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SALEM, Ohio — Bud Geissler has recently been named president of GroupCollect, an organization pioneering the payment and operating systems in the group travel industry. Geissler is a 25-year veteran of the travel industry with a focus in the group market.
“Bud is an innovator with an understanding of why people choose group travel and the challenges travel planners face in delivering tour products,” said Charlie Presley of The Group Travel Family of Brands.
An example of Geissler’s leadership will be rolled out at
Select Traveler Conference this March as he invites a dozen GroupCollect tenants to attend the event held in Branson, Missouri, as guests of the company. Geissler views this as an effort to build group travel knowledge with his current trip leaders and demonstrate the GroupCollect commitment to the future of the market.
Many of you recognize Bud for his onstage rap skills, which you can witness firsthand at Select Traveler Conference. Visit GroupCollect at groupcollect.com and register to attend Select Traveler Conference at 800-628-0993 or selecttravelerconf.com