Organizational development consultancy benefits and limitations

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Organizational Development Consultancy: Benefits and Limitations The use of organizational resources for improving their efficience and expanding their productivity is known as organizational development. It is basically used for solving complicated organizational issues and problems. In addition to this, it can be used as a method for analyzing a business processes for ensuring better growth. Some of the benefits of using organizational development consultancy in an organization are briefly discussed below.


Development of interpersonal relationships Development consultants work with different employees of the company both exclusively and in groups. This facilitates stronger interpersonal relationship between the team members of the organizations. The process of team building and developing productive work groups is important benefit of using development model in any organization. It improves employees’ relationships in the organization by boosting their professional morale and reducing their individual turnovers. Due to organizational development program, employees were able to understand what is expected of them and work accordingly. Based on the recommendation made by the consultants, companies supply their employees with the resources they require to be successful in their work. Work processes Consultants analyze work processes for efficiency and accuracy, when company is involved in organizational development model or consultancy in their firms. They develop and implement detail plans on how to improve company work processes. Systematic and timely execution of these plans makes these consultancy services highly appreciated among their employees and customers. Adaptability A firm that uses development consultancy model develops an extensive network of communication and contact with all its employees in very short period of time. The personal contact with the employees (made due to development consultancy) makes adaptability easier, when the company needs to make changes to adapt to challenges in the marketplaces. Due to organizational development model, companies have stable methods in place to implement changes that make them better equipped to stay proactive in the marketplace. Product Innovation Product innovation requires the analysis of several kinds of information to be successful. Organizational development consulting firm is critical to product innovation because it can help organizations to analyze each element of product development and create a method for using it effectively. Growth Organizational development is a vital tool in managing and planning corporate growth of any business firm. Analysis done by the consultants brings together sale projections and client demand in order to help organizations to determine the rate of their growth. The information provided by the development consultants is used to alter the firm’s business plan. It is also used for planning the expansion and use of company resources such as the distribution network and employees, to accommodate future growth. Limitations:

Time-consuming When an organization engages in development consultancy, there are processes that can become time-consuming and slow its productivity. Organizational change Organizational development consultants identify area of company operations where change is required. Each requirement is carefully analyzed by the consultants and the potential effects are projected into a change management plan. Plan executed by the consultants outlines the specific ways in which the change will improve operations of the organization. These plans also outline who will be affected by the change and how it can be rolled out efficiently to employees. A company would have a difficult time developing effective change management programs, without organizational development as part of change management. Administrative challenges Development consultancy adds responsibility to the employees and managers for maintaining open communication and constantly reevaluating the needs of the firm. It can be a challenge to maintain an efficient organizational development program.

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