Estimados Colegas/Dear Fellows. CASTELLANO/ENGLISH VERSIONS. Silvia AlbuixechG21PlusPDF11. Estimados Colegas: Tucuman Cuna de la Independencia Argentina parece cada dia mas una Ciudad de las Artes. Su interes creciente en promover Arte y Cultura en el contexto actual de nuestro continente asi lo dice. Hace un par de meses escribi una Breve Nota Comentario acerca de la Obra de nuestra Miembro de Tucuman Silvia Albuixech. Continuando nuestra Edicion de la Serie QUIENES SOMOS Y QUE ESTAMOS HACIENDO me parece oportuno publicarla aqui: Silvia Albuixech Pintora y Muralista, su Expresionismo se ha movido cada vez mas hacia lo llamado Expresionismo Abstracto en el cual las formas y colores van mas a la Sugerencia que a la Representacion. Tiene Fuerza y Lirismo. Emanan Energias hacia una Poetica de Intimidad electrica. Tambien denotan trabajo laborioso en equilibrio con pinceladas que dejan ver en paralelo Frescura y Espontaneidad. Desde la plataforma cromatica y gestual de esas obras se mueve hacia lo Poetico Personal/Lirico y consonancias a lo Poetico Social/Epico a sus anchas y caprichos creativos. Sigue comprometida con la paleta y la textura, con materia y contenido manteniendo siempre el dominio y control de la expresion. Expresionista en Balance quien nunca se deja caer en el vacio. De hecho desnuda su alma en un retazo de luz y transparencia que cuida, celosa de su vocacion, oficio y misterio. Su rebelion expresiva esta llena de ternura, jardin colgando en una dimension inexplorada. Consciente de si. Firme. Vital. Da su Amor en la mesura de los blancos oportunos, apropiados. Sus negros no son absolutos. Siempre azulados o enrojecidos. Encolorecidos! Niega al color puro. Afirma la Tonalidad. Un color que abraza al otro. Gritan en susurro al oido visual. Femenina. Su Inspiracion es fiel a su paleta! Propicia al formato Mural, Cancion-Ofrenda en permanente Dialogo con su Corazon! Su Obra dignifica a nuestro Grupo 21 Plus por su continuidad, unidad y consistencia. PAZ. AMISTAD Y CREATIVIDAD! Grupo21Plus/Red21Plus Alberto Cerritos Vancouver, Canada Mayo 20 del 2010
ENGLISH VERSION Dear Fellows: Tucuman the Cradle of Argentina Independence seems every day like a City of the Arts. Its increasing interest in promoting Art and Culture in the present context of our continent says it. I wrote just recently a Brief Note Commentary on our Member of Tucuman Silvia Albuixech artwork. In continuing our Edition of the Series WHO ARE WE AND WHAT ARE WE DOING it seems to me very opportune to publish it here: Silvia Albuixech Painter and Muralist, her Expressionism has moved more and more towards Abstract Expressionism in which the forms and colours go more to Suggestion that to Representation. It has Force and Lyricism. Energies emanate towards a Poetic of electrical Intimacy. Also they denote laborious work in balance with brush-strokes that let us see in parallel Freshness and Spontaneity. From the chromatic and gestual platform of those works she moves towards a Poetic Lyrical voice which goes with certain easyness to a Poetic Social Epic tone. Highly compromised with the palette and the texture, with matter and content always maintaining the dominion and control of expression. She is an Expressionist in a Balancing act who never allows herself to fall in chaos. In fact she undresses her soul in a a grasp of light and transparency that takes care of, jealous of its vocation, skill and mystery. Her expressive rebellion is flooded by tenderness, like a garden hanging in an unexplored dimension. Conscious of herself. Firm as well Vital. She gives her Love in the moderation of the opportune white colours, the right ones. Her black colours are not absolute. Always bluish or blushed. As she repels the pure color. And affirms Tonality. A color that embraces the other. They shout in whisper to the visual ear. Feminine. Silvia's Inspiration is faithful to her Palette! She also likes to assault the format Mural, Song-Offering in permanent Dialogue with her Heart! Her Artwork dignifies our Group 21 Plus for its unity, consistency and continuity, FRIENDSHIP, PEACE AND CREATIVITY! Group21Plus/Net21Plus Sincerely Alberto Cerritos May20TH/2010 Vancouver, CANADA
SILVIA ALBUIXECH Pintora y Muralista Nacida en San Miguel de Tucumán, es Licenciada en Artes Plásticas en la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, y Licenciada en Artes en la Escuela de San Fernando de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Actualmente se desempeña como profesora de las cátedras de Dibujo y Pintura en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de la UNT. Sus obras han sido expuestas en salones nacionales y en importantes muestras individuales y colectivas de nuestro país y del extranjero, entre las que se destacan: Salas Federales Nacionales Bs. As, Museo de Bellas Artes de Tucumán, Museo de Bellas Artes de Corrientes, Centro Cultural Rougés de Tucumán, Centro Cultural Eugenio Virla UNT, Museo de Palmira Scrosoppi, Merlo San Luis, Caja Nacional de Ahorro, Bs. As, Museo de Bellas Artes, Salta, Jockey Club Tucumán, Diario El Clarín Mar del Plata, Fundación Banco Empresario Tucumán, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes,Paraná, Entre Rios entre otros. Su mural "Maternidades"(2,60 x 1,90 mts.) integra por selección con muralistas internacionales, la " Primera Exposición de Muralistas Mejicanas " expuesta en el Distrito Federal de México (DF) en muestra itinerante. De destacada trayectoria como muralista, posee obra pública en Canadá, Méjico, Madrid, Mar del Plata, San Luis, Cordoba, Tucumán,. entre otros. Es integrante del Movimiento Nacional de Muralistas Argentinos . (MNMA); Movimiento Regional de Muralistas(MRM); Grupo 21 plus, Changchun, Prov de Jilin, República Popular China, entre otros. Su obra integra las colecciones "Primer Anuario de Arte Argentino" – Ed. Maria E. Beneito,Bs.As.(2006"Creadores de Arte Argentino" – Edit. Ediciones Institucionales(2003) "El Arte Argentino Actual" – Edit. Ediciones Institucionales(2001) entre otras. Actuamente dirige junto a Donato Grima la galeria “Territorio del Arte”.
SILVIA ALBUIXECH Painter and Muralist She was born in San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina. Bachelor in Visual Arts in the Faculty of Arts of the National University of Tucuman, and Bachelor in Arts in the School of San Fernando of the Complutense University of Madrid.,Spain. At the moment she works as a professor of Drawing and Painting at the School of Fine Arts of the UNT. Her artworks have been exhibited Nationally and Internationally just to mention: Federal National Art Exhibitions in Buenos Aires, Museum of Fine Arts of Tucuman, Museum of Fine Arts of Corrientes, Cultural Center Rougés of Tucuman, Cultural centre Eugene Virla at UNT, Museum of Palmira Scrosoppi, Merlo San Luis, National Savings Bank, Buenos Aires, Museum of Fine Arts, Salta, Jockey Tucuman Club, Newspaper El Clarín, Mar del Plata, Foundation Impresarios Bank, Tucuman, Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, Parana, Entre Rios among others. Her mural "Maternidades" (2.60 x 1.90 mts.) has been selected with other international muralists, to the "First Exhibition of Mexican Muralists" exhibited in Mexico City in a touring Exhibition. Of outstanding trajectory as a muralist, some of her Murals are in Canada, Mexico, Spain, Mar del Plata, San Luis, Cordoba and Tucuman, Argentina. She is Member of the National Movement of Argentine Muralists, (MNMA); Regional Movement of Muralists (MRM); Group 21 Plus, Changchun, Jilin Province, People's Republic of China. Collections "First Yearly book of Argentine Art"; - Ed. Maria E. Beneito, Bs.As., (2006" Creators of Argentine Art"; - Edit. Institutional editions (2003), "Argentine Contemporary Art" - Edit. Institutional editions (2001) among others. Actually she is Co-director with Donato Grima of “Territory of the Art Gallery”.
2011-2012 Art Group 21 Plus Editions Catalogues/Journals #11,,