Reopening Playbook to Restrict the Impact of Complexities on Your Business

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Reopening Playbook to Restrict the Impact of Complexities on Your Business As the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions are gradually lifted and some relaxations are provided to the businesses, owners are likely to face another challenge of reopening their business. There are multiple safety guidelines offered by the federal government, states and counties. Each one of them has their own set of recommendations and approach. Every business owner needs to ensure that they have a reopening strategy based on their business type. Although the path to reaching the stage of normalcy and running the business as usual can be intimidating but with relevant guidance, it can turn out to be easier. Group50, a leading consulting firm along with the Hackler Flynn & Associates, a labor law firm has developed a comprehensive reopening Playbook for businesses. In this detailed document, they have accumulated best practices from their clients and have also provided links to relevant guidance from OSHA, CDC, NRLA, FFCRA and the CARES act. It is basically divided in a 3-phase approach to reopening your business and managing through 2020. These consultants will develop a 90-day tactical plan in the best interest of your business. 3 Phases of reopening Playbook  Stay at Home  Re-opening your Business – 90-day Tactical Plan  Redesigning your 2020 Strategic Plan - “Managing Through 2020” All of us are about to complete the “Stay at Home” phase. The second phase is about starting your business engine again like it was earlier. It sounds simple but is actually very intricate as it may affect your company in many ways. Your business might face various uncertainties such as social norms, economical and

government policies etc. With Group50’s 90-day tactical plan, you can get a reopening approach that optimizes the safety of your employees and insights on how to work under the new rules and regulations. The reopening playbook is designed to provide the senior leadership with steps they should take in order to ensure everyone’s safety, be compliant with federal, state, and local regulations and operate by the rules of the recent legislative changes and guidance. This will provide all employees with a clear understanding of how the business is going to re-open and what is expected of them. Phase 3 is focused on how you need to modify your 2020 strategies and create a change management plan. This plan will be based on the several observations such as:  The effectiveness of your organization during Phase 2. Look at how employees are working differently and identify areas where they are more efficient. In a crisis such as this, your employees will create their own methods and processes. Identify who is rising to the top during this crisis.  Your competitors  Your suppliers and the resiliency of your supply chain  Your customers and their needs If you would like to discuss any questions you might have about either the reopening your business – Playbook or managing your way through 2020, contact Group50 at the earliest. Visit:

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