Lighting Flow

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Lighting Flows Could light influence how people move through spaces? a light behave project by Tom FejĂŠr, 2012, TU/e ID

This document is an overview of a design research project which shows how can light influence the walking behavior of the people. It investigates how can this be used for speed up and slow down a group or using dynamic lights to affect on the walking pattern. The project has 4 activity tracks: observation to gather deep insights, exploratory research to define a initial hypothesis, an experiment to test the hypothesis and a demonstrator prototype design. The report includes various reflections after every phases where the key learning point and challenges are collected.

project by Tom FejĂŠr, 2012, TU/e ID contact: coach name: Rombout Frieling e-mail:

Table of Contents 6 Chapter 1- Introduction 1.0 - Introduction 1.1 - Process 1.2 - Stakeholders - Openlight and Philips Design 9 Chapter 2 - Design Approach / Method 10 Chapter 3 - Preparations 3.1 - Bootcamp 3.2 - Reflection 12 Chapter 4 - Observation 4.0 - Introduction 4.1 - Video Observation 4.2 - Insights and Discussion 4.3 - Reflection 14 Chapter 5 - Exploratory Research 5.0 - Introduction 5.0.1 - Description of General Context 5.0.2 - General Goal 5.0.3 - Concrete Goal 5.1 - Method 5.2 - Research



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5.3 - Conclusion & General Discussion 5.4 - Reflection Chapter 6 - Hypothesis-Testing Research 6.0 - Introduction 6.0.1 - General Goal 6.0.2 - Concrete Goal 6.1 - Method 6.1.1 - introduction of the method 6.1.2 - environment 6.1.3 - involved persons 6.1.4 - Task they had to perform 6.1.6 - Materials 6.1.7 - Data Collection 6.2 - Experiment 6.2.1 - Input, light pulses 6.2.2 - Possible Output, group behaviour/steering 6.2.3 - Experiment Infrastructure 6.3 - Results & Discussion 6.3.1 - Summary of the Hypotheses 6.3.2 - Implications of Findings 6.3.3 - Relevance of the Findings 6.3.4 - Conclusion 6.4 - Reflection Chapter 7 - Demonstrator Installation 7.0 - Introduction 7.0.1 - Introduction 7.0.2 - Concept 7.1 - Experience & Light Effect 7.2 - Infrastructure Set-up 7.3 - Conclusions & Recommendations 7.4 - Design Direction Proposals 7.5 - Reflection References Appendices

1 - Introduction 1.0 - Introduction

What one can see with one’s eyes is not ‘light’ but the reflection of light, this is how we perceive the space and our physical environment around us. Some spaces are not receiving sufficient daylight therefore artificial lights are being used. Currently the lighting applications, both in private and public, are passive and provides static light. There is possibility to create an innovative design which enhances the way one experience one’s surroundings by using technology and applied science to our lighting systems. For instance, passive, unnaturally lit environments are transformed into more meaningful and intelligent systems which have their grounds on studying natural human behavior and the current sensors and data processing technology. In September, 2011 a project called ‘Light, Behave’ was formed at the Technical University of Eindhoven in order to investigate further in relationship between human behaviors and light.


The project entailed the definition of 4 activity tracks:


In order to get a better understanding about the relationship between light and human behavior I did a field observation in the city center of Eindhoven during the night and I captured my findings in a video recording. The video showed patterns of people gathering together around lit areas and some “synchronization” of movements guided by lit paths. This is the reason why the focus on Social Networks turned to be an attractive research topic for this project to all the stakeholders.


Further information has been gathered to investigate Social Networks theories in details and filtered out to detect the topics that potentially could be part/base of the hypothesis. Network science provided a multidisciplinary research field where I could find exciting connections and applications between several scientific topics like artificialcomputer networks and biological networks. I applied the methodology of examine decentralized self-organized groups (such as bugs, birds, fishes, etc.) to the steering behavior of the human group in relation to light conditions.


In order to identify the specific light effects which can trigger specific steering behavior (e.g.: alignment in a pattern or distance between the individuals) I set up an ‘active experiment’. During the experiment I was monitoring the participants and tested as many effects as possible in the hope of instant behavioral changes. With this setup I intended to prove and specify connections between light and behavior without repeating the experiment over and over again.


A demonstrator prototype for the exhibition at the Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e) was designed to present the results of the research and the experiment. With this demonstrator tool the experience of a reactive environmental lighting system was introduced which would recognize the crowd patterns and support their natural behavior by adapting to them. 7

1.1 - Process

In this project I went through several phases to explore, test and define the natural human reactions in relation with lights in order to provide meaningful design proposals. The project lasted for 8 weeks and was divided into the following phases:

week0 - Preparation - Boot Camp.

First introduction and basic understanding on light design.

week1-2 - What happens? - Observe

Make observations in order to get the research directions.

week4-6 - Why does it happen? - Explore Exploratory research to define a hypothesis.

week7 - How can I use it? - Test

Test and refine the hypothesis (light principle) by set up an experiment.

week8 - How can I make it? - Demonstrate

Find the context and build an interactive prototype for demonstrate the ‘light principle’. My interest on this project was primarily focused on achieving a light interaction that was meaningful in affecting people’s behavior, how people react on each other or on their physical or natural environment. I succeeded to build an interactive prototype which was presented at the Technical University of Eindhoven which recognize and support the behaviour of the group walking patterns.

1.2 - Stakeholders

This project is a part of a collection of works and collaboration between the Industrial design Department, Technical University of Eindhoven, OPENLIGHT, the creative lab of the Intelligent Lighting Institute and Philips Design, Lighting. Cristina Ferraz Rigo, the senior design research consultant at Philips Design led the overall of the project alongside with Rombout Frieling, the creative director, founder and program head for Openlight. Other experts from People Research at Philips Design, Optical Engineering at Philips Lighting, Human perception at Intelligent Lighting Institute and Materials design at OPENLIGHT provided me with insights form their lectures and ideas throughout the process.


2 - Design Approach Using an alternative design approach as a baseline, I sought to find natural - rather than retrofitted - relationships between the role of light and people’s behavior. My objective was to apply the resulting knowledge and create meaningful and innovative concepts which can impact on people´s experiences. Hereby, I introduce my fourfold design approach (see the fig. below)


Firstly going out and engage with a range of people, zooming in on social interactions and everyday situations in the city, searching for various insights.


Specify a research direction based on one of the insight and explore the possibilities in that topic. This shall provide a strong starting point to define a hypothesis.


Define a hypothesis in relation of the research and lights and set up an experiment to confirm and develop the hypothesis further (Light Principle*).


Provide context which makes use of the behavioural principle (Light Principle*) to enhance experiences in a meaningful way and build a prototype which can add credibility to the findings of the research.

*Light Principle: summary of the hypothesis about human behavior including the relationship with lighting. 9

3 - Preparations 3.1 - Bootcamp

OPEN Light provided a one week intensive workshop where I gained knowledge on different aspects about working with lights. To be able to work and design with lights I had to extend my current knowledge about light phenomenas and properties of the light sources. First of all, when working with lights, one is not shaping a material. The purpose of a material is different in lighting design. The material can emit, reflect, diffuse, polarize the light by its material property. I need to know and experiment with different materials to achieve the required effect in my design.

fig.3.1.1 - light-object-human illustration 05-09-2011, TU/e - Openlight, Bootcamp

Light and darkness can influence our everyday life, how one feels

or sees objects or spaces. In principle everything what one can observe with one’s eyes is a reflection of the light waves and by changing different parameters of the light source (such as brightness, color temperature, saturation, relation with the space) it alters perception (see fig.3.1.1.). During this week I got acquainted with the basic techniques required for manipulating different light sources using a computer (and digital controllers for light effects such as DMX), summed to the fruitful series of presentations and discussions with experts from different fields about light design (architects, light and product designers). 10

3.2 - Reflection

The bootcamp was an inspiring and practical start of the project which placed me in the position of a light designer and made me face the challenges of working with lights.

fig.3.2.1 - Holistic view on interaction with products

When talking about design of light, a whole room or building, even whole cities can be part of a system. I used this attribute of light design as a starting point for my project and I made my first field observations outside in the city of Eindhoven. Even before I went to a field observation I realized the size of the workspace is a fundamental difference between ‘classic’ product design and light design, and it challenged me to adopt to a bigger scale of working. This completely different range of workspace required me to test my design concepts through several steps, such as first designing on a scale of a LED, then in a light bulb, and after in a small industrial halogen lamp which finally allowed me to lid up the environment to reach the planned experience. To think about light as a design tool, was certainly a milestone for my growth as a designer (fig.3.2.1; fig3.2.2). My understanding of the technical possibilities of implementing lights increased for any product or system I will design in the future.

fig3.2.2 - Holistic view on interaction with an environment


4 - Observation

Here are some sample stills from the video presenting different contexts and insights:

4.0 - Introduction

Light is a complex element of our life as it affects the rendering of the environment. To understand the relations between light and human behavior I needed reallife examples, I needed to observe true, current insights from my surroundings.

4.1 - Video Observation

In order to get deep insights about the relation of light and human behavior I did a field observation in Eindhoven at night and I captured my findings in video. Video was a tool to capture dynamic changes of the light and the affects on the city and on the people. My video is a ‘dynamic mood-board’ of people surrounded by city lights.(link to the full video: <http://vimeo. com/29923404>)

4.2 - Insights and Discussion

fig.4.2.1. - a couple sit at the memorial torch

fig.4.2.2. - an old couple stops for a moment to admire the city lights

This video shows several aspects of urban lights and different everyday moments in people’s lives on a nice autumn evening. What I was able to capture and communicate with the series of small video segments was a social aspect of lights at night. People meet and hang out in the city, and these hang-out places, parks, benches, terraces of restaurants or the stairs of the church are all lit with different quality of static and dynamic lights. Light has a strong social power, it can invite and bring people together and it can scare people away from places. The light itself is obviously not enough to create such social effect but can make a major difference in the usage of any public furniture or object at nighttime. The public lights ‘reflect’ on the city and the people who are living in it. Every city has its own urban landscape (identity) at night and shows how much the locals care about their environment, how they are using the differently lid spaces. The dynamic changes of the city by the traffic, traffic lights, movements of the people tells the city is alive by its lights.

fig.4.2.3. - light indications supporting the traffic, navigation

fig.4.2.4. - several light sources creating an warm atmosphere in a restaurant

fig.4.2.5. - people waiting, meeting, looking at the city lights


4.3 - Reflection Video

The video provided some insights of my personal interest in human social behavior and urban lights, and a great medium for presenting to the project team. This medium helped me to be inspired, communicate, document, and present my ideas and concepts in a different level than with still photos, sketches or mock-ups. A video composition is able to tell much more, can create a stronger atmosphere what would be impossible with series of illustrations or pictures. Therefore it was not easy to capture the insights by words and stills in the report above and still I believe the video itself tells a lot about peoples connection with light too.

Decision making

After the video presentation to my team members and stakeholders, together they encouraged me to define the direction of my project into the topic of ‘networks’ which can relate to the city and the social behavior within it. The video showed patterns of people gathering together around lit areas and some “synchronization” of movements guided by the lit paths. This is the reason why the focus on social networks turned to be an attractive research topic for this project to all the stakeholders.


5 - Exploratory Research 5.0.1 - Description of General Context

The research direction was specified to ‘networks’, ‘social and group behavior’ based on the results from the field observation and on the discussions with the project team. Further information has been gathered to investigate these topics in details and filtered out to detect subjects that potentially could be part/base of the hypothesis. I find exciting connections and applications between several scientific topics like artificial-computer networks and biological networks based on the multidisciplinary research field, called Network Science.

5.0.2 - General Goal

The general goal from this literature research was to find significant insights into the research topic of ‘networks and social/group behavior’. In this exploratory research I defined a hypothesis which I will prove and refine in the next ‘hypothesis-testing research’ phase. The results from the hypothesis-testing will provide information I will use for creating insightful and innovative interactions.

5.0.3 - Concrete Goal

The findings shall provide some ideas on “why”, “how”, and “when” the human behavior changes in a group setting in which my hypothesis will be grounded. Later on the hypothesis will be connected to the role of light in these behavioral changes.

5.1 - Method

The exploratory method consisted on finding and collecting interesting results from numerous type of sources (books, internet sites, online lectures - 5.1.1). I intuitively selected the most exciting conclusions and learning points (how decentralized self-organized networks been studied, and what attributes of the group movements identifiable) . After extracting these points, the idea was to relate them to the application of light in order to model and affect behavior in groups called the ‘Light Principle’. Based on this investigation the ‘Light Principle’ summarize the hypothesis about human behavior and the relationship with lighting.


5.2 - Research

Networks, such as the Internet, and social and biological networks of various kind have been the subject of intense study in recent years. From physics and computer science to biology and social sciencs, researchers found that a great variety of systems can be represented as networks, and that there is much to be learned by studying those networks. The study of the web for instance, has led to the creation of new and powerful web search engines.(5.2.1) The goal of a basic research of a natural phenomena (like behaviors of the electrons, gens, animals or weather) is to predict that phenomena by understanding and mathematically describing the measurable data which relates to the phenomenon. (fig.5.2.1) In some cases this method is not possible to be applied for instance the current technology is not able to measure the way how the neuron network in a human boy works therefore no data is available for analysis. Network science offers a different method to solve this problem, it suppose possible connections in a higher level based on the complex network behaviors are similar even if they are for instance from computer or biology.

fig.5.2.1 - illustration based on Barabåsi’s TV lecture. University of All Knowledge 2.0 - What you can do today, do tomorrow - Predictable dynamics in human behavior? [2011th April 04]


Network Science

Barabási is one of the most prominent scholars on the topic of Networks. A review on his work (Barabási 2002, 2010 5.2.2) provide me with inspiring ideas for my project and how it is related to current facts. For instance, by understanding the nature of nowadays monitoring and tracking systems (Internet, cell-phones) we can map our social or behavioural connections and increase our understanding of not only society, but other complex system behaviours as well (such as viruses or neuron networks) . See fig.5.2.2.

fig.5.2.2 - Illustration from the lecture called Creative Networking at the New York University Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP).

As James Fowler - an another renowned social scientist - specialized in social networks summarized his discoveries on the topic: “The same mathematics of networks that governs the interactions of molecules in a cell, neurons in a brain, and species in an ecosystem can be used to understand the complex interconnections between people, the emergence of group identity, and the paths along which information, norms, and behavior spread from person to person to person.” (5.2.3 - James Fowler answering the question “If you only had a single statement to pass on to others summarizing the most vital lesson to be drawn from your work, what would it be?”) The different behaviors such as communication or social behavior can also examined as networks, how the groups such as cells, insects, birds or fish communicate and synchronize into various patterns.


Synchronization, Communication patterns in nature / Flocking Behavior of Animals

fig.5.2.3 - C. C. Trowbridge: On the origin of the flocking habit of migratory birds.

Animal groups such as bird flocks, fish schools and insect swarms frequently exhibit complex and coordinated behaviors that result from social interactions among individuals.(5.2.4) In nature the main reason for this behavior is protection. That is why vulnerable, small animals are forming flocks or schools to avoid and confuse the predators. (5.2.5) In some species, animals may swarm so that the entire group enjoys an evolutionary benefit. All the army ants in a colony, for example, belong to the same family. So if individuals cooperate, their shared genes associated with swarming will become more common. But in the deserts of Utah, Dr. Couzin and his colleagues discovered that giant swarms may actually be made up of a lot of selfish individuals.(5.2.6) Next to the investigations of the motives why animals are swarming or flocking there are also intentions to model these behaviors.


Steering Behaviors in Boids

In 1986 Craig Reynolds made a computer model of coordinated animal motion such as bird flocks and fish schools. It was based on three dimensional computational geometry of the sort normally used in computer animation or computer aided design. I called the generic simulated flocking creatures boids. The basic flocking model consists of three simple steering behaviors (fig.5.2.4) which describe how an individual boid maneuvers, based on the positions and velocities its nearby flockmates:

Cohesion: steer to move toward the average position of local flockmates Alignment: steer towards the average heading of local flockmates Separation: steer to avoid crowding local flockmates (5.2.7)

fig.5.2.4 - 3 steering behaviors in Boids by Craig Reynolds


5.3 - Conclusion & General Discussion

My initial intention was to trigger people’s natural behaviors. I found it interesting to target the subconscious behaviors of humans which can be similar as the flocking and synchronizing behaviors in nature. Hypothesis: when people move in space they react to each other and to their environment; if the environment changes the reactions to each other would change as well. My expectations after the research was I can align this hypothesis to other network behavior phenomenas like flocking behavior of animals, and I can clearly define light effects which can influence specific steering behavior in the group. (For instance switching off the light would results no networking effect) Findings I planned to implement into my experiment(chapter 6): implement the methodology of examine decentralized self-organized groups (such as bugs, birds, fishes, etc.) into a walking human group (human-flow) reactions to lights examine the human flow in 3 simple steering behaviors which used for simulating coordinated animal motion which describe individual movements in relation to the other flock mates: cohesion, alignment, separation. (Craig Reynolds, Boids, 1986) The question (which I called, initial Light Principle) I was asking is: Is dynamic lighting influence the steering behavior and speed of the group? This ‘principle’ still needed to be proved and specified what changes will trigger what kind of changes in the steering behavior, this leads to an experiment where the initial Light Principle was tested. (see in chapter 6)


5.4 - Reflection Science and Design

Science is a really powerful tool for me as a designer for generating meaningful, innovative products or systems. I believe by understanding nature, biology, (e.g.: how the animals communicate or organize) I can apply this knowledge in the right context with a right interpretation. This methodology is also true for chemistry, physics, psychology, mathematics or social sciences as well. I am not an experienced researcher in terms of processing huge quantity of information, on the other hand I am an open minded and enthusiastic designer with broad interest of different fields of science and technology. As a designer I am using the knowledge of science and combine it with creativity, art, and a sense of aesthetics and user perspective. In order to design ‘good design’ I shall be open minded, show interest in multidisciplinary fields of science and technology, and be capable of finding the right ingredients for my design.

When I entered to the world of Network Science I had to go through the basics of this field to understand the mathematical thinking methodology behind the examinations of the very different phenomenas. A few examples for these: graph theory, small world phenomenon, 6 degrees of separation, Erdős - Bacon number, centralizes, decentralized, distributed networks, scaled and scale-free networks, strength of weak ties, from mapping systems to controlling them, Synchronization, Communication patterns in nature, flocking behavior. I believe these studies will become really important in design because our society and our life is tend to be more complex in communication, in services we are using to travel, entertain, work or study. This complexity ideally would make our life easier and more effective and that what design should provide and support by create systems and platform for this simplicity in complexity.

Information Overflow

Time pressure

The most challenging part in this phase for me was the time. There was a moment (after two weeks of research) when I was overflowing exciting popular science facts and phenomena by reading articles and watching presentations and online lectures. Then I had to stop my information gathering and intuitively sort out element of the exploratory research to define my Light Principle in time to be able to set up an experiment.


Network Science

One of the goal of the project was to experience a complex research based design process and methodology where the end result is a working prototype which added extremely lots of pressure on me because of the time limitations and the uncertainty of the end result. I think I handled it well in terms of the design approaches (chapter 2), but I clearly failed in documenting and reflecting on my acts during the process and that made it even harder to recall my thoughts and findings at the end.

6 - Hypothesis-Testing Research 6.0 - Introduction 6.0.1 - General Goal

After the exploratory research I defined the following initial hypothesis / Light Principle: Is dynamic lighting influence the steering behavior and speed of the group? I needed further research to use this statement and clarify the hypothesis with prediction which tells “what can I expect when something happens”.

6.0.2 - Concrete Goal

In order to identify the specific light effects which can trigger specific steering behavior (e.g.: alignment in a pattern or distance between the individuals) I set up an ‘active experiment’. During the experiment I was monitoring the participants and test as many effects as possible in the hope of instant changes. With this setup I intended to prove and specify connections in light and behavior without repeating the experiment over and over again. Operating hypothesis: I can influence the pattern and the speed of the people who are walking in group in a dedicated, closed environment by changing the attributes of the dynamic light (brightness, amplitude, speed).


6.1 - Method 6.1.1 - Indication of the Method

I used an experimental experiment method where I tested and refined the light interventions during the experiment. This meant I tried an effect, and based on the live observation and my personal judgment I would test it further or leave it and try an another effect.

6.1.2 - Environment

The experiment was run in a dedicated lighttesting environment called the ‘black-box’. This space is approximately 15 m2 and 4 meters high, completely closed, barely sound proof. Without additional light source the environment is close to pitch dark.

6.1.3 - Involved Persons

For the experiment I used 8 Industrial Design students from the Technical University of Eindhoven. Their age was between 20 and 25, mixed gender, with random social relationships (some of them knew each other some of them not)

6.1.4 - Task they had to perform

I asked the participants for constant walking - because after a few trial in smaller groups it was pointed out for me they would just stand or sit in one place inside of the room. Besides of this they had the freedom of walk, jump, touch or talk to each other. instruction: “There is only one rule, you can not stay in one place, you can walk, run or jump around just don’t stop! I will open the door when the experiment finished; it will take approximately 10 minutes.”

6.1.6 - Materials

For creating the light effects I used six 60W light bulbs, dimmed separately and manually outside of the experiment area. I added white paper cases in front of the light sources to diffuse the light. The shapes, sizes and orientations were varied randomly. To perform the live interaction I used a nighvision web-camera for monitoring the experiment area from outside. (see fig.

6.1.7 - Data Collection

The usage of the monitoring device was twofold: next to the live view I used it also for recording the experiment for further detailed assessment. The assessment will be performed based on the experience on light controls during the experiment by me.

fig. 6.1.1 - still from the experiment video; full video available online: <>


6.2 - Experiment

My research phase was focused on the behavioral aspect, so in continuum I needed to choose a light effect which could support my hypothesis. I decided to to work with dimming-light-pulses which would lit up different parts of the experiment environment with different intensity by time. It made sense to chose light pulses as my goal was to trigger natural reactions, there was a possibility I could use pulses more effectively for that purposes than static or slowly changing lights.

6.2.1 - Input, light pulses

variables that I decided to change during the experiment: - intensity - speed - amplitude

6.2.2 - Possible Output, group behaviour/steering

all three variables was changed manually by me in order to observe the changes of the following parameters: - pattern in terms of individuals relation to other ‘flock mates’ - separation (steer to avoid crowding local flock mates) - alignment (steer towards the average heading of local flock mates) - cohesion (steer to move toward the average position of local flock mates) - average speed of the group


6.2.3 - Experiment Infrastructure

fig. - experiment infrastructure

I set up the experiment such a way I can monitor and control the light pulses inside of a closed experimental environment where the external factors factors (such as sound, environmental lighting, daylight) are not relevant. A: monitor: night vision camera connected to a screen [F] outside providing live view even in lower light conditions (including recording the experiment) B: participants: 8 enthusiastic ID student (random social relations) - they were asked not to stay in one place in the room during the experiment (to see the ‘flocking’ patterns not the standing patterns) time: 10 minutes C: light sources: 60W light bulbs with paper filters to diffuse the light in space (x6) D: environment: black-box (dedicated room for light experiments and presentations) E: control: manual dimmers attached to the power plugs individually to the lamps


6.3 - Results & Discussion I. Using higher intensity, lower amplitude, quickly change light pulses the groups started aligning into a circle and by the speed of the pulses I could seed up or slow down the ‘flocking’ as well.


II. To hectic light pulses in different parts of the room the group separated to smaller 2-4 person groups and slowly these separated groups were circulated in the room as well (without formulating circle).


III. Slow and low intensity pulses in one side of the room made the group move to that side of the room where the light was coming from and they were walking very close to each other.


(6.3.1 - full experiment video available online [11min] <>)


6.3.1 - Summary of the Hypotheses

In the experiment I could confirm my initial hypothesis which asked that ‘Is dynamic light influences the steering behavior and speed of the group?’ . Furthermore I could specify this connection and define some major phenomena when the group clearly reacted to the dynamic light conditions by its movement. (see at 6.3.2)

6.3.2 - Implications of Findings

With this experiment I observed the following(fig.6.3.1 - fig.6.3.3): I. By increasing the light intensity the individuals started to separate which means in dark they are walking closer to each other and in brighter light conditions they are increasing the distance between each other (fig 6.3.1) II. By changing the speed of the light pulses the average speed of the group changed as well which results the faster pulses faster walking and slower pulses slower walking during the experiment. (see in the video - 6.3.1) III. By modifying the amplitude of the pulses the group can either align in a circular walking pattern or break the aligned-walking depends on the combination with light intensity and speed. So in higher light intensity with low amplitude pulses the group align in a circular pattern (fig. 6.3.1) and in medium light intensity with high amplitude pulses the group divide in subgroups and their movement are not clearly recognizable geometric pattern. The location of the active light sources was also modified the walking pattern of the group. The people walked in those areas of the space where the light were active which means when the waves were only active in one half of the room the participants were gathered in that part of the room.


6.3.3 - Relevance of the Findings

The predictability of experiment and possibility of repetition depends on several predefined factors. Here are some of my assumption of relevant and irrelevant parameters (because of the nature of my qualitative experiment I can not provide exact data):

parameters would not significantly change the outcome

- the results of the experiment is independent of the age or gender of the people (with infants and with elderly people the intensity of the reactions might be different) - social and cultural differences (relationships and background) would not change the experiment significantly - size of the room would not be relevant if the lights and number of people are in balance in it (if the room is smaller or bigger than a ‘reasonable range’ it would affect on the experiment) - density of the light sources would not change the outcomes if it would provide similar variety of dimming and would provide diffused ambient light effect - type of light sources does not matter if the meet with the requirements (same quality of white light and diffused, ambient effect) - the reactions looked so instinctive than I assume we can expect very similar outcomes with different living entities than humans (e.g. rodents, birds, fishes, bugs)

parameters can significantly change the outcome

- shape of the room can influence the people walking by itself (fo instance a non-symmetrical room would modify the circular walking pattern) - shapes of the light sources can change the perception of light and possibly add a strong meaning / message of the light - color of the lights can make the reactions too complex and unpredictable - not enough or too many people in the room can make the walking patterns less recognizable or it can limits the freedom of movements - add external factors such as sounds, environment lighting, daylight also make the reactions too complex to separate and identify their relevance

6.3.4 - Conclusion

without proving these factors relevance I can still assume some qualitative results can be applied in a non-artificial context therefore I can use them for designing an application:

in a one directional human flow I can use the following principals of my findings: - by increasing the light intensity the individuals starts to separate - by changing the speed of the light pulses the average speed of the group changes - by modifying the amplitude of the pulses the group can align or be nonaligned

the environment and the lighting of the environment can be designed to support the following requirements: - dimming the lights at different parts of the environment - the light sources are not disturbing the visual perception (are integrated to the environment) 27

6.4 - Reflection experiment set-up / documenting / assessing

By the nature of my experiment it was hard to document the complex movements of the people, and I did not have experience in such an experiments. What was really missing is a tracking system or method where I can add data bot to the light effects and the movements (such as speed, average distance, distribution). The other thing what would have been useful is to repeat the experiment in a several times to specify further the findings.

qualitative results

Unfortunately the the time-limitation of the project planning did not allowed me to repeat my experiment therefore my results are not proved and can not attached to any quantitative data. On the other hand it still provided me really strong qualitative information how can possibly the dynamic light affect on a group.

possible improvements

If I think back on the starting point of my experiment, the flocking behaviors in nature than I think it would have added an extremely strong credibility to my research if I would have made a similar test with animals and prove some strong natural phenomenas related to lights which can applied to humans s well.


7 - Demonstrator Installation 7.0.1 - Introduction

The challenge of this phase of the project was putting a light environment which can change the steering behavior in a meaningful context. Based on the research I decided to make a system which can potentially support the lighting of spaces where large amount of people passing by.

7.0.2 - Concept

I designed a demonstrator prototype for the exhibition to present my research and my findings. With this demonstrator tool I introduced the experience of a reactive environment lighting system which would recognize the crowd and by adapting to that, supports its natural behavior.

7.1 - Experience & Light Effect

I concluded to make the demonstrator reactive because my intention was not guiding or leading people through the space by a passive light effect, but supporting them with their natural light requirement both individuals and group by recognizing their activity. In order to reach a meaningful experience I added a individual light effect which makes it clear the system responds to the users (it means when a individual act than the system responds which makes the light and interaction experience much more tangible than a slowly reacting system which only reacts to the crowd). Therefore the system should provide interactions in individual and group level too, where the system detect, and adapt to a specific human flow. To demonstrate the potential of my findings from the experiment, I defined two layers of interaction: an individual layer and a collective layer. The individual level of interaction consisted of an individual light support provided by the system for making the light effect, and the experience tangible (fig.7.1.1 - A). When activity was detected in some part of the space, that segment would be lit up (fig.7.1.1 - a). The collective interaction - as a second layer - is happening in a bigger time scale and less intense way by adding brightness value at every action (fig.7.1.1 - b2) to the initial predefined light wave (fig.7.1.1 - b1).

fig. 7.1.1 - elements of the light effect A: individual level a: individual action - fixed amount of light added only when activity detected B: light-wave effect b1: initial basic light-wave b2: with every individual action modify the brightness of the wave C: collective wave: combined value based on the individual level and on the modified light-wave

My expectations regarding the affect of the system were the following: - when the space is quite only the initial light wave provide a calm welcoming environment - when there is low activity level the individuals are supported by light where they are but there is no significant change necessary in the global (collective) lighting - when the space getting busy the system would support individuals and dynamically provide light globally for the sufficient alignment, separation and speed


7.2 - Infrastructure Set-up

In order to realize these interactions I had to design and build the sensing-processing-output infrastructure. (fig.7.2.1)


A - infrared network camera B - walking path C - network rooter D - PC running Processing E - Arduino microcontroller with DMX shield F - DMX dimmer pack G - light source: small industrial lamps (400W) H - directions of the human flow


I choose the entrance of the exhibition space for building my installation because I expected big groups to enter via that door [H] during the exhibition so I could demonstrate the different effects in this particular situation.


sensing the activity location and intensity in front of the installation [B] infra red network camera [A] connected to a dedicated rooter [C]


analysing the activity and modify the data-flow to the output immediately [D]; separate the video-source to 5 segments (number of lamps I used for output) and with a reasonable threshold will detect activity in Processing which combine the predefined basic light-wave with the additional lights if activity was detected


the Processing sends data via port to an arduino micro-controller [E] which translate it to DMX via a DMX-shield [E] and send it to 2 DMX-dimmer-packs [F] which are separately controls the 5 halogen light sources[G].

(exhibition video: ) My intention was to show an environment-lighting-system not a lampsystem and based on my personal light experiments I realized what I need are strong light sources and bright surfaces (panels or columns) which can direct and diffuse the light to specific parts of the space. - light source: small industrial lamps (400W) [G] - panels: smooth, white, 20cm wide and 220cm high ‘shelf-panels’ An overview of the information flow can find in the Appendices (fig.7.2.2)


7.3 - Conclusions & Recommendations managed to demonstrate the following with the demonstrator:

- a reactive passing-through space where different parts of a wall light up the space regarding the activity in front of it - different overall light conditions in relation to how many people is was passing through the space previously - an attractive light effect

opportunity for improvement:

- a high quality interaction and as I planned (specially because of the sensing part, the lights interfered with the camera what I had no time to filter out) - a smooth transitions between different activity stages (sometimes it was really strong how the initial light wave was modified which leaded to other interferences as well) - the space was not big and closed enough to experience the changes of the steering behavior - the visitors of the exhibition were arrived in smaller groups therefore I could not really see what would happen in extreme busy conditions

7.4 - Design Direction Proposals

possible opportunities for prospect developments I see potential in an adjustable, modular infrastructure where the modules (integrated sensors and light sources) can be arranged regarding to the existing environment. In that way the system would support the development or replacement of the sensors and actuators. Based on the long-term, better understanding of the measured data of the peoples activity in different light conditions, the system would learn further what light effects would be supportive for the people who are actually using the space.

fig.7.4.5 - video still from Morning at the station; video link:


For exploring my proposed context I went to the station of Eindhoven and captured how I was passing by the space in different directions in a regular morning. This video just confirmed my assumption of a need of a better lighting support which can potentially increase the quality of the experience of the ‘flocking’. (fig.7.4.5)

application idea / design directions

During the previous steps of the project I was already thinking about possible devices and designs, how can the system look like. The reason the aligned panels on the wall was working well - what I showed on the exhibition - is because the lights can light up specific areas of the environment and the light effect became part of the architecture of the space (fig.7.4.1). The downside of this idea is the strong architectural effect which makes it hard to implement the system in existing places. Before this design direction I had two other ones based on lamp-modules one of them was a flat surface which can provide light effects by emitting different parts of the surface (as a display) and the angle would be adjustable regarding the context (fig.7.4.2 , fig.7.4.3). The other direction was a triangular standing element which would light up in different height (fig.7.4.4). Both application ideas has design potential to use them in an environment light system.

fig.7.4.1 - 3D simulation of a crowded station with the Light Flow

fig.7.4.4 - sketch of a lamp module idea 2

fig.7.4.2 - sketch of a lamp module idea

fig.7.4.3 - video still of a module with the light effect video link:


exploratory prototypes

As it was mentioned in the introduction, this project was planned for 8 weeks and for developing a design proposal there was not sufficient time reserved. I had time for making some small exploratory prototypes and mock-ups which was not developed further but gives an idea about the potential in environment lighting system modules. prototype video links:


- most of the people saw more possibility in using my findings in emergency situations (such as fire or earthquake) or for commercial use to guide and control the customers in a shopping mall and inside of the shops. - I received some interesting suggestion how a farm would benefit from such a light guiding system when they need to transfer group of animals or make them move in different patterns

7.5 - Reflection quick prototyping

I put extremely lots of effort in the last phases of the project to design a demonstrator and generate application ideas. I made different prototypes, with LEDs, light bulbs, at different part of the school to experiment with the light effect; I built differently sized and shaped lamps from paper, cardboard, plywood and I was drawing and even simulated light rendering effects on the computer in 3D (see fig.4.1.). At the end these explorations are not connected that strong to the project but shows my enthusiasm and variety of my design skills in concept creation. feedback from the exhibition & potential in the results After the exhibition it was clear that people enjoy and appreciate an attractive and reactive light application in their environment. So the topic is relevant and worth to investigate further the meaningful application possibilities in the future. The function I proposed, the ‘natural light support’ for the human flow was not that easily acceptable from the audience and most of the initial reactions was suggestions to use it as a ‘guidance’ in extreme situations, only when it is necessary. I agree with them, that would be a fairly practical usage of a light system what can influence the human flow. Still I strongly believe in the potential of an intelligent system which recognize, understand and align the light conditions regarding to the ‘flocking behavior’ of the people in public therefore the artificial lighting would became ‘natural’ and ‘supportive’ and not only ‘practical’. 34

References 5.1.1 - Hungarian online video lectures: Easier control over social networks like cellular networks (12 May. 2011)


University of All Knowledge 2.0 - What you can do today, do tomorrow - Predictable dynamics in human behavior? (04 Apr. 2011) <>

Be data-conscious! (15 Jan. 2011.)


5.2.1 - The structure and dynamics of networks; Mark E. J. Newman, Albert-László Barabási, Duncan J. Watts, 2006 5.2.2 - The New Science of Networks: Alber-László Barabási, 2002; Bursts: The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do: Alber-László Barabási, 2010. 5.2.3 - Collective Animal Behavior - Princeton University (Jan. 2012) <>

5.2.4 - James Fowler answering the question “If you only had a single statement to pass on to others summarizing the most vital lesson to be drawn from your work, what would it be?”) in Starting Over, SEED, (22 Apr. 2011) 5.2.5 - ‘TED 2008 - Steven Strogatz: How things in nature tend to sync up’ (2012, Jan.) <>

5.2.6 - From Ants to People, an Instinct to Swarm, The New York Times; Published: November 13, 2007 (Jan. 2012) <>

5.2.7 - Boids (Flocks, Herds, and Schools: a Distributed Behavioral Model) (Jan. 2012) <>

6.3.1 - full experiment video available online [11min.] <>

Figures: fig.3.1.1 - light-object-human illustration, TU/e - Openlight, Bootcamp (09 May. 2011) fig.5.2.2 - Illustration from the lecture called Creative Networking at the New York University Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP). It is an introduction to complex networks within the context of the arts. It focuses on understanding the structure and dynamics of large-scale networks and expanding the individual’s thinking about the network as a creative medium. (Jan, 2011) fig.5.2.3 - C. C. Trowbridge: On the origin of the flocking habit of migratory birds. The Popular science monthly,Volume 84, p213. New York, Popular Science Pub. Co. (Mar. 1914) <>



fig.7.2.2 - information flow for the demonstrator prototype


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