August 1941
No. 9
$25,000 LOAN FUND COMPLETED Dr. Ketler Honored At Alumni Luncheon
Commencement Day
Many Groups Meet On College Campus For Conferences
Vocational Leader^
Harker Presides
Presented To Or.Ketler
Regular Bible School Program
On Graduation Day
To Be Held July 27 To August 2 The College has been very busy this summer playing host to vari ous groups who have held confer
^Attend; Dr.Persons Stanley Dr.La*H.Turner, i i '94, i
Fund Near $28,000
Among the groups who have al
Five Men Receive
Honorary Degrees
Original Goal Raised To $25,000 in Spring of 1940
ready met here are: the Synod of The drive for the Alumni Stu Pennsylvania of the Presbyterian The climax of the year's Alumni dent Loan Fimd was a complete church, the Presbyterian Young The College granted five honor activities was the Alumni Lunch People of this district ,the Young ary degrees during the Commence success. The final amoimt of the eon at noon of Commencement Was One of the Founders of People of the Erie Conference of fund was $27,500, or approxi
At Commencement
Retires June 27th
Day exercises on June 11. Day. This year It was held In the Vocational School Program the Methodist church and the ment mately $2500 more than the goal. The honorary degree. Doctor of dining room of the Ketler Dormi The original campaign for a in Pittsburgh Baptist Women's Missionary Socie Divinity, was conferred upon the tory and the room proved very student loan fund to be raised by ty of Western Pennsylvania. Reverend John Stanley Harker, Dr. Loron H. Turner, '94, one satisfactory. alumni was started In 1935. The Bible School to Be Held '25, of Hamilton, Ohio and the A public address system made It of the founders of the vocational During the week of July 27, to Reverend Ralph J. Hall of Albe- goal set at that time was $10,000. easy for people to hear In every During the college year of 1935school program in Pittsburgh, re August 2, the regular Grove City querque. New Mexico. part of the room. Forty persons 36—$900 was raised for the Fund. Bible school will be held on the tired from his position as princi Reverend Harker, pastor of the who could not be accommodated, Previous to the past year the campus. An unusually fine pro ate at the Mary Anderson Pew pal of Connelley Vocational High gram has been arranged for this First Presbyterian church of Ham most successful year was the col ilton, has been a leader In the Dormitory and came to the Ket school, June 27. lege year 1937-38 during which year. evangelistic program of the Synod ler Dining room for the program. Dr. Turner served as principal Three of the speakers on the of Ohio. Rev. Hall Is one of the year $6,136 was raised. The orig Nearly 500 persons were In at of the Ellwood City schools, of the program have been connected with inal goal of $10,000 was reached tendance. Aside from the speaker's old Duquesne elementary school the Bible school in previous years. leading missionaries of the Pres after a four year campaign. byterian church of New Mexico, table special tables were reserved and the Irwin Avenue lndustria\\They are^ ^e Reverend Albert W. Goal RaVaeO. To eastern A_r\!z.ona. and sonthwestem^ lui racuzLy ami fur Uie icaa I jLJCiavcn, D.D., pi esideiiL ui uw Cul-1 Colorado. ' j school in Jrittsburgh. ^ MicC'tjjJg oX LJlO J±.LUitUiL Ing classes. In 1917, he was given the posi gate-Rochester Theological semin The honorary degree, Doctor of I (Council in the spring of 1940 the Dr. Stanley Harker Presides tion as principal of the Ralston In ary at Rochester, New York; the Science, was conferred upon Mr. question wa.s raised as to whether The President of the Associa Reverend Oscar Fisher Blackweidustrial school. Having sold the Frank B. Cooper, a member of the the alumni should be satisfied with tion, Doctor J. Stanley Harker, board of education on the Idea of der, D.D., pastor of the Lutheran research staff of the Institute of the sum of $10,000. Many other presided and announced the sing vocational school. Dr. Turner was Church of the Reformation at Pathology of the Western Penn institutions had an alumni loan ing of the College Hymn "O God anxious that the enrollment In Washington, D.D., and the Rever sylvania hospital of Pittsburgh. fund of several times this amount. R. J. C. McKnlght, D.D., Dr. Cooper Is one of the pioneer It was felt that a college that Our Help In Ages Past", after crease. At the beginning of the end which the Invocation was offered second year, however, the school president of the Reformed Presby Investigators In the testing of sul- was growing as fast as Grove City by Dr. Samuel Dodds '81, who had only the 18 boys who were terlan seminary of Pltsburgh. fonamlde drugs and In other phas College both In enrollment and Prof Hromadka to Speak was celebrating his sixtieth annl- i there the year before. By the end equipment should have at least as es of chemo-therapy. Professor J. L. Hromadka, Ph.D., versary. After the meal. Profes of four years the enrollment had The honorary degree. Doctor of large a fund, to be loaned worthy sors Selple and Multer led "Hall to Increased to 350 and the board of of the Princeton Theological semi Laws, was conferred upon Mr. students, as nearby Institutions. the Crimson" and this was follow education began to provide other nary, will be a new speaker on Dale McMaster, '08, and the Hon The Council decided, therefore, to the Bible School program. Prof. orable Richard D. Laird, '94. Mr. bring the matter of putting on a ed by Mr. Hassler calling the roll schools for vocational training. During the years In which Dr. Hromadka has studied and preach McMaster Is president of Slippery second drive to the attention of by classes. The reunion classes '91, '96, '01, and '11 had large Turner was actively connected ed extensively in Europe and Is Rock State Teachers college. Mr. the alumni at Its next annual group and of the sixty-one classes with vocational schools In Pitts eminently qualified to speak to the Laird has made an outstanding re- meeting on Commencement, 1940. Just about the time of Com burgh, the enrollment In the only four were not represented. 'cord as a judge in the courts of (Continued On Page Three) mencement, 1940, It was discover Committees appointed before schools jumped from 18 to 6.000. 1 Westmoreland county. ed that President Ketler would the meal reported and the follow
ing officers were elected: Alumni
President, Horace G. Thomas '15; Vice-President, John Maharg
celebrate his twenty-fifth anniver sary as President of the College on Commencement Day, 1941. When
this fact was called to the atten tion of the alumni at their annuEil
The program had been planned
ed to raise the Student Loan Fund to $25,000, and to make the effort
'21; Secretary-Treasurer,
Hassler '11.
meeting it was unanimously decid
Dr. Ketler Honored
as a celebration of the twenty-
to complete this fund as a token
fifth anniversary of the Presiden
of esteem to President Ketler.
cy of Dr. Ketler. The first address was by Dr. F. Paul McConkey, '09 who grew up with Mr. Ketler and
James Marshall In Charge The drive was In charge of James E. Marshall, '98, of Butler,
whose father had worked with Dr. Isaac 0. Ketler for over 30 years.
Pennsylvania, who is chairman of
the campaign. Assisting Mr. Mar
Dr. McConkey spoke of the mainte
nance of Christian ideals through the administrations of both Dr. I. C. Ketler and that of his son.
shall Fund
as members of the Loan Coommlttee were C. C.
Green, '02; C. C. Crlbbs, '08; M. L. McBrlde, '09, and S. W. Lyons, '10.
Roy W. Wiley '18, Superintend
Much credit was also due Dr.
ent of the Butler Schools stressed
John Stanley Harker, '25, of Ham ilton, Ohio, who was President of
the great contribution that Dr. Ketler has made to every form of education In the State. He read several letters from prominent educators expressing their appre ciation of President Ketler's work.
the Alumni Association during the past year. Dr. Harker cooperated In every way with the committee. Dr. A. J. Calderwood, Mr. J. P.
Hassler and Mr. R. G. Walters of
Dean A. J. Calderwood '96, who had coached Mr. Ketler In his foot
the College faculty also cooperated
ball days, had the pleasant task of presenting to the President and
Staff a set of flat silver In a beauC3_SP
— — -
'Alumni Gifts Standing, left to right: Dr. Grant E. Fisher, Rev. T. V. Dugan, Mrs. Elizabeth Langhlln Smith, He was followed by Mr. J. How- Mrs. Retta McCandless Moore, Mrs. Ella Cunningham Kelly, Miss Kate Barnes, Miss Margaret Orr, Dr. ard Pew '00 who spoke for the I T. F. B. Smith, Judge John H. Wilson. (Continued On Page Three)
committee in various
The alumni are to be congratu lated on the successful completion
Mrs. Ketler from the Faculty and FiPiil
Seated: Mrs. Llssa Jack Buchanan, Dr. Samuel Dodds, Mrs. Ada McEwen McNeese.
campaign which gives
Grove City College a fund com parable with the student loan funds
(Continued on Pagre Threet