Grove City College Bulletin ALUMNI ISSUE JANUARY ISSUE, 1942
Vol. 28
No, 12
COLLEGE ACCELERATES PROGRAM Honors Program Is Held As i Scholastic Work Is Recognized I
Dear Friends:
The College is well along in another year and, while there are problems which confront us, there is much for
Seven Seniors Are Given Certificates As Members
Many Graduates Are Enlisting In
opening of the fall semester, was 887 as compared with 934 in the preceeding year. The drop in enrollment is due to the fact that many men, who would ordinarily be in Col
Early in the fall semester a com
mittee of the faculty was ap- 1 pointed to consider plans for an '
lege, are in defense activities as members of one of the
Program at which recogni- i Armed Services Honors tion should be given for achieve- j
various branches of the nation's defense services, or have accepted employment in industry. And as long as the
ment in scholorship. The purpose of the program is to encourage schol arship and to give public recogni
Word about the entrance of careful consideration the faculty' approved the idea of the Honors i graduates and former students of
relationship of the College to the
unit of the Civilian Pilot Training Program. The unit is a primary unit. If this program is continued it is quite competition with the members of , possible that an advanced training unit may be developed their own class for the previous aca- , later in cooperation with the Civil Aeronautics Authority. demic year, and for the formation j The College is also carrying on a program of defense of an Honor Society to which sen- i •engineering education under the auspices of the govern iors are elected on the basis of their i of the members of each class in I
lowing; Major Walter L. Moser, '15, Port Bragg, N. 0. Lieut. Danforth P. Miller, '40, Air Corps, Wheeler Field, Hawaii. Lieut. Paul P. McMurdy,'39, Army achievement for the previous year i Air Corps. Lieut. Kinter McClelland, '40, Ma is called a Merit Award and is j given to fifteen percent of the rine Corps. lAeut. JAVce L. ■Morvtgomery, "i%, Sophomore, Junior and Senior olai'ses on the besis of thoir re Hcecl Hospital, WzsiJiigcords I'or the freshman, sophomore, " tf.i, D. C.
and the United States Department of .Education. whole record. The recognition for | ment Four different courses are being offered this year. Over 100 men have been enrolled as students in these courses.
On the campus life has gone on quite normally. There
Reserve. Dis-
for four
Sergeant George H.
Port Bragg. N. C.
case of transfer students. A fixed
eligible for election to the Honor '38, Society. Some elections may be postponed until the first of the sec Jr., ond semester.
take any action that might be needed to carry this resolution into effect. The Committee is composed of: of
Mr. J. Howard Pew, President the Board, Chairman, and
that we
J. Crawford, Wil-
Early in January the Faculty of the College unanimously adopted a program, previously approved by the Special Committee of the Board of Trustees, which is design ed to enable the College to serve more effectively the students, pre sent and future, and the nation, both in its war needs and in its
civilian needs. The most important objective in the program is to de velop a plan that will enable a student of the College to make more rapid progress toward a col lege degree than has heretofore been possible. In most cases the student will be able to complete the degree requirements before he reaches the age of induction into the armed sei-vices of the Govern ment.
Perhaps most important among the actions taken by the faculty
Third Flying Class
Next the Dean called to the plat-
Nears End of Course
(Continued On Pau:e Fc^rJ I
ever before
Prank George, '26, Reserve Air marks by the President, the Merit Award Certificates were given out Corps, Jacksonville, Pla. Irwin A. Hecht, '38, Scott Field, by the Registrar.
Scroll and Key Winners
the present war, but will be able to make a continued and increased contribution in the era of peace and reconstruc tion that we hope lies not too far distant. Sincerely yours,
cises, Dean Calderwood presented
James G. Kelly, '40, Marine Corps. separately to President Ketler the Don J. Denniston, '39, Naval Re names of the members of the senior, junior and sophomore serve Robert Buchanan, '40, Camp classes Who qualified for Merit Awards. After appropriate re Meade, Va.
(Continued On Pajre Four'
confidence that the College, with the leadership of its
ford Auditorium on December 12th.
Board of Trustees and the generous and loyal support of its Alumni and friends, will not only serve effectively during
Dave McBride, '37, Camp Meade, After the regular devotional exer Md.
that interest and loyalty. Uncertain as are the times in which we live, we have
Corporal Milton Waterman, '40, Camp Wheeler, Ga. The first Honors Program was Corporal Ray Brunton, '40, Field held at a special assembly in Craw Artillery.
oil tliO ClUiipLlls
friends of the College. We hope that when you know of students who are interested in entering college you will suggest that they get information about the College and that if possible they visit the campus. The growth of the College in the past has been largely due to the influence of its friends and its future depends upon a continuance of
Ensign Clifford Mathis, '38, Naval proportion of the senior class is
emergency and to the students and the community which the College serves. The Trustees appointed a , special committee with power to
and Weir C. Ketler.
HxC L/ctijy
shall need the help and encouragement of the alumni and
I cord of the student for six semes-
lution committing the College to a program designed to render the largest possible assistance to the Government in the present war
have been functioning vigorously. concern.
Key is based on the complete re-
•war emergency and passed a reso
Messrs, Harry
.*.d .ill
As we look forward to the future, it is naturally with
Lieut. George C. Ketler, '39, Ma rine Corps, Philadelphia. and Key. Election to Scroll and Ensign Bob Sheraw, '37, Naval
cember, the Trustees discussed the
has been a fine student spirit—a spirit pf earnestness and of
and junior years i-espectively. The Honor Society is called the Scroll
dents Who Can Graduate In Three Years
measure, the effects of the war.
In addition to maintaining its usual program, the
and Marine Corps is being received gram. The plan as adopted provides almost daily. Among those who for recognition of the achievement,
Plan Is Optional With Stu
At a meeting- of the Board of Trustees of the College held in De
College is aiding in two specific government undertakings. It is maintaining this year, for the second time, a training
Program and instructed the com- ' the college into the Army, Navy, mittee to present a detailed pro- '
Ensign Jphn Graham, '40. bursing Officer, Seattle.
To Aid Nation
present emergency continues it is to be expected that the
College will feel very definitely, perhaps in an increasing
tion for such achievement. After'
are now in the service are the fol
into Emergency
which we are thankful. The attendance this year, at the
Of Scroll and Key
Grove City's Roll of Honor Is Lengthening Daily
Fits Curricula
President Ketler Greets fllumni
This January sees the third pro gram of Grove City's C. P. T. course nearing completion. This course will conclude the training of fifty students thus far, twenty pilots each of the first two pro grams, and ten in the third pro gram. The added difficulty in ob
is the adoption of a Nine Weeks
Holds Luncheon
Summer Term instead of the Six Weeks Summer Term conducted in
The Grove City College Women's recent years. This extends the col Club of Pittsburgh held its monthly lege year to 45 weeks and makes luncheon on Saturday, January 10, in the Congress of Clubs, Pitts burgh. Mrs. William C. Wycuff presided over the Victory Luncheon at which a speaker from the Pitts burgh Defense Council discussed phases of work for women in civi lian defense. Miss Bertha Harbison
it possible for the student to com plete his college work in three cal endar years. This will make it pos
sible for the student carrying an
avei-age schedule to complete the degree requirements in three cal endar years. The superior student should be able to complete the
was chairman of hostesses, assisted taining a program for Grove City by Mrs. W. R. Gulyas, Miss T. hours required for the degree in College this fall since the number Hannimen, Mrs. Kasthner, Miss six semesters and two summer
of colleges receiving permission to
give the course was drastically reduced, has seemed to develop an increased interest in the stu
dents taking the course.
Will Hold Reunion
terms or in slightly less than three
As an aid in the program of ac celeration the
schedule has been set at 18 aca demic hours and the maximum
A section of the third floor of Grove City alumni living in and schedule for superior students at the Hall of Science has been turned into an aeronautics laboratory, and around New York City will hold a 21 academic hours in a semester.
is rapidly nearing completion. This dinner at the Hotel McAlpin on laboratory is the outcome of the Friday, February 13.
For the summer term the maxi mum schedule is set at 10 semes ter hours.
Dinner -will be served in a priv ate dining room at 7:30. After dmFor the students Who can plan ning of Professor Russell Smith, ner, those who wish to dance will definitely for only two years in have the privilege of doing so in college special outlines of twowho has had charge of the course the hotel grill. Those who do not since its inauguration. A part of care to dance may remain in the year junior com-ses will be prepar the room is to be u.sed as a class private dining room for a friendly ed. These courses wlU be correlated with the various four-year courses Left to right: Donald Galley Espey, Scottdale; Margaret Ernstine room and is equipped with black get-together. offered by the College and also board, desks, and tables. There will All the almnni li-ving near New Hahn, Portage; William Osmond Forshey, Jr., Butler; Dorothy Marie also be relief maps, navigation York City are invited and urged will be pointed toward national McElroy, New Castle; Thomas Park Shearer, Pittsburgh; Arthur to come to the meeting and meet
general mterest in the course, and the enthusiasm and careful plan
Conrad Sucsy, Valley Stream, N. Y.
(Continued o-. Page Four)
old friends.
(Continued On Patre Pour)