October 1940 Alumni News

Page 1


Vol. 28

Four New Members

oaie McMasters progress Made on

Are Added to Faculty ofsupp^Rock New Head of College is

Miss Hood and Messrs

Many Alumni

Leitch, Nesbitt and B 1 n g- h a m Begin

UI IQzin 1"flU riacc Class

Girls' Dorm Gets New

wing; Ketler Din-

mg RoomOn Enlarged, Work Lincoln

Get Positions Hall Nears CompleThe past summer has been one of great activity on the campus. Work has been in progress on the I large proportion of last year's new dormitory for men, Lincoln 'graduates have either secured posi- Hall; on an addition to the Mary I tions or are attending graduate Anderson Pew Dormitory, and on ! or professional schools. Graduates an addition to the dining room and Reports received from members

of the class of 1940 show that a

I of the applied science and com-

service areas of the Isaac C. Ketler

: merce courses have been especial- Dormitory. Connected with these I ly fortunate in securing positions. building projects, there has been I Six girls have been married since extensive grading and construction ' their graduation, and 19 members work on the campus. The addition to the Mary Ander of the class are attending gradu ate or professional schools this son Pew Dormitory enlarges the year. Word has not been received housing facilities of the building, from all members of the class, but adding dormitory space for 40


(Continued On Pag^e Four)

Remember the Loan Fund

girls. To secure this additional space the east wing of the build ing has been extended. Work was iConUiiueti On Faye Four) started on the wing in early March Have You Seat Your Contribution? and was completed for the opening During the past summer the of the fail semester. Special furni Board of Trustees of Slippery ture designed for the building was During the year Mr. Harry J. , Rock State Teachers College ,namconstructed by one of the leading

of Chicago and during the year of 1936-37 was in

2 L Many r* Graduates


While the faculty of the College is relatively stable, each year brings some changes in its person Last summer the Bible School nel. As the College enters the current year four new members of was held during the period from the staff take up responsibilities July 28 to August 3. It was well attended and the program seemed on the campus. general approval Miss Mable Elizabeth Hood of to meet with Sandwich, Illinois, who hase been Among those who had an active appointed Assistant Dean of Wo part in the leadership of the Bible Doctor Harris E. men, will have immediate charge School were: of the Colonial. Miss Hood took Kirk of Baltimore, President Al her elementary and secondary bert W. Beaven of the ColgateSeminary school work in Chicago. She was Rochester Theological graduated with honors from Carel- of Rochester, New York, Presi ton College. From 1933-1936 she dent R. J. G. McKnight of the Re was enrolled for part-time study formed Seminary in Pittsburgh, in the School of Social Service Administration at the University


Alumnus of Grove

Attend Annual Bible School

Work This Semester

Building Program

residence taking

up to the- present time, the follow ing are accounted for:

Maintenance Fund

graduate work in American Histoi-y at the same institution.

Given By Crawford

For three years Miss Hood was a student at Syracuse University studying student personnel prob

; Latin Prize Fund

lems. She has received her master's Ci-awford, Vice President of the led Dale McMasters, '08, President rtepree and has completed the resi I Board of Trustees, announced tlaat dence requirements for the doc he plajined to establish a fund of(College. Mr. McMasters had been tor's degree. While at Syracuse $25,000, the income of which is serving as Superintendent of University she had extensive ex to be used for the maintenance of Schools In Johnstown since 1934. ■

J of Slippcfy Booh Statr Tcachrrn^'\

Raised to $1,500 I Two years ago Dr. C. C. Mech- (similar /

perience in

dormitory manage

Crawford Hall. This is a new and

most generaus expression of Mr. Crawford's interest in the College The fund will not only insure the proper maintenance of the building and equipment of Craw


(Contiinueii On Pape Fout) Build the Loan Fund

406 Different Men

ford Hall but will release for other

purposes funds which would ordin arily be used for the maintenance of the building.

Engaged in College Intramural Sports

ling, '97, of Pittsburgh, created al1

> Latin prize fund in memory oi Professor John A. Courtney who was a teacher in the College in its

Mr. MuMaatera la a native of

Crawford County, Pennsylvania. In addition to taking undergradu ate work at Grove City College, he attended Columbia University, , and was awarded his degree of

early years. The original fund was $1,000. During the last year Dr. Mechling increased the fund to $1,500. The income from the fund Master of Arts by the University , ! is awarded each year to students of Pittsburgh in 1929. He has

To Every Grove City Alumnus Greetings from the Alumni Council of what we believe is the most progressive and

contests at Grove City College dur

ing the year 1939-40. Eighty-two fastest growing college in the East. of the contests were intercollegiate


a concerted effort to finish the $25,000 Student Loan Fund this year and turn it over to the

leagues were additional contests. The college sports program in-

college as a Jubilee Fund in honor of Dr. Weir 0. Ketler's 25th Anniversary as President We have now raised $13,500 of the $25,000, leaving us $11,500 still to raise. Can we not raise that amount and thus honor Dr. Ketler this year and show our appreciation of the splendid work which he has done. It will take a lot of $100, $50, and $25 gifts, but each one

included seven varsity sports. The fifteen intramural sports. The

varsity sports were football, soc cer, basketball, swimming, track, tennis, volleyball, handball, squash, squash tennis, swimming, life sav

must do his best. Remember every contribution will be welcome, however small it may be.

The fund is being administered by the Scholarship Committee of the Faculty and we are informed that it is now helping upward of sixty students, most of whom would not be able to remain in college without this extra help. We are informed also that if we complete the fund it can constantly help upward of one hundred worthy students. It is a tine thing to

ing, mushball, baseball, tennis, golf and horseshoes.

Judging from the number of

keep in mind that this fund will work on through the years long after we have gone. Recently Dr. Conant of Harvard said, "If our democracy is to survive we must draw

participants, the most popular sports, in the order of the number enrolling in them, were basketball, soccer, swimming, tennis and bad minton, Participation in each sport was required two or more times

our students more from all strata of society, including many more than we are having trom those born in poor circumstances and from the great middle class, and to these groups

society must furnish some assistance." Surely this Student Loan Fund is the wisest and best way to furnish this help at Crove City College and is the best answer to the condition

each week for a period of from

mentioned by Dr. Conant.

(Continued On rase Four)


While no definite plans for the dedication of Lincoln Hall have been formulated, it is an

ticipated that the dedication will take place sboitly after the

May we count on you? We thank you.


Very sincerely,

ment of the plans for the dedi cation will be sent to the aliunni


of the College. It is hoped that many m'ay be able to attend the e.vercises.

Don't Forget Your Contribution

Speakers Feature Student Assemblies

In Crawford Hall support of Mr. William M. Robin son, a member of the Board of Trustees, a number of special stu dent assemblies were held in Craw ford Hall. At these assemblies lectures and concerts of educa tional value were brought to the


Among the contributions to the program were Mr. Edwin Row lands of Pittsburgh who spoke on

bis bobby, collecting of autographs; Mr. Wilson McDonald, one of the

leading poets of the Englishspeaking world; Mr. Joseph Wag ner,, a distinguished pianist and composer; Mr. Harry Spillman, who spoke on economic problems; Mr. and Mrs. Monteitb, who gave

a beautifully illustrated lecture on Death Valley; John Karakasb of

Philadelphia and Dr. Wayne Hansen of Chicago, who spoke on cui'-

rent day political issues, and the Chicago Little Philharmonic Or chestra, which presented a pro

gram of unusual beauty and in terest.

The program that proved so

No college can attain true greatness without an intensely loyal alumni. The spirit of the truly educated man or woman is to aid others to share the opportunity which they had. Shall we of the Crove City Alumni not catch this noble spirit and give generously to this fund. Will you not join us by sending your check or subscription by return mail if possible, to Jacob Hassler, Treasurer, Crove City College, Crove City, Pa. In addition, won t you please help us in getting all the other alumni to do likewise. By all working and giving together we can accomplish this fine thing, but your indifference can easily kill it.

Send Your Contribution

Christmas holiday.

(Contfnuetf on ease evui-i


At the Alumni Luncheon on Commencement Day it was unanimously voted to make

and 1781 were intramural. Games



to those in the original

of Latin.

men of the College, took part in Dear Fellow Alumnus: 1863 regularly organized athletic



building. With,the construction of the nevr

' 1 who achieve distinction in the field

I Continued On Page Four)


Last year, through the generous

More than 1000 participants, consisting of 406 different young



Chairman Student Loan Fund Committee JOHN STANLEY HARKFR President Alumni Association

successful last year will be con tinued in the coming year through the interest and generous support of Mr. Robinson.

Build the Loan Fund NOTICE

The annual Homecoming Day will be celebrated on Saturday, October 13. The footbaU game with Hiram will start at 3:30. A dance will be held in Craw ford Hall Saturday evening.

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