This document se implementation o provide a flexible global consistenc initiative. A strong an organisation o customer choosin and written expre promise to delive it needs to be ap in doing this and here to help you.
Th s is our kit-of-parts built with a l the e ements we have created to bring the ArkVets visua identity to life
1Defining the Brand06
2Brand Values08
3Brand Personality09
4Brand Voice11
In this section, we outline the building blocks of our brand, including who we are, what we stand for, what sets us apart, our personality, why we choose the words we use and how we’ve decided to show up in the world.
5How We Speak12
6Brand Messaging13
more wag less bark & even more smiles
n this section we out ine the bui ding blocks of our brand, nc uding who we are, why we exist what sets us apart our purpose vision and mission.
Our unique offer ng: how we describe ourse ves to others
ArkVets is a platform that allows you to order ahead food and coffee.
Why we ex st the b g dea beh nd our brand and why we do what we do
ArkVets let’s you save time and enjoy your favourite coffee spots, and restaurants in your city. Order coffee, burgers, smoothies, sushi, pizza and more with ArkVets. Order what you want, when you want it.
What we want to ach eve: our north star our ong-term goa and aspirat on for the future
We remove the daily hassle of waiting for your favourite coffee or meal when you’re pressed for time.
How we are go ng to do t an act onorientated statement out ining how we are go ng to ach eve our v s on
We reimagine the way the world orders food and coffee for the better
Our mission is to make ordering ahead effortless and easier for customers and businesses.
Who we are is ref ected in our va ues These are the central and key benef ts that gu de our actions, unite our people and upho d our mission.
Our values underpin everything we do at ArkVets — we believe that building community is essential to building a great product. We are caring, open, honest, courageous and focused on creating an impact.
We’re caring Connection and kindness are core to our cu ture. We strive to leave the world in a better place than we found it and our act ons are informed by the principles of inc usivity empathy and respect.
We’re open and honest
We focus on lifting each other up and bui ding relationships within our team and with our customers by communicating with honesty transparency, and clarity
We’re courageous We’re about taking initiative, being bold, and shooting for the stars We’re building the future of hospitality by tackling big, scary, and exciting chal enges ike our future depends on it.
We’re focused on impact
We’re built for the hospitality industry and try to make complex things simple. We ask why until we get to the core and continually focus on solving the right problems so we can positively impact the lives of our customers
Friendly Witty. Cheeky
Confident Playful
Human. Enthusiastic
Energetic Curious
Our brand is a reflection of who we are as a company and what we represent n the world of work If noth ng e se our outward-facing brand shou d represent the best of what we bring to work as co leagues at this company
We have one brand voice Consistency bui ds credibil ty and trust with our customers Brand vo ce is derived from our brand personal ty However just like a human, our vo ce can and shou d f ex for different occasions topics, and med a As a brand, we speak differently in a social med a post than in an email just ike humans speak differently when texting a friend or emai ing a boss These characteristics gu de how we ta k wherever we are We connect meaningfu ly w th our audience when our words, actions and va ues al gn
We are enthusiastic, confident, witty and approachable. These four characteristics define how we talk, wherever we are, with the degree to which they do changing based on platform and audience.
We’re comfortable in our skin and talk to peop e at eye evel, keeping the language simple conversational and authentic What you see is what you get: our ingredients are real and so are we
We are confident and proud of our products We are real and relatab e
We are not arrogant, but confident in what we do We do not hide behind the status quo - we are bold and unafraid
We’re smart and quick. We poke a ittle fun at ourselves and others
We never take ourselves too seriously We know what’s going on in culture and reference it without seeming too try-hard
We are full of energy and enthusiasm We unashamed y revel in our food and its de iciousness with bold upbeat adjectives that describe the taste, look and texture
We are clear, not terse
We are real not pretentious
We are friendly not false
We are bold not flashy
We are proud, not vain
We are assertive, not aggressive
We are sarcastic, not cruel
We are ironic, not jaded
We are smart, not highbrow
We are energetic, not obnoxious
We are excited not naive
We are spirited, not childish
We a l express ourselves s ightly different y with different groups of people but these expressions should always be bound by a common tone Our vo ce sn’t ust an ntrinsic part of the product it’s an externa representation of the peop e behind t When representing our brand, use the fol owing check ist to ensure an appropriate tone n both the wr tten and spoken word.
When representing our brand, use the following checklist to ensure an appropriate tone in both the written and spoken word. To achieve our voice, we use these core copy practices.
We are clear
We don’t hide behind fluffy marketingspeak industry jargon or bland clichés
Using clear, simple language is key to us connecting with our audience.
We are conversational We are a human brand so we speak person-to-person not company-toperson.
We are connecting It’s only when we tru y understand our audience that we can connect with them
We zero in on insights that are relevant to our audience we’re not generic
and wr te as an equal (empathise) Do share knowledge and ideas in an accessib e way Do be mindfu of inc usiv ty
Our messaging s how we communicate to our customers and highlight the value of our products and services It s the b g-p cture message we want to convey to our customers. t is important to have consistent, c ear and concise messag ng across a l p atforms and touch points.
Making ordering ahead effortless for everyone, everywhere.
Save time. No wait. No wallet.
Skip the queue. Order with a tap.
Discover, order, track in the app.
Order whenever and wherever you like.
Order ahead at the tap of a button.
Calyspo is the easy way to order ahead for the food and coffee you love.
ArkVets let’s you save time and enjoy your favourite coffee spots and restaurants in your city. Order coffee, burgers, smoothies sushi, pizza and more with ArkVets.
We remove the daily hassle of getting a good coffee or meal when you’re pressed for time.
Order what you want, when you want it. Tap to pay and track your order in real-time.
Key Descriptive Messaging
2 1Logo Overview17
2 2Logo Hierarchy18
2 3Logo Construction19
2 4Logo C earspace20
Our logo is the central element in our visual communications system. It is a universal signature across every channel and is the most immediate representation of our company, our people, and our brand. Sounds pretty important right? That’s why we wrote so many fun rules for its use.
2 5 con Usage21
2 6Logo Co our Usage22
2 7Logo Placement24
2 8Logo Misuse25
The ArkVets logo is a valuable asset that must be used consistent y in the proper approved forms. The fol owing pages show the ns and outs of our logo system and guide ines for its use and app ication
Through consistent use in al of our commun cat ons, the ogo becomes a v sual shorthand that identif es ArkVets and symbo cal y embodies ts values, goals and persona ity
Our logo consists of a wordmark and con The icon and wordmark can be used independently or locked up together
Logo Primary Mark
The ogo s our primary logo. It cons sts of the icon and wordmark ocked up nto a s ngle mark The logo s meant for use n scenar os where brand recogn t on s re at ve y ow the ma ority of externa fac ng communicat ons Th s ogo s the defau t
con Secondary Mark
The con is our secondary mark It s the graph c portion of the ogo and consists of three cups. The con s meant for use n context where high brand recogn t on ex sts such as on product emai s on d g ta propert es and for internal use
Wordmark Tertiary Mark
The wordmark s our tert ary mark t is the typographic portion of the ogo and consists of the typeset characters n our name ts funct on s that of a support ng dev ce meant to be loose y pa red with the icon or emp oyed as a graphic e ement
Wordmark Logo
The x-he ght of the wordma k is equal n he ght w th the ntersect on o the top two cups in the icon
The d stance between the con and wordmark s the same w dth o the etter in the wordmark
Typeface Bricolage Grotesque Cond
Weight Bold Tracking -30 Case
Lower case Colour ArkVets green
The specif cat ons detai ed here are meant to show elements of the ogo bui d These are not meant as nstructions to bu ld your own ogo Off c a ogo f les are ava ab e for al manner of appl cations. P ease don t bu ld your own ogo
Ha the he ght o the con s equa to the edge o the arge cup
The c earspace ensures egib ity and impact of the ogo by so ating it from competing visua e ements, such as text and supporting graphics This space shou d be cons dered as the abso ute m n mum safe distance
ensur ng the logo has p enty of room to breathe As a ru e the minimum c earspace around the ogo s equal to the height of the ogo f you are using the con nstead of the ogo the same ru es app y
When sca ng the logo a m nimum size must be adhered to so that egibi ity is retained When printed the logo must be at least 6mm in height When disp ayed d g ta ly it must be at east 20px n he ght
Logo He ght
C earspace
100% of ogo he ght
We use the con only for our fav con social avatars and app t le. Th s design has the unique abi ity to be egib e at smal sizes
Here the margin size s equal to one th rd of the size of the con ensur ng enough room to breathe
n soc a s tuations we never shout So here the con s a l tt e sma er whi e st l s tting s ght y to the r ght to make t opt ca ly centra t ooks best that way
Social Avatar
Our colour pa ette is f exib e and a lows for unique and ownab e co our combinat ons, but colour pa rings need to be regulated to mainta n a cons stent brand mpress on
Colour s the f rst visua thing we remember and a powerfu asset in bui ding brand recognit on Our colour s green. We use t first, ast and for near y everything in between
Our ogo may be used n ArkVets Green or Forest Green If colour is not an option for technica reasons or f the brand green acks contrast or competes with other visual e ements use either the b ack or wh te ogo options Over photography you may use ArkVets Green but ensure it s clear and egib e
ArkVets Green on dark backgrounds Forest Green on ArkVets Green backgrounds Forest Green on ght backgrounds White on black backgrounds Black on wh te backgrounds ArkVets Green for use on photographs
When deep into a marketing appl cation, you can a so apply our secondary palette to our ogo If it feels appropriate Use the e ements n your piece of communication to determ ne the colour of your logo for maximum contrast and c arity
Forest on L me
Forest on ArkVets
ArkVets on Forest
Capr on Sky
Sky on Capr
Sky on Midn ght
Orch d on Pink
Rose on Orch d
Orch d on Rose
Claret on Peach
Claret on Sangr a
Sangr a on C aret
P acing our ogo n the corner makes it nice and visible w thout taking up too much room especia ly d gital y t can be placed centra ly ust give it plenty of space and make sure t optical y aligned The p acement options are:
t is important that the appearance of the ogo remains cons stent The ogo should not be m sinterpreted, modified or added to No attempt should be made to alter the ogo n any way Its orientation and composition shou d remain as ndicated in this document
To i lustrate this point here are some mistakes to avo d
Don’t outline the logo
Don’t flip the logo
Don’t place the logo on an angle
Don’t add effects to the logo
Don’t change place the cat and dog above the letters
Don’t change the typeface of the logo
3.1Colour Overview27
3.2Primary Palette28
3.3Secondary Palette29
3.4Co our Combinations30
Colour means everything to us. It brightens our day and helps define who we are. It’s one of the strongest elements we use to connect with our audience. It simultaneously establishes tone and aids in the recognition of our brand across all communications, thus the balanced use of colour is crucial.
3.5Type & Colour31
3.6Colour Usage Examples32
3.7Colour Misuse36
Colour Design
Blending 5P’s / Look / Feel / Tone / Voice together to generate a cohesive and vibrant voice that covers all aesthetic intelligence with our unique words, phrases and ism’s that create our brand expression that is unique to us.
Our secondary colours are established to enable visual system of wayfinding when presenting each category or line of business.
Urgent | Chronic | Wellness | Comfort
Th s is our pr mary palette and should be used n all brand communications
ArkVets is our pr mary brand co our our aim is to dr ve brand recogn tion through the ncreased use of this green
Forest is used as a background co our or text colour on l ght backgrounds
Lime also p ays a key role in our palette It he ps create balance and legib lity for typograph c content as wel as h ghlighting various brand e ements
M nt is used as a background colour or text colour on dark backgrounds When app ied it takes the edge off a stark white page.
L me
Th s is our secondary pa ette and s used to enhance applications under limited c rcumstances Whi e our secondary co ours are ess ownable than our primary palette these colours are primari y used within i lustration or n certain appl cations when comb ned w th colours from our primary pa ette.
Dark colours can be used as a background colour or text colour on light backgrounds
Br ght co ours can be used to draw attent on and highlight various brand e ements
Light colours can be used as a background colours or text colour on dark backgrounds
Our colours help bring our brand to life so we shou d use a variety of combinat ons to keep t looking fresh Shown here are examples that shou d act as guidance on how we can use different colour combinations when building creative
Note that we should always lead w th our pr mary colour and use other co ours from our palette as accent co ours This w ll allow us to turn the volume up or down on our brand output
Colour ba ance A s mple rule for creat ng balanced co our palettes is the 60/30/10 rule
Th s is where the dominant colour takes up 60% of the pa ette, the secondary co our takes up 30% and accent co our takes up the rema ning 10%
Th s formu a works because t creates a sense of balance and al ows the eye to move comfortab y from one foca point to the next
Our colour comb nations are purposefully complementary striking and accessible. They were made to match up, so let’s keep them that way Here are a few high contrast comb nations.
ArkVets on Forest Sky on Midn ght
These are examples of how our co our pa ette would be best applied to mainta n consistency of look and feel on larger brand init atives, moments and campaigns
We Make Magic Happen Everyday
Skip the queue. Order ahead for your favourite coffee.
These are examples of how our co our pa ette would be best applied to mainta n consistency of look and feel on larger brand init atives, moments and campaigns
We Make Magic Happen Everyday
Skip the queue. Order ahead for your favourite coffee.
These are examples of how our co our pa ette would be best applied to mainta n consistency of look and feel on larger brand init atives, moments and campaigns
We Make Magic Happen Everyday
Skip the queue. Order ahead for your favourite coffee.
We remove the dai y hass e of getting a good coffee or mea , when you’re pressed for time
3 Colours n th s example Forest takes up 60 percent of the palette L me takes up 30 percent and ArkVets Green s used as the accent colour to high ight the ogo
Th s is a quick gu de to ensure legibi ity when wr ting messaging on a range of background colours
Don’t use illegible colour combinations
Don’t create gradients out of our colours
Don’t adjust the transparency of colours
Don’t mix vivid colours in one palette
Don’t modify the brand colours
Don’t modify logo colour
4.1Typography Overview38
4 2Primary Typeface39
4 3Secondary Typeface40
4.4Type Size Relationship41
Typography is an essential element in our visual language. Our typographic system is built on legibility and accessibility. It’s clear, bold and endlessly expressive. It’s a keystone of our identity, and through careful and consistent application of typographic principles across all communications, a vital tool in building brand recognition.
4.5Setting Type42
4.6Type Hierarchy44
4.7Typographic Example45
4.8Type Misuse46
Typography is a key element in our brand t works to maintain consistency create c arity and provide equ ty to our brand t is important to adhere to the typographic hierarchy specified n this document to he p achieve brand consistency and recogn tion
We use Br co age Grotesque Condensed for our headlines and Helvet ca Now for our sma l head ines subheads and body copy
Br co age Grotesque Condensed is a display typeface and is designed to be used in sma l quantit es at large sizes Helvet ca Now is a egib e and funct ona typeface that works across a l appl cations and sizes.
Our primary typeface is He vetica Now It is a simple and legible sans-ser f typeface that compl ments our ogo
He vetica Now s simplic ty, c arity and rounded forms make it the perfect functiona typeface for us A ways defau t to Helvet ca Now Un ess you’re being expressive use Helvet ca Now to make sure you commun cate easi y with everyone
Typeface Weights We use five weights of He vetica Now throughout our communicat ons
To ensure sufficient contrast skip a weight Never pa r two weights that are one grade from each other such as Regular and Medium.
Helvetica Now
Light Helvetica Now
Regular Helvetica Now
Bold Helvetica Now
Black Helvetica Now
0123456789 !?$£€¥%
0123456789 — !?$£€¥%
0123456789 — !?$£€¥%
0123456789 — !?$£€¥%
Our secondary typeface s Coolvetica Condensed. It is a display typeface and is designed to be used n sma l quantities at large sizes
We use it for our d sp ay headlines It s loud bold playful and packed ful of persona ity It has a notso-ser ous tone that pairs perfectly with our ogo t makes an unmistakab e statement and works as display typography across d gita p atforms and print materia s
Use ExtraLight Coo vetica for key moments to add that extra bounce to our brand It s designed to be short sharp and stand out Like a pinch of sp ce to give a little flavour we don t want to overdo it
0123456789 ?$£€¥&�
abcdefghijk mnopqrstuvwxyz
0123456789 — ?$£€¥&�
abcdefghijk mnopqrstuvwxyz
0123456789 — !?$£€¥&�
4.4 Type Size Relationship
When creat ng ayouts using a l typefaces c ear hierarchy can be estab ished by making sure subheadlines are no arger than 50% of the ascender height of the headline and body copy s no larger than 50% of the cap height of subheadlines
An ascender is an upward part of a etterform (often a vert cal stroke) that extends above the x-height and usua ly above the cap height such as the stem of a lowercase b or d
Cap Height
Cap height s the height of a typeface’s uppercase letters measured from the basel ne to the top of f attopped g yphs This s usua y s ight y ower than the ascender height and cap height can vary between typefaces
X-Height A though it’s based upon the height of the owercase “x” g yph in a typeface x-he ght a so considers the height of the lowercase characters that have no ascenders nor descenders th s indicates how ta l or short the type appears n typica owercase or mixed-case settings
Body Copy
Our messaging should be v sual y cons stent and type should perform wel across communications of varied sizes The fol owing pages detail settings and general ru es recommended for kerning, track ng word spacing and lead ng to ensure that type remains consistent accessible and egib e Adjustments and f nal refinements to eading and kerning are encouraged particularly for large headlines and display text
Word Spac ng
Use default word spac ng for most app cat ons. Word spacing should general y be left a one un ess manua ly ad usted a ong with kern ng
Kerning Kern ng must always be set to “Metr cs” by default Manua kerning wi typ cal y not be needed but extra attention shou d be paid to med um-to-large headl ne and d splay text to ensure t is opt ca ly balanced
Track ng/Letter Spacing Horizonta spac ng between a range of characters that affects overa dens ty of a word or block o text
we make magic happeneveryday
Track ng and Leading
Both track ng and lead ng depend on use case and type s ze As a general rule the larger the type the tighter the tracking and leading Lead ng is t ghter w th head nes and subheadings to avo d unsight y gaps and create a un fied appearance
Leading/L ne Spacing
Vert ca spacing between l nes of cont guous text De ined by the d stance from basel ne to basel ne
n some cases Brico age Grotesque Bo d typeface can be used in a l caps for specific ayouts when us ng 3 words or less Leading for all caps head ines is set at 80% of the point size
To create 80% lead ng n nDes gn Type d rect y into the lead ng se ection box in Adobe InDesign For example type 300*0 8 (and h t enter) to f nd lead ng for 300pt and the software wi ca cu ate the leading for you
Attention should be given to the wr tten copy
Ensuring legibil ty as we l as visua attract on To create a clear hierarchy it is important that we ensure s ze differences between different k nds of informat on Using less s zes creates a more distinct impression It is mportant to adhere to the lead ng (l ne he ght) tracking and text arrangement specified in this document to achieve brand cons stency throughout
Adjustments to eading and kerning are encouraged particularly for large display headlines See quick reference below.
D sp ay Head ines 80%
Headl nes 100%
Subheads 110%
Body Copy 120% (auto)
0 → 19 points (0 Tracking)
20 → 39 po nts (-5 Tracking)
40 → 59 points (-10 Tracking)
60+ points (-20 Track ng)
Display Headlines Headlines
Subheadings and Introductory Paragraphs
ArkVets lets you save time and enjoy your favourite coffee spots, and restaurants in your city Order coffee, burgers, smoothies, sushi, pizza and more with ArkVets Order what you want, when you want it
There shou d always be a clear hierarchy of type. Th s establishes the relationship between different types of informat on and their relat ve mportance
Uti ising a variety of type s zes and we ghts allows for extensive flexib lity But this must be done careful y and with a sense of purpose. Too much and the design starts to feel messy and uncons dered As much as possible keep variations to a m n mum
Also the differences between the type variations must be clear y recognisab e. Contrast is crucial to create effective strong and consistent p eces of communicat on
Subheading He vetica Now
We ght L ght Font s ze 4pt
(Al Caps) Lead ng 16 8pt ( 20% - auto) Track ng 50
ntro Paragraph
Helvetica Now We ght
L ght Font s ze 24pt
Lead ng 26 4pt (1 0%) Track ng -5
Body Text He vet ca Now
We ght Regular Font size
12pt Lead ng 14 4pt (120%auto) Tracking: 0
JANUARY 23 2024
Raining Cats & Dogs
French cu sine s renowned but it s France’s patisser e that s e evated to a who e new eve Gourmands and conno sseurs can luxuriate n everyth ng from the tradit onal to the innovat ve on a luxury hol day w th these 10 best pat sser es n Paris
Pierre Hermé
For those who revere pastry – and those scrumptious morse s that are macarons in part cular – P erre Hermé needs no introduction He s a l v ng legend, experimenting w th f avours and textures, a l executed with sumptuous des gns With bout ques across Paris, there are plenty of opportun ties to samp e his s gnature macarons, but don’t ignore the class cs such as van la flan or the Kou gn-amann a Breton butter pastry rarely found outside France
It s said that Paris ans fal nto two camps those who favour the macarons of Hermé and those who prefer the or gina Ladurée creations Whi e Ladurée has managed to expand as far as Sydney Westfie d shopping centre, there is noth ng ike jost ing w th regu ars and tour sts at the g lded Champs É ysées
boutique Decide wh ch s de of the macaron fence you are on after an afternoon coffee or tea within ts wood pane led salon du thé
La Pâtisserie des Rêves
W th a name translat ng to ‘the pastry of dreams th s saccharine bout que from pastry chef Ph l ppe Cont c n ives up to ts mon ker Qu te un ike the dark woods of the old pat sser es, this re ative newcomer prefers a h gh-tech approach with tw sted c assics disp ayed under refr gerated g ass domes The Par s-Brest f l ed w th haze nut cream, is a particu ar standout
Hugo & Victor
It’s not just the name that p ays w th iterature; here the visual al us ons extend from the l brary- ike sett ng by Franc s Krempp to the novel st c packag ng A so renowned as a choco at er, Hugues Pouget experiments w th exot c f avours on a consistent base of three ‘star flavours: choco ate van la and carame ‘Hugo pastr es are innovat ve, whi e the ‘V ctor morsels recal a Parisian chi dhood Choose your side or ndulge n both We won’t udge
Head ng
Br co age Grotesque Condensed
We ght Bo d
Font s ze 80pt
Lead ng 80pt ( 00%)
Track ng -20
Sma l T tle He vet ca Now
We ght L ght Font size 14pt
Lead ng 16 8pt ( 20% - auto)
Track ng 0
Good typography is extreme y important n both nternal and externa communications It adds c arity to messaging and instil s confidence n audiences Outl ned are some common pract ces that weaken the powerful effects of typography
Don’t stretch or distort type
Don’t outline text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit. Fusce nulla leo luctus a neque at, ultrices elementum ligula. Nullam cursus ut mi et cursus. Nulla eu libero quis leo congue cursus. Sed vitae ipsum lobortis, interdum risus et, laoreet elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur elit. Fusce nulla leo luctus a neque at ultrices elementum ligula. Nullam cursus ut mi et cursus. Nulla eu libero quis leo congue cursus. Sed vitae ipsum lobortis interdum risus et, laoreet elit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur elit. Fusce nulla leo luctus a neque at, ultrices elementum ligula. Nullam cursus ut mi et cursus Nulla eu libero quis leo congue cursus. Sed vitae ipsum lobortis, interdum risus et laoreet elit.
Don’t use leading that is too tight
Don’t justify paragraphs
Don’t use tracking that is too tight
Don’t use unapproved fonts
5.1Margin Construction48
5.2App ying Headlines49
5.3App ying Subheads50
5.4Applying Our Logo51
These pages will take you through a step-by-step construction of our grid and some primary layouts used in our visual system.
5.5Applying Half-Frame Photography52
5.6Applying Full-Frame Photography54
5.7Square Format Layouts55
5.8Full-Frame Logo Photography56
To create our margins, we take the ongest side of the applicat on and div de by 25. Th s gives us a modu ar margin that scales proportionate y across a l appl cation formats and sizes
Note In some extreme cases (very wide or very tal ) applicat ons, your margins may need to be adjusted manua ly for optical correctness
Margin Formu a Longest side / 25 = Margin
Headl nes are appl ed to documents relative to the margins, format size and ine length. Use these examp es as a reference for sett ng headlines across various appl cation formats
Note The cap-height of headlines touches the top margin The ascenders are a lowed to protrude above it
This is a headline
This is a headline
This is a headline
Subheadlines are applied relative to the headl ne As stated on page 41, subheadl nes should be at max mum 50% of the type size of the headline to ensure proper hierarchy
Our logo is genera ly app ied in the bottom right corner The width of the logo shou d be 2x the margin s ze This ensures our logo scales proportiona ly with each applicat on For bi lboard use the logo size can be increased for vis bi ity at the discretion of the des gner, using this page as an opt ca reference
When the d mensions of the ap permits edge to edge photogr added Ensure that the proper eft between the text frame an
This is a headline
Thisisasubhead, smallerthantheheadline.
Fu l-frame photography can be app ied above the typography, using the same rules estab ished on the previous page
Fu l-frame photography can be used to span all four corners of the app ication as ong as the type-system s maintained and there is sufficient enough contrast.
This is a headline
Thisisasubhead, smallerthantheheadline.
nstagram posts fo low the same ayout as our prev ous grids but can use centred type f needed The point size of the headl ne and subhead should be adjusted based on the ength of copy used but shou d a ways appear proportionate y sized
Vertica marg ns should be ad usted to keep typography optical y centred
This is a headline
This is a subhead, smaller than the headline.
This headline is a little longer This is a subhead, smaller than the headline.
Layouts using only our logo on top of photography can be used as ong as sufficient c earspace is app ied and there is enough contrast between the logo and photo.
6.1Iconography Overview58 6.2 Icons 59
Iconography plays a relatively minor role in the grand scheme of our brand assets, but that doesn’t mean we give our icon system any less care or attention to detail. These symbols have been crafted to serve a purpose and distill a concept into a simple, recognisable form. Our icons help to illustrate ideas, indicate features at a glance, and aid functionality for digital applications.
They say a picture paints a thousand words We l our icons do that too. They re the ultimate shorthand straightforward s mp e, accessib e
n most cases icons sit on neutra backgrounds And the icon co our depends on whether it s nteractive or informational
There s a so a light version designed to work against a neutral surface. The bright green background s used very sparing y to add mpact.
C rcles are reserved for user profi es points of nterest and key interact ons
P lls call attention to key moments that filter and refine content
They say a picture paints a thousand words We l our icons do that too. They re the ultimate shorthand straightforward s mp e, accessib e
n most cases icons sit on neutra backgrounds And the icon co our depends on whether it s nteractive or informational
There s a so a light version designed to work against a neutral surface. The bright green background s used very sparing y to add mpact.
Photography is one of our most essential tools. Whether for still photography or video, the immediacy of the images we capture allows us to connect with our audience on another level. A distinctive natural photographic style has been created to portray our vision and brand values.
Our photography shou d be bright v brant and have uncluttered backgrounds to ensure they stand out or employ a shallow depth of fie d to achieve the same result Strong contrast should be used to high ight our de icious products and m n ma sty ing shou d be emp oyed, with the goa of showcasing our packag ng against simple backgrounds
Space for head ines should be considered
Our products wil feature as both hero and background e ements
Our l festyle imagery should be recognisab y Austra ian We re n for anything too fancy or trying make a statement We’re lookin of environment rather than anyt distracting It wi l fee inspired b our products featured tasteful y add the warmth and make every home
Everyday Austra ians who are happy healthy and relateable to our audience We don’t want models we want real characters and genuine expressions
We also represent all Australians so a rea ist c mix of age, gender and ethnicity is key But t’s not about hitt ng a quota choos ng the best talent comes first
Let’s add a little mess to bring some ife to our products, a spi l of coffee a few scattered crumbs We re looking to highl ght the del c ous of our products.
8.1Instagram Posts66
8.2 nstagram Stories67
8.3Email Marketing68
8.4Business Cards69
We have one consistent visual language across all applications, ensuring brand recognition. All aspects of our brand communications, whether they are online, offline, instore or outdoor, must adhere to the integrity of one clear visual system.
8.5Email Signature70
8.6 Packaging 71
Specifications Square:
Th s is an example of how
Suggested direction when des gn ng emai signatures. With emai a pr mary med um for communication, it is important that our brand is represented in a consistent sty e
Jessica Sm th MARKETING MANAGER ArkVets Techno ogies Ltd
Our packaging is where type ogo and imagery come together to create a bold and v brant presence Th s is an example of how our branding would be best applied to maintain consistency of look and feel on our packag ng
Contact For further information please contact: ark vets contact info here:
8.1Instagram Posts66
8.2 nstagram Stories67
8.3Email Marketing68
8.4Business Cards69
We have one consistent visual language across all applications, ensuring brand recognition. All aspects of our brand communications, whether they are online, offline, instore or outdoor, must adhere to the integrity of one clear visual system.
8.5Email Signature70
8.6 Packaging 71
Brand | Products
Our brand has 3 branded product areas rise / reach and resonate.
Currently the only product that is currently in production and marketing is reach.
ArkVets Products
Brand | Mockups
Our brand has 3 branded product areas rise / reach and resonate.
Currently the only product that is currently in production and marketing is reach.
Branded products are a powerful way to build brand recognition and create a lasting connection with your customers
By offering thoughtful and practical items, you can keep your business top of mind and enhance customer loyalty These items not only serve as a marketing tool but also offer value, fostering goodwill and reinforcing the emotional bond between your brand and your customers
The concept of branded products could include stickers , bumper stickers, cozy branded blankets, magnets and tote bags and pet treats can delight pet owners and enhance their experience with your brand.
By providing these items, you offer your customers something they can enjoy while simultaneously promoting your brand in their communities
Magnets are a versatile and practical branded product that offer great visibility while serving a functional purpose in customers’ homes, offices, or on their vehicles.
Whether it’s a simple logo magnet on the fridge or a more creative design that incorporates your brand’s personality, magnets provide a subtle yet effective way to keep your business top of mind.
There are several directions we can take with magnets, from sleek and minimalistic designs to more playful, eye-catching styles that customers will want to display.
We could also consider offering magnets with useful information, such as emergency contact details, making them both handy and promotional
Whether as a decorative piece or a functional tool magnets can help reinforce your brand while staying relevant in your customers’ daily lives.
The first direction for magnets would focus on a simple yet playful design using just the logo itself, incorporating the split dog and cat imagery
This approach is perfect for creating a fun, lighthearted product that isn’t overly branded, making it ideal for customers who might not want something too "advertisement-like" on their fridge.
The design dog and cat emphasizin logo—allow proudly dis cat owner t side, or eve love both fu
This creates experience the playful n adds a frien that enhanc without bein
The next direction would build on the same idea, but with the added element of including the brand name on the dog and cat illustrations themselves
This design would still focus on the logo’s split dog and cat imagery but incorporate the brand name in a subtle and creative way
This allo visibility lighthea intrusiv owners their fa the add the bra
This de persona name o with, w recogn great o the bra way tha the play
The last magnet design would feature the logo, with either just the cat or dog, or both, but with the addition of your vet clinic’s locations and contact numbers.
This version takes a more functional approach giving customers a helpful reminder of your clinic's services while still keeping the playful and personalized touch
By including the logo with the pet imagery and the necessary contact details, this magnet becomes not only a fun and decorative item but also a practical tool that customers can keep on their fridge or other visible spots
It offers a quick reference for emergency situations, appointment scheduling, or general inquiries, all while promoting your brand in a subtle and accessible way.
This magnet serves as both a marketing piece and a useful reminder, making it ideal for customers who appreciate both form and function in their branded products.
Dog and Cat Magnets:
Separate magnets featuring the dog and cat sides of the split logo. Fun and less “brandy,” they appeal to pet owners who can showcase their love for their specific pet (or both!) on their fridge
Pet Bowl Magnet:
A ma incor conta detai way t servic Brand A cre letter split l includ with y info o makin memo
Branded stickers are a low-cost, highly efficient way to engage with clients and promote your brand.
They are inexpensive to produce, making them a budget-friendly option for businesses of all sizes.
Stickers are versatile and can be easily distributed—whether handed out at the clinic, included in a welcome packet, or mailed with other promotional materials.
Clients love receiving free, fun, and functional items, and stickers are a simple yet effective way to leave a lasting impression without breaking the bank. Plus, they can be used to foster brand loyalty, as customers may continue to showcase your logo wherever they go acting as mobile advertisements.
Bumper stickers are an excellent, low-cost marketing tool that can provide significant exposure for your brand.
Similar to regular stickers, they are affordable to produce, yet their larger size and visibility on vehicles make them especially effective for spreading brand awareness.
Bumper stickers can travel with clients wherever they go, reaching a wide audience in various locations—whether stuck on a car, laptop, or water bottle. They are a fun and engaging way for customers to showcase their support for your business while also providing an easy conversation starter.
A branded bumper sticker featuring your dog/cat logo with the message "Dog on Board" or "Cat on Board" is a fun and eyecatching way to spread the word about your business
By incorporating the logo and a playful, easy-to-understand message, this sticker not only promotes your brand but also appeals to pet owners in a lighthearted way.
Whether they proudly display it on their car, water bottle, or anywhere else, it gives customers a sense of belonging while subtly advertising your clinic.
The sticker can highlight the petfriendly nature of your practice, offering a personalized touch for dog and cat owners alike It’s a great conversation starter, too making it both a functional and fun branded item that boosts visibility and encourages word-ofmouth referrals.
A branded door hanger designed to notify firefighters that there are pets inside offers a thoughtful and practical solution for emergency situations.
Featuring your logo and a friendly, easy-to-read message, the door hanger could say something like, "Pets Inside Please Save Our Furry Friends!" along with the number of animals and a brief reminder of their locations within the house
This branded item provides crucial information in a calm and clear way, making it easy for firefighters to act quickly.
Additionally, by including the clinic information they know where their pets have had services. In case of emergancy they can contact the clinic to then contact the owner if the pet is registered at the clininc
This simple yet meaningful gesture not only provides peace of mind to pet owners but also reinforces your brand’s commitment to pet safety and well-being.
A branded dog blanket with a small logo offers both comfort and functionality while subtly promoting your brand.
Made from soft, durable materials this blanket is perfect for pet owners who want to provide their furry friends with a cozy spot in their crates, beds, or on the couch
Its versatile design ensures it works in a variety of settings, from a protective layer in a pet’s crate to a stylish and practical addition on a couch or bed helping to catch shedding fur. The small logo adds a touch of branding without detracting from the blanket s purpose, making it a useful yet personalized gift for clients
Whether it’s used to keep pets warm or to protect furniture, this branded blanket will be appreciated for its practicality and thoughtful design
It's a great way to show customers that your clinic cares about their pets' comfort while also keeping your brand top of mind in a subtle, everyday setting.
Custom dog and cat treat bags, featuring your brand’s logo, are a delightful and thoughtful gift for pet owners.
These bags could include healthy, vet-approved treats that are specifically tailored to each pet— whether it’s for dogs or cats— ensuring the treats are both nutritious and tasty.
The packaging can be designed with your logo prominently displayed, making it a subtle yet effective way to keep your brand in the customer’s mind.
The treats themselves could be selected based on the health benefits they offer, such as promoting dental health, supporting skin and coat condition or providing a tasty but low-calorie snack
Not only will pet owners appreciate the healthy snack for their pets, but they’ll also enjoy the personalized touch of receiving a treat that’s tailored to their furry friend’s needs
A custom-branded tote bag is the perfect companion for all your branded products, providing both practicality and style.
Designed to fit items like dog blankets, treat bags, or other pet accessories, this tote bag offers a convenient way for pet owners to carry everything they need for their pets in one place.
Featuring your logo prominently on the front, the tote bag not only promotes your brand but also serves as a functional, everyday item for customers.
By creating two distinct packages one for dogs and one for cats we can emphasize the playful nature of our brand while tailoring the packaging to each pet’s personality.
Both packages will highlight our brand’s logo, emphasizing the personalized care each pet receives from our clinic.
These custom packages will create a stronger emotional connection with customers, increase brand visibility, and enhance the overall customer experience, all while celebrating both dogs and cats in a fun and engaging way.
This concept helps us stand out in the market while ensuring our customers feel special and understood, whether they’re caring for their furry canine or feline friends.
Brand Persona’s
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Brand Persona’s
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Poor backup and support 1.
Micro Managment 2.
Ownership not connected to the realities work 3.
A modern and high calibre environment to practice in 1.
A effective and efficent system to work in 2
High traffic and optimal revenue opportunity 3
Engaged ownership / leadership on improving workplace communications 4.
Connection1. Certainty2. Significance 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Poor performance co-workers 1. Unorganized office / process 2.
Avoid looking for second job 3.
Avoid corporate environment 4
Cohesive great people and culture 1.
Need to have basic healthcare and competitive pay 2 Opportunity for growth and abundance 3
Are these my people / tribe / wolfpack 4. Its their last job 5.
Connection1. Certainty2. Significance 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Not communicated to 1.
Over criticism on mistakes 2. No flexibility No Fun 3.
Have a safe place to work? (no problem with mistakes) 1. Be Mentored 2
Trusted and level of independence 3
Positive team / Empathetic and Caring 4.
Certainty1. Connection2. Significance 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Feeling unimportant / used 1.
Not be recognized for contribution 2.
Taking care of details are noticed / recognized 1.
Feel as a high priority role 2
Know they can make a difference 3
Feel like they are needed 4. 5.
Certainty 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Do not want to be overwhelmed 1.
Not getting resourced 2.
Expecting more then they can do or deliver 3.
Obsess over making people happy 1.
Want a cohesive work team 2
Are appreciated for their contribution 3
A place to expand 4.
Growth2. Certainty 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Do not want to be overwhelmed 1.
Not getting resourced 2.
Expecting more then they can do or deliver 3.
Obsess over making people happy 1.
Want a cohesive work team 2
Are appreciated for their contribution 3
A place to expand 4.
Certainty 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Can’t effect change 1.
Not seen or heard 2.
Not having the power to make change 3. Not knowing what to do Direction and clarity 4
Obsess over how to make things better and get recognized for it 1. I can independently lead and effect change 2
Have the authority and enjoy the accountability to be recognized 3
Able to own and take ownership of the role 4. Opportunity to create more rewards and ownership 5.
Connection1. Growth2. Contribution 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Expense of pet care 1.
Loosing time from work 2.
Not being communicated to 3.
Confusing billing practices 4 5 I get clarity and confidence 1.
Calm and taken care of 2
Feel like I am being heard 3
Listening to what the pet needs 4.
Connection 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Not being communicated to 1. I don’t know what is happening or what happens next 2. Confusing billing practices 3. Don’t feel like they are kitten specialists 4 5 I get a health plan longer term strategy 1. Remembering my pets name, species and information 2 Get clarity and confidence 3
Calm and taken care of 4.
Feel like I am being heard 5.
Listening to what the pet needs 6 Certainty1. Significance2. Connection 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Don’t feel like they are cat specialists 1.
Not listening to my unique needs? 2.
Feeling unsafe for my cat 3.
High level cat care 1.
Feeling heard about her unique needs as a seasoned cat owner 2
Confident that we will be a compressive care for her cat 3.
Significance1. Certainty2. Connection 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Don’t feel like they are cat specialists 1. Not listening to my unique needs? 2. Feeling unsafe for my cat 3.
High level cat care 1.
Feeling heard about her unique needs as a seasoned cat owner 2
Confident that we will be a compressive care for her cat 3.
Significance1. Certainty2. Connection 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Don’t feel like they are cat specialists 1.
Not listening to my unique needs? 2.
Feeling unsafe for my cat 3.
A modern and high calibre environment to practice in 1.
A effective and efficent system to work in 2
High traffic and optimal revenue opportunity 3
Engaged ownership / leadership on improving workplace communications 4.
Significance1. Certainty 2 Connection 3
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
The core of all we do is for humans and knowing the unique needs of our brand persona’s is paramount.
We want to understand how they think (head) what they love and value the most (heart) and what would motivate them to connect, buy and engage with us? (motivation)
We look beyond demographics we are looking for their priortized human needs, their fears, and their problems that we can solve uniquely
Gaining an insight both individually and the patterns collectively help us match our brand to our ideal audience.
Don’t have large dog space 1.
Spaces that accommodate the unique needs of big dogs 2.
Not sure what food or supplements to give my dog as a larger breed 3.
Personalized care 1.
Big dog breed expertise 2
They have the technology just for bigger animals 3
They educate and suggest wellness options unique to my breed /size 4.
Significance2. Connection 3
Logo Colour Options
The Ark Logo, pictured right, is our primary logo.
To ensure the Ark Logo remains consistent, we almost always use the Ark wordmark on its own In some cases it may be permissible to use on its own.
The Ark Logo should ideally be used with a two tone between the brandmark and wordmark.
If colour is not an options for technical reasons or if the brand Ark lacks contrast or competes with other visual elements, use either the black or white logo options.
The Ark brand has 4 divisions of business that help illustrate the areas of business we service.
These 4 divisions are the categories: Urgent | Chronic | Wellness & Wellness.
We always present them in that order of importance in all signage when we prsent them in a group
Urgent Chronic Wellness Comfort
Urgent|C Comfort
the segments, divisions or categories of business you operate in or provide structure to the brands products / services.
Logo SecondaryColour Options
The Ark brand has 4 divisions that may require its own unique identity system and micro guide.
When we are creating a piece of creative specifically for that division, a alternate color sequence can be used to stay on brand but feel that it is specific to that division
Discriptors: the segments, divisions or categories of business you operate in or provide structure to the brands products / services.
Logo SecondaryColour Options
The Ark brand has 4 divisions that may require its own unique identity system and micro guide.
When we are creating a piece of creative specifically for that division, a alternate color sequence can be used to stay on brand but feel that it is specific to that division
The exclusion zone ensures legibility and impact of the Logo by isolating it from competing visual elements such as text and supporting graphics. With the exception of the branded elements or category line of business descriptors.
This zone should be considered as the ideal minimum safe distance, ensuring the Logo has plenty of room to breathe.
The exclusion zone is equal to half the height of the Logo (marked as x in the diagram)
If you are using the Symbol instead of the logo, the same exclusion rules apply. The Symbol's exclusion zone is half the height of the Symbol
Establishing a minimum size ensures that the impact and legibility of the Logo is not compromised in application.
Use the minimum sizes indicated over the page for small-scale applications of the Logo and Symbol.
Exclusion Zone
Mix and weighting
Our brand is the combination of Lover, Sage, Royalty and Magician. We has a portion and weighting to each one. Lover being the primary
In each we identified the most articulate attributes and words that best help us communicate our brand. Orig ns
Our Unique & Potent Archetype
Building the 13th Brand Archetype a branding innovation from Groundswell Origins. The strategic process enables us to summarize our combined & weighted 4 attributes and we harmonize and articulate OUR own version that in one image can encapsulate our brand clearly. The Ark archetype
The 13th Brand Archetypes
Business Cards
It is recommended that business cards be printed on premium uncoated paper stock, with a minimum weight of 300gsm.
Size 1: 90mm x 55mm
Size 2: 85mm x 55mm
Size 3: 89mm x 51mm
Stock: Uncoated 300gsm, White
Colour: Purple & Black
All of the above sizes reflect the same margins.
The A4 sized Letterhead is the paper size recommended for use in most countries.
The Letter sized Letterhead is the paper size recommended for use in most applications.
It is recommended that letterhead be printed on premium uncoated paper stock, with a minimum weight of 100gsm.
A4: 210mm x 297mm
Letter: 215.9mm x 279mm (8.5" x 11")
Stock: Uncoated 100gsm, White Colour: Black (mono)
It is recommended that envelopes be printed on a premium uncoated paper stock, with a minimum weight of 120gsm.