3 minute read
Inspirational Stories
Spencer Lawley’s challenge:
Marathons, triathlons & ultimate Ironman challenge
Spencer’s life was turned upside down when he was told his wife and little boy had developed sepsis due to group B Strep infection. The family watched nervously as baby Hugo was treated in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
They both made a full recovery, but feel their infections could have been prevented if only they had known more about group B Strep.
“I feel now it’s my duty to raise awareness!
Over 7 months I will be taking part in challenging events & training, starting with the cross-country half
Ange Graff’s Half Marathon
A massive thank you to Ange Graff who took part in the very wet and windy Brighton Half Marathon this February. She raised a total of £240 for Group B Strep Support.

marathon at Harewood House, followed by a series of marathons and triathlons and ultimately leading
up to the UK Ironman in

September. Wish me luck!”
Spencer has already nearly hit his target of £1,500.

Golf Club makes us Charity of the Year
Lady Captain Kelly Armfield and her fellow golfers at Shirehampton Park Golf Club in Bristol have raised £2056 after choosing us as their Charity of the Year.
They held golf days, wine and cheese nights, pamper nights and had coffee mornings and raffles.

Both Kelly’s sons developed group B Strep infection at birth.

Kelly Armfield pictured centre
“Raising money for a charity that means so much to me and my family has been an absolute honour.
Fingers crossed this money will help spread the word even more and make people aware of something that is so common and yet few people actually know about it.”
Dylan’s haircut challenge

A huge thank you to our fundraiser Dylan. He’s raised an incredible £1610. Dylan took on an extreme haircut challenge at just 9 years old. What a star!
Baby Poppy’s story

Victoria told us her 11-day old daughter Poppy was taken to a walk-in centre for a spot on her toe. “Poppy would not stop crying, screaming crying. The doctor took her temp and stats and told us to go straight to the hospital. At hospital she had multiple tests including a lumbar puncture…” Poppy had developed septicaemia due to late-onset group B Strep infection. Mum Victoria had not heard of GBS and felt sick and guilty.
It took two rounds of antibiotics to clear the infection. Her heart rate was 230bpm when it should have been about 90. Baby Poppy spent a week in Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Poppy fully recovered and now has a little brother Leo. When mum Victoria was pregnant with Leo she tested to see if she was carrying group B Strep. “I wish I’d known about the test when I was pregnant with Poppy!”