HOMECOMING SET FOR OCT.18 Grove City Gridders Have Good Prospects
Fifty Years At Grove City;
For Successful Year Allegheny Team to Play Grovers Here; Len Malverns Band Will Play for Dance
College As A Student In 1891
Ten Numbers Will Feature 1941 Concerts
The Grove City College football team started the 1941 football sea
son with fine prospects for a suc cessful grid season. The Crovers lost only four regu
Game And Dance Dean's Record Will Be Features Of Annual Affair Dr. McConkey
In the past two years through
bration has been scheduled for Sat
celebration will feature a football
backfield. Coach
gift has made possible the contin Jim Loveless started off the year uance of the program for the com^ with a squad of 64 men including ing year. While the program has 11 lettermen. not been entirely completed, it pro Before the Geneva game, how mises to be an interesting one. ever, the Crimson lost two of its Special assemblies are ordi regulars. Park Ashbrook, regular narily held at 11:00 a. m., in the end from Beaver Falls, was strick en with appendicitis and was tak
Auditorium of Crawford hall. The
Alumni and friends of Grove City game in the afternoon and a dance were delighted to learn early in in honor of returning alumni in the September that Dr. F. Paul Mc evening. Conkey, '09, had received a call The football game is with Alle as minister to the First Presby gheny, traditional rival of Grove terian church of Seattle, and had City. The Crovers have been play accepted the call and would start ing Allegheny in football since 1898 his work there the first of Oc with Grove City having the edge in
en to his home. Houston Schlosser, ^for reerular right. haifbacK from
Vernon, Ohio, was called
especially adapted
concerts or lectures; the acous
TVIt. tics
The Geneva game was played
Kryl Sjnn'phony Here The first number was a sym
Thursday night, Oct,. 9, under the phony c-ono-evt
/directed by IVTr.
lights at Reeves Stadium in Beav Bohumir Kryl. His 50 piece orches er Falls. The Grove City team led tra included several outstanding at the half by a 7-6 score, but were soloists. It is the first time that unable to hold off the Covenanters such an organization has ever been attack in the second half. Geneva brought to Grove City. This will be scored a second touchdown and a followed by a piano recital given safety in the second half to win by by Miss Joyce Barthelson who a 14-7 score. has made a reputation as a com The Grovers came through the poser, conductor, pianist, and lec Geneva game in fine physical turer. shape, however, and will be at full (Continued On Page Four) strength against Allegheny in the Homecoming game. This year's squad has more re
Grove City Offers
serve material
than usual
should make things unpleasant for the teams they play the remain(Continued On Pace Three)
Teachers Colleges Employ Many Grads Grove City Alumni Fill Posts In Many Institutions In State
New Defense Courses
Metallurgical Inspection and Test ing, Diesel Engineering and Engi neering Mathematics will be given by Grove City college beginning October 13 under the program of Engineering, Science and Manage ment Defense Training of the United States Office of Education. The authorization for these courses
week at the Hall of Science. No
leges i tuition is charged .the expense of Slippery Rock: the courses being met by the gov Dale M. McMaster, '08, Presi ernment. The only expense to the dent.
Howard L. Headland^ '09. Augustus Glutton, '17. Herbert Book, '23. Edinboro:
W. Vem Zahniser, '06. Herbert McNees, '17. Kutztown 1
tor- or
student is the cost of textbooks
and drawing instruments.
of Detroit.
These courses are for the pur
given last year but the present
Walter L. Hart, '34.
will find additional work suited to
their development in the second period.
Harold Thomas. '29.
(Continued on PaRe Three)
feature the music of Len Malvern
His father-, the late Dr. W. J- and hia famoua oreiiestra.
wood matriculated at Grove City
Fraternities and sororities will College; Sept. 17th he greeted re McConkey was pastor of Grove City turning upper-classmen as acting Presbyterian church for many hold banquets in the evening for head of the institution he has serv years, his son fiUed the pastorate returning alumni. A possible add ed for half a century, in the tem here early in his ministerial career. ed feature this year will be a din porary absence of President Weir He was gi-aduated from Grove City ner for non-fratemity and non-so college with the class of 1909 and rority alumni. C. Ketler. The Student Council will send Dr. A. J. Calderwood, who has received an honorar-y degree from
been dean of men since 1915, is ac his Alma Mater. customed to the "filler-in" role, Tontinued On Pape Four)
cards to all those who have been
graduated in the last four years. Fraternities
having substituted for practically everyone in either administrative
send cards to all graduate mem
or instructional departments, in
Thirty Nine Students cluding one season of coaching the Pass Flying Course Good Registration sent from the college only about 18
He has been ab
School in Rome.
The College was allowed a quota of twenty students each semester of the year 1940-41. Thirty-nine of
Entering college without suffi cient preparation. Doctor Calder wood made up his work and grad
For Fall Semester Eight
Enroll For First Semester
Registration for the sixty-sixth
year of Grove City college was uated with the class of 1896, these students, two of whom were held on September 15 and 16. Some young women, completed the meanwhile finding time to assist in the first organization of a course successfully, passing gov feared that there would be a great loss in the number of students be freshman class, selecting the pres ernment examinations on their 35 hours of flying work and 90 hours cause of the draft and the many ent college colors, and revising college cheers. After graduation of groimd work. Since completing opportunities for employment. In spite of these handicaps the loss he remained as instructor of the course, twelve of the group mathematics^ English and science, have voluntarily enlisted in flying was less than five percent. The service in our military forces, in registration shows a total of 887 but later specialized in Latin. cluding the Army, Navy, and Ma of whom 415 are girls and 472 ai'e Doctor Calderwood says he's boys. been too busy anything rine Corps. Many of the others are The distribution by classes is as "worthwhile," but successive gen continuing their flying work in follows: Seniors 168, Juniors 171, civil capacity. erations of college students, with This fail our quota has been re Sophomores 236, Freshmen 305, whom he has been uniformly popu duced from twenty to ten students, Specials 7. lar, think otherwise. He is a fa It is no small task to register vorite speaker before Grove City due to the fact that the entire
nearly 900 students in two days. Alumni groups. As a member of quota for all the colleges of this district was reduced from 240 to The class schedule of each student Grove City's second football team which in 1893 won seven games,
100 students. However, Grove City must be arranged and checked. The rooming place of each must be re corded. Statistics of age, classifi cation, home address, etc., must
pose of training men for positions including victories over Westmin has ten students now taking the in industry in the defense program ster, Thiel and Geneva, and lost course who are ready to begin their and to afford opportunity for the only to W. & J., he follows closely flight work. Apparently the war situation has acquirement of new skills. Instruc the fortunes of varsity teams. He
Allen D. Patterson, '19, Director program involves many more men. The years work is divided into of Teacher Training. two periods of 16 weeks each. Clarion: Those registered in the first period Harry S. Manson, '20.
Frank M. Campbell, '33.
Jr-reaOyterlaa! Ues. The grame k-JJJ start at 2:30.
ed as Moderator of the Presbytery 1 begin promptly at 7 -.45 and will
Alva 3. Calderwood
Fifty years ago, Alva J. Calder
tion under the same program was confines his owh athletic efforts j caused Clark R. McClelland, '15, Dean
church of Detroit and he has serv- / The dance in the evening will
Alumni will he interested in months in 50 years, when he was taking advanced work at Har learning the results of the Col Courses in Engineering Drawing, vard, Yale, and the American lege's first year with the flying
has been received and applications The faculties of Pennsylvania State Teachers College have, at are being taken from persons in terested in this work. Already a various times, included a number of Grove City Graduates. At the heavy registration is indicated. The courses are given in the present time, the following Grove evening from seven to ten o'clock, City alumni are connected with either two or three nights a
Pennsylvania State Teachers Col
the series, with 22 victories to Al-
At present Dr. -NtcConkey is pas
to the ing most comfortable.
army and had to leave school.
To Build Hopes For Win ning Teaim, at Grove City
Is Called to The annual Homecoming- cele Seattle Church urday, October 18. As usual, the
the generosity of one of the trus
lar performers last year. They are: tees of the college, the College has been able to present to its stu Floyd Umbarger and Howard Bish dents a number of- special assem at guards and Jim Taylor and John bly programs. Another generous Graham
Eleven Lettermen Return
be recorded. The sections in large
a slowing-up of progress in
courses must be equalized. Fees civil flying, but at the College there must he computed and payments now to golf. I exists considerable enthusiasm for be received. All this detail work For many years now. Doctor i the course. The future of civil fly- was done by Mr. White and Mr. Calderwood has been teaching Hassler, with their capable assis sons and daughter of his earlier tants, in two days. I various phases offering numerous pupils. At the same time Mr. Burrowes I openings, for pilots, mechanics, In his 50 years at Grove City engineers, meteorologists, naviga and his helpers gave psychological College, the institutions's enroll tors, business executives and many and English tests to the Freshmen.
{ ing looks very promising^ with the
ment has increased from 300 to
(Continued On Page Four)
tContinued On Paga Two)