Grove City College Bulletin Published Monthly by
Grove City College, Grove City, Pa. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the PostofTice, Grove City, Pa., under Act of July 16, 1894.
Vol. 14
No. 5
The Pittsburgh Banquet Annually for many years a banquet has been held by the Pitts burgh Alumni Association. It is always one of the most pleasant social events of the year. It gives the alumni and former students an
opportunity to meet their friends and to get in touch with the College and its present work. Word has been received from Rev. Murray C. Reiter, of Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, the President of the Pittsburgh Almuni Association, that arrangements have been completed for the
banquet this year. The banquet will be held at the Fort Pitt Hotel on Friday evening, February 20th, at 6:30 P. M. It is hoped that this
year the attendance at the banquet may be larger than in any previous year. Official announcements will probably be sent out from the Pitts burgh office. The alumni and friends of the College, however, are
urged not to await the coming of this announcement, but rather to notify William Campbell, Esq., Bakewell Building, Pittsburgh, of their intention to be present at the banquet. Mr. Campbell is the Secretary
of the Pittsburgh Alumni Association and will be glad to make reserva tions and arrangements for any of the alumni who wish to attend the
banquet. The banquet is not limited to alumni residing in Pittsburgh. Any alumnus or former student of the College will be welcomed at the banquet.
The $150,000 Fund During the last two months splendid progress has been made by the
alumni in their efforts to assist the College in raising the $150,000 fund. An'active campaign has been carried on in the Pittsburgh dis trict and it is now reaching out into other sections. The results of this
campaign have not only been most encouraging from a financial stand
point but have shown that the alumni are standing loyally behind the College. Many expressions of loyalty and of the desire to help their Alma Mater have come to those who are actively engaged in the cam
paign. Not alone have the alumni been willing to give money them selves, but they have made suggestions concerning others who might be interested in the campaign and have indicated their desire to help