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Family Matters
SALEM, Ohio — As a travel planner, you’re responsible for the group travel of your organization, club, or friends and family on tour. A large part of that responsibility lies is the selection of a motorcoach. That is where The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) comes to your rescue.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is the agency responsible for ensuring motorcoach travel remains safe. It provides this service behind the scenes and out of sight of the average traveler, ensuring safe and responsible transportation for millions of travelers each year.
The Group Travel Family of Brands works with FMCSA in creating awareness of the services offered to travel planners and the importance of that service.
FMCSA offers a six-point checklist that helps travel planners make sure their motorcoaches are safe and meet federal regulations.
If you charter a motor coach for group travel, these six checkpoints will help ensure your group’s safety.
• Check the bus company’s safety performance scores. Consider how they compare with national averages by visiting fmcsa.dot.gov/safety. • Look for the age of the safety rating. A recent safety rating is a more timely indicator than a rating that is several years old. • Weed out low-rated companies. Passenger carriers with an “unsatisfactory” rating are considered to be a high safety risk and may be prohibited from operating. • Ask about a coach company’s drivers. Interstate drivers are subject to qualification standards. • Make sure the company is licensed by FMCSA. Bus companies must obtain operating authority from FMCSA to provide interstate passenger transportation. • Check for proper insurance. If the company operates a bus that is designed to transport 16 or more passengers, it must have $5 million of insurance coverage.
This checklist is a great starting point for a safe trip. For additional information from FMCSA, go to fmcsa.dot.gov/safety.
SALEM, Ohio — The world of group travel is built on relationships. A perfect example of this is Sam Rosenberg, vice president group sales at Grand Circle Travel/Overseas Adventure Travel.
Travel planners for banks, alumni organizations, chambers of commerce and other affinity groups attending the Select Traveler Conference have built relationships with the company because of Sam Rosenberg’s consistency in the marketplace.
“I believe Sam attended our first travel conference 27 years ago and has been a supporter of affinity group travel since,” said Charlie Presley of Select Traveler Conference.
Many travel planners ask the conference organizers, “Where is Sam?” upon arriving at the event, Presley said.
“I have been attending the Select Traveler Conference, formerly known as Bank Travel, pretty much since its inception,” Rosenberg said. “Over the years, I have formed great relationships with many of the group leaders. They have traveled with both Grand Circle and Overseas Adventure Travel and keep returning year after year.” The consistency those relationships has resulted in travel planners feeling confident their groups will be well cared for. SAM ROSENBERG “P.T Barnum once said, ‘the noblest art is that of making others happy,’” Rosenberg said. “Well, that is our philosophy. We continue to strive to make sure our travelers are happy with their experiences and want them to return smiling.” Travel planners can reach Rosenburg at 800-955-1925 or srosenberg@oattravel.com.

SALEM, Ohio — The roaring return of group travel this year is challenging destinations, hotels and operators to step up their marketing programs.
The dilemma for the travel industry is to bounce back from pandemic measures, which cut staffs and budgets, and ramp up their marketing and sales efforts in order to secure group travel bookings for 2023.
“Many DMOs [destination marketing organizations] and hotels are being caught short staffed at a time when they need to be meeting travel groups to book tours for 2023,” said Charlie Presley of Group Travel Family of Brands (GTFBrands).
GTFBrands, which manages seven conferences dedicated to the group travel or meetings markets, is reporting record attendance of group planners at its events, while the travel industry is struggling to find staff to attend. While this presents a great opportunity for DMOs and hotel representatives who are attending travel shows, it puts those who choose not to go at a disadvantage.
Travel industry representatives who have attended the travel conferences GTFBrands has operated this year report record sales. They attribute the booking success to pent-up travel demand from groups.
To keep your group travel traffic strong, consider attending these conferences:
• Going On Faith, Panama City Beach, Florida, September 13–15, 2022 • Small Market Meetings, Wichita, Kansas, October 2–4, 2022 • Boomers in Groups, Gwinnett, Georgia, November 4–6, 2022 • Select Traveler Conference, Branson, Missouri, March 27–29, 2023 • African American Travel Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, April 3–5, 2023
To register or find more information, call 800-628-0993 or visit grouptravelfamily.com.