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Join the Circle Society
The Circle Society recognizes those who have included Groton School in their estate plans. There are many approaches:
Give with Your IRA: Qualified Charitable Distribution
If you are 70½ or older, you can make a tax-free gift of up to $100,000 to Groton School directly from your IRA account.
Use Appreciated Securities
You receive an income-tax charitable deduction equal to the full market value and avoid capital gains tax on the securities that you contribute.
Create Gift Annuities
Charitable gift annuity rates are generous and are an attractive option when funded with appreciated securities. You receive fixed payments for life.
Designate a Beneficiary
Many financial accounts—bank and investment accounts, retirement plans like a 401(k) or 403(b)—allow you to designate Groton School as a beneficiary to receive the balance in your account when you pass away.
A charitable gift from your estate helps you achieve your financial goals, maintain control of your assets, and benefit Groton.
To learn more, visit legacy.groton.org or contact Giulia King at 978-448-7597 or gking@groton.org.
P.O. Box 991 Groton, Massachusetts 01450-0991
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WHO PLAYED with this well-worn baseball glove? One of Groton's most beloved faculty members and legendary coaches, Junie O'Brien. He joined Groton's faculty in 1948, teaching English until 1980 and coaching both ice hockey and baseball. With a school ice rink named for Coach O'Brien, some may not realize his dedication to baseball. He stopped coaching hockey in 1969 but continued guiding players on the diamond until 1973.