ArtMemories from Mexico PDF (#4) ArteMemorias de Mexico (#4) En 2005 el Consejo Mundial de Artistas Visuales -COMAV- organizo el Simposio 'EN LA ECOLOGIA HACEMOS LA DIFERENCIA' en la ciudad de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, Mexico. Conducido por nuestro Colega Mexicano Maestro Martin Rojas artistas de todo el mundo participaron en ese evento. Miembros del Grupo 21 Plus quienes tambien son Muralistas se hicieron presentes con su creatividad. Como podemos ver en este PDF ArteMemorias de Mexico (#4) el espiritu colectivo creyente del Arte como una herramienta cotidiana de Paz es real y evidente. El venidero Noviembre 2010 la Universidad de Tlaxcala y el Centro Internacional de Seminarios EcoGlobal Arte Invitan al Grupo 21 Plus para una Exposicion por lo cual muy pronto enviaremos la Primera Llamada Invitacion a todos nuestros Miembros. Espero que todos puedan participar. AMISTAD, PAZ Y CREATIVIDAD! Sinceramente Alberto Cerritos G21PLUS/RED21PLUS Vancouver, Canada ABRIL2010
ArtMemories from Mexico PDF (#4) On the year 2005 the World Wide Council of Visual Artists -COMAV- organized the Symposium 'IN THE ECOLOGY WE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE' in the city of Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, Mexico. Artists from all over the world participated on such event which was coordinated by our Mexican Colleague Maestro Martin Rojas. Group 21 Plus Members who are also Muralists were there contributing with their creativity on such unforgettable journey. As we can see in this ArtMemories from Mexico PDF (#4) the collective spirit believing in Art as a quotidian tool to reach Peace is real and highly evident. This coming November 2010 the University of Tlaxcala, Mexico and the Eco Global Art International Centre of Seminaries are inviting Group 21 Plus for an Art Exhibiton, so along the next weeks we will send to all of You the First Invitation Call to participate. Hope you can make it. FRIENDSHIP, PEACE AND CREATIVITY! Sincerely Alberto Cerritos G21PLUS/RED21PLUS Vancouver, Canada APRIL2010
ArtMemories from Mexico ArteMemorias de Mexico
ArtMemories from Mexico ArteMemorias de Mexico
ArtMemories from Mexico ArteMemorias de Mexico
ArtMemories from Mexico ArteMemorias de Mexico
ArtMemories from Mexico PDF (#4) ArteMemorias de Mexico (#4)
ArtMemories from Mexico ArteMemorias de Mexico
ArtMemories from Mexico PDF (#4) ArteMemorias de Mexico (#4)
ArtMemories from Mexico ArteMemorias de Mexico
ArtMemories from Mexico ArteMemorias de Mexico
ArtMemories from Mexico PDF (#4) ArteMemorias de Mexico (#4)
ArtMemories from Mexico PDF (#4) ArteMemorias de Mexico (#4)