December 1937 Alumni News

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Grove Cily, Pa., December, 1937










honor of Mr. Crawford who is a

for many years has been interested ory, he reorganized and rehabili

in the Grove City community. With his partner, Mr. Thomas C. Greg

$6,500.00 of which was paid in by the Alumni and $.3,500.00 by Mr. Howard Pew. We are happy the fund is now at work helping young men and women in getting an education.








Record With 898

I P l|f*A jltWfkflf' iPLq have some means, yet would not be able to come to college if they could not get some extra help from 1

for the college than to continue to buiid up this fund. There are so many worthy young people

fCorvt'iTvued On Page Four)

of the Board of

(Continued On Page Four)

E. Marshall, are to be congratulat ed upon the work they have done.

to a total of $10,000.00. The Coun cil and the special committee, under the leadership of Mr. James

$3500.00 increasing the Loan Fund

Secretary of the Alumni Associa tion that $6500.00 had been raised and that Mr. Pew had contributed

met with a hearty response. Early in the fall, it was announced by the

lenge was a stimulating one and

the class of 1900 and President of the Board of Trustees, offered to contribute $3500.00 if the fund raised from other Alumni could be increased to $6500.00. The chal

ed to the fund. In the second year, Mr. J. Howard Pew, a member of

that .$1,000.00 had been contribut

first year, the report indicated

lege students. At the close of the

to successive generations of col

ty so that it would give assistance

which would have a rotating quali

needy and ambitious students and

of a substantial Scholarship Loan Fund which would be available to

ing needs was the establishment

work. At this time one of the press

tribution to the support of its

College in making an annual con

undertake a movement to enlist the interest of the Alumni of the

the leadership of the Alumni Coun cil, a committee was appointed a little more than two years ago to

cil and the Alumni Cabinet. Under

One of the important develop ments in the college program in the past few years has been the organization of the Alumni Coun

Loans Explained

Work of Alumni

j is the largest registration in the Fortunately the increase in the physical plant of the College, which has been made in the past few years, together with the enlarge

excellent Work the college is doing—their gift to the college to which they are deeply devoted. building is now under process of construction on the Upper Campus. Surely we, as AliimnI, want to


llaypy Nwu faar

aoJi a

a Iwy Mnru ffll?nstmaa

(grnuT Olity OInllFgF

JntfiTBt m\h Support

Jn Ci^rat^ful Ap|jr?riatton of

keep in step with the wonderful Work being done by the Board of Trustees. Very sincerely yours, JAMES E. MARSHALL, Chairman.




that the

(Continued On Page Four)

While plans are at present in a tentative state, it is expected that

not come.

College might plan to make the pilgrimage who otherwise might

ed, many of the friends of the

campus. It was felt, however, that if a special day could be designat

dents are always welcome on the

at any time and prospective stu

ed in entering the College as stu dents. It is, of course, true that the Alumni are welcome to come

to bring with them young men and women who may be interest

being made to invite the Alumni of the College to visit the campus and

of the Alumni Council, plans are

At the suggestion of members

High School Day Planned By Council

(Continued On Page Four)

The College recognizes that the

the institution.

most successful in the history of

quality of work being done on the campus is excellent and that the year promises to be one of the


a number of years were reopened.

dormitories are filled to capacity and a number of cottages for wo men which have been operated for

any loss of efficiency. All of the

tlie increased enrollment without

made it possible to accommodate

ment of the teaching staff, has

Our college Is on the march. Our Board of Trustees is doing wonders. The sixth fine new ] history of the Colleg-e.

rollment for the previous year. It


tion to the college each year. All colleges, of importance, have an Alumni Fund.

Universities expressing, as it does, such sources as this fund. We are urging the Alumni of Grove City College to get the habit of making some contrlbu- ( the approval of the work of the College by one of the most impor tant educational agencies in the We are not asking large contributions, because any amount is most welcome. All our The total registration for the country is gratifjdng to the gifts small and large pooled together make a worthwhile annual contribution to our college. fall semester of the current col College. Many hundreds of Grove City College men and women from all comers of the world will Join lege year is 898. This represents a substantial increase over the en hands this year in making a contribution to this Student Loan Fund. This is their tribute to the



trustee of the College and who

University Women. It is on the official lists of Pennsylvania, New Mr. Pew, President of the Board of Trustees and Dr. Ketler, President of the Coliege, and your \ York, and other states and is a Alumni Corninitte^e, are stronalv. of vsv®* AvVsnnni ecwWd not, Vrvany -way. do a finer service.*—,. -lic-iiiuci hnpuitcUiL national ediicational organizations. The action

and the Association of American


will be named Crawford Hall in


of the Board of Trustees.

of Philadelphia, Penna., President

tribution of Mr. J. Howard Pew

this year, and by a generous con

which was announced at the com mencement exercises in June of

Construction is progressing rap idly on Crawford Hall, the new $200,000 college administration building which will be the fifth addition to the college plant on the upper campus in the last six years. Contracts were let recently by the building committee of the IBoard of Trustees, the general contract go ing to the Cook-Anderson Con struction Co., of Beaver, Pa. The construction of the building is made possible by the magnificient gift of Mr. Harry J. Craw ford of Emlenton, Pennsylvania,

$200,000 Ad BuiMing Placed On Upper Campus

Union Natural Gas ComFund has now reached the total of $10,000; tated the ^-hich serves Grove City He

December 6, 1737

A Letter From Loan Fund Committee

jArchitect s Drawing of Crawford Hall

The College had been placed previously on the approved lists Dear Fellow Alumnus: of the Middle States Association We are happy to inform you that the Alumni


following, his report, favorable action was taken by the Com

to the Commission this fall and

Doctor Payne reported

his visit additional information was filed with the Commission.

examine in detail the plan and program of the College. Following

ties, visited the College. While here he had an opportunity to

and Chairman of the Committee on Classifications of the As sociation of American Universi


Two years ago, Doctor Femandus Payne, Dean of the Graduate

sociation of American Universities.


Universities that Grove City College had been placed on

In November the College received notice from Mr. Frank H. Bowles, the secretary of the Committee on Classification of Colleges and

Grove City Recognized By A. A. U.

Construction Work Is Already Started on Crawford Hall


Grove City College Bulletin

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