January 1940 Alumni News

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The Alumni Bulleiin GROVE


Grove City^ Pa.

January 1940


All A frospprouB 13411

Meeting of Class Representatives

football game with Allegheny. Notes on the Meeting The Secretary had a short re port prepared which is given

New Faculty Appointments


On 'yvotonev 16, 1939 a meeting was "leld



Report ol the Condition of the

Trustees Room

of Crawford Hall of representa tives from the various classes who

could be pi^esent. The meeting Was

called by Mr. James E. Marshall, Chairman of the Alumni Scholar

Ajuinni Loan Fimd

Oct. 16, 1939 Amount of contribution.s

to date


Interest received on Bank

sent, the uncertain weather and distance pi'evented some from at tending so not all the classes were

represented but those of later years were represented and good interest project.





deposits and notes


voiced his

thought on the methods to keep every graduate interested and a contributor every year. Mr. Mar•shall stated the fund's first objec

tive of $10,000 had been reached and now the committee desires to

bring it up

to $25,000 as the

next goal. The consensus was that each one present and othei-s, who had done so last year, should write everyone in his class asking for





chairman should write a letter to every contributor of last year

thanking him in the name of the committee for his gift. The meeting adjourned for Itmch at the Isaac Ketler Dormi

tory and afterward attended the

additions to it.

The current

The death of Professor N. C.

Grimes in the fall of 1938 created 12,466.90

a vacancy in the field of mathe matics. To fill this vacancy Mr.

$5,370.25 7,096.65 $12,466.90

Philip N. Carpenter, 1930, was appointed Assistant Professor of

Amount of

notes Cash

Mathematics. Mr. Carpenter has been a member of the College Staff for several years serving in the

$7,042.32 on savings ac count bearing 2%% interest.

fields of physics and mathematics.

Number of people aided since

Everyone present


year is no exception to the rule.

ship Fund, to discuss ways to pre sent the matter to each gi-aduate. There were a goodly number pre

While the College Faculty is a relatively permanent body, there are a few years which do not record some changes in the Staff


star; of

the fund




Number of loans paid Outstanding An average loan of

4 60

9.50 per


Part payment on some of the loans is now due, so that we can expect the loans to be about 75 on an average, with the present size of the fund. The contributions to the fund

since the first of Jime this year amounted to $150.50. Last year from June 1, 1938— May 30, 1939 the contributions amounted to $1,412.64 from 305 contributors. (Continued On Pace Three)

He received his master's degree in mathematics from the University at Washington and is pursuing work toward the doctor's degree in the University of Pittsburgh. The transfer of Professor Car

penter from the field of physics created a vacancy which has been filled by the appointment of Mr. Russell Paid Smith, Associate Pro fessor in Physics and Mathema

tics. Mr. Smith is a graduate of Indiana University. He received the master's degree from the Uni versity of Pennsylvania where he has completed all of his course

requirements for the doctor's de gree. For seventeen years, Profes sor Smith was instructor in n^vsics at the University of Pennsylvania where he made a distinguished record as a teacher.

rrhe tragic death of Professor

G. I. Mitchell in an automobile accident in the late soring created a vacancv in the field of engineer

ing. For this position the Trustees have secured Mr. Joseoh R. Per

kins. Jr., giving him the rank of Assistant Professor in Engineering

Physics. Mr. Perkins is a graduate of the University of Richmond. He

soent two years at Princeti^n UniI'ers, ,y receiving a degree in elec trical engineering from t.nnt insti tution. He has also completed his

course requirements for the doc tor's degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technologv wherp, he served as instnictor. Mr. Perkms

has had practical exoerience in the engineering department of the General Electric Companv and as field engineer for Stone and NEW INSTRUCTORS AT GROVE CITY COLLEGE

Front row; Perkins, Bingham. Back row: Smith, Dawes.

Webster, Inc. (C3ontinued On Papc Three)

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