the final chapter of a long life, other times it might be from a sudden illness or the result of a tragic accident. Regardless of the reason, in the eyes of the loving

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

guardian, their pet’s life was never long enough. When the client calls they might seem cold or they might be crying their eyes out, either expression is valid. There is no wrong way to grieve, and there is no predetermined time to “get over it”. The five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) are not a laundry list which needs to be done in order, people can go from one stage to another and then back again. Grief is a

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


We can really only offer our condolences and point the client towards the right people and groups to help. Grief is a process which cannot be rushed. very complex journey. You should never say, “I know how you feel”, because one can never actually know how someone else feels, even if you have had a similar loss. Each person and animal is unique, as are there relationships and bonds, what they had with their pet was both personal and private. Saying “I know how you feel” can be considered offensive because it negates the special bond that they had. Next time you are faced with the situation, try saying: “I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. Would you like to talk about it?” We can always offer to listen and perhaps

share a memory of their furry lost loved one. Over the years I’ve found that the people who seem to be hit the hardest are the ones with no children or empty nesters. Many times these animals are treated with the love and attention usually saved for a child. This is why the loss can hit so very hard. We’ve all seen the 14 year old poodle with two teeth and cloudy eyes that is still referred to as “puppy”. I always keep sympathy cards on hand; some for dogs, some for cats and others for nonspecific pets. I used one of these cards when “Henry,” a Guinea Pig who I had done nail trims for many



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years, passed away. It’s important to get the card out as soon as possible. This might not seem like that big of a deal but to the client it will mean a lot to know that you share the loss. I also try to include a picture or two from the photos I have taken over the years of their pets “after” shots. I’ve even had hand written thank you letters sent to me because of the cards. Thanks to the internet, there are many resources we can provide to help. There is the Association for Pet Loss & Bereavement, which also provides courses to become a certified bereavement counselor, as well as holds an online pet loss chat room in which people can talk to counselors free of charge. There are also support groups for Pet loss in which people can discuss their feelings in a group setting. The one that I help support is run by an Emergency Veterinary Hospital and holds meetings every other Wednesday. Another online source is Books on the subject include The Loss of a Pet by Wallace Sife, Ph.D., and Grieving the Death of a Pet by Betty J. Carmack, RN Ed.D. We can really only offer our condolences and point the client towards the right people and groups to help. Grief is a process which cannot be rushed. When I pick out the pictures to go with the sympathy card I try to find one of the pet when he was young and happy to help remind us that in death we lose all the luggage and are returned to the spring of our youth with no aches or pains. As for the pets, I miss them too. I miss them all, it’s heartbreaking to say so many goodbyes but we learn so much with each hello. ✂

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015 groomertogroomermagazine

Dogs… and Cats, too

L❤ ve to be Professionally Groomed! W1334

#201 (HB-2)

#207 (R-4)

#209 (R-6)

#211 (R-9)

#212 (M-2)

Reminder & Klient Postcards Inexpensive • Convenient • Colorful GIVE YOUR CLIENTS A GENTLE NUDGE FOR GROOMING! #202 (M-1) Ethel... I think this dog is trying to tell me something!

Just A Reminder for A Very Busy Pet


#204 (R-1)

#203 (MV-1)

Large and Small We groom ’em all!

#205 (R-2)

Just PAWS-ing...


#206 (R-3)


OF 20, 50, 100, or 1000! 78

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 32 Ed 4 • April 2013

#208 (R-5)

#210 (R-7)

MIX & MATCH PACKS OF 100 WHEN ORDERING 1000! Barkleigh Productions, Inc. • • (717) 691-3388 Reader Service Card #9940

CALL ME! E by Emily Rupe e


s a small business, you’re always on the eternal quest for the next golden stash of new clients, and with it, the reputation of being the best groomer far and wide. In a service based industry such as ours, image and reputation can be the difference between a full client book and moping around listening to crickets chirping. One of the first and most often forms of communication that the potential treasure trove of new clients has is through that telephone handset. These key initial seconds of greeting and engaging set the tone of what your grooming represents. Growing up with a father in business and sales, even at a small age, phone etiquette and its importance


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

were drilled into my head. While he was selling bulldozers and cranes, and with grooming we’re selling our talents and experience, there truly isn’t much difference in how to interact with your clients in a manner that ensures the premier, professional service that pet parents demand. Much like an award winning play, a great phone greeting must have a well oiled script and performance. Of course there are some key acts your scripts must include. Upon answer, acknowledge the caller and thank them for calling your business. While this only takes about a sentence or two, you’ve already established a friendly tone, bestowed how much you appreciate them taking time to call your

establishment over another and reiterated the name of the business. The next act is to identify yourself and ask how you might assist them. By letting the caller know whom they are speaking with, you’ve made the employee accountable for the conversation and information imparted onto the client. This becomes invaluable when there is a discrepancy over a quote, appointment time or to give accolades for great customer service. The second aspect of asking how to assist is to once again reinforce that your business is here to cater to the client. A full example phone script may go like this,” Hello, thank you for calling As the Tail Wags Grooming. Emily speaking, how may I help you?” Simple, concise and much

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


A potential client can be put off by a hurried, rushed, brash tone. Whether or not justified, it can give the impression that you run an unorganized, assembly line type ship without the focus on the more spa experience. more professional than a mere hello or shouting out the business name. Once you’ve drafted the script, type it up and place it by the phone and in employee manuals so that the entire shop can answer the phone in the same manner. A great script is worthless with a lackluster performance. Of course not every day is sunshine, unicorns and rainbows, but clients calling


the establishment should be none the wiser. My family chides that my telephone voice sounds like I’ve been gorging out of the Xanax cookie jar. However, to the person on the other end of the line, who was not privy to the 5 minutes prior when I was yelling to the children about garbage duty, it sounds calm and cheerful. A potential client can be put off by a hurried, rushed, brash tone. Whether or not

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justified, it can give the impression that you run an unorganized, assembly line type ship without the focus on the more spa experience. Volume is another nuance to the phone persona. Ideally, it should be in medium volume and well annunciated. Speak too quietly and you’ll not only make the client struggle to absorb the information, but bestow a meek, unconfident image as well. Of course on the other side of the coin; loud, shouting tones and volume, not only are painful to hear, but give the impression of aggression. Balance and natural flow are what separate the blah from the wow performances. Once the greeting script and persona are devised, translate these methods into all aspects of phone usage within your business. Often messages are left for clients letting them know their pets are completed,


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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


make sure to take the professionalism and promotion you learned and employ them. A message script can be almost identical to the greeting and requires only a few changes. The appreciation moving to the end of the script, acknowledgment of pet and providing a contact number are the only differences. For example, “Hello, this is Emily from As the Tail Wags Grooming. I’m just letting you know Fluffy is all finished and available for pickup. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call us at _______, otherwise we’ll see you in a little while. Thank you and have a great day!” With those simple revisions, we’ve covered all our bases and given a uniform professional way for our business to leave voicemails. We want to impart that our business is going to be providing a great, consistent service every time and this does that without having to raise a single shear.

Also, create a proper message dictation procedure as well. A poorly passed on bit of information can put the caller already at a disadvantage right off the bat. It’s difficult to maintain a sense of professionalism and order if you aren’t able to return calls in an efficient and concise manner. Oral story telling is great, but not with business matters, always write the information down in print (some letters and numbers can be difficult to discern in cursive), for sake of a possible mental lapse. Time and date should be at the top so that each call can be returned in the manner it was received. Name of owner and/or pet and of course a contact number, should all be included. Any other instructions, or matter on which the call was made, should be concisely dictated as well. Having a well written message allows the individual making the return call to go in already knowing what topic

Read Groomer to Groomer Online!


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

or concern needs to be addressed in a timely fashion. If you can’t return your calls properly, clients tend to just call the next business on the list. While phone etiquette is only a small facet in running a professional establishment, it’s a cost effective and easy one to achieve. It takes no expensive equipment, only the desire and ability to conduct oneself in a certain manner. First impressions are priceless and it’s the societal norm to make the initial contact when searching for a new service through the telephone line. Potential clients won’t be able to gaze at your amazing skills or stand in awe of a beautiful facility if they are instantly repulsed when picking up that handset. So instead, armed with your new acting chops and script, charm and woo them into taking that chance and booking that appointment. ✂

Available Colors

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“This certifies that _____ has successfully completed a professional grooming in our establishment. Your pet has exemplified courage when confronting combs, brushes, clippers, and scissors and has shown valor in crossing the waters of shampoo, creme rinse and dip. It is with great pride that your pet has been selected as a Paw-fect specimen of beauty to be held in highest esteem by this grooming establishment.” Barkleigh Productions, Inc. • • (717) 691-3388 Reader Reader Service Service Card Card #9941 #9862

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 32 Ed 4 • April 2013








sian influence on freestyle pet grooming has been increasing in US popularity over the past five years, culminating in a catapult to fame recently. The unique head and leg styles are gaining acceptance in the freestyle grooming competition classes, raising the originality bar a bit higher. Because some of these trims require a keen eye and impressive skill to pull off, the technical prowess of the stylist is challenged as well. With that said, many of these trims are easy to execute if you know what to look for on your model. The importance of understanding structure becomes apparent with freestyle grooming in order to create the best


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

possible trim for your model. A pet with an extremely roached back or conversely, a swayed back may not be the best candidate for a shaved body. On the other hand, a pet with very crooked legs would lend himself nicely to full bellbottom shaped furnishings. As in all styling, consider the pet’s structure when choosing the trim. This trim is ideal for any drop coat breed. As in all grooming, meticulous prep work is essential. Begin with a thorough bath with a shampoo suitable for the particular pet and follow with conditioning. In this case we want the legs, ears and tail to be soft and straight. Fluff dry following the coat growth direction. Trim nails, pads and

underwear prior to styling. Fig.1) Straighten the leg coat with a flat iron set on medium low heat. Fig.2) Secure the topknot out of the way. Trim the eye corners with thinning shears. Use a #10 to shave the front of the lips. Begin trimming the body coat about two inches behind the occipital bone and continue toward the rear following the coat growth direction. Trim over the point of rump, falling off before reaching the upper thigh. Continue to trim the entire contour of the body and undercarriage, following the coat growth direction. Fig.3) Lift the beard out of the way and trim the sides of the neck and under-jaw, falling off before reaching

the shoulder coat. Clip down the forechest and between the front legs, following the coat growth direction. Fig.4) Note the inverted “V” of coat left at the shoulders and at the hips. Use a #7 or #10 to shave the cheeks and throat. Shave the ear ventilation strip, (coat in front of the ear). Use thinning shears to blend the cheeks behind the eyes. Fig.5) Lift the beard and blend the cowlicks on the sides of the neck and the under-jaw with thinning shears. Use thinning shears to blend the cowlicks on the point of chest and brisket. Fig.6) Blend the undercarriage with thinning shears, creating an arch at the tuck up. Blend the area at the shoulders, hips, point of rump and the sides of the tail base with thinning shears. Apply a small amount of a conditioning product, such as Colestral Chalk Helper™, to the bottom of the legs. This will help chalk or cornstarch to adhere to the coat. Brush a small amount of chalk or cornstarch into the bottom of the leg coat. These products will help to “body up” the silky coat at the leg bottoms, which in turn, will aid you in creating bellbottom shaped legs. Fig.7) Lift the front leg and trim only the excess coat around the pad of the foot. Do not trim into the leg coat. Fig. 8) Place the dog’s foot on the table and lift much of the long coat up and out of the way. Use curved shears held at a 45° angle to scissor around the bottom of the foot. Drop a bit of the long coat that you are holding, comb and repeat. Continue this method to “stack” the coat, forming bevels. Comb all of the coat down and then use curved shears, held at a 45° angle, to finish rounding the front foot. Fig.9) Lift the rear foot and while holding much of the long coat out of the way, trim around the bottom of the foot. Fig.10) Use a clip to secure the longer coat out of the way. Place the

FIG. 1

FIG. 2

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


FIG. 3

FIG. 6

FIG. 4

FIG. 7

FIG. 5

FIG. 8

dog’s foot close to the back edge of the table and use long curved shears to create a semi-circular bevel. Repeat this process dropping a little bit of coat at a time. Fig.11) Blend the longer coat from the front of the back leg into the semicircular bevel. With the dog’s foot placed close to the edge of the table you can scissor upward creating the semi-circular shape or “kickup” on the back of the lower leg. Fig.12) Finish all bevels with super blenders for a soft look. Part the top knot from the outside corner of the eyes to the front of the ears and secure with an elastic band. For very long or thick topknots (TK), divide the TK across the top-skull, from ear to ear. Place an elastic band on the first section and apply a bow. Next secure the back part of the TK to the front part of the TK with an elastic band placed above the bow. This will give the TK height and keep the long coat from falling into the dog’s eyes. The

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

long TK will hide the second elastic band. This model’s TK does not have the thickness or length for this method. Finally, trim the ends of the TK to a desired shape. Fig.13) At this point, you can simply tidy the beard for a long look. For a soft “donut” mustache, trim the bottom and front of the beard with curved shears. Fan the beard and mustache outward and then trim in a rounded fashion using curved shears. Application of spray, such as Thick and Thicker, will improve the final results. Fig.14) Use cornstarch to texturize the soft muzzle coat and then use thinning shears to shape and soften a full round mustache.

FIG. 9

FIG. 12

FIG. 10

FIG. 13

FIG. 11

FIG. 14

Practicing new and innovative styles will help to keep your energy high and your salon fresh. The Asian Fusion cuteness factor is making an impression on our Bread & Butter clients and keeps them coming back for more. ✂

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015




Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


CHRISTINE DEFILIPPO ANNOUNCES INTERGROOM CHANGES Intergroom will be held Friday June 5th through Monday June 8th 2015 and is returning to the popular Garden State Convention Center in Somerset, New Jersey. The Double Tree Hotel will be the host hotel. Joey Villani, who acquired half ownership of the show states, “I’ve been a part of Intergroom for 27 years and I consider it an honor to be a part of its great history. I want this show to celebrate its proximity to ‘The World’s Capital’ by continuing its international tradition. There is so much to learn from groomers from

all over the world and so much they can learn from us. We are rebranding the show as the ‘Big Apple Show’ to emphasize this point, but we will not get away from the ‘Red Carpet Show’ theme that this show is so known” Villani also announced that Intergroom will be retaining the services of the Barkleigh Productions team to take care of all the show details. Intergroom is an international grooming conference held each year in New Jersey. In addition to grooming competitions, the conference features an extensive continuing

Untitled-6 1

education seminar series with topics of timely interest to groomers and salon managers. Attendees also have an opportunity to view grooming and industry related products and equipment from over 150 booths at the Trade Show. According to DeFilippo, “If it snips, clips, brushes, detangles, lathers, rinses, dries, or has anything to do with dog or cat hair, you will see it at Intergroom. This is the same tag line Intergroom has used since its inception in the 1980’s - and it is still true!”

11/7/14 7:19 PM

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015







GROOM EXPO WEST 2/19/2015 — 2/22/2015 Pasadena CA (717) 691-3388

ALL AMERICAN GROOMING SHOW 8/6/2015 — 8/9/2015 Wheeling IL (717) 691-3388

PETQUEST 6/25/2015 — 6/28/2015 Wilmington OH (717) 691-3388

PET INDUSTRY CHRISTMAS TRADE SHOW 9/18/2015 — 9/20/2015 Chicago, IL (312) 663-4040

GROOM EXPO 2015 9/17/2015 — 9/20/2015 Hershey PA (717) 691-3388


PET BOARDING & DAYCARE EXPO 11/10/2015 — 11/12/2015 Hershey PA • (717) 691-3388

PET BOARDING & DAYCARE EXPO WEST 5/4/2015 — 5/7/2015 Burbank CA (717) 691-3388 AMERICA’S FAMILY PET EXPO 4/10/2015 — 4/12/2015 Costa Mesa, CA

NEW ENGLAND GROOMING SHOW 10/1/2015 — 10/4/2015 Sturbridge MA • (717) 691-3388

FLORIDA NDGAA FUN IN THE SUN 10/23/2015 - 10/25/2015 Orlando, FL (724) 962-2711

GEORGIA ATLANTA PET FAIR 3/5/2015 — 3/8/2015 Atlanta GA



NEVADA SUPERZOO 7/21/2015 — 7/23/2015 Las Vegas NV 626-447-2222

NORTHWEST GROOMING SHOW 4/23/2015 — 4/26/2015 Tacoma WA • (717) 691-3388


Barkleigh Productions EVENTS


2/19/2015 — 2/22/2015 Pasadena CA NORTHWEST GROOMING SHOW

4/23/2015 — 4/26/2015 Tacoma WA PET BOARDING & DAYCARE EXPO WEST

5/4/2015 — 5/7/2015 Burbank CA PETQUEST

6/25/2015 — 6/28/2015 Wilmington OH ALL AMERICAN GROOMING SHOW

8/6/2015 — 8/9/2015 Wheeling IL GROOM EXPO

INTERGROOM 6/5/2015 — 6/8/2015 Sommerset, NJ (201) 896-0500

9/17/2015 — 9/20/2015 Hershey PA

UPCO * OVER 60 YEARS * Since 1952


10/2/2015 — 10/4/2015 Sturbridge MA PET BOARDING & DAYCARE EXPO

11/9/2015 — 11/12/2015 Hershey PA -or-

All offers expire March

Barkleigh Productions, Inc. (717) 691-3388 • Fax (717) 691-3381


Proverbial Wisdom

Read Groomer to Groomer Online! 68

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts. Proverbs 24:3,4 Living Bible

CLASSIFIEDS Call (717) 691-3388 ext 210 to place a Classified. Rates: 25 words or less – $50.00. Each additional word – $2.00 each. Classified ads must be prepaid. Call for issue deadlines. Agency Discounts Do Not Apply.

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u min the ling hdanldilnintggo g o og anASdPET STYLISTS, n ideto o u g to a r e h uidoomiinngg g he d ng h uITiISdOUR e JOB TO EARN g n r m gthte dogdli o g THE oTRUST i g go mOF THE DOG. o g n o t o d o r r d g hdalinigde g g g n a h guto omin hnadndllinitntgoo g Learn how to take the idero u g o a e id u e g h uid ingrogominge d ng stress and frustration g gg th dli o out of grooming with in g grooom m g g hanide t gproper handling. grothe ddoo u min n i g l g in l d o and o hahgunuiiddeetoting grhoe dongg i o g ooomm t l g in d g r g o do han e t gr e id ing g e h t u n h i BUSINESS FOR SALE t l i Fergusonm rcg Ma d o o $14.95 g in l n o d t n a h a r e Ma h g

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970 W. Trindle Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17055


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015





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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015

PQGR00M.C0M PQGR00M.C0M Barkleigh Productions Inc. 970 West Trindle Road • Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 691-3388 • •






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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 34 Ed 2 • February 2015


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